Established 1865 AAll-WICll-WIC fi rrstst tteameam bbeckonseckons MarsingMarsing ssoftball,oftball, 1133 2217,00017,000 ggathered,athered, PPageage 6 YYear-endear-end aawards,wards, PPageage 1155 Homedale girl collects pop-can tabs Marsing, Homedale teachers for Ronald McDonald House honored by Silver City Masons VOL. 26, NO. 22 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2011 Snake’s high water Fallen comrades honored forces Breshears fi shing postponement Island Park in Marsing partially closed; hydrologists expect around a six-inch increase this week With snowpacks holding strong, Each year the Owyhee County the Snake River continues to rise, Sheriff’s Posse and IDFG per- causing concern and closures for sonnel volunteer to help children Island Park in Marsing. learn the enjoyment of fishing High-water fears has prompted through the derby, which is named organizers to postpone the an- for a popular hunting education nual LeRoy Breshears Memorial instructor. The event has been Fishing Day for children. Idaho held in June in recent years after VanDerhoff Legion Post 32 marks Memorial Day Department of Fish and Game high water forced its rescheduling Sons of the American Legion member Brandon Exon stands alongside George D. VanDerhoff Senior Conservation Offi cer Craig from a May date. American Legion Post 32 Post commander Robert Keaveny and tosses a wreath Monday on Homedale’s Mickelson said the derby could be Snake River bridge. Owyhee County war dead, Page 3. Cemetery rites, Pages 9 and 12 rescheduled for sometime in July. –– See Closure, page 5 Outpost Days cattle drive stalls amid horse herpes fears Horned Toad race returns to On Page 2 A complete rundown of what Outpost Days has Sunday schedule in Murphy to offer this year. For the second year in a row, Outpost Days has lost one of its marquee events. the seams. But even after the cancellation of Saturday’s Outpost Days begins Friday with an appearance by Caldwell cowboy poet Art Honey at the Marsing The Snake River is running high in Marsing, moving past the boat longhorn cattle drive, the Owyhee County Historical docks and into the parking lot on the north side of the bridge. Society’s biggest weekend of the year is bursting at –– See Outpost Days, page 5 Homedale council to fi nalize LID assessments Thursday for 5:30 p.m. Thursday at City Hall, 31 W. cost, or around $490,000. Zions Bank will charge a cumulative in- Homedale prosecutor Wyoming Ave., to adopt an ordinance to Part of fi nalizing the assessment rolls terest rate of about 3.85 percent and require still working under confi rm the amount that each of the more includes selecting an agent to fi nance the a set-up fee of $2,500. than 100 properties will be assessed to pay bond, which the assessments will pay back Seattle Northwest Securities Corp., probationary contract for the $1 million project that brought new over 10 years. Property owners also have charges an interest rate between 4.25 percent streetlights and revitalized the sidewalks, the option of paying their assessments in and 5 percent. The city would have to pay The City Council is set to confi rm the curbs and gutters along Idaho Avenue and full within 30 days of receiving a notice. $8,500 for the fi rm to market the bond. assessment rolls for Homedale’s Local a four-block core of downtown. The city has looked at two bonding The interest rate, setup fee and a Improvement District on Thursday. Property owners will be responsible for agents, whose interest rates and setup A special public meeting has been called a little less than half of the project’s total charges vary. –– See LID, page 5 Subscribe today Owyhee war dead 3 Sports 13-14 Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Obituary 6Looking Back 17 IInsidenside directly to you each Wednesday Calendar 7Commentary 18-19 Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Homedale essay Call 337-4681 Peary Perry 7Legals 20-21 winner named Scholarships 8Classifi eds 22-23 Page 4 Page 2 Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Outpost Days take over Murphy Cowboy poet starts show Friday Buckaroos, Old West For the rich images that Art Honey provides through his words, the cowboy poet doesn’t skills take top billing charge all that much. The Owyhee County Historical Sunday, Blue Dove at 12:30 p.m. “People have asked me what Museum comes alive this week- Sunday, the Murphy Little Fid- I charge for this. I’ve done a lot end for Outpost Days. dlers at 1:45 p.m. Sunday and an of things for chicken a la king History will be on display open-mic jam entitled “Scrambled dinner,” the 