20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Oct. 18. 1988 I HOMES CONDOMINIUMS ROOMMATES Automotive FOR SALE FOR SALE N WANTED EAST HARTFORD. Pro­ MANCHESTER. Ready FO R ^'" Ridge Town- CARS High bid fessional female to t)ump fight Yer out! 1 house. y baths, 3 bed­ Speciolis?&D<ftf! for an offer. Clean, /2 shore two bedroom aluminum sided and rooms, 1900 souore feet FOR SALE of living space, fire­ apartment across from trim, 6 room Ranch. Wickham Pork. Oc­ 1987 DODGE 600. Auto­ Town challenges Being Little League president I 1 Auction features Near Buckley Schaol. place, olr conditioning, deck with view. Por- MISCELUNEOUG MISCELLANEOUS tober 31, Occupancy. matic transmission. S142,900. Call Dave, 649- CLEANING I PAIN TIN G / 275-0764, 282-0434. S6900 or best offer. native products /18 8048. T.J.Crackeft,643- flolly finished wolk-out SERVICES PAPERING GERVICE8 8ERVICE8 state w aste plan /3 Isn’t as easy as It appears /13 *1 1 5 7 7 . __________ basement. Pool, fennis OLD Active Gentleman 643-4263.____________ court. Priced to sell at GSL "BuHdT!o"T8ofntr- with nice lorge home, 1977 AUDI Fox. Good EAST HARTFORD. 4bed- neor bos, looking for room Cape,2fullbaths, $159,01)0. Call owner at SOUTH BOLTON HANDYMAN and nonce Co. Commercl- condition, AM /FM ste­ 647-0748._____________ Renovations/Plus man to shore his home. reo, sunroof. S500. 645- 2 car oarage. Buyer Cuttom Interior A ExMrior al/ResIdentlol building CLEANING SERVICE. HAUUNG repairs and home Im­ Very reasonable rent. 8 9 7 6 ._________ protection plan. Large MANCHESTER. Lewins Paintino • C«IHf>g Mapair R naftaw Prolect Homeshore, lot, near Glastonbury. Crossing Condomi­ INC. • Oaeki A UgM Oarpamry Any Job — Anytime provements. Interior | 1979 HONDA Accord Commercial! Realdantlal and exterior painting, 236-4511. ERA Philips Real Est- nium. 182 Main Street. • CaPmafaa • H m ifd Call G ary Hotchbock. Beige, 5 ate, 742-1450._________ Beautifully appointed Fully Inourtd 6 Bondod. • S ftlo r DI$eo*mt$ light carpentry. Com­ speed, 80,000 miles, townhouses. Call Or­ 875-3483 plete janitorial ser­ WANTED original owner. S1200. COVENTRY. New Colon­ lando Annuli & Sons, B4M 54S 646-2253 vice. Experienced, rel­ ials and Contemporar­ TO RENT Coll 649-0260.________ Inc of 644-2427. Ask for Teg Sail Seraenart Loam iable, free estimates. 1985 FORD LTD. Fully ies. Cedar siding, Kvie to set up on 643-0304. baths, 3 or 4 bedrooms. Any amount daSvarad Alao, IM. N E E D to rent goroge to loaded, excellent con­ appointment. store cor tor winter $250,000 and up. ERA UWNCARE giami, akxw and barti, mulch. dition. Best offer over Philips Real Estate, FO REST Ridge Condo. BRUSHWORKS. Interior Bobcak baoldxia a kMdar lanlaL m w months. November- $4500. 644-2702._______ 742-1450. Price reduced. Owner painting. Free esti­ Morch Coll 643-9647 1986 DODGE Aires SE. mates. 12 years expe­ DAVIS CONSTRUCTION RELIABLE MOVINB onxious. Spacious 3 Sliver, outomotlc, olr danrhratpr Mpralfi bedroom , 2 '/} bath PHIL’S LAWN CARE rience. Finished cabl- 872-1400/6S9-9S5S Low, Low Rates. conditioning, power CONDOMINIUMS townhouse. Full base­ nets/celllngs. Wall Short notice movsa. steering, power Fall clean-up and refInIshIng. 