BUILDING & REALTY NEWS VOL 6 NO 2 SERVING WESTCHESTER AND THE MID-HUDSON REGION FEBRUARY/MARCH 2007 Spitzer, Legislative Leaders Announce THE HANLEY Workers’ Comp Reforms REPORT By Matthew Maguire, The Business Council of N.Y. State ALBANY Gov. Eliot Spitzer and New lative leaders, the leadership of The workers compensation reform is a tre- Yorks legislative leaders last week an- Business Council of N.Y. State and the mendous victory for workers, who will nounced a landmark agreement to re- state AFL-CIO. receive increased benefits, and for form the states workers compensation Business Council President Kenneth businesses that will see a significant system. Adams hailed the deal. reduction in premiums. The reforms, according to business This is a major step forward toward Senate Minority Leader Malcolm Another Issue, leaders, will cut employers costs by 10 reducing the cost of doing business in Smith (D-14 SD) and Assembly Minor- to 15 percent, with more savings to fol- New York State, Adams said. Its a big ity Leader James Tedisco (R-110 AD) Another Series of low, and increase benefits for injured win for improving our economic climate, also hailed the agreement. workers. especially upstate. The agreement will give New Yorkers Important Reports for This is a remarkable win-win situa- With this plan, we strike a balance the kind of changes to workers com- Industry Members tion for both workers and employers, by establishing a more effective and pensation that Gov. Spitzer promised By JEFF HANLEY Spitzer said. Thanks to the coopera- just compensation system for injured when he spoke to The Business Coun- see page 2 tion of legislative leaders and staff, and workers, while also providing insurance cil last September as a candidate for with constructive input from business premium savings to employers, said Governor. and labor, weve developed an ap- Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D- In that address at the Councils An- proach that will achieve the twin goals 64 AD). nual Meeting, Spitzer specifically called CO-OP of helping injured workers and improv- for limiting the duration of benefits in ing the states competitiveness. Significant Savings for permanent partial disability cases, cre- CONDO The announcement culminates three Employers ating aggressive rehabilitation and re- months of intensive negotiations Sen. Majority Leader Joseph Bruno training programs, attacking fraud, im- CORNER among the Spitzer administration, legis- (R-43 SD) added: The agreement on Continued on page 3 AOAC Begins Its Preparations for Upcoming Guidelines Hearings Lights, Lights, Lights: By Jeff Hanley, IMPACT Editor How to Save Money on WHITE PLAINS Representatives of will affect rent adjustments for one or is facing, he added. We urge our the Apartment Owners Advisory Coun- two-year leases which begin between members to attend and to offer their in- ByYour HERB ROSEEnergy Costs! cil (AOAC) have begun the asso- October 1, 2007 and September 30, dividual struggles with their day-to-day see page 2 ciations preparations for the realty 2008. costs to the guidelines board. We cant industrys testimony on rent guidelines The AOACa realty industry mem- emphasize it enough we need the increases for rental apartment buildings bership organization of more than 300 AOAC membership to help us. In turn, affected by the Emergency Tenant Pro- owners and managers who are respon- that will help us help our members. COUNSEL’S tection Act (ETPA). sible for more than 25,000 units in the Houlihan said the AOAC will keep its CORNER AOAC officials last week said that the Westchester and Mid-Hudson Re- members updated on all events related association has begun to coordinate gionbegan to discuss its strategy for to the associations preparation cam- the industrys strategy and eventual the public hearings and deliberations at paign and the public hearings/delibera- presentations for the upcoming public its Jan. 30 membership meeting. AOAC tions. hearings and deliberations of the West- officials and members also discussed As always, we are fully preparing for chester County Rent Guidelines Board. the associations overall goals and the guidelines process, while, at the The board, which was scheduled to strategies for 2007. same time, setting and trying to reach meet on Mar. 7, has not yet scheduled Once again, we are stressing the the AOACs goals for 2007, said Albert the dates of its hearings and delibera- need for realty industry members to de- Annunziata, executive director of the tions. liver testimony at the public hearings, association. Any input from our mem- The guidelines board, which is com- said Jerry Houlihan, chairman of the bership is important. Participation in our posed of nine members, is the entity AOAC. representation of the realty industry at that annually rules on increases for Each year, we highlight the fact that the