Photograph Envelopes & N

Photograph Envelopes & N

SDMS DocID 2032244 AR128375 AR128376 A: AR128377 AR128378 jV, '•^^-- AR128379 ,i^i •&tjrM y'rt AR128380 ^-^ -'*^n •*-.-»•' .'" AR128381 AR128382 AR128383 3^B9!SS!^3 .<r?^'~._;. AR128384 ^iii*^. AR128385 AR128386 x>*^-^. plt^. t<^^ >m^0.i AR128387 i?s^":'^ c^^ •fm^^ AR128388 iiS^T'^ *i:. '•**•.. rAV^, AR128389 AR128390 AR128391 S^^k- AR128392 s**..^ —--= ?^^^ :^^i> -?^.*^-: ;*4^ AR128393 AR128394 ^*54%r^^ AR128395 AR128396 1?-: »^^- m* AR128397 H 'Wl m^ •'•m1?.J^&-.,?^'VJ. : i^^^^^nr^ •fe *;^^- v:Z'^^ 'i:.^ '^'V AR128398 AR128399 jl^>.*,-—?•• >j^ J... ^-••^^i.'*^^ *^'^ '^%: AR128400 -i I 'j>: AR128401 AR128402 r?v' /.f ^^'r^'4 *>.:^J AR128403 AR128404 AR128405 fM '•mi r^'^ t-^\ "r'S^-' AR128406 -ap* ^^^^'•'- 'i AR128407*. AR128408 AR128409 ^••'ilf 5^ .^•:^-. AR128410 t__ ..- ^•i^ M' AR128411 AR128412 g^iii AR128413 I.**' AR128414 AR128415 >'<^>-i- AR128416 ,.'»V X' AR128417 ^x. AR128418 M"- »v..._ _^^ J L%!^ \T' ^r- V'. •^%» <f«»^ -" • "''•>»•» AR128419 >•' AR128420 .i»rwi-<. ^ic:»- AR128421 AR128422 ^ AR128423 y ! •f;- •( .«-iM' ^' / AR128424 AR128425 ..Tt- T ^M^mjm AR128426 AR128427 ;^QQ^ mimHJ )ppo)| mm MSiuid -ui|!j 3|epo)| miM Vi<3is A- •••--•> n«»>-wnmnruKia!Lyia^/t'M REORDER SELECT ONE SERVICE KODAK Premium Neg.« Qty. NegJ Qty. Neg.» Qty. ITEM Proeesslna (from neoatives, slides or prints) iii^iii Color Reprints .-\M§Sffildy- ^!Sim^iS5? 2"Wallets(mulliDlesof8) 3"x5" m^mMrmimi:': 4"x6" 4"x12" Panoramic (35mm neos. only) 'mmmm-mm •:msimmmm mmmsmim Color Enlargements wimmmmm 5"x7" mmm:mm:s: , 8"x1078"x12" :if«ss«SsW!f:; irx14" ¥smKsmMm- WMs^siiMMiM 5"x14"Panoramic(35mmneas.only) fSiSiiis»M I^^^S^^^^^^ Photo Poster mmmmmm 12"x18"(35mnionlv) *&:»mSg:SW 16" X 20" (35mm only) «SiS«l»:%i:: 20"x30"(35mmonlv) «»Sii«K® Advanced Photo System ^- KODAK Premium Pracessing Digital Services From Advanced Photo System Film _^^H^ • Q KODAK Picture Disk EnterCassettelDNumber# M^^S' (Prints required with original roll orders) Your pictures delivered as screen resolution '" image files on a 31/2' IBM fonnat diskette. • Includes Kodak viewing software. IF • KODAK Photo CD (Prints optional) Qty. Frame Qty. Flame Qty. Frame Bl Up to 100 higtr-resolution image files on a 0 Color Reprints compact disc. 4"x6"(C) • FlashPix™ CD (Prints optional) mH^ 4" X 7" (H) Up to 400 high-resolution image files in 4'x11.5"(P)-Panoramic FlashPix™ fomial on a compact disc. ti Color Enlargements Includes viewing software. HM 5"x7" [~1 KODAK Picture Networli If] 5" X 8.75" (Prints required with original roll orders) 5" X 14" Panoramic Pictures delivered as image files to our 1te^ 8"x12" World Wide Web site. i 8"x14" SP ECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: : ' )• #8701 MINN01 10-97 i AR128428 ' I, SD 009 -8289 280710 o KIRKS PHOTO ARTS CTR STORE# 1508 MARKET ST WHEELING WV 26003 PRI 0 PA828 (304)232-8300 RTE#5' LAST DAYTIME PHONE NO. o INITIAL AST NAME FIRST NAME D ADDRESS GATE. Check hem CITY. lOf/iifr^/^ STATE, A/ ZIP. ^d?al It coupon enclosed Ck RLMSIZE / ^ FILM TYPE/ IV ^ 110 r~Ul 35mm r~7|0THERLil | LII ^^ COLOp"'^^s|J£R I ,/I |SLIDE S IL JI B&W I LjI fs) TWO GREAT SERVICES • PICK ONE! Kodak PREMIUM fTl STANDARD ^^^^mmmmi^^ V K O C F. .S SING «••#/ FILM PROCESSING Kodak's Highest Quality Big 4" Prints Witii Convenient Eartias. • FREE Index Print makes reordering easy • Prints backstamped vtrith tnonth and year • Protective negative sleeving and tabbing 1SET 2 SETS Check here 1 Set 2 Sets for tnatte 4x6 PRINTS rn finish. Free Indereorderinx Printg make easys. I I D KODAK GALLERY 4x6 ALBUM SYSTEM Organizes your pictures for showing and storing. 