CENSUS 1971 PART X-C-Il (wiCII .. Prints eI Part X--:C-I) ANALYTICAL REPORT ON CENSUS AND RELATED STATISTICS SOCIO - ECONOMIC SERIES-5 AND GUJARAT CULTURAL TABLES (RURAL AREAS) AND HOUSING TABLES DISTRICT AHMADABAD CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK c. c. oocrOR of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Guj",fIt CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Census of India 1971-Series-5-Gujarat is being published in the follQ.wing parts : Centra.l Government Publications SuEJject covered Part Number I-A General Report I-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns I-C Subsidiary Tables II-A General Population Tables ('A' Series) II-B Economic Tables ('B' Series) II-C(i) Distribution -of Population; Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes II-C-(ii) Other Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composition, Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, etc., Bilingualism. III Establishments Report and Tables ('E' Series) IV~A Housing Report and Housing Subsidiary Tables IV~B Housing Tables . V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes VI,A Town Directory VI,B Special Survey Report on Selected Towns VI,C Survey Report on Selected Villages VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel VIlI-A Administration Report-Enumeration 1 VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation '- For official use only IX Census Atlas State Government Publications DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK X-A Town and Village Directory x-s Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract X-C-I Departmental Statistics and Full Count Census Tables X-C-II Analytical Report on Census and Related Statistics, Socio Economic and Cultural Tables (Rural Areas), and Housing Tables X-C-II (Supplement) Urban Sample Tables II CONTENTS PAGES 1. ANALYTICAL REPORT ON CENS'("S AND RELATED STATIS'lJ('1" i-ii A. INTROPUCTION 3·9 (1) History of District CenBu;.; Handbook, (2) Seo1';' of District Cpn"us Hal.6 book, (3) Definit ions and Concl'ptH. B. LOCATION AND PHYSICAL FEATURES 9·10 (1) Location,(2) PhYRiography.(lI) Soils, (4) F()le~b.(5) Mill('IU'" (6) RivpP- (7) Lak(,HandTank~ (8) C'limai('ant! Temperature, (9) Rainfall. C. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP 11·18 (1) AdministrEttive DivisionF, (2) Revenue, (3) Parli8m~nlf1I~' srI' A;;,nJ,:~ constituI'llci,'s and Elections, (4) Jlldici:H~-. (5) Police, (6) Jail" (7) Local Self Government. D. 'l'EHRITORIAL AND OTHER CHANGES 18·20 (I) Tllrt'it-orisl changes, (~) Growth or Decay of ITI bOil Cpntl ('S, (;: i Cl-vngpf in FU!I('tiellal Categnn- of Tov.r~. ~, ~{AJOR EVENTS 20 (1) Scarcity. 21-35 }<'. ECONOMIC AND OTHER ACTJVITIES DrRlNG 1HE DECADE (1) Agric\\lture, (2) Irrigatiol , (3) Agricultuy'al PY'ooUCf' MaIl,f't;, (4) C'o-o,o'Rti( n, (5) -Wslf'hoUF"", (6) Live&to('k and .An'IDol Husbandry, (7) Industrie~, (~) Trade and Comme]('(', \9) Elp('tJ;{';1~ (1.( r("~l. PO) TJ!llhloli pn" Communi('ation.{11, p,;c<C'f-< (12) Joint Stock Compories, (l:{) Banking, (14) In~uronce, (15) Education. (Hi) !ikfh~f18nd ruhlie Heolth. (17) Agrllrip,n R{'forms and Agrarilln Developmeni~. U. DK\WGRAPHIC CHANGES D'CR]NG 'IHE IJECAIJE 36-53 (1) General, (2) Density and Decadal variation in J'opulnl;( n (:5) Spx Ratio, (4) Hou~{'holcl Rize, (;;) Urban Population, (n) Hou~ele~ Population, (7) InQti!uti01wl Population, (1') Growth of Population, (9) Size ofYilIagr, (10) Population b~' Age and Sex, (11) I,itpJI1cy, (12) Mo1lf'1 tongue, (13) Religion, (14) 'WorkerS and Non-wollef'l k, (15) Schpduled Ca~teR, (J 6) Scheduler] Tribes, (17) EstabliRl mNlt~, (18) HOUsing. H. SETTLE1iENT PATTER:', AND SOCIAL Dl'MCCRAI'HY (InclUding Tables) 53-70 (I) Rural Areas, (2) Urban Ar('a~ H. 1 Distt ihution of villa,ges with refol'ence to area in hectare" 