(- \, FOR SAI5D QUARRY LEASE IN GOVERNMENT LAND (Prepared under Rules, amendmen:t 4L & 42 Tamilnadu Mlaor Mlneral Coacesslon Rules,1959 aad 12 of Draft Mirot Mheral Conservation and DeveloPaent Rul$' 2OlOl PERIOD: (TwOl 2 YE'ARS ONLY LOCATION OF THE APPLIED AREA EXTENT t 4.75.0 Ha (Out of 107.1i.5 Ha) S.F.No : 225 VILLI\GE : AI,AGIYANATHAM TALUK : PANRUTI DISTRICT : CUDDALORE STATE : TAMIL I{AI)U APPLICANT THE EXF'UTTVE ENGIITEER, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, MINING & MONITORING DTVISIOIT, WRO, VILLUPURAM. PREPARED BY R.RAJASEKAR.M.Sc., RQP/cNN/264 /2015/A No.4A, Chozha Nagar, Pennadam Post, Tittakudi Taluk, Cudda-lore- 606 105. Cell: 9486905579. Email: raj a.parvathi @ gmail.com CONTENTS Sl. No. Description Page No. 1.0 Introduction 7 2.O Executive Summar;r 10 3.0 General Inforrnation t2 4.O Location 13 5.0 Geo1o5, ald Mineral Reserves t6 6.0 Mining l9 7.O Blasting a.) 8.0 Mine Drainage 22 9.0 Other Permalent Structures ZJ 10.0 Employment Potentia-ls & Welfare Measures 24 1 1.0 Environment Management Plan 26 1.2.O Mine Closure Plan 13.0 Any Other Details Intend to furnish by the Applicarrt 34 ANNEXURES \c'ro"- lfi \o.o.i21ot9-7 Sl. No. Description Annexure No. 1 Precise Area Communication Letter bv the I District Collector 2 FMB Sketch II 3 Copy of Village map III 4 Land Documents IV 5 Copy of RQP Certi{icate LIST OF PLATES Sl. No. Description Plate No Scale 1 Location Plan I Not to Scale 2 Key Plan II Not to Scale Environmental Management Plan II] 1:10,000 4 Quarry Lease & Surface Plan IV 1 : 1000 5 Topography, Geological Plan, Year wise Plan- 1: 1000 Development & Production Plarr ald Sections & Sec Hor- 1:1000; V-A Ver- 1:100 a /:F, The Executive Engineer, ..'\_--l^ai/,o"de* Public Works Department, $.-o,-;datfiu Mining & Monitoring Division, WRO, Villupuram. CONSENT LEITER FROM THE APPLICANT The Mining Plan in respect of Sand quarry over an extent of 4.75.0 IIa (Out of 107. 1 1.5 Ha) of Government poramboke land (Thenpennai River) in S.F.No. 225 of Alagiyanatham Vi11age, Panruti Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu State has been prepared by R.Rajasekar,M.Sc., Reg.No. RQP/MAS/264 l2ors/A I request the Assistant Director, Department of Geologr and Mining, Cuddalore District to make further correspondence regarding modifications of the Mining Plan with the said Recognized Qualified Person on this following address. R.RAJASEKAR.M.Sc., RQP/cNN/26412Or51A No.4A, Chozha Nagar, Pennada_rn Post, Tittakudi Ta_luk, Cuddalore- 606 t 05. Cell: 9486905579. Email: raj a.parvathi @ gmail.com I hereby undertake that all modifications so made in the Mining Plan by the Recognized Qualifred Person may be deemed to have been made with my knowledge ald consent and shall be acceptable to me and binding on me in all respects. t Elecutir;e r@geyE,qithsgfuf, VtliUiti_in:j.:.i _ 605 Gt"'-"*-' dx Place : Gttdddle+e tu,, Date : 3o.8.2otr \"oP" iS The Executive Engineer, '-\--ld.? Pub1ic Works Department, \iloualot9lz Mining & Monitoring Division, WRO, Villupuram. DECLARATION OF THE APPLICANT The Mining Plan in respect of Sand quarry over an extent of 4.?5.O Ha (Out of 107.11.5 Ha) of Government poramboke land (Thenpennai River) in. S.F.No. 225 of Alagiyanatham Village, panruti Taluk, Cuddalore District, and Tamil Nadu State have been prepared with my consultation and I have understood. the contents arrd agree to implement the same in accordance with the Mining Laws, Act, Rules applicable to quarry. ffioo'., ,i0!^,p,--. Place: Cr*ddalere Date: 3o-€ - 17. 4 R.RAJASEKAR.M.Sc., \"ooo' l,li RQP/cNN/264 /2o1s/A :"n\:.--lr7 No.4A, Chozha Nagar, Pennadam post, Vj.'rl ar.:':!':.i'l Tittakudi Taluk, Cudda-lore- 606105. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, the provisions of Rules 12 of Draft Minor Minerals Conservation and Development Rules,2010 (MMCDR) & as per amendment rules 4l & 42 under Tamilnadu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1959 have been observed in the Mining PIan for the grant of Sand quarry lease over an extent of 4.75.O Ha (Out of 1O7. 11.5 Ha) of Government poramboke land (Thenpennal River) in S.F.No. 225 of Alagiyanatham Village, Panruti Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu State has been applied by The Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Mining & Monitoring Division, WRO, Villupuram. Wherever specific permission / exemptions / relaxations or approvals are required, the applicant will approach the concerned authorities of State and Central Government for granting such permissions etc. It is also certifred that information furnished in the above Mining Plan are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Certified Signature of Recognlzed Qualified Person RQP/cNN/264 /2015/A Place: Cudda]ore R. RA.TASEI(AR m.sc Recggnised Oraiinea pei"6h Date: RQP / CNN t 2641 2075 t A R.RAJASEKAR.M.Sc., RQP/cNN/264 /2ots/A No.4A, Chozha Nagar, Pennadam Post, Tittakudi Ta-luk, Cuddalore- 606105. CERTIFICATE Certified that, in preparation of Mining Plan for Sand quarry over an extent of 4.75.0 Ha (Out of 107. 