Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1993 Alumni Action News, January 1993 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Alumni Action News, January 1993" (1993). Alumni News. 144. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/144 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Alumni Action RJATifE AI.IIIIINI AND RENDS OF EAWEAN MICHIOMa UN Ron Cooper Named Head Football Coach at EMU Former top assistant at Notre Dame takes charge of EMU's grid fortunes �·�---- '93 I N S I D E • Spotlight on the College of Education • New Members Named to College of Business Development Board • An Extraordinary Workforce • President Discusses Athletic Issues ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. Alumni Action News EMU'S LIGIBEL RECOGNIZED THE NATIONAL EDITION Calvin F. Scott, '71, currently Is produced for BY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR BOOK resides in Hudson, Massachusetts, Alumni and Friends of TedJ. and is a doctor of osteopathic EASTERN MICHIGAN Ligibel, medicine in nearby Framingham. UNIVERSITY associate Kevin McKelvey, '90, a 31 year ALUMNI ASSOCIATION professor in the BOARD OF DIRECTORS Department of ( �.9lward� � old real estate investor in Canton, John Fovenesi, '73, Geography and Michigan, has recently written a book entitled, "Beyond Bankruptcy'. Geology at Joan M.President Colladay, '72, Eastern The informationaldigest is designed to assist people during the financial Michigan CfEd _£i9ilr Et MichaelPresident Libbing, Elect '91, University and recovery periodthat follows filing the Clark Lake for bankruptcy and aide them in DavidTreasurer Artley, '72 Historical avoiding future financial pitfalls. Gloria August, '86 Preservation Jacqueline Brock, '86, '87 Committee Anita Clark, '90, a mathematics Melonie Colaianne, '83 recently teacher in Marshall, Michigan, has Eric Forster. '91 received the 1992 Presidential Gary Frownfelter,'72 receivedan Award of Merit really reclaimed local history Patricia Fulton, '76 fromthe Historical Society of that may have beenlost A ward for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching. It is a Charles Halash, '84 Michigan for the book. "Clark otherwise. It was because of Jay Hansen, '83 Lake: Images of a Michigan these reasons that Ted Ligibel national award that is presented to Charles Jennings, '73, '76 Tradition." was given the award." one math or science teacher in each Denise Kaercher, '88 statefor teaching excellence. Along David Keller, '85 Written by Ligibel in "I am absolutely delighted," with the honor came an $8,000grant BernadetteLarkins, '83 cooperation with the commit­ said Ligibel of winning the and an invitation to a Washington, Willian, Mays Jr., '54 D.C. reception where she will Jack Minzey, '50 tee, the Clark Lake book award. "I knew I was nomi­ Patrick Monea, '72 chronicles the area's history nated and I was hopeful, but I receive the award fromthe president. Nicki Niedzielski, '89 fromits glacial beginnings and wasn't expecting it... I was ve� Robert Oliver, '67, '69 Indian settlement to its surprised." The Clark Lake Steve Queen, student founding as "Clark Lake" by Historical Preservation Ruth (Richert) Martin, '77, is Linda Randolph, '83, '89 surveyor Robert ClarkJr. in Committee, founded in 1989, working as prosecutorin the Child James Streeter, '73 1824 and its subsequent was organized to help preserve Support Division of Summit LeoTurner, '50 development as a resort and the area's history by gathering County, Ohio. Following graduation Melissa Zick, student now, a year-round residential memorabilia, artifacts and fromEMU, Martin earned a law community. photographs. degree from the University of Dayton. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS WiUiam E. Shelton, TomJones. director of the Ligibel's book, priced at $40. Eileen Smith, '43, has been Historical Society of Michigan, is available at Jacobson's Roypreside111 Wilbanks, said the Award Committee department stores in Michigan chosen Woman of Distinction of Nu recognized the book as and can be obtained from the Chapter of Delta Gamma Kappa for executiveRonald viceW. Collins. preside111 "exemplary, not only as a Clark Lake Historical Preserva­ 1992. Smith lives in Marshall, Michigan and has a son, Brian, provost and vice preside111 scholarly effort, but also tion Committee, 3509Ocean for academic affairs thought was put into the Beach Road, Clark Lake, attending EMU part time. Patrick J. Doyle, design," he said. "The book Michigan 49234 acting vice preside111for business JamesBannon, '71, has been andfi11ance a11d treasurer to named principal at East Detroit LaurencetheN. board Smith,of regents