647-0836. ■furniture FOR SALE ment, central air, pool. anow removal. For tree Insured. Dependable brakes, stereo. Excel­ $152,900 D.W. Fish DEUVERING COLONIAL Soto and lent condition. Must estimates, call todayl ROOFING/ Rich, elatn, etone-free 24 Years experience in M AN CHESTER. New list­ Realty, 643-1591 .□ loam. S yards. *80 Plus Tax. moving choir, S50. Five piece sell. S4.500. Coll 647- ing. Impressive 2 bed­ IMMACULATE 2 bed­ Call Phil at: 742>7476 SIDING Also, send, gravsl, stone sllverplote coffee set, 9286.________________ Wednesday, Oct. 19,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 C e n ts room townhouse, IV3 room Nantucket Cape and horse manure. 646-9669 Anyllmt $25. 643-8178.________ 1980 C AD ILLAC Sedan baths with very spa­ In Lydall Woods. Devllle. Excellent con­ cious floor plan! Fire­ Wooded setting. Large I CARPENTRY/ M S 6 4 3 -9 5 0 4 *************** ITV/STEREO/ dition. S5500 or best place Infhe living room living room/dining REMODELING offer. 742-0691. that opens to the dining area, family room, IV? RENOVATIONS PAYROLL SERVICE I APPLIANCES room. Large bedrooms baths, low condo fee. Commaroftf 6 Raa/dan(/tf STONE EXPERTS Let me do the work (or T O D A Y 'S Lucky CT Ll- with plenty of closets. $151,900 D.W. Fish Siding. guttarA llbarglaaa All types of stone work, you. Payroll, quarterly tax WASHER. Hotpoint, cense Plate Number Is FARRAND REMODEUNG heavy duty, large ca­ GS 168. If this Is vour Sliding glass door to Realty, 643-1591 .□ Room addnioiw, daekt, roonng, ahlngtas. alata, aingis ply. walls, vsnesr, dry stone returns, year-end W-2's. privte 10x24 deck. Ideal Fully Inaurtd, traa wall. 8-6 Call Ryan pacity. Used 6 months. plate number, bring State O K s NORTHFIELD Condo. siding, windows and guttsrs. FREE pick-up and , Southend location. aatlmataa. Call S200, best offer. 643- this od to Ed Thornton, This prestigious 3 bed­ Btckhos and butidozsr ssrvics Patrick, Mon.-Frl. 8-5 delivery. 5845. at Manchester Hondo, $123,500 Anne Miller room, 2V} bath unit avaltaMs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. Real Estate, 647-8000.O 646-1596 871-6096 <50°° per week for up to 24 Adorns Street, M an­ with Its private back­ Bus. 647-8509 chester, to collect vour MALLARD View. DIs- yard Is available at B71-7866 8f 528-2857 too employees. FUEL OIL/COAL/ R«s. 645-6849 FIREWOOD S25. You must bring tlnctlve Duplexes. Lo­ $135,900. Carport, air Screened Loam, Gravel. 643-5775 proof of registration. ir. cated on a privte conditioning, huge 4 SEASONS irtrtrkhlrti ******** This offer Is void In permenant cul-de-sac, closets, pool and tennis Processed Gravel, Sand. SEASONED wood for traffic plan H E ATIN 6/ seven days. 10-18 courts. Blanchard 8< REMODELING Stons & Fill. sole. S115/cord, will de this new subdivision of Additions a Decks PLUMPING auallty 3 bedroom du­ Rossetto Realtors," For Deliveries Call liver. Coll 649-1861, on plexes await your In­ We're Selling Houses" a Rooting a Trimwork ytlme. spection. Kitchens 646-2482.0 Small Jobs welcomed. PJ’i Plumbing. Hurting a George Griffing CLYDE hove oak cabinets, Senior Clilaen DiBCounr Air Gsnomenlng I LANDSCAPING CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC 742-7886 MUSICAL ROUTE 83, VERNON range, oven, dis­ Call Chris at 645-6559 Boilers, pumps, hot water ITEMS hwasher, refrigerator LOTS/LAND tanks, new and 84 Caprice Wagon <829°. at mall site replaesments. GREGORY WARRICK'S and bullt-ln microwave FOR SALE KMH CARPENTRY 'Angelic Home 7 foot Slate pool table tor 85 Spectrum 4 Dr <399f. ovens. FIreplaced liv­ FHEE BSTIMATBS TREE WORK Here to lultill your Care Registry SOle.S650. Coll 644-2740. 