,n The Weather On the Inside COll8lderable doud, uul warmer today. 1'rWu. Louisiana Defeats Hawks eloudy a.nd coatiOlied ... Paoe 4 mild, lollowed b, raln er Silver Slar 10 SUI Grad DOW Frida), Diehl DlCb . , , Paqe ~ today. 45-n: Jew len te Parks Admits Red Charc;r .. 15 .bove. Rl,b WedDeII­ owan da" 22; low, % below. , ... Pac;re6 Eal 1868 .- AP Leased Wir., AP W-uepboto. UP Leaaed Wire - ·Fiv. C.nta. Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday. March 22. 1951 - Vol. 85, No.1 Labor: Blasts Program of El~Pwyer Denies Receiving Cash Mobilization WAsHINGTON (IP}-Economle Stab)lizer ErIc Johnston. beset by Fi : r,.e~an Says Was Contributed a moun tiDe storm of labor criti­ cism, Wednesday sought mean~ to bring peace into the troubled mo- biti%ation setup. ' * * * Labor chh!ftains turned their Costello Still guns on the program at a raUy sponsored by 'the un ited labor pol­ Costell~ Says Icy committee, airing demands for Refuses to Talk a' thorough shake-up. Late In the day. management He Paid Taxes S," 01 10(>0" InfQrmants' 'said Johnston had About Money called a labor-manaiement meet­ NEW YORK !U'I - Frank Cos­ Ing .today in a move to restore tello said Wednesday there Is one harmony. thing he has done tor his adopled NEW YORK - A fireman told Jplinston returned Wednesday country - he paid his taxes. senate crime Investigators Wed­ Sen. Charles Tobey (R-N.Ji.>, [rom a ,flying trip to confer with ne day that he handled Former President Truman at Key West, a member 01 the senate crime Spending Easter,Vacation at SUI . Fla. ' committee hearing, asked Cos­ Mayor Willlam Q'Dwyer ,10,000 . Mal)alement officials ~aid tbey tello j[ this country had come up in cash Cor his 1949 campal,", but MOST OF THEIR fluEf-mg' HAVING LEFT tor home a8 Easter vacation be,an WedD~ay. ~tlle flv~ are : cOriV'inced the 'government to his exp ctations. O'Dwyer stuck by his earlier testi­ "Yes," Costello sulci. &UI meD' nul!!ed their chairs around the -table and settled tor a. qutet ..me of cilrda In the Qu... ..aD,le wJII act soon-within' a wce~, onb mony thai he hadn't received ;I "Ha\'e you rared pretty w<'il in 10UDl'e. They are (lett 1.0 right) BIJl SorensoD, A2, JefferSon; Han" WelDber" ~I, New' 'l'()~k ' eu,.; informant predicted ron/idcntly­ cent. Frank LaDue. A3, Sioux City; Don 1110, G, PhlllpplDes aDd Vernon lUorten, A4, Sioux Cit)', SoreJl8OI) in an effort to settle'the dispute. malel'inl things?" Tobey asked. Ind LaDue will particlpate In the Bilt Ten Gymntl.8l1e meet at Wisconsin Saturday. Weillbet, said, tt , Last J;Ilont\l labor union chiers ','Yes," Costello said. O'Dwyer swore under a th only would take him t08"10", to &,et home aDd baek. But that was notbln&, compared 1.0 Wo who deelated wa.lke~ ont in Ptotes,t against what "When YOIl signed your oat­ Tuesday that he never took any that It would take him a. month. to go one way to his home in the PhlUppines. Morten llrured this ,.WIII the:y termed "big busi:ness" domi­ uraliz.ation papers what did you contribution in ]949 Irom the Uni­ an excellent thne. to do a IItUe extra studyln&,. nallon ot the mobiliUltion pldure. promise to do as a citlzen~" formed Firemen's associatio'I ------ ~e immediate objective is t-o "I promised to uphold the ~on­ p,ateh up a. truce as the nrst step sti tution." (UFA). toward creation of a new wa"e "Have you always upheld the John P. Crlne, president 01 stabilization board, presumably cOMlitulion and the laws of the the Uniformed Firemen's _- Many SU I 'Students Stay' Sen. ~!rcer P,~~h~s. wltb dispute-settling powers, to nation?" tAr WI .., ... ,,) laUon. said the $1t.," was JNlrt replace the old nine-man board. "l believe I have." 01 172.500 be h.d paid o.t lor S1·Md~ ' lon Raise political ramp.lrns .nd "pod . 'M~nwhile, big unlon leaders "Did you ever ofCer your ~e!'­ Allies Take Chunchon join~ in Inmbasting the mobiH­ vices to help the war eHort?" will." zatloh progra.m, with sucn unity ·'No." FALUNG WITHOUT A FlGHT, the ,reat ChIne e R .. d ba e of Crane's story clime on the Unal Here ever· Easter Holiday In' SUI .Budget .) that talk al'ose of a pOssible end ", Wh~t have you ever done for Chunchon (I), el&'ht and one half .IIIlles south of the 38th parallel, day or the commlttec's hearln&:s, DES MOINES ~ s~. , Le to .th~ treat AFL-CIO split w~jch you,r country uS a goocl cltlz.en?" wa8 occllpled by Idvanclnl' U.. lorces Wedne d.y. Tbe enemy al 0 which Sen. Charles Tobey eR­ While SOI11C students went home for Easter, hundreds of othc,rs "«Pi starle;d 15 ,year,s aJ:o. "I. doo't know what you mean was pll1l1n, back on &he easkrn Iront (2) wbere Republic or Korea N.H.) said had revealed some Roy Mercer (.D-Iowa an­ remained for a quiet four and one-half days in Iowa City. City) '.