guidelines hearings is vital. We lease renewals. The board reaches its it is extremely important that owners need the help of our members, without decision after three public hearings and and managers testify on the continuing question, during that process. We need separate deliberations. The decision increases in costs that the realty sector their participation. Property Management Group Announces Its 2007 Strategies By Jeff Hanley, IMPACT Editor Immediate Action Is a ARMONK A leading property man- Westchester and the Mid-Hudson Re- the operations of more than 700 build- Must When Addressing agement association recently an- gion (BRI), last month announced its ings and complexes in the Westchester nounced its plans to further serve the proposed agenda for 2007. and Mid-Hudson Region. ByIssues KENNETH Related J. FINGER, CARL to L. Mold FINGER local building and realty industry. ACMA is composed of more than 55 One of our main goals has always and DANIEL S. FINGER The Advisory Council of Managing property management companies who been to help property managers run see page 5 Agents (ACMA), a component group of serve co-ops, condos and rental build- their properties more efficiently, said the Building and Realty Institute of ings. The groups members oversee Continued on page 5 PAGE 2 - IMPACT - FEB/MAR 2007 CO-OP Lights, Lights, Lights: How to Save CONDO Money on Your Energy Costs! CORNER BY HERB ROSE tures in the co-ops buildings. laundry rooms, hallways, stair- the time to set up money-sav- The resulting saving of cases, etc. ing routines. 240,000 Kilowatt Hours per Lamar Lighting also offers year in electric use has been motion-sensitive fixtures under Herbs Hints NEW YORKHow much does light for the same 16 cents! very rewarding, to say the least. the trade name of Occu Smart. Draw blinds and/or drapes to a kilowatt-hour of electricity Until very recently, these en- The New York State Energy Circular fluorescent bulbs retain inside heat. cost? ergy saving bulbs were expen- Research and Development are widely used, but have been I will do the research for the You are a knowledgeable sive, but thats no longer an ex- Authority (NYSERDA) helped shown to be energy inefficient. first two applicants for electric person and are conversant with cuse since these money sav- in the cost of the refitting. Replacement of these fixtures savings, pro-bono! Contact the price of gasoline, news- ers can be purchased for a Amalgamated also upgraded and bulbs is an urgent neces- me at [email protected]! papers, milk and so on, but how price competitive with standard its heating system with a new sity. much do you pay for the elec- bulbs. Home Depot offers an 1200 Horsepower Boiler with tricity you use all the time? A N-Vision Suave Blanco ver- help from NYSERDA. Ed cursory look at your Con-Ed bill sion for $9.97 for a four pack. Yakers boiler numbers are par- Although there is a temporary let- will give you some kind of clue, Also offsetting the cost is that ticularly inviting in that the co-op but not all the answers. the new energy efficient bulbs saves $150,000 per year in up in energy price increases, the Demand Charge, Energy last considerably longer. heating cost after debt service of long-term price expectancy is for Charge, Adjustment Factor The Environmental Defense $100,000 per year. In two years, and so on, but how much? A Fund rates the 23-watt version when the 10-year boiler debt is more increases. Now is the time to quick romp through all of this of this bulb as the equivalent of paid off, the savings will be set up money-saving routines. material will produce an aver- 100 watts and will last 6,000 $250,000 per year! age charge of about 16 cents hours and save $55.18 in elec- General Electric offers its per KWH (Kilowatt hour). trical cost during its life. There Ultra line of ballasts to retrofit What do you get for your 16 are numerous other versions existing fluorescent fixtures for Metal Light offers GE, Syl- Editors Note: Herb Rose is a cents? Ten hours of 100-watt as well that can be found by energy savings with payback vania and Philips LED fixtures co-op and condo consultant. rd light bulbs, 13 and 1/3 hours Googling Energy Efficient time of about two years. GE which are energy efficient for He is also a member of the of 75-watt bulbs, and 16 and Light Bulbs. also has a line of energy effi- lighting large open areas. In ad- Board of Directors of the Co- two-third hours of 60-watt cient fluorescents. dition, Halogen lamps are a vi- operative and Condominium bulbs. Using new energy-effi- Only the Beginning Dali is a company that offers able alternative. Advisory Council of West- cient bulbs will increase your Thats really only the tip of the controls to cut costs in areas Current cost savings are chester and the Mid-Hudson lighting about 400 percent for iceberg.
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