81-year-old Caldwell throughout the complex in Mur- Eggs” at 3 p.m. Sunday. resident says. phy on Saturday and Sunday A jam session also is in the It’ll cost folks $10 to catch his with new exhibits in the museum, works and is set to begin at 10 7 p.m. show Friday at the Depot folks in period clothing providing a.m. Saturday. Stage at the Owyhee County education and others just bring- Several authors will be on hand Historical Society complex in ing items and skills from the past at the library inside the museum Murphy. out into the light of the modern throughout the weekend, includ- Honey, a relatively recent joiner world. ing Mary O’Malley, Pat Packard, to the Cowboy Poets of Idaho, has Lost arts will be demonstrated, Marlee Stimmel Cox, Betsy and been writing since high school. including tatting, spinning, cane- Russ Hutchison, Susan Clark and He entertains at senior centers ing, kitchen arts, sewing, black- Roy Herman. (that’s where the chicken a la king smithing, silver smithing and Other authors will be showcas- dinners come on, he says) and saddle making will be part of the ing new projects, including Jim O’Connor Fieldhouse in Caldwell activities both days. McGill, Gus Brackett of Three and made an appearance at last Antique engines and antiques Creek (a children’s book en- year’s Canyon County Fair. He’s cars also will be on display with titled “Badger Thurston and the traveled Logan, Utah, Pendleton, automobiles brought to the area Cattle Drive”) and Andrea Scott, Ore., and Twin Falls. around the museum by local a Greenleaf photojournalist who is But Friday’s appearance in Model T and Model A clubs. in the midst of chronicling bucka- Murphy may offer the most Other historical attractions roos of Southwest Idaho. fitting venue for his brand of Caldwell cowboy poet Art Honey draws on 63 years of writing. includes Owyhee County Rendez- Scott is the niece of former storytelling. He uses all original material, “People tell me when they hear vous comprised of elements that Owyhee County buckaroo Frank “People here in town tell me and he said he can perform for this that they can actually see may have been found or discussed Davis. Her project has been un- that ‘You need to go to Owyhee two hours with just fi ve minutes’ these things happening,” he said. in the area circa 1865, including derwritten in part by the Idaho th County and talk to some of those notice. On his business card, “I emphasize with my hands and Civil War and 19 century fi re- Humanities Council with spon- farmers because they’ll like your you’ll fi nd the claim that he paints facial expressions.” arms, free trappers, a mule pack sorship from the Owyhee Count stories’,” he says. pictures with words. — JPB train and some people dressed Historical Society. in period clothing, such as John There are new additions to the Larsen reprising his annual role museum exhibits, including a new as Col. Dewey in the stamp mill farming exhibit and updates to the and pioneer school marm Betty sheriffs of Owyhee County and "CA985@9&=CBG@I6BBI5@ Goode. ranching displays. The Ranching The music of the West will be exhibit has been updated with a performed on the Depot Stage ranch kitchen. each day as well, including the The bits and spurs collection Monday Bob Miller Band at 1:45 p.m. on and 1915 Ford Model T unveiled Saturday, Lovin’ Gospel at 10 a.m. at last year’s Outpost Days will be Sunday, Karen Flint at 11:15 a.m. on display again, too. OWYHEE COUNTY Outpost Days FAIRGROUNDS fundraisers offer HOMEDALE, IDAHO 2011 TICKETS ON SALE JUNE 1ST- LIMITED TICKETS ON RACE DAY! food, merchandise The annual Outpost Days is the and sings. Sponsored by R&M )KM<99IHC-IDD@M"CA985@9CF'5FG=B; largest fundraiser for the Owyhee Steel of Caldwell, the breakfast County Historical Society, and will be served from 8 a.m. to 10 #:3CI*@5B.CF=J9!9H3CIF,I@9CC?CBCIF196G=H9 there are many ways to help out. a.m. both days for a price of $5 www.homedalelionsclub.com The quilt and rifl e raffl es culmi- for adults and $2.50 for children nate with prize drawings Sunday 6 and younger. at the conclusion of the Horned Pie will be sold by the slice, too, Toad Race, which returns after a with ice cream on the side. Addi- '(.),3 =F91CF?G one-year absence. The race takes tionally, there will be food vendors =GD@5M place at 4 p.m., followed by the located throughout the complex. ,#0,-'.#(! raffl e drawings. The first full day of activity B8 5:H9F Raffl e tickets for a quilt created Saturday will close with the an- H<9 by Charlene Nettleton or 700 nual live auction.
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