VOLUME 4, #3 JUNE 2017 Projecting a Diverse Jewish Image: The 21st Edmonton Jewish Film Festival Last year’s Earl Parker Award winner, Adam Bentley and his production crew BY SUSAN SCHIFFMAN to put them in the mood for the their high produc- he 21st upcoming film. tion quality, good T Edmonton Funds raised by the EJFF will writing and fine Jewish Film go to the Edmonton Jewish Fed- acting. Festival (EJFF) eration's P2G program, offering The EJFF is got off to a deli- educational exchange trips be- thriving thanks to 2017 Earl Parker Award winner, Gregg Silver cious and de- tween Edmonton Talmud Torah the work of an ex- lectable start this year, with In students and those from Emek traordinary volunteer committee, Search of Israeli Cuisine, which Hahula School in the Galilee chaired by the indefatigable Sam opened the Festival on May 17 at Panhandle. P2G also provides an Koplowicz, who watches more What’s inside: Landmark City Centre Cine- online learning program (JETS) than 100 films, before passing on mas. The film, playing to a full for participating students, and his 25 favorites to the committee, house, featured award-winning helps teachers attend an educa- who then select the final chef Michael Solomonov on a tional conference in Israel. ten. When asked about this TT Grade 9 Israel Trip sumptuous tour of Israel’s restau- Held on six days spread over year’s films, Sam commented “I Page 4 rants, markets, vineyards, and the second half of May, the EJFF liked all of the films, but my fa- more. Upbeat, gorgeous to watch, offered a wonderfully diverse vorite, was Fever at Dawn. It is a and full of love for a country and choice of films, wide-ranging in very well-made, uplifting, and ro- its people, the film was a perfect genre, subject matter, and coun- mantic story of Hungarian holo- way to kick-off the Festival. try of origin. The roster of ten caust survivors who meet and fall Good Deeds Day Before the film, EJFF spon- films, from six countries, included in love in Sweden, after being lib- Page 6 sors were treated to an opening historical and cultural documen- erated from the Nazi death night reception, to thank them taries; dramas set in wartime Eu- camps. The film resonated for me for their support. Guests rope; Israeli drama/comedies, because my own parents had a schmoozed, while they enjoyed a and a light-hearted American very similar story.” Yom Ha’atzmaut selection of scrumptious Israeli comedy. Though very varied, the appetizers from Catering by Ed, films were all characterized by Continued on Page 10 Page 8 2 HaKol JUNE 2017 Message from the President he work of the Federa- not attract business-minded donors. It is also tion JCC Negotiating easy prey for budgetary trimming. T Committee continues. A Recently, two professors who had been HaKol meeting was held with rep- teaching Jewish Studies have retired: Profes- Volume 4, #3 resentatives from the Tal- sor Frances Landy and Ehud Ben Zvi. Profes- mud Torah Board on April sor Andrew Gow also contributed academi- HAKOL is a free publication of The 26 at the Talmud Torah school to help define cally to Jewish-themed study in the depart- Jewish Federation of Edmonton, published the process moving forward. The meeting was ment and recently retired. The Faculty of Arts, three times per year and mailed to very productive. A plan with tentative dead- under pressure to cut budgets, was unable to community households. lines was established. sustain budgets to replace retiring professors Federation is in the process of hiring an from the religious studies faculty. Address corrections requested. architecture/design firm to work with both Initially, the idea of fund-raising to provide Federation and Talmud Torah to create de- funds to a publicly-funded institution did not MAILING ADDRESS velopment permit-ready drawings. The pur- seem to be the obvious solution. But in the #200, 10220-156 Street, pose of the drawings is to help fine tune what absence of a private funding initiative, the sad Edmonton, AB T5P-2R1. is possible on the potential Talmud Torah reality is that Jewish Studies would likely dis- school site, what synergies and limitations ex- appear from the University of Alberta curric- www.jewishedmonton.org ist, and what construction and future antici- ulum for the foreseeable future. pated operational costs will be. These draw- Funding a lecturer position has the po- EMAIL CONTACT ings will serve as a guide to focus the discus- tential to ensure Jewish Studies continues for [email protected] sion and negotiations moving forward. Once at least 5 years and likely beyond. The hope these drawings are prepared, both the Feder- is that the interest generated by this initiative ation JCC Building Committee and Talmud will highlight the value the community places EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Torah will have a common frame of reference on a Jewish Studies curriculum, and that will Ellery Lew to work with in order to move forward with create the incentive with the University to negotiations. continue to carry the program on into the fu- PUBLISHER A deadline of December, 2017 was set for ture. This initiative has the additional benefit Debby Shoctor the negotiating process. While there was of building bridges and dialogue between our some concern expressed that this deadline community and the University. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF might be optimistic, it was decided that a This is an excellent segue into strategic Tal Toubiana deadline needed to be set to create structure planning. The U of A fundraising raises the and a goal to work to. The deadline is tenta- important question as to whether the fund- EDITOR tive but, like the drawings, it will help estab- raising falls within Federation’s core mission. Elianna Lisan lish structure and momentum to the negoti- Federation is also undertaking a strategic ating process. planning exercise chaired by Dr. David Eisen- RINTING AND ESIGN The Federation and the University of Al- stat. A few meetings have been held to define P D berta have agreed to a plan to fund a faculty the process. A survey has been prepared to Top Shelf Analytics Inc. lecturer position in Jewish Studies in the Re- seek Board input. Those results are due ligious Studies department for 5 years. The shortly. This is a substantial task which will FEDERATION BOARD MEMBERS: plan is to raise $500,000 to be funded over a be reported on once it is completed. Ellery Lew, Stephanie Hendin, Shane 5-year period for that purpose. This would The Edmonton Jewish Community Chari- Asbell, Dr. David Eisenstat, Steven Shafir, substantially contribute to the cost of hiring a table Foundation has elected Stephanie Hen- Mor Barzel, Clive Oshry, Stacey Wright, Lisa qualified full-time lecturer dedicated to teach- din as the new chair. Congratulations to her Miller, Dr. Cheryl Goldstein, Lisa Redmond, ing Jewish Studies. A fund-raising strategy is on this position. The Foundation is a legacy Rachel Miller, Ben Rogosin, Dr. Eytan Wine, being developed in order to try to achieve this fund which has discretion to allocate the in- Dr. Ivan Steiner, Faren Hochman, Adam goal. These funds would be raised through a terest earned annually for Jewish purposes. Zepp, Barry Greenspan, David Friedland, separate fund-raising campaign clearly identi- Sadly, we are losing Orna Richter who is Karen Oshry fied for this purpose. No funds would be used relocating with her family to Hamilton. Orna from the general UJA “pot”. is a capable, enthusiastic and passionate em- We have attempted to be as correct and It is a substantial sum to raise and a lofty ployee dedicated to Jewish public service and current as possible in our content, however goal to achieve. But it is a worthwhile goal. she will be missed. We wish her and her fam- please excuse any errors or unintended The University of Alberta, like so many ily all the best in Hamilton. Susan Schiffman omissions. publicly-funded institutions, is under signifi- has been hired to replace her. Susan has re- No information contained herein may be cant funding pressure and is increasingly located from Montreal where she held a vari- copied or re-distributed, in whole or in part, looking to private donors to fill funding gaps. ety of Jewish community positions including without the prior written approval of the Funding in Alberta tends to come from pri- Director of Development with the Montreal Publisher. vate enterprise and is focused on science, Jewish Public Library. We are pleased to wel- technology, engineering, those subjects that come her to the Federation office. appear to have tangible economic impact. Ellery Lew The Department of Religious Studies does President © Copyright Edmonton, AB, 2017 FOR CURRENT EVENTS AND NEWS, CHECK OUT THE JFED E-WEEKLY AT WWW.JEWISHEDMONTON.ORG JUNE 2017 HaKol 3 From the CEO’s Desk ince last we spoke, we Shave welcomed some new faces to Federation, which is always refreshing. You can read about them elsewhere in this edition, but I would like to welcome Yaara Shabtai, who has begun a new position with us as JCORE Director as of April 1st. She will be helping to give new energy, vision and direc- tion to our JCORE young adult group. Please contact her if you have the names of anyone you feel would be interested in involvement with this group of young adult leaders, aged 25-40. Her new email is [email protected]. In addition, please welcome Susan Schiff- man, who will be joining us as our new Direc- tor of Development, in charge of the UJA Campaign and the Edmonton Jewish Film Festival, as well as other fundraising initia- tives.
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