85 Century 4 Dr (?) <899r, ing rooms, IV} baths ASHFORD. Privacy and 643-9849/228-9616 F0»lurlng Environmentalist Street. Pleasant Valley Road and with full vanities, se­ more. Beautifully carpentry needs. l/tcal regialry ofTirs quality Tree Removal • Pruning tor BANJO with cose and 86 Celebrity 4 Dr <769°. a planned north access road. parate full basements, wooded approved Quality Workmanship. oar<t... lower co«l to patientti... Health a Safety • Prunning Instruction books. Ex­ 86 Celebrity Euro 4 Dr <7995 cellent condition. Ask­ Muen of the work on the north 2 zoned baseboard building lot. (1.329 Frse Estimates. rompanions, homo makers. Dead Wood and Stubs • 86leSabreLtd <11,995 blasts approval, I MISCELLANEOUS Pruning for Wind Rsalatanca ing S1(X). Coll Gene, access road, to be called Buck- heating systems, An­ acres). Nestled be­ 87 Skylark 4 Dr ‘9495 dersen permashleld tween Yale Forest and 6 4 3 -1 6 5 8 I g e b v ic e s ' ■"* 6 4 7 - 1 9 5 6 • Pruning for Beauty and 633-6164. may file lawsuit land Hills Drive, is 1-84 Asso­ Ortas Growing 87 Century LTD 4 Dr <9995 thermopane windows, Natchaug Street Cualom bum ham aa a^dWenB. ciates’ responsibility, Stoeckert Fully Inwrtd • Samar CW ttn OUoounl 87 Spectrum ? Or <7995 luxurious wall to wall Forest. Vz mile from fatftodBHiig. wood iM ln 0. dookt. FALL Gutter cleaning. PETS AND said. The road is across from roofing, ooneralo worfe. m atom y ft alt SNOWPLOWING I 87 Celebrity 2 Dr <9495 carpeting and attached new development of p H M H Of oonatfucdow. Call Paul at 643-8760. (aflar 5 pm) By Nancy Concelman Pleasant Valley Road. a Commercial 645-1973 SUPPLIES 63 Honda Accord 2 Dr <5995 garage. Phase 1 near­ fine homes. $65,900. N youVa tick of oomraefor* not HOLIDAY House, retire­ a Residential • Industrial Manchester Herald For example, 1-84 Associates rctumtng rouf ccltc • call ual 83 Pontiac 6000 ? Dr <5995 ing completion. See Golden Ooks Realty, ment living, ambula­ cwi W ANTED. Good home Fully Niaurad • Frao CatlmaloB 83 Buick Regal <699°. must widen a right turn lane on these owner occupied 646-5099 or call Joelta, tory, bome-llke S. a. IIANCHARD. Inc. tor 2 good dogs. One The State Traffic Commission and rental townhouses 872-8170._____________ U M Cssalractloa for dependable tervlee 84 VW Jetta 4 Dr <599° southbound Buckland Street for atmosphere. Call 649- m Manobeeter araa Doble-lrlsh Setter mix, Tuesday approved a traffic per­ today. Rentals from at UMiliNlsr CONCRETE ears not clipped. Other turns onto Pleasant Valley Road MANCHESTER. High 2358. 742-1082 FRSt CSTlUATgS I mit for a 150-acre development $950. Blanchard & Ros- large lot with an excit­ 843-1720 Ask for Marti Is little Beagle.
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