20 There being no further business to come before the B rd at this time adjournment was voted in order until Monday December 4th 1939 I Approved Uv Clerk To Board Chairman I The Honorable Board of County Commissioners met in their said office December 4th 1939 it being first Monday Members of the Board present C A Small H G Avant R C Benton VW L Hobbs G C Hinson A N Baldwin Clerk N inutes of the last meeting being read and approved the following business was I transacted RESOLUTION Vfuereas certain citizens of Tatum Township have petitioned the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to reco mend the and taki ng ver rain taining of a certain road in said township by the State Highway and Public Works Commission and Vfuereas said road Which it is desired by said citizens that the State and Public Works Commission take over Highway and aintain is described as follows at a on the Silver Beginning point Spoon Road at Mount Olive Church and runs about mile south and t connects with the Feacock and Vales Road at Dan Hemmingway s place This road would shorten the I I distance ab01Jt one mile for I I of I people this section to and going coming from Whi teville N C I Now therefore be it resolved I by the Board of County Commissioners of I Columbus C01mty that the Sta te and I Highway Public Works CommissJ on be and 1 t is I hereby requested to take over and I maintain said road and I I Be it further resolved tha t a of Ii copy this resolution wi th the I tegether be sent to petition the State and Highway Public Works Commission in Raleigh and a be I copy recorded on the tnutes of this Board I 204 l RESOLUTION I II I Whereas certain citizens af Lee s Tawnship have petitianed the Hanarable I I I Baard C recammend af unty Cammissianers to the taking aver and maintaining af II a certain road b said township by the Sta te Highway and Public Works Commission and II I Vfuereas said raad which it is desired b said citizens that he State I I Highway and Public Warks Cammissian take aver and maintain is described as I fallaws il II t II Beginning at Chester Stephens s an Blackman and Hinsan a place road distance II of two and two tenths miles to A L Ward s place then into the Whiteville and II II Nakina Raad ji Naw therefare be it resalved the Baard af by Caunty Cammissianers af III I I Columbus that the Caunty State Highway and Public Warks Cammissian be and it III is hereby requested to take aver and maintain said raad and II I I Be it further t resalved at a capy af this resalutian tagether with the Ii II petitian be sent to the State II Highway and Public Warks Cam issian in Raleigh and a ca y be recarded an the minutes af II this Baard I Ii i I Ordered that A s E Page 1939 taxes be sa separated O B may II Page pay Ii I taxes an he praperty baught II II Ii Ordered that S L II Ward be allawed to pay his 1939 and priar year taxes 1 a t i par II I Ordered that H III A Faulk be allowed free license to sell fire warks II1 at Balton N C an accaunt af his being blind II I II Ordered that Mrs A N 1 Duncan be allowed 2 00 to buy clathing far Andrew II Fawler I I I At 12 00 O Clack Naan C A Small tendered his resignation as Chairman I af Baard On matian af H G Avant ecanded R s by C Bentan it is ardered that C A Small s resignatian as Chairman be accepted On mantian af C A Small secanded R by C Bentan it is ardered that W L I Habbs be Chairman af appainted Baard far balance af this term Ordered that Vauchers far be iJilOO Oo given to A W Baldwin Auditar and w E Harrelsan Tax Callectar to be used as a etty Cash Fund 205 Ordered that H D Dest Deputy Tax Collector be notified that his services as a salaried employee be discontinued I I I Ordered that H D I Best be paid 10 for collecting1938 personal tax and 15 for I collecting 1936 and 1937 personal taxes and 50 for collecting I 1935 and prior year personal taxes I I I I Ordered II that Tax Collector be allowed to close his office at 1 00 O Clock I i P M same as other offices I Saturdays Ordered that Howard Godwin be as II employed Farmer for County Home Farm at I a salary of 40 00 per month I I i I APPLICANI1S REQUEST II Ii FOR Ii EXTENSION OF DOCKET COMPLETION DATE II DOCKETlTC 1452 F II TyeE HOSPITAL II LOCATION WIUTEVILUN C Ii DATE December 4th 1939 1 PRESENT SPECIFIED DATE III FOR COlilfLETION OF ElT TIRE FROJECrr I I The I Applicant s Agreement with the Governxent specified that construction shall be completed by November 17th 1939 it is estimated that construction II I will be 75 complete on that date II 2 WORK TO BE COMPLETED i I Delivery of all E lipment and installation I 3 REASONS FOR COMPLErr ION I NON Ii It is that contract I expected general will be completed by January 1st 1940 I I and a pending extension of time has been to that date but I requested equipment cannot be delivered and installed