Applied Linear Regression TLFeBOOK Applied Linear Regression Third Edition SANFORD WEISBERG University of Minnesota School of Statistics Minneapolis, Minnesota A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Copyright 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600, or on the web at www.copyright.com. 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For general information on our other products and services please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993 or fax 317-572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print, however, may not be available in electronic format. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Weisberg, Sanford, 1947– Applied linear regression / Sanford Weisberg.—3rd ed. p. cm.—(Wiley series in probability and statistics) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-471-66379-4 (acid-free paper) 1. Regression analysis. I. Title. II. Series. QA278.2.W44 2005 519.5 36—dc22 2004050920 Printed in the United States of America. 10987654321 To Carol, Stephanie and to the memory of my parents Contents Preface xiii 1 Scatterplots and Regression 1 1.1 Scatterplots, 1 1.2 Mean Functions, 9 1.3 Variance Functions, 11 1.4 Summary Graph, 11 1.5 Tools for Looking at Scatterplots, 12 1.5.1 Size, 13 1.5.2 Transformations, 14 1.5.3 Smoothers for the Mean Function, 14 1.6 Scatterplot Matrices, 15 Problems, 17 2 Simple Linear Regression 19 2.1 Ordinary Least Squares Estimation, 21 2.2 Least Squares Criterion, 23 2.3 Estimating σ 2,25 2.4 Properties of Least Squares Estimates, 26 2.5 Estimated Variances, 27 2.6 Comparing Models: The Analysis of Variance, 28 2.6.1 The F -Test for Regression, 30 2.6.2 Interpreting p-values, 31 2.6.3 Power of Tests, 31 2.7 The Coefficient of Determination, R2,31 2.8 Confidence Intervals and Tests, 32 2.8.1 The Intercept, 32 2.8.2 Slope, 33 vii viii CONTENTS 2.8.3 Prediction, 34 2.8.4 Fitted Values, 35 2.9 The Residuals, 36 Problems, 38 3 Multiple Regression 47 3.1 Adding a Term to a Simple Linear Regression Model, 47 3.1.1 Explaining Variability, 49 3.1.2 Added-Variable Plots, 49 3.2 The Multiple Linear Regression Model, 50 3.3 Terms and Predictors, 51 3.4 Ordinary Least Squares, 54 3.4.1 Data and Matrix Notation, 54 3.4.2 Variance-Covariance Matrix of e,56 3.4.3 Ordinary Least Squares Estimators, 56 3.4.4 Properties of the Estimates, 57 3.4.5 Simple Regression in Matrix Terms, 58 3.5 The Analysis of Variance, 61 3.5.1 The Coefficient of Determination, 62 3.5.2 Hypotheses Concerning One of the Terms, 62 3.5.3 Relationship to the t-Statistic, 63 3.5.4 t-Tests and Added-Variable Plots, 63 3.5.5 Other Tests of Hypotheses, 64 3.5.6 Sequential Analysis of Variance Tables, 64 3.6 Predictions and Fitted Values, 65 Problems, 65 4 Drawing Conclusions 69 4.1 Understanding Parameter Estimates, 69 4.1.1 Rate of Change, 69 4.1.2 Signs of Estimates, 70 4.1.3 Interpretation Depends on Other Terms in the Mean Function, 70 4.1.4 Rank Deficient and Over-Parameterized Mean Functions, 73 4.1.5 Tests, 74 4.1.6 Dropping Terms, 74 4.1.7 Logarithms, 76 4.2 Experimentation Versus Observation, 77 CONTENTS ix 4.3 Sampling from a Normal Population, 80 4.4 More on R2,81 4.4.1 Simple Linear Regression and R2,83 4.4.2 Multiple Linear Regression, 84 4.4.3 Regression through the Origin, 84 4.5 Missing Data, 84 4.5.1 Missing at Random, 84 4.5.2 Alternatives, 85 4.6 Computationally Intensive Methods, 87 4.6.1 Regression Inference without Normality, 87 4.6.2 Nonlinear Functions of Parameters, 89 4.6.3 Predictors Measured with Error, 90 Problems, 92 5 Weights, Lack of Fit, and More 96 5.1 Weighted Least Squares, 96 5.1.1 Applications of Weighted Least Squares, 98 5.1.2 Additional Comments, 99 5.2 Testing for Lack of Fit, Variance Known, 100 5.3 Testing for Lack of Fit, Variance Unknown, 102 5.4 General F Testing, 105 5.4.1 Non-null Distributions, 107 5.4.2 Additional Comments, 108 5.5 Joint Confidence Regions, 108 Problems, 110 6 Polynomials and Factors 115 6.1 Polynomial Regression, 115 6.1.1 Polynomials with Several Predictors, 117 6.1.2 Using the Delta Method to Estimate a Minimum or a Maximum, 120 6.1.3 Fractional Polynomials, 122 6.2 Factors, 122 6.2.1 No Other Predictors, 123 6.2.2 Adding a Predictor: Comparing Regression Lines, 