A Post Novelette Complete In This Issue Strange things happened to the one who wore ... t was summer twilight in the city, and out front of the quiet-clicking pool hall three young IM cxican-Amcrican men breathed the warm air and looked around a t the world . Sometimes they talked and so metimes they aid nothing at all, but \\ a tched the cars glide by like black panthers on the hot asphalt or saw trolleys THE loom up like thunderstorms, scatter lightning, and rumble away into silence. " Hey," sighed M artinez, at last. He w a~ the youngest, the mos t sweetly sad of the three. ''It's a swell night, huh? Swell." As he observed the world it lliI oved very close and then drifted away and then came clo e again . People, brushing by, were sud­ denly across the street. Buildings fi ve miles MAGIC away suddenly leaned over him. But most of the time everything-peopl e, cars and build­ ings - stayed way out on the edge of the world and could not be touched . On this quiet warm summer evening, Martinez' face was cold . " Tights like this yo u wish-lot of things." " vVishing," said the second man, Villana­ zul , a man who shouted books out loud in his room, but spoke only in whispers on the treet WHITE SUIT " i the u eless pa time of the unemployed." , " Unemployed?" cried Va menos, th e un­ shaven. " Listen to him! We gO t no jobs, no In oney !" "So," sa id Marlinez, "we gOl no fr iend ." " True." Vill anazul gazed off toward the By RAY BRADB R green plaza wh ere the palm lrees swayed in Tllustra tcd by Tho l"llt o n tz The beautifu l girl looked out. her dark hair faintly stirred by the wind. the soft night wind. " Do you know wha t I " [ hesita te to suggest," sa id Villa nazul. " Sen or Gom ez, 1 don' t h ard ly k now wish? T wi sh to go in to that plaza a nd speak " that yo u see Gomez. But he's bcen ta lking you--" a mong the businessmen who gather there some crazy talk ror a mon th now, abouL " Know me? You're going to live with me ! n ights to talk big ta lk. But dressed as I a m, clothes. I keep on saying I' ll be in on it to make Come o n !" poor as I am, who would listen? So, M a rtinez, hi m go away. That Gomez." Gomez vanished into the poolroom. M ar­ we have each other. The fri endship of the poor " Frie nd," said a quiet voice. tinez, escorted by the polite Vi ll anazul, pushed is real fr iendship . We --" " G0I11CZ!" Everyone turned to stare. by a n eager Vamenos, round h imsel r inside. But now a ha ndsomc young M exican with a Smiling strangely, Gomez pulled fo rth an "Dominguez!" sa id Comez. fine thin mustache stro ll ed by. And o n each of endless thin yellow ribbon which Au ttered and Dominguez, at a wall telephone, winked a t his careless arms hung a la ughing woma n. swirled on the summer air. lhcm. A woman's voice squeaked on the re­ " A1adre mla!" ~1 ar l i n ez slapped his own "Gomez/' said M artinez, "what you doing ceiver. brow. " H ow docs th at one rate t\ovo fri ends?" w ith that tape 111CaS lIre?" " ~1 a nul o!'3 said Gomez. '' It's his nice new white suit." V amcnos Gomez beamed . " M easuring people's skele- M a nu lo, a wine bottle til ted bubbling LO his chewed a black thumbnail. " He looks sharp." tons." 11-10uth , turned. M artinez leaned out to wa tch the three peo­ " kelerons !" Gomez pointed at 1artinez. "At last we ple moving away, a nd then a t the tenement " H old on ." Gomez squinted at M artin ez. found our li rth volunteer !" acrosS the street, in one fourth-Aoor window of " Caramba ! Where you been a ll my lire! Let's Dnminguez said , " I got a date, don' t bother which, rar a bove, a beautiful girl looked ou t, tr y you !" mc --" and stopped. T he receiver slipped hcr d ark hair fa intly stirred by the wind . She M arLinez saw his a rm seizcd a nd ta ped. his rrom his li ngers. H is li tt le black tclephone had been there forever, w hich was to say, for leg measured , his ehest encircled. book fu ll or line na mes a nd numl ers w nt six weeks. H e had nodded , he had ra ised a " Hold sti ll!" cri ed Gomez. " Arm - perfec t. quickly bac k into h is pocket. "Gomez, ha nd, he had sm iled , he had blinked ra pidly; L eg-chest-perfecto! Now, q