3" Standard Prints 5x7 PRINTS rn I I Largest prints showing greater detail. I I I I FROM ADVANCED PHOTO SYSTEIVI FILM Enter Cassette ID Number 1SET 2 SETS Glossy prints from 35mm, disc, 110or126 One set or print quantity indicated on film. If ordering color print film (C-41 process only)- 2 sets Print Quantity Indicator will be disregarded. ff\ Clieck for KODAK Premium Processing Ctieck tiere if ordering other services or 1^^ Digital Services (see back of envelope). lion writing Speciai Instructions on back. • IF NO BOX IS CHECKED YOU WILL RECEIVE 1 SET OF 4" PRINTS FROM STANDARD FILM PROCESSING. 8 7 0 1 ^^761^ ;i2 135 fR l-;.Z AR128429 I-1.:; 05/2? ¥ { . b \ #•- AR128430 SITE: BIG JOHN'S SALVAGE SITE LOCATION: FAIRHONT, MARION COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA DATE: 09/14/98 PCS: 4581 TDD: 9808-22 REMARKS: PHOTO SHOWS THE SECOND TANKER TRUCK BEING I5|DBD WITH THE REMAINDER OP THE OIL SLUDGE. Q Z AR128431 111 ^^^M^ a iMll d^K^/l fc,; r"» , i-^^^HI •Ir \ ra|BS^^tf N ^^^^^^^ K. \ wf/mtjUlP W|^R^| 1 THI AR128432 SITE: BIG JOHN'S SALVAGE SITE LOCATION: FAIRMONT, MARION COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA DATE: 09/14/98 PCS: 4581 TDD: 9808-22 REMARKS: PHOTO SHOWS ERRS CHECKING THE OIL SLUDGE hmi INSIDE THE FRAC TANK. ^ AR128433 AR128434 % SITE: BIG JOHN'S SALVAGE SITE % '^l LOCATION: FAIRMONT. MARION COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA DATE: 09/16/98 PCS: 4581 TDD: 9808-22 REMARKS: PHOTO SHOWS ERRS HOLDING THE HOSE WHICH WAS USED TO FILL THE DRUMS ON SITE WITH THE REMAINING OIL SLUDGE. AR128435 .' -^^ *a^. AR128436 SITE: BIG JOHN'S SALVAGE SITE LOCATION: FAIRMONT. MARION COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA O DATE: 09/16/98 PCS: 4581 TDD: 9808-22 REMARKS: PHOTO SHOWS THE COVERED PIT WHICH THE OIL SLUDGE Q WAS PUMPED FROM. AR128437 "^^M.23i ONLY 1 ROLL PER BAG 030596 EMPLOYEE INITIALS NAMF, hO^ /T Ue^sToP. JZfJQy. ADDRESS />^/ id^tJ>i,€S ^UjQ £D . DEPOSIT CITY_ RECEIVED PHONE. <;i^3'0^oo 77/ spr FOR LAB USE ONLY TWIN PRINTS I 2 PRINTS FOR THE PRICE OF; I fTj^oPPf - /-«*^ ^e^oi-<^fO»0 FILM SIZE NO. OF NEGS. ENCLOSED. n DISC D 135 • 110. n 126 NO EXP .D OTHER. KIRKS PHOTO & ART TYPE FILM 1508 MARKET ST n KODACOLOR WHEELING WV n BLACK & WHITE 26003- n EKTACHROME D KODACHROME 304-232-8300 n OTHER (DESCRIBE IN *?^ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS) ^DO NOT COVER OR WRITE BELO 4545 0 3 0 5 9 S AR128438 DATE REG. OPP PC QUANTITY PRICE fc'f" iSERVICEDBY iiiiii5iiiSii^W*^^''i -ipusu lueuieoeidsi uons joi ideoxq'" Olher flyciitable Serrico/ Color Reprints & Enlargements Black & White Developing & Printing Ektachrome Slide processing Prints from Slides Video Transferring Plioto Badges • Key Chains & Mugs Copies & Restorations Poster Prints Photo Christmas Cards (^ewbrdugbVJloto A DIVISION OF WEIRTON STUDIO f Kodak ^ (Colomtcti \ System J Kodak IMAGE MAGIC Kbdaic AR128439 ncimmONISSaOOHdd- )|epo>| miM qsiui^i OVER 30 DAYS: ' • • ^-— ' —— start With KODAK Film. Finish With Kodak PREMIUM -PROCESSING REORDER ITEM KODAK Premium Ne9.