Airy w0reJ 1/eJt Bit hat Js the ether lcleJi~s de And when she wenf fe>J pie lure slJoM I the I ~ she shut 0/f dll view. I • • • • • • • • • • • (Offer good only while stock lasts) RADIO SHOW GRABBAG! ··--- · Each Grcbbcg conta ins en oudiocossette from our disco n­ tinued Classic Radio Show line. These ere brand new ca ssettes, 294 BUT we e nd you don't know the titles. That's why the price is SO FANTASTIC! with any O RDER TODAY. Limit of ONE G robbcg per customer. No returns will be allowed end we cannot accept CoD·s of l aya­ purchase ways. A GREAT hour of listening enjoyment. 060-64-9999, Grobbag ...................................................................... 29( SUMMER 1981 Vol. 338 1 191 \ 81od t~ Fllnw. Inc 1215 W. Slh Strfft. 0o.... ~r1. 10'#0 S1101 Dear Friends, Guarantee Transportation, Handling As many of you know, the close out If ofter receiving on ihm you ore not satis­ and Insurance sale we ran on the radio shows we had fied, return it to us ""thin 10 days. We'll United States, $3.00 per order in stock by title were a "smashing" suc­ allow full credit on some other purchase or Canada: $3.50 per order give you a full refund. Other: l 0% of total order price. cess. All the cassettes were gone by the Footnote Key (or $3.50 minimum) fourth day after the mailing of that sup­ 1 . Sole restricted lo tho United Stoles. All orders ore shipped via U.P.S. or Parcel plement. WOW! To all those who did not 2. Sole restricted lo l~e United Stoles and Post. For video by UPS Blue Lobel odd 75¢ get everything ordered, we apologize, Canada. per cassette or disc. Orders By Phone but we hope that everyone was well Abbreviations To place on order on your credit cord coll pleased with what they did get at those B/ W Block one white. (If no note the 319-323-9736. We ore open Mon., Tue., prices. subject is in color.) Thurs. and Fri., 8,30 o.m. to -4,00 p.m. On page 28 you will find our new Dia. Sound is primarily dialogue. Question, and Other Information radio line. We are pleased to offer the Min. Minutes. Mus. Sound is primarily o musical For questions or other information diol very best quality recordings of FIBBER score. 319-323-9736. Our staff is happy to help McGEE and MOLLY. In addition we are Nor. Sound is primarily narration. you. No collect calls. Office hours ore Mon., adding 2 other lines that are exclusive Port Color Films or portions of films pre Tue., Thu., Fri. 8,30 o.m. to -4 p.m., Central with us, The NBC Short Story and NBC color toned or tinted. Time. We ore closed Wednesday. SFX University Theatre. Both of these fine se­ Sound effects. ~ Paymenf5 Sil. No sound track. Charge Orders ries from the 40's and S0's were radio's Span. Dialogue is ,n Spanish. way of offering classic drama by the fin­ Blackhawk gladly accepts Mosler Ch.orge and Visa charge orders. est authors and presented by real name Sound tracks All 16mm. sound track! ore optical sourd. Blackhawk Charge talent. We hope you will like these. All Super 8 sound trods ore magnetic sound. If you would like to open a Blackhawk Thank you for the letters telling us Charge Account just write to our Customer the Blackhawk titles you want to see con­ Running Time Convursion Table Service Deportment and they will send you all We hove used the fol l >wing per foot factors the necessary details. verted to video. We have recently to calculate the oppmximole running times worked up a tentative release schedule shown in this catalog: c.o.o. Customers poy oil transportation, handli ng, for the coming year in the videocassette insurance ond moil order fees. On orders of l e ngtl'\ per minute formats and some of the most popular $50.00 or more, a $25.00 deposit is required. S1 enl Sou"'ld titles you asked for are in this listing. We C.O.0. charges over $100 must be paid in cosh. · S•ondord 8 13 5 " · Driver will not accept checks. can't promise any timetable but some of Svper 8 1.; "· 20 ,4 those most requested that got into this 16mm. 2:' I!. 36 4. Layaway Costs nothing extra. Just enclose 10% of the first list are TILLIE'S PUNCTURED RO­ License Notice order cost (this is not refundable if you cancel MANCE, FATTY'S TIN TYPE TANGLE, Rights to any motion ,ictures ore limited to the order) and pay balance within 90 doys. home use only. All oth,,r rights and territories OLIVER TWIST, PECK'S BAD BOY and Order will be shipped when payment for ore ~pecificolly reser ,ed. For information, BROKEN BLOSSOMS. We will continue whole order is complete. contact Blackhawk