126 6.2.3 Additional Comments, 129 6.3 Many Factors, 130 6.4 Partial One-Dimensional Mean Functions, 131 6.5 Random Coefficient Models, 134 Problems, 137 x CONTENTS 7 Transformations 147 7.1 Transformations and Scatterplots, 147 7.1.1 Power Transformations, 148 7.1.2 Transforming Only the Predictor Variable, 150 7.1.3 Transforming the Response Only, 152 7.1.4 The Box and Cox Method, 153 7.2 Transformations and Scatterplot Matrices, 153 7.2.1 The 1D Estimation Result and Linearly Related Predictors, 156 7.2.2 Automatic Choice of Transformation of Predictors, 157 7.3 Transforming the Response, 159 7.4 Transformations of Nonpositive Variables, 160 Problems, 161 8 Regression Diagnostics: Residuals 167 8.1 The Residuals, 167 8.1.1 Difference Between eˆ and e, 168 8.1.2 The Hat Matrix, 169 8.1.3 Residuals and the Hat Matrix with Weights, 170 8.1.4 The Residuals When the Model Is Correct, 171 8.1.5 The Residuals When the Model Is Not Correct, 171 8.1.6 Fuel Consumption Data, 173 8.2 Testing for Curvature, 176 8.3 Nonconstant Variance, 177 8.3.1 Variance Stabilizing Transformations, 179 8.3.2 A Diagnostic for Nonconstant Variance, 180 8.3.3 Additional Comments, 185 8.4 Graphs for Model Assessment, 185 8.4.1 Checking Mean Functions, 186 8.4.2 Checking Variance Functions, 189 Problems, 191 9 Outliers and Influence 194 9.1 Outliers, 194 9.1.1 An Outlier Test, 194 9.1.2 Weighted Least Squares, 196 9.1.3 Significance Levels for the Outlier Test, 196 9.1.4 Additional Comments, 197 9.2 Influence of Cases, 198 9.2.1 Cook’s Distance, 198 CONTENTS xi 9.2.2 Magnitude of Di, 199 9.2.3 Computing Di, 200 9.2.4 Other Measures of Influence, 203 9.3 Normality Assumption, 204 Problems, 206 10 Variable Selection 211 10.1 The Active Terms, 211 10.1.1 Collinearity, 214 10.1.2 Collinearity and Variances, 216 10.2 Variable Selection, 217 10.2.1 Information Criteria, 217 10.2.2 Computationally Intensive Criteria, 220 10.2.3 Using Subject-Matter Knowledge, 220 10.3 Computational Methods, 221 10.3.1 Subset Selection Overstates Significance, 225 10.4 Windmills, 226 10.4.1 Six Mean Functions, 226 10.4.2 A Computationally Intensive Approach, 228 Problems, 230 11 Nonlinear Regression 233 11.1 Estimation for Nonlinear Mean Functions, 234 11.2 Inference Assuming Large Samples, 237 11.3 Bootstrap Inference, 244 11.4 References, 248 Problems, 248 12 Logistic Regression 251 12.1 Binomial Regression, 253 12.1.1 Mean Functions for Binomial Regression, 254 12.2 Fitting Logistic Regression, 255 12.2.1 One-Predictor Example, 255 12.2.2 Many Terms, 256 12.2.3 Deviance, 260 12.2.4 Goodness-of-Fit Tests, 261 12.3 Binomial Random Variables, 263 12.3.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation, 263 12.3.2 The Log-Likelihood for Logistic Regression, 264 xii CONTENTS 12.4 Generalized Linear Models, 265 Problems, 266 Appendix 270 A.1 Web Site, 270 A.2 Means and Variances of Random Variables, 270 A.2.1 E Notation, 270 A.2.2 Var Notation, 271 A.2.3 Cov Notation, 271 A.2.4 Conditional Moments, 272 A.3 Least Squares for Simple Regression, 273 A.4 Means and Variances of Least Squares Estimates, 273 A.5 Estimating E(Y |X) Using a Smoother, 275 A.6 A Brief Introduction to Matrices and Vectors, 278 A.6.1 Addition and Subtraction, 279 A.6.2 Multiplication by a Scalar, 280 A.6.3 Matrix Multiplication, 280 A.6.4 Transpose of a Matrix, 281 A.6.5 Inverse of a Matrix, 281 A.6.6 Orthogonality, 282 A.6.7 Linear Dependence and Rank of a Matrix, 283 A.7 Random Vectors, 283 A.8 Least Squares Using Matrices, 284 A.8.1 Properties of Estimates, 285 A.8.2 The Residual Sum of Squares, 285 A.8.3 Estimate of Variance, 286 A.9 The QR Factorization, 286 A.10 Maximum Likelihood Estimates, 287 A.11 The Box-Cox Method for Transformations, 289 A.11.1 Univariate Case, 289 A.11.2 Multivariate Case, 290 A.12 Case Deletion in Linear Regression, 291 References 293 Author Index 301 Subject Index 305 Preface Regression analysis answers questions about the dependence of a response variable on one or more predictors, including prediction of future values of a response, dis- covering which predictors are important, and estimating the impact of changing a predictor or a treatment on the value of the response.
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