# Qty. Neg.# Qty. Neg.# Qty. (Irom negatives, slides or prints) Processing rroceBsing Color Reprints ^fflfSfly 3Smm,1j|0^12Sand 2" Wallets (multiples of 8) 3"x5" • : 4"x6" 3/i"x10" Panoramic (35mm negs. only) 4"x12" Panoramic (i35mm negs. only) . Color Enlargements = 5" X 7" 8" X 1078" X 12" 11"x14" 5"x 14" Panoramic (35mm negs. only) Photo Poster 12" X 18" (35mm only) 16" x20" (35mm only) 20" X 30" (35mm only) • Matte finish not available on 126, disc, Advanced Ptioto System, 1/2 frame or from 35mm slides. Largest print size is 5"x7" from 110,126 and disc. Advanced Ptioto System 12M8* matte surface only. Advanced Photo System KODAK Premium Dig'ital From Advanced Photo System Film ^ ^ ,• Processing Enter Cassette ID Number To Older prints, KODAK Picture Disk or KODAK Picture Kodak |#ai Network, select print option and quantity on front. # KODAK Picture Disk (Make selection on front. Prints required witli original roll orders) Your pictures delivered Color Reprints Frame # Qty. Frame * Qty. as screen resolution Image files on a 3K" IBM format diskette. Includes viev^ing software. 4" X 6" (C) KODAK Picture Network (Make selection on front.) Prints 4" X 7" (H) required with original roll orders ss well as membership In KODAK Picture Network. Screen resolution files delivered 4" X 11.5" (P)-Panoramic on the World Wide Web. Color Enlargements KODAK Photo CD Disc {Prints optional) Up to 5" X 7" D 100 high-resolution image files on a compact disc. 5" X 8.75" FlashPix CD (Prints optional) Up to 400 high 5" X 14" Panoramic resolution image files in FlashPix format on a D compact disc. Includes viewing software. 8"x12" 8"x14" Photo Restoration Digitally restore your treasured photographs. 11"x14" D 12"x18" #9001. NOTE 01 B/98 AR128440 ffl 7 KIRKS PHOTO ARTS CTR 1508 MARKET ST WHEELING WV 26003 PRIQ STORE* PA828 (304)232-8300 RTE#[| LAST LAS\S"rNAMT E FIRST NAME DAYTIME PHONE NO. INITIAL ^xw o ADDRESS .DATE. STATE , 'JV ZIP. ^^ 110 35mm OTHER i ^\ '^^ SLIDES BW Check here Hcoupon enck»ed Add KODAK Picture Disk And KODAK Picture Networic To Your Order ter\v\iktr Available at time of developing only. Add Picture Disk V~ll •*»• i 1 Kodak/Kodaks7 . Screen resolution Images. | "^ \ PICTU^NETWORK Delivered on a 'if, IBM • Gen.a\t uniiyourr r^irtiimpicturecs harbac^k n onn th thoe Int0rn Internetc . 1 SET 2 SETS 4x6 PRINTS , Our Own Economical al.OSSY ONLY FROM 3SMM DD Prints on Kodak Paper. 1 SET 2 SETS KODAK GALLERY 4.v6 ALBUM SYSTEM 4"6rints OLOSSY OHLY FROM 35MM • • In 3) 5x7 PRINTS 4" glossy prints from 35mm col(^rint film. QLOSSV OHLY FROM 35UM DD 1 SET 2 SETS ^ ADVANCED PHOTO SYSTEM Wtt |_J [_] 3"IMnts Enter Cassette ID Number 1 SET 2 SETS Kodak i^fU 3" glossy prints from 35mm, 110,126 and disc color print film. KODAK Picture Disk & KODAK Picture Network not available. 0ns sst or print quantity Indicated on film.

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