THE GUARDSMEN'S SEVENTH ANNUAL Angel Island Race AND FAMILY PICNIC SATURDAY, MAY 6 , 1978——12:00 NOON 4 8 MILES AROUND THE ISLAND TO ENTER— OBTAIN REGISTRATION FORMSÍONE PER RUNNER) FROM: THE GUARDSMEN 12 GEARY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, 94108 PHONE 9 8 9 , ™ A West Valley TC Publication UP FRONT Georgetown U n iv e rsity 's Kevin Byrne is Northern California a close winner over West Valley T.C.'s Rod Berry and the Guzinta Striders' Running Review Thomas Graves (Orland Pk., I llin o is ) at the N atl. AAU J r . 8-Km. X-C Champion­ ships in Gainesville, Florida. These three, along with the next three fin is h ­ P.O. BOX 1551, SAN MATEO, CA. 94401 ers, won trips to the Jr. International PH. (415) 341-3119 X-C Championships in Scotland (March). /Segersten Photo/ MAR.-APR. 1978 (No. 70) ONLY $6.00/YEAR (6 ISSUES) S t a f f CONTENTS EDITOR: Jack Leydig LDR RANKINGS: Art Dudley PUBLISHER: DeMoss Designs RESULTS MGR.: Penny DeMoss THIS & THAT 4 MEDICAL ADVICE COLUMN 21 CIRCULATION MGR.: Mark Greenough AD MANAGER: Judy Leydig LONG DISTANCE RATINGS ll SWEDISH MASSAGE 22 FEATURE EDITOR: Len Wallach PROD. MGR.: Harold DeMoss ADVERTISING RATES 11 SCHEDULING 24 MEDICAL ADVICE: Harry Hlavac, DPM ARTIST: Penny DeMoss OUR READERS SPEAK OUT 12 RACE WALKING NEWS 28 PREP EDITOR: Keith Conning AGENT MGR.: Mike Niemiec "THE HUMAN RACE" 16 PREP RAMBLINGS 28 PHOTO EDITOR: John Marconi STORE SALES: Ray Menzie NOR-CAL PORTRAIT 18 TRACK & FIELD RESULTS 31 RUNNERS' ZOO 18 LONG DISTANCE RESULTS 34 STAFF WRITERS: B ill Clark, Harry^ Hlavac, Jack Leydig, Jack SPECIAL ARTICLE 19 LATE GNUS 46 Wiley, Keith Conning, Doug Rennie, Harry Cross, Dan Hintz, B ill Reinka, Richard Doty, Celeste Scanlon, Len Wallach, Jim Nuccio, Tim Smith, John Weidinger, Dave Martin. EDITOR S MESSAGE PRODUCTION & MAILING: Jack & Judy Leydig, B ill Weller, Michael • REGARDING COMMON COURTESY: - Please remember that when Duncan, Don Lucero, Mike Lovera, Ken Paul, Don Carpenter, Paul you request information from a race director (or anyone), you Armstrong, Ramsay Thomas, Duncan Macdonald, John Sheehan, Hal should ALWAYS enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if Tompkins, Ernie Coublucq, Betty Carpenter, Penny & Harold De­ you want a reply. In cases where races cost $5.00 and more, Moss .. .volunteers are always welcome! you may feel that you shouldn't have to fork over another 13<£ for the application, but many times it's not so much a matter CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Lorraine Rorke, Lani Bader, Dennis of dollars and cents as it is a race director's time. The O'Rorke, Jim Hume, Jim Engle, Keith Conning, John Marconi, Len majority of local runs are still put on my running clubs and Wallach, Lois Gowen, Don Melandry, Mike Fenner, John Sheretz, small groups who are providing an unpaid service by putting Mike Brown, Jeff Johnson. on the race in the first place. In my own case, I have numer­ ous other items to attend to and simply don't have the time to REGULAR CORRESPONDANTS: Fred Baer, Marshall Clark, Scott & Peg address hundreds of envelopes, etc. If I get a request with­ Thomason, Keith Conning, Harold & Penny DeMoss, Wayne Glusker, out a SASE, I will normally just throw it in the circular file B ill Hotchkiss, Dick Meyer, B ill Mensing, Wayne Moss, Dave Pe­ and be done with it. Another No-No is to send in a self-made terson, Phyllis O lrich, Chuck Sheley, Walt Stack, Len Wallach. entry blank...either do it on the official blank or don't en­ (SoCal) John Brennand, Ted Brock, B ill Cockerham, Shirley Da­ ter at all. Most race directors have a particular form to visson, Dave Pain, Stan Rosenfield, Al Sheahen. follow and you should respect it...they are the ones that have to do the work, not you! Also, NEVER merely send in an entry Subscriptions fee without a blank at all. I invariably get disgusted with these types of entries (?) and usually just tear up the check. RATES: $6.00/Year (or $3/Six-Months) by 3rd Class Bulk Rate from San Mateo, C a lif. No m ultiple-year subscriptions cur­ If all this seems trivial, just once try putting yourself in re n tly availab le. Add $2.50/Year fo r 1st Class (U .S., Canada, the position of race director and see if you don't agree... § Mexico); add $1.50/Year fo r 3rd Class to a ll foreign coun­ with many races getting 500-1000 runners, putting on a race tries; foreign airmail rates upon request (usually $10/Year). is not a leisure activity anymore...it's hard work! Don't let anyone tell you it's not. Take a few minutes to do things in Only 3rd Class Bulk Rate mailings contain INSERTS (entry blanks, e tc .) due to excess weight. NCRR IS NOT FORWARDABLE a correct manner (fill out the entry blank completely) and you (when mailed 3rd class) unless you inform the post o ffic e you not only save the race director time, but also will cut down w ill pay forwarding postage when you move. Let us know when registration time on raceday for yourself. I'm sure all race you move please! directors will appreciate it if you look upon filling out an entry blank with as much care as you would a job application! DEALERS: If you wish to carry the NCRR in your place of busi­ • AGENT PROGRAM A SUCCESS! - Would you believe we have close ness, or simply wish to make some extra dollars for yourself to 50 agents signed up to date? And those are only those that or your club, you can save 40% by ordering as few as 5 copies are getting paid...many WVTC members are doing it to help out per mailing. Please inquire at above address for more info. and are getting no commissions! We have agents the full length of the state, from Eureka to San Diego. Our subscriptions are AGENTS: Anyone can become a 'salesman' fo r the NCRR, and i t beginning to pick up dramatically because of it, and we cer­ does not require any 'd ire c t approach s a le s '. You may simply tainly appreciate your efforts. Checks to agents that have distribute our subscription blanks at races, clinics, etc., § made over $5 in the time since they've signed up will be in the get a $1.00 commission fo r each new subscription we receive mail shortly if you don't have them already. Right now it ap­ with your name or 'agent number' on i t (we mail commission pears that Arrow Track Club is by far the best agent, with up­ checks every few months, not with each subscription received). wards of 30 new subscriptions (maybe much more...I haven't been counting). If you are interested in being a commissioned agent FREQUENCY: The NCRR is published 6 times a year with a guar­ for NCRR, drop us a line. Write to our Agent Mgr., Mike Nie­ anteed minimum of 40 pages per issue. ' miec, 145 Roosevelt Av., #39, Redwood City, CA 94061. • WE ARE NOT A STATE-WIDE INFORMATION BUREAU! - I know that CIRCULATION: The NCRR guarantees an average circ u la tio n of many of you feel the NCRR has information on everything per­ 7500-8000 copies/issue during 1978. This consists of paid taining to running locally. This may be partially true, BUT subscriptions, newsstand § sp e cia lty shop sales, and free sam­ currently the phone (my home phone) and mail box are attended ples. Please support us by taking out a new subscription! by only one person...ME! Honestly, I am just about at my wits end answering numerous phone calls. So PLEASE, check out other UNPAID STAFF: All help is volunteer; profits to travel funds. sources before you call us, then, if all else fails, ok...give us a try. Otherwise, I may call it quits in a few months! 3 FUN & GAMES THIS & THAT •PEOPLE NEWS: - South African Bernard Rose, who competed lo c a lly in the summer months and recorded a 2: 17 marathon at Eugene la s t September, has returned to his native land to do some serious training in 1978 before returning to the U. S. for competition in 1979. In a le tte r to former Oklahoma State teammate, Mike Pinocci, Bernard reports he clipped. over h alf a minute from his 5, 000 meter PR with a t e r r if ic 13:32. 8, taking second (by a few seconds) to fellow South African, Ewald Bon- zet, who you may remember as a competitor (and winner) in the S. F, Examiner Games 2-mile in 1976. Bernard also set a super PR for 3000m with a 7: 57. 4 and did 1: 18:43 for 25K at an a lt i - tude of 5300-feet! — C itizen's Savings A thletics Foundation named Roxanne Bier as NorCal 's top athlete for January. A ll 90 pounds of her won the Bonne B e l l 10K in Golden Gate Park at the end of January, and the following week she won the Jr. National AAU 10K title in Beverly H ills, finishing fourth in the open fie ld . — Rod Berr (see cover photo) became the se­ cond NorCal athlete to qualify for the International X-Country Championships in Scotland with a close second-place finish at the N a tl. Jr. t it le meet in Florida on Feb.
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