within that t1 me so an III additional extension II is reques ted 4 II If project has boen placed in use by the Owner prtor to its final I completion I I by and accentance from the contractor state the date on which such use first I occured No 5 It is now estimated that construction of the project will be substantially complete as of JaGuary l5 h 1940 and entirely completed by February 1st 1940 It is requested that the date for completion of the project be extended to I February 1st 1940 Signed A W Baldwin Arplicant s Representative 206 II APPLICArfIO FOR i Ii I EXTEIJSION OF TIME II I I I DOCKET NO l452 F I TYFE HOSPITAL LOCK ION W1UEVILLE N C II DATE DECEMBER 4th 1939 II IIIj II I tha t I 1 IS ORDERED by V le Board of Commissioners of Columbus County Ii I Ii for an extension application be made to the Public Works Administration II I tal vVhi teville of time of 40 on Docket No NC l452 F Columbus County Hospi days I 1st 1946 II N C from the expiration date of January 1st 1940 to February bet to conditions their control of cause of the expected delay due heyond of items of equipment lmder contracts 4 A 4 B 4 C and 4 D delivertllIi 1 c 1939 Tr s is the 4th day of December II II II F I C E R T I CAT E I OF CLERK II II III I A W aldwin the duly elected qualified Acting Clerlto the Board II III Nor h Carolina do of Commissioners of Columbus County hereby certify II the Minutes of Board of Commissioners is that the above copy taken from II II I the Resolutio which was unan a true correct and compared cory of original II at its office imously passed by the Board of Co issioners of Columbus County III IiI on the in Whiteville North Carolina at a regular meet ng of the said Board Ii il Ii 4th day of December 1939 I Ii and and the seal of said Board of Commissioners of Columbus Ii Witness my I I Ii COl nty North Carolina II I II II il Ii II A W Baldwin Clerk II Ii II II I 1 111 be issued to H E to operate T ourist Camp Ordered that license Reynolds Ii II the Town issues a 1 near the Town of L ke Waccamaw provided of Lake Waccamaw II I Ii I license to said Reynolds Ii 1 II I Commissioners Be it ordered that the following be adopted by the Board of I II Ii 1 II 125 00 Plus 25 00 travel I Sheriff One Deputy Salary 1 one 50 ii Clerk of Court Two Assistants Salary one 90 00 00 75 00 one 50 00 Register of Deeds Two Assistants Salary one II1 Additional clerical help if needed 2 00 per day for all offices in Court House 207 Tax Collector One assistant Salary 75 00 I Tax Supervisor Salary 75 00 Jailer 50 per diem for feeding and caring for prisoners COLUv1BUS C01NTY HOSPITAL No compellsation after completion I Wbiskey Stills Nothing be paid after December 1st for stills unless operators captured Auditor Salary 190 00 one assistant salary 75 00 Stamps No stamped emvelops to be prl chased in the f1lture Stamps to be purchased bv Auditor and kept ln his office to be furnished for official use only Courts Commissioners to Confer with Superior Court and Recorders Court Judge and Solicitor n reference to witnesses Court OPficers Only one Court officer to be paid by County in Superior Court I none to be naid by county in Recorders Court County Home Mrs Dave Lawson be employed as County Home Keeper at salary of lp75 00 per month that the Ordered following persons be appointe their term to expire at pleasure of Board for the orfices and places as follows Lee Greer Prosecuting Attorney K J Powell Co mty And Tax Attorney A W Baldwln County Auditor and Clerk Brack Stephens Assistant to Auditor Mamie Brown Tax Supervisor I A 1 Au ger Janitor of Court House On otjon of R C Benton seconded by H G Avant it is orde ed that Jackson Greer Sr s Mortgage not be foreclosed before first Monday in February 1940 I Ordered that the following refunds be granted H w Bordeaux 1934 taxes Error in listing 5 90 M R Townsend 1939 taxes Land used for street 3 25 J L Norris 1939 taxes ErrC in lis ti ng 5 59 Mrs A D Graves 1939 taxes EruX in listing Value 6 37 C w Shelly 1939 taxes Error in listing 1 00 20R D D Ward 1938 taxes Error in listing 1 00 1938 taxes Error in 9 15 r 11 M ilarlowe Listing Ii 04 H M Marlowe 1939 taxes Error In Listing 9 E F Bordeaux 1935 taxes Board refunding one half 3 00 II Ii I Ii I Ii Ordered that the following General County Bills be allowed and Paid II II II A W Baldwin Salary Auditor 200 00 Ii Brack Salary Assisting Auditor 80 00 ii Stephens Ii Lila Mae Powell To 11 days assisting Auditor 36 66 II 00 I Herman D Stanley Salary Sheriff 225 il w H Bullard Sheriff 175 00 Salary Assisting I 1 D L Gore Salary CSC etc 240 00 II B D Hickman Salary Assistant C S C 115 00 I Sylvia Kramer Salary Assist ng C S C 70 00 Ii Fisher Of Deeds 190 00 11 Leo L Salary Reg ii Anna Belle Lane Sa ary Assisting Reg Of DeedslOO OO Mrs Kathleen
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