FEASIBILITY AND DESKTOP STUDIES REGARDING HA 04 FINAL 03.1 Summary and Recommendations P repa red f or: P repa ra t ory C om m i s s i on f or t h e C om preh e n s i v e N u c lea r - Te s t - Ban T r e at y O rg a n i z a t i on ( C T B T O ) P rov i s i on a l T e c h n i c a l S ec ret a ri a t C T B T O , Vi e nna I nte r na ti o na l C e ntr e P . O . B ox 1 2 0 0 , W a g ra m ers t ra s s e 5 A - 1400 V i e n n a , Au s t r i a P repa red b y : M a l l i n C o ns ul ta nts L t d . 3 3 0 T em pe C res c en t N ort h V a n c ou v er B . C . V 7 N 1 E 6 C an ad a 12 A pri l 2012 Summary and Recommendations - Page 1 GLOSSARY: AC Air Conditioning ATP Acceptance Test Plan BMH Beach Manhole CAT Commission Acceptance Tests CD 1.0 Continuous Data Format and Protocol CD 1.1 Formats and Protocols for Continuous Data (CD1.1) COTS/NDI Commercial Off-The-Shelf/Non-Development Items CRF Central Recording Facility CRL Certificate Revocation List CRS Cable Route Survey CTA Cable Termination Assembly CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (Commission) DASS Data Acquisition and Storage Segment dB Decibel dBV/µPa Decibels with respect to one volt per micro Pascal DDFI Digital Data Formatter and Interface DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DSS Digital Signature Standard ESA European Space Agency FAT Factory Acceptance Test hrs. 9 FIT Failures in Time in units 1 0 FMECA Failure Modus, Effects and Criticality Analysis GCI Global Communications Infrastructure GPS Global Positioning System HDAS Hydroacoustic Data Acquisition System HOT Hughes Olivetta Telecom Summary and Recommendations - Page 2 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVPS High Voltage Power Supply Hz Hertz (Cycles per second) IDC International Data Centre IMS International Monitoring System ISM International Safety Management M Meter(s) M(Number) Milestone(Number) MLDT Mean Logistics Delay Time MTBF Mean Time Between Failures MTBCF Mean Time Between Critical Failures MTTR Mean Time To Repair NDC National Data Centre NDI Non Development Item NMS Network Monitoring System OSP Outside Plant OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer PAD Packet Assembler Disassembler PDR Preliminary Design Review PEP Preliminary Evaluation Process PLGR Prelay Grapnel Run PLIB Postlay Inspection and Burial PMDR Pre-Manufacturing Design Review PRC Primary Reference Clocks PTS Provisional Technical Secretariat QMS Quality Management System RH Relative Humidity ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle Summary and Recommendations - Page 3 RPL Route Position List RWG Route Working Group SAT System Acceptance Test SERNAP Chilean Fisheries Service SIT System Integration Test SLD Straight Line diagram SLLI System Load and Lay Instructions SO Station Operator SOFAR Sound Fixing and Ranging SOH State Of Health SOR Specification of Requirements (Part II of TOR) SOW Statement of Work (Part I of TOR) SSI Standard Station Interface ST Shore Terminus TOR Terms of Reference TS Technical Secretariat UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply UTC Universal Time Coordinated UWS Underwater Segment VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal Summary and Recommendations - Page 4 FEASIBILITY AND DESKTOP STUDIES REGARDING HA 04 FINAL 03.1 TOPIC 1 Logistics, Environment and Administrative Requirements P repa red f or: P repa ra t ory C om m i s s i on f or t h e C om preh e n s i v e N u c lea r - Te s t - Ban T r e at y O rg a n i z a t i on ( C T B T O ) P rov i s i on a l T e c h n i c a l S ec ret a ri a t C T B T O , Vi e nna I nte r na ti o na l C e ntr e P . O . B ox 1 2 0 0 , W a g ra m ers t ra s s e 5 A - 1400 V i e n n a , Au s t r i a P repa red b y : M a l l i n C o ns ul ta nts L t d . 3 3 0 T em pe C res c en t N ort h V a n c ou v er B . C . V 7 N 1 E 6 C an ad a 1 2 A pri l 2012 Hydroacoustic Station HA04 Feasibility and Desktop Studies 12-Apr-2012 Topic 1 - Logistics, Environment and Administrative Requirements Contents Topic 1 - Logistics, Environment and Administrative Requirements..................................................... 3 1 Logistics .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Crozet ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Île Amsterdam ......................................................................................................................... 6 2 Environment, General ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Meteorology ............................................................................................................................ 9 3 Environment, Crozet ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Geologic and Tectonic Setting, Crozet ................................................................................... 9 3.2 Bathymetry, Crozet ............................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Currents and Tidal Streams, Crozet ...................................................................................... 12 3.4 Sea and Swell, Crozet ........................................................................................................... 12 3.5 Climate and Weather, Crozet ................................................................................................ 13 3.5.1 History........................................................................................................................... 13 3.5.2 Forecasting .................................................................................................................... 14 3.5.3 Analysis - Background .................................................................................................. 14 3.5.4 Analysis - Methodology................................................................................................ 14 3.6 Fishing, Crozet ...................................................................................................................... 22 3.7 Anchoring, Crozet ................................................................................................................. 23 3.8 Flora and Fauna, Crozet ........................................................................................................ 24 5 Administrative Requirements, ..................................................................................................... 34 5.1 Crozet .................................................................................................................................... 34 5.2 Île Amsterdam....................................................................................................................... 34 Topic 1 - Page 6 Hydroacoustic Station HA04 Feasibility and Desktop Studies 12-Apr-2012 6 Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 35 6.1 Logistics ................................................................................................................................ 35 6.2 Environment, General ........................................................................................................... 35 6.3 Environment, Crozet ............................................................................................................. 35 6.4 Environment, Île Amsterdam ................................................................................................ 36 6.5 Administrative Requirements ............................................................................................... 36 Topic 1 Appendix A.............................................................................................................................. 37 Topic 1 Appendix B.............................................................................................................................. 39 Figure 1 Dock in Baie du Marin showing the R/V Marion Dufresne at anchor ..................................... 6 Figure 2 Offloading packages in Baie du Marin showing sandy foreshore ............................................ 6 Figure 3 The Quay in Île Amsterdam ..................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 The Quay in Île Amsterdam in less favourable weather........................................................... 7 Figure 5 The Quay in Île Amsterdam from offshore showing rocky foreshore...................................... 8 Figure 6 Île Amsterdam quay and R/V Marion Dufresne standing off................................................... 8 Figure 7 Map of Île de la Possession .................................................................................................... 11 Figure 8 Crozet monthly wind maxima 2002-2011 .............................................................................. 16 Figure 9 Consecutive days of less than 25 knot maximum wind.......................................................... 18 Figure 10 Consecutive days of less than 20 knot maximum wind........................................................ 19 Figure 11 Periods with wind less than 25 knots, 2002 - 2003 .............................................................. 19 Figure 12 Periods with winds less than 25 knots, 2008
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