High School. Prior to his September vice president Mary B. McDonald, '76, has Gasper Genovese,79, has '92 appointment, Bannon served as for u11iversity marketing been honored as the 1992 been appointed vice president assistant principal at Pershing High a11d studentaffairs Business Woman of the Year by of infonnation systems for the School in Detroit, dean of students the Quadrangle Business and DetroitNewspaper Agency, at Henry Ford High School in BOARD OF REGENTS Professional Women Club of Anthony A. Derezinski, agent for the DetroitNews Detroitand taught at Henry Ford for James Oifton, chairma11 Muskegon. McDonald is and the Detroit Free Press. He ten years. Robert A. viceDeMattia chairman executive director of Every is currently heading a division Thomas GuasteUo Woman's Place, where she comprised of infonnation and Christopher P. Hogan, '92, is Philip lncamati manages a staff of 51 and publishing systems operations. this year's winner of the Donald S. Richard N. Robb directs three programswhich Genovese joined the Detroit L:::onardA ward presented by the Gayle P. Thomas include a shelter for abused News in 1979 and has held Cfrninal Law Section of the State women and their children and various positions with that Bar of Michigan. Hogan is a Webster House forRunaways fmn. Michigan State Police inspector. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. Ron Cooper Era at EMU Begins Top Notre Dame Assistant Named New Head Football Coach at Eastern Michigan University Ron Cooper, assistant head foot­ ball coach at the University of NotreDame, was named head foot­ THE COOPER ball coach at Eastern Michigan TRACK RECORD University. The announcement was FULL NAME: made by Gene Smith, director of Ronald Louis Cooper intercollegiate athletics, at a press BORN: conference on December 7. 2-1 1-61, Huntsville, Alabama Cooper takes over for 10-year HIGH SCHOOL: veteran Head CoachJim Harkema Lee H.S. (Huntsville, Ala.) who resigned after the fourth game COLLEGE: of the 1992 season. EMU was Jacksonville State, '83 coached the final seven games by Appalachian State, '84 Interim Head Coach Jan Quarless. COACHING POSITIONS The 31-year old Cooper is one of 1992 NoireDame only two Black-American head (rust. Head Coach.Def. Sccoodary) ootball coaches in NCAA Division 1991 Noire Dame (A>st. Coacb-Defeo.,ive Secoudary) 1-A. Temple named Ron Dickerson 1990 UNLV its head coach several weeks ago. (A,si.,tantCoacb-Defcn,;vc CoordinatOI') EMU and Temple will play against 1989 East Carolina each other on September 11 in (Asst. Coacb--DefensiveCoordinator) 1988 MumyS,.1< EMU's Rynearson Stadium. (Asst. Coacb-Defen.,iveCoordinator) As assistant head coach and de­ 1987 fensive secondary coach at Notre 1986 Au.otinPeay Dame this past season, Cooper (AssL Coach-RecruitingCoordLNtor) 1985 handled a variety of assignments. 1984 Minn:sota He was a member of the Notre (Gradual<A>si.stant) Dame stafffor the past two seasons, 1983 serving as defensive secondary coach in1991. Cooper alsohas served as an as­ sistant football coach at the Univer­ Cooper earned his bachelor's de­ he \\.antee. to be a college coach by age wanted to be ahead coach in Divisio sity of Nevada-Las Vegas, East gree in physical education/biology 22, end hf made it. Second, he wanted 1 by age 32. He told the press confer Carolina University, Murray State fromJacksonville State in 1983 and to � a dffe:nsivecoordinator by age ence that he had just reached that goa University, Austin Peay Univer­ his master's degree fromAppalachian 25, and he Jlladethat too, and third, he two months early. sity, and was a graduate assistant State in 1984. coach at the University of Minne­ Cooper is married to the former sota and Appalachian State. Kim Walls of Murray, Kentucky. A native of Huntsville, Alabama, It took Cooper only about 24 hours Cooper graduated from Lee High to appoint a staff and meet his new School and went on to become a team. He told his players he expected standout intercollegiate football three things from them; do what is player at Jacksonville State (Ala­ righ� be the best person theycan be, bama) University. and treatothers the right way. At Jacksonville State, Cooper The new head coach is on a fast earned three varsity letters and career track. As a young graduate layed on three Gulf South Confer­ assistant he told of listening to Lou ncechampionship teams as well as Holtz, then the head coach at Minne­ three NCAA Division Illpost-sea­ sota, tell of writing down a list of 100 son playoff qualifiers. The 1982 career objectives as a youth. Holtz Jacksonville State team defeated then periodically during
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