1 1.5 Ha) of Government poramboke land (Thenpennai River) in S.P.No.225 of Alaglyanatham Village, Panruti Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu State for The Executive Engineer, covers all the provisions of Mines Act, Rules, and Regulations etc made there under and whenever specilic permission are required, the applicant will approach the Director General of Mines Safety, Chennai. The standards prescribed by DGMS in respect of Mines Health will be strictly implemented. Certified Signature of Recognized Qualified Person TC+C; [email protected]., RQP/cNN/264 /2O1s/A R. RATIASEI{AR ru.sc., Place: Cudda-lore Recognised Quatilied pers6n RQp/sf{N/284t2015 IA Date: 6* MINING PLAN FOR MINO UARRY Over n Extent 4.75.O Ha (Out of 107.1 1.5 Ha) of Government poramboke land (Thenpennai River) in S.F.No. 225 of Alagiyanatham Village, Panruti Ta.luk, Cuddalore District and Tamilnadu State. (Prepared under Rules, amendment 41 & 42 Tamilnadu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1959 and 12 of Drafi Minor Mineral Conseruation and Deuelopment Rules, 2010) 1.O INRODUCTION 1. The present Mining Plan and Environmenta.l Management Plan are prepared for The Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Mining & Monitoring Division, WRO, Villupuram. 2. The applicalt proposed to quarry Sand in Government poramboke land (Thenpennai River), over an extent ol 4.75.0 Ha (Out of 107. 1 1.5 Ha) at S.F.Nos. 225 in Alagiyanatham Village of Panruti Taluk, Cudda-1ore District for a period of (Two) 2 Years only. The excavated Sand is used for filling artd leveling of 1ow lying areas for road projects and other infrastructure development work in and around the district. 3. The application was meritoriously processed by the District Collector Cuddalore and passed an order vide R.c.No.385/Mines/2o 17 dated O2.O8.2O17 to obtain Approved Mining Plan from the Assistant Director, Department of Geologr and Mining, Cudda-lore District and Environmental Clearance from the District l,evei Environment Impact Assessment Authority, (DEIAA) Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu vide MOEF and Climate Change Notification. S.O.141 (E) dated 15.01.2016. 4. Tamil Nadu public works department, pioflner in a1l branch of engineering, dated is the custodian of odai, canal, rivers and water bodies in the state. Public Works Department creates, maintains and protects all irrigation stems systems including the River. Periodical maintenance including de silting of the drains/River is carried out to maintain the functional efficiency including the carrying capacity of the River. 5. But in rivers flood protection works are carried out by increasing top level bund and protecting the sides of bund with revetment. The desilting was never carried out in River due to the cost constraints. Therefore, prolonged siltation for decades ald more, the level of the floor of River has increased and reduced the carrying capacity. 6. Whenever floods ald consequent damages occurred, it was resorted to increase the bund 1evel to restore the carrying capacity of River. It was never thought of desilting the River due to the enormous cost, it requires and the coddp problem of ways a,n d means to dispose tti d. Consequence of this change in River regime and reduction in of the River. 7. Solution to the above problem is to desilt and Sald in the River by expending huge amount. Alternatively, the economical solution to this problem is to mine tJle sand. This option would yield net revenue to the state exchequer apart lrom making available the important construction material. for infrastructure development at a reasonable price to the common people. 8. The quarrying of sand in government poramboke lands and private patta lands had been entrusted to private agencies by the revenue department after concluding a lease agreement with them. This proves was in practice up to august 20O2. 9. As per G.O.No. 46/industries (MMCI) department, dated 25.09.2OO2, a |righ level committee had been constituted to conduct a survey of rivers and river beds in the state with reference to sand quarry. The high level committee concluded that, a) Even through several rules on sand mining exist, illega1 quarrying of sand is out of control. Authority for regu.lating arrd mining is vested with dilferent organizatton such as, State Geologr and Mining department, revenue department and public works department. Hence , implementation and monitoring of rules and regulation regarding sand quarrJnng a-re not effective. This important task of sand mining therefore, should be entrusted to a SINGLE AGENCY.
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