u ick, the heighL ! you --" he had even bowed to her, on the street, in the T here! Yes! Five-roo t- live! You' re in! Shake !" " Yes, yes ! Your. Jnoney, now! Vamos.''' hall whcn visiting rriends, in the park, down­ Pum ping M artinez' ha nd he stopped suddenly. The woman's voice izzlcd on the dangling town. Even now, he put his ha nd up from his " Wa it. You got- ten bucks?" phone. Dominguez gla nced at it uneasily. wa ist a nd moved his linger . But a ll the lovely " / have!" Vamenos waved some gri my bills. M a nulo consider d the cmpty wine bottle girl did was let the summer wind stir her dark "Gomez, m ~as ure mc!" in his hand and lhe liquor-store sign across the ha ir. H e did not exist. He was nothing. " All [ got left in the world is nine do ll ars Street. " Afadre mia!" He looked away a nd down the a nd ninety-two cents." M artinez searched hi Then, very reluctantly, both men la id len street where the ma n wa lked his two friends pocke ts. "That's enough fo r a new sui t? VVh y?" doll ars each on the green-velvet pool table, around a corner. " Oh, ir j ust I had one sui t. " Why? Because yo u ~o t the right skeletOn, Vill a nazul, a m azed, d id li kewise, as d id one ! I wouldn't need money if r looked O. K ."' tha t' s w hyP' Comez, n u d~inf{ ( ntinucd on Page 47) October 4, 1958 The men stared at his right hand and The Magic White Suit (Continued from Page 29) the card; at his left hand and a soiled ten­ dollar bill. Martinez. Martinez counted out his "They will run no more, they will Gomez swayed. Sweating, he licked his wrinkled bills and change. Gomez freeze," said Gomez, "when they see you lips. Then his hand shot out, seized the flourished the money like a royal flush. in the cool white summer ice-cream suit." money. "Fifty bucks! The suit costs sixty! All "Gomez," said Villanazul, "just let me "The clothing store! The suit! Vamos I" we need is ten bucks!" ask one thing." "Wait," said Martinez. "Gomez, are "Of course, compadre." Mr. Shumway, of SHUMWAY'S SUN­ we talking about one suit? Uno?" "When we get this nice new white ice­ SHINE SUITS, paused while adjusting a tie "Uno I" Gomez raised a finger. "One cream summer suit, some night you're rack, aware of some subtle atmospheric wonderful white ice-cream summer suit! not going to put it on and walk down to change outside his establishment. White, white as the August moon!" the bus in it and go live in El Paso for a "Leo," he whispered to his assistant. "But who will own this one suit?" year in it, are you?" "Look." "Men," said Gomez, "let's show him. "Villanazul, how can you say that?" Outside, one man, Gomez, strolled by, Line up!" "My eye sees and my tongue moves," looking in. Two men, Manulo and Villanazul, Manulo, Dominguez and said Villanazul: "How about the Every­ Dominguez, hurried by, staring in. Three Gomez rushed to plant their backs against body Wins! Punch board Lotteries you men, ymanazul, Martinez, and Vamenos, the poolroom wall. ran and you kept running when nobody jostling shoulders, did the same. "Martinez, you, too, the other end, line won? How about the United Chili Con "Leo." Mr. Shumway swallowed. up! Now, Va men os, lay that billiard cue Came and Frijole Company you were "Call the police!" across our heads!" going to organize and all that ever hap­ Suddenly, six men filled the doorway. "Sure, Gomez; sure!" pened was the rent ran out on a two-by­ Martinez, crushed among them, his The cue lay flat on all their heads, with four office?" stomach slightly upset, his face feeling no rise or fall, as Vamenos slid it, grin­ "The errors of a child now grown," feverish, smiled so wildly at Leo that Leo ning, along. said Gomez. "Enough! In this hot let go the telephone. "We're all the same height!" said weather, someone may buy the special "Hey," breathed Martinez, eyes wide. Martinez. suit that is made just for us that stands "There's a great suit, over there!" "The same!" Everyone laughed. waiting in the window of SHUMWAY'S "No." Manulo touched a lapel. "This "Sure!" Gomez said. ''It took a SUNSH1NE SUITS! We have fifty dollars.
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