25 VOLUME 14 NUMBER 4 JULY/AUGUST 1970 GRIST AWARDS ANNOUNCED Top awards for the most original, time partment of Parks and Recreation in New Downward designed and constructed a and money saving ideas published in York for his charcoal disposal barrel water drag rake which appeared in the GRIST last year have been selected by the which was shown in the January/February January/February 1969 issue. Pulled from National Conference on State Parks. issue. Made from two oil drums, the shoreline by boat, the rake cleans ponds First place winner was Ed Williamson, barrel was devised to overcome the prob­ and beach areas. ranger at Folsom Lake State Recreation lem of hot charcoals left in parks by Manning's description of an outdoor Area, California, and former marine ma- visitors who bring their own portable peg board at Indian Lake was in the intenceman at Oroville Reservoir SRA. grills for cookouts. Schaefer received a Nov./Dec. 1969 issue. The board is His $100 award is based on his descrip­ $50 check for his suggestion. used by rangers to note their daily tion of a low-cost buoy which appeared in Third place was a tie between Eugene work locations, saving much driving time the July/August 1969 issue. Used to mark T. Downward, garage foreman mechanic as the units they supervise are widely water recreation hazard and control areas, with the New Castle County Department scattered around the lake. the buoys are made from inexpensive and of Parks and Recreation in Delaware, easily accessible materals: a 16-gallon and William Manning, assistant supervisor grease drum available from local gas at Indian Lake State Park in Michigan. FUNNEL SHIELD FOR FILE stations or distributors; an exhaust pipe Each received a check for $25 for his obtained from a muffler shop; and coffee suggestion. Sharpening the cutting edge of tools can cans and cable from a dump or salvage. be hazardous even though the workman is Second place went to Theodore H.Sch- wearing gloves. Superintendent W. H. aefer, commissioner, Broome County De- Glover, Fort Frederica National Monu- Ranger Ed Williamson from Folsom Lake State Recreation Area receives his first place ment found a ready-made way to provide award from William Penn Motts, Jr., director Broome County Executive Edwin L. Craw­ added protection. of the California Department of Parks and ford presents Commissioner Theodore H. Make a shield for the worker's hand by Recreation, and District Three Superintendent, Schaefer, Jr., with his award check. placing a metal funnel over the handle end Clyde Newlin. before the file is inserted into the handle. Eugene Downward, garage foreman, re­ William Manning, Indian Lake assistant ceives his third place award check from Super­ supervisor, receives his third place award In the photos the shielded handle is shown intendent John M. Bunton (left) and Director check from Grant Wykhuis, regional park close up in one and in the other Jim Riley Ralph S. Cryder, Director of Parks and Rec­ supervisor for Michigan's Region I. is using the funnel-shielded file to sharpen reation, New Castle County, Delav/are. an axe blade. 26 GRIST JULY/AUGUST 1970 PARK PRACTICE GRIST Speaking of Interpretation! a bimonthly publication of the nonprofit, educational Pari; Practice Program cooperatively conducted by the National Park Service, U.S.D.I., the National Conference on State Parks, and the National Recreation and Park Association as listed hereafter. aid to putting the slides in the projector properly, not upside-down or backwards, Chief, Division of Park Practice, SLIDE STORAGE & SELECTION NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR another time saver. Number tabs of a dif­ (Editorial Office, Washington, D.C., Tel. (Area code 202) 381-7543 Selecting slides to accompany a talk is ferent color should be used for each major Conrad L, Wirth accomplished faster for him, Park Guide slide category. For example, Reproduc­ Chairman, Board of Directors Lawrence Stuart. President Leslie E. Downer, Fort Smith National tions, Archeology, Buildings, and Other Barry TindalL Executive Secretary Historic Site, finds, if the slides are NPS Areas are the categories used at NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STATE PARKS 1700 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 stored in plastic slide sheets and kept in Fort Smith. Five colors are available: Telephone: (Area code 202) 223-3030 a 3-ring loose-leaf binder. red, green, blue, orange, and black. NSCP Park Practice Policy Committee William A. Parr, Dep. Dir., Dept. Forestry & Pks., Md., Chairman Each 9 1/2" x 11 1/2" plastic sheet holds When a slide is removed, the number Ben Bolen, Commissioner, Div. of Parks. Va. 20 slides which can be viewed simultan­ should be recorded on a locator sheet William Penn Matt, Dir., Dept. of Parks & Recreation, Calif. Peter Geldof, Jr., Dir., State Park Commission, Del. eously. The slides are held firmly, but on which is indicated the tray number Ben Eutterfield, Asst., Dir.,Travel a Information Serv's. NFS, D.C. can be easily removed without bending. to which it has been removed, the type Dr. Sal J. Prezioso, President (Sheets with plastic inserts proved to be of program, and the approximate length Endicott P. Davison, Chairman, James H. Evans, Chairman, Board of Trustees Executive Committee unsatisfactory as the slides are often of time it will be out of the file. Slides NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION bent in the process of insertion, and used for both permanent and temporary 1700 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 condensation causes mildew.) programs may require duplicates. Telephone: (Area code 202) 223-3030 Number each slide book and each slide The slide sheets were purchased from NRPA Park Practice Policy Committee John P. Hewitt, Dir., Md—Nat.Cap. Pk.& Ping. Comm., Chairman sheet to assure that the sheet will be re­ Plastican Corp., P.O. Box 157, Butler, Joseph A. Dietrich, Supt. of Parks & Trees, Greenwich, Conn. Robert W. Ruhe, Supt. of Parks h Recreation, Min., Minn. turned to the proper place if removed. New Jersey. The cost was seventy-five Place a sheet of paper between each slide cents per 20-slide sheet, if one box of 12 MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATION should be sent ONLY to: Chief, Park Practice, National Park Service sheet and give it the same page number as sheets were purchased; and sixty-seven Washington, D. C. 20242 the following slide sheet. Number it from GRIST does not accept advertising for puhlication, and the mention and a half cents per slide sheet, if two to of any commercial product, service, or manufacturer herein does 1 to 20 and following each number give a five boxes were purchased. not infer or imply endorsement, nor does it infer or imply that other similar products, services ormanufacturers are not equally accept­ brief description of the slide. The number tabs were purchased from able. Manufacturer's names and addresses are givenasa source of information should products or services reported herein be not the Saunders Co., P. O. Box 111, available locally. These pages are open to the mention of any and all products and services which the publishers consider will tend For example: Rochester, New York. For 500 number to more efficient and economical operations in park and recreation tabs in one color, the cost was one dollar work. 1. Indian Chief (Creek) and fifty cents. 2. Indian Campground (Osage) SUBSCRIPTION RATES- NEW subscr. to Program (all vols. DESIGN, GUIDELINE, TRENDS, 3. Indian War Dance (Plains Indians) 4 prev. yrly. vols, of GRIST w/PLOWBACK & Supplements; plus 4. Indian Peace Conference (Ft. Smith, all publications as issued; thru 1st calendar yr.), 1st yr. only:$5Q. RENEWAL (all publications as issued thru calendar yr.) ... .J 15. 1865) SMOOTHER RUNNING PROJECTOR CRIST only renewal $3.50 GRIST, additional quantities of each issue to new or renewal sub­ scriptions, sent to same address, ea. annual vol. (no binder) . $ 1, To smooth the running of your Kalart Same, but with new hard plastic binders, 1 set of four . $7.75 A quick look at this subject matter list (separately, $3.75 each) will indicate whether you need to scan the Victor projector, take apart a regular size Subscription applications and fees, and membership inquiries should slides. reel for film being shown by removing be sent ONLY to: Executive Secretary, National Conference on State Parks, 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W„ Washington, D. C. Place a number tab on each slide, four rivets. Throw away the center part. 20006. corresponding to guide sheet, book, and Take a good piece of wood 11/16" thick, Printed by District Creative Printing, Inc., Washington, D. C, Not printed at Government expense. slide numbers. Put the tab in the same lathe it to a circle 4" in diameter. Bore a place on all slides. Les uses upper left 7/16" hole in the center. Insert this wood­ corner. These number tabs also are an en circle in place of the part that was thrown away and secure it with 4 1/2" wood screws on either side (more holes will have to be bored in reel) and mount. Rewind film on this reel as shown in the sketch. Rewind to mount on automatic in this manner: perforated edge next to you on No. 1 and from you on No. 2; use beginning end of film on reel No. 2. VOLUME 14 GRIST 27 After the film is rewound 'on this reel, ures, 1 to 4 inches tall can be used to cast take the reel apart by removing the screws, the shadows. If a flexible figure is needed, one side only, and remove top half of reel.
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