('be sPeeches were made at a by that." trOOIl8 already may blve reached the paraUel. An AlliM armored thing that "com pretty ncar La nou~~ed Wednesday he hil~ 'm~r- rAlly ' of 70() local and statewjde "LOO~ing bock, (hel'O must be patrol IlrMln.. north on the road from eout to IJoTl&,bu (3) met being trll son." ~lany SUl 110using units will remain open during the :;pring 1 .. , ' , • • .-. '" , shalled the s,:\pport of 2tof th~ , ~~ leadets a~scmbled bf the unLted something. ." Red re,I tance. vacation. "One m.n is Iylnc," CeDUlllt­ members of the state .5ena£~ . for a labOr' "policy comn'littee (ULiPC). "r paid my tax." tee Counsel Ru"'Ipb Ha.Uey The rally was a move to generate Even students with a choice $1-m(llion , a' y.ear· . increas!!; / in There was laughter 111 the told newsmen. 01 two homes to visit during the World Situation. suppert. of housewives and com­ courtroom. SUI's appropriations for : the' next mtinlty . gl'(lupS be)\ind the labor O'Dwyer, contacled by news­ rilspite lrom studies stayed in Yanks Occu~y Chunchon men, said ot eran'5 lcstlmony ~t a Glance ' biennium. I • .,\ ' uri Ion iebclllon against present town. J. Robert Cotter, manager • •... -'r ' j . and the alleged campaign contri­ of married student housing, esti­ LONDON _ Prime Minister This amount would be.in addi- mbbiij~ation and stabilization ,plilns. Poifock 10 .. Deliver butions: mated that about 50 percent of Clement Attlee enters hospital for tion Jo the $5.5~intll~~~ a-. ~ear • "r was asked about that . the 971 married couples on the Without Red Opposition treatment for possible \lIcet, ex- fOr salaries and·'operations. bf the undt'r oath nnd I flotly denied iL' campus would stay bere. Quarters.P;oviclecl Holy W~k Service (1/,..... WI •• St.yl ...1 pected to be out in time for scbe- university. as reco)nmended, bY.' the . Pre sed tor further comment, h4! . Many of the students who CllUNClJON, KOHEA (TllUHSDA Y) In('rican lro()[>~ stayed In town said they were The Rev. Hewison Pollock vf replied: duled broadcast March 31. sebate, apPf,9PdatIons ' i!o~miiiee for ,Tourn, ey fans Fir$! .Presbyterian church will be lIlIabie to ,0 borne because of pushl..-d unoppo d through hunchon today aJ1(j from its north­ "r answered the Questions re­ KOREAN FRONT - Chunchon. lasi week. ' , ',; t~e ~peaker today at the second distance. ern rim gazed at the mountains of North Korea loomillg plaillly gardlni myself. No other com­ big Chinese Communist base, falls Senator. M.e~cer , sa" }{e hall The 10Wfl City. Junior and sen- l{oly Week noon service at the ment." They pointed out that it they draf&ed an ame.dnie_t ;,to ~ ior ' ~hambets ' or commerce wUl through the bluish ]laze. went to their homes in New York, wl,thouf fight to U.S. troops anc,! J:tleIcrt theater sponsored by 'ho Gave Away eeDUl1I$~ .,... "latch II jJOw.... pr8'viae sletMng qUarters l'Iexi Intllr-del'lOmlnaUonal committee of Chunchon, the great hincsc pressions which have encounlcred California, Florida and other dis­ tanks;'Red forces apparently PUll-' tbe claleltliar tid eMaIl"a· o/cclt ,tQf huhdrca.s of fans attend- Crano said the fireman's ·asso· 0', Iowa City laymen. Red basI:' where the enemy wa s Allied troops in oth er KOl ean blnt states they would not have ing back beyond 38th parallel. 29 senate' co-s~n. ini )lIe boys' state basketb;lll. ciaUon gave awoy these Bwns: nil J" T~e Rev. Mr. Pollock will spelk expected to stand If he intended cities. time to travel anc:l spend any time more than enoll&'h to ' ~ure pnals. · . I. 110,000 to O'DwJer iD penen with their friends and parents. SANTIAGO - Shutdown of on "The Gilt at Sel!" with hymns to stay In South Korea, fell with­ Enemy forces that aba ndoned Argentine newspaper La Prensa a~o.tlon of Ibe inetease It ·.U • Bupks ~ll be set up in the Iowa led by Prot. Herald Stark and In­ in October, 1949, lor his last ma - Another fl'OUp of students of the eo-llponsora centbllie to fi.eldhouse March 29 and 30 for out a tight to U.S. forces. the city of rubble appar ntly wt're by government may come under str\lctor Charles Davis of the SUI pulling back beyond the 38th oralty campaign.
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