Films, Inc., Davenport, to convert the library just as quickly as Iowa 52808. Canadian Customers we economically can. Rest assured we The Blackhawk Coll &ction To prevent delay in your order, we suggest remain committed to providing only the The Blackhawk C ,llechon is a group of payments other than Visa or Moster Charge best quality for the great era of the silent films available e1tdusively from Black­ be by International or Canadian postal 8 money order in US dollars. film. hawk or with sound tracks offered only On page 29 we are making an IN­ by Blackhawk or films Blackhawk hos helped Returns TRODUCTORY OFFER for the videocas­ to restore. All the filrrs in the collection ore All items lo be returned including all papers noted by the medallion shown here. sette version of THE PINK PANTHER. This must be returned within 10 days to receive credit or refund. For fast service, moil lo: offer doesn't last long, so get your order This title moy be sp&ciol ordered in Beto 1 Returns Deportment, Blackhawk Films, Inc., in today, or better yet call us with your Sor U-motic at o cost of $1.50 per minute. Davenport, Iowa 52808. order. (If less than 30 minutes, then the price is the some as shown for Betu-2 and VHS.) Change of AddreH Thank you for being a customer, Enclose your name, new address and an old VideoDisc catalog moiling label. Send to Blackhawk VideoDiscs offered in ou · cotolog ore for use on Films, Inc., Davenport, Iowa 52808. Allow the CED (Capocitonce Electronic Oise) Systems 8 weeks for change. Ted Ewing only. Prices good thn, Sept. 30, 1981 2b NEW VIDEOCASSETTE. NEW TOL'ABLE DAV ID (1921) This film established the career of Henry 8 RICHARD BARTHELMESS, GLADYS HULETTE, King, for whom such productions as THE ERNEST TORRENCE WH ITE SISTER, STELLA DA LLAS, STATE FAIR, This is one of the undisputed landmarks in IN O LD CHICAGO, JESSE JAMES, THE GUN the history of American Film, and in prepor· FIGHTER, and l'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST ing this re-relea se Blockhowk hos attempted MOUNTAIN lay ahead. The star, Richard to reproduce as nearly as possible the version Borthelmess, hod ployed with Marguerite which won the esteem of directors and critics Clark and Dorothy Gish and mode o strong a ll over the world, as well as the admiration impression in Griffith's BROKEN BLOSSOMS and love of a whole generation of movie­ and WAY DOWN EAST, but in o long and THE DYING SEA (1 980) goers. The 35mm o riginal positive from which distinguished career, this remains his best­ SPECTREMAN VII our printing materials derived was entirely on remembered role. 8 Determined to gain control over the block-and-white stock, except for one se· ··Tol'able David" woi fil med a lmost en­ Earth, Gori creates another rronster, using quence - one of the most beautiful in the tirely on location in and around Blue Gross, the polluted waters of the city which infect a fi lm - which olternoted colors between on Virginia only o few miles from the b irthplace brilliant biochemist, Dr. Ogaki, turning him ambe r tint and a blue-tone green. This scene of director King. Joseph Hergesheimer wrote into an instrument of destruction for Gori. In hos been reproduced to give just the effect of the story while actually residing in the house his attempt to stop the monster, George is the original. The musical setting is by Gay­ used as the Kinemon home in the fi lm. The wounded. The police and oir force hove been lord Carter, fa mous since silent days as on production cost a modest $86,000 and took called out to bomb the lob ond destroy the accompanist of unusual sensitivity a nd techni­ seven weeks to photograph. Today, the fi lm monster. The area hos to be e\'ocuoted in 20 cal skill. His performance was recorded on is a document in many tenses. Influenced in minutes because then the bombs will be re­ the Simonton Studio Wurlitzer, o three-man­ its techniques by both Griffith and Ince, lea sed. Some members of the Pollution Con­ ual organ originally constructed for Para­ '·Tol'oble David" is regarded os o milestone trol Squad ore trapped in the lob una ware mo unt Studios in Hollywood. in silent film style . The Soviet directors of the that Dr. Ogaki hos been turned into a mon­ The narrative is the Biblical story of David twenties used it as a model for their own ster. He escapes and wrecks havoc on the a nd G oliath, retold in terms of family honor work, and Vsevolod Pudovkin refers to it re­ city.
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