57 H. ! Distribution of inhat.it"d villages b~' selectNl amenit,i('~. infra-st! uctural and land u~e data with reference to diHtance from near('st town 58-59 H_ 3 Distribution of inhabitNl villages by self'cted rloIDogl aphir rhflrllctel i"ticF and diRtal1(,(, from nNll'f'st town 60-61 Average sizp of villagf's by rliAtanco rango from nearpst town by size class 62 H. 5 Distribution of inhobi1rd Yillflges by sizp claRs of popn1ntioL hnvir g selectf'd servicing,institutions and drmog,nphic characteristics 62-63 H.6 Medical and Postal fa('iiities P('J 100 Km2. of rura 1 area at taluka levAI 63 H.7 Distribution ofvillag('" by (lonsity per Km2. and aVorage distance'from nAaH)st town 64 H. 8 Distribution ofinhabitpd yjJlagps hy proportion of scherlnlpd castes and schf'duled tribe8 poi~ldat.ion and dpr'sity of population 64-65 H. 9 Ranking ofvillag('s of different. size ClaSFf'8 b~' amf'nit~· scores 65 H. 10 Selected demographic characteristics in towns by size claRs of populatior 66 H. 11 S"Iected d,'mographic characteristics b~' dpnRity of popnlation of towr ~ 67 H.12 Distribution of towns by ~i7p ('lass of popUlation and functional category 67 H.U Funet'onal {'atf'gor~' and j.;rowth ,'otp of towns 68 H-14 F~maJe workers o,R pel ceNnge oft."tal fomaie populoti(~n in t.own~'by size. cias~ of popl;l~tion 68 H.15 PE'I' capita Receipt and Exp0nditur(' Of)O('fI~ hodi0~ in towns by 9i~e class ofpl)p'llation 69 H.I6 Per capita Recoipt fwd Exp{'nditu' p onoeal hodip~ ir old and new townR 69 H.17 Per oapita Re(,pipt onil expendtnrp of IocR I podies in old lind new towns 09 H. IS Per capita Heceipt and Expf'nditnrE' of 10cB,1 bodif'R in towllA hy function!' I ('ategory 70 H. HI Educatir;nal and Medical fBcilitiPR pf'l 1,('((' populatinr in tOWllR by siz!' c1aRR of populatioll 70 H.20 MediC'n I fl\cilitiA" in to'" nR by fun{'tlona I c8t<'l!Or~- 70 If I II TABLES 8ECTION·I DEPARTMENTAL STATISTICS .... l-li4 (Detailed contents are given 011 page:; iii and iv ill Pal·t II Tablo6) SECTION-II CENSUS TABLES BASED ON FULL COUNT LIS·ISS (Detailed conteIJt~ are given 011 pafles v and iv in part II Tab)e~) SECTION-III sOCIO ECONOMICS AND CULTURAl, TABLES IS9·23~ (RURAL AREAS) AND HOUSING '!'ABLER ExplanatOry note to Sample Census 191 B- Economic Tables Kote 192-19S Table B-lIi PART B ()lu;;sificat.iOH of ,Yorken and Nou-worken Rccol'Jing to lJlaiu activity by educational levels ill 1\)4·1\15 rural arcas ollly Table B-rY Part A Jndustrial cl",,,ificalioll ofpeJ'sOD'; at wo, k other than at eultiY>ltio)\ at main IIctivily hy W:l[ and divisiolls. :\lajOl' gl'OUp:-; uwl min,,!, grol')" (Hulal) ._. l\)t).198 Ap!,<,udix-D i,t I'ihut ion of \\ ortn, ill manu[uet Ul'ill!!. ProCc,sillg ;;el'viciu_[( all!ll'cpail-' by household indust.ry ami 1l0]L·holl';f'holrl indu,;t,y (Rulul) " 199-201 Table B-Yl Pa!'t B (i) OeeupHtiollUl('hl",.;ificlltioll (lfp<'r';OIlHat woJ), 1\('('01 ding to main activity othtlr than cultivatiorl by :-;px al,d ngt' g:rolll's in rli1 rt I ill PU;-; Oldy 202 .. 2t)( J\.N'XEXrHE·Xntionvl C'hl,,,ifit">Iti(,lt of Ocettpntiou" 2 Hh211 Table 13-V1 Pall B (ii) OC('ul'utiou,d clu"ifiellliuH uf pCl-tiOnS at -work nceunliul': to lllaiJll1ctitivity othe)' than CUltivation i. 212·215 Tah 11' D-Y11 :'>"<'011(.111)':" ,,01 I, i, e. P(,I',,,'Jl' Ill" ;llg- maill act it iyity (I) ('Hit iy" t iuu. (ii) ag I i"nlt III c] III houn I'. (ii i) H()u8~h(Jld ill<lll~ll'Y, (iv) nOll·household indu8tJ-~' IIwl (v) llon-work<,}'>; cln"ifl"d 1,y ""X alld hy B('('ondal'Y work (i) hlluocholll illdu"t ry (ii) rultiyati(lll (iii) IIgrir u ]jHra I labou),,,!, (If (iv) non-houHt'hold il'dll~trY. tl'utlf', bu~ine,,~ Or ~{)l'Victl (Rural) :118 Tabl. B-Y 111 1"'1'",,,,, cla:<sifh'tl a" non''''''1 kp),>, aecordil'.g to main ndiYity eros,·cla,;.~ified by 8eX, age grO\lpll and type or .. ctivity (Rural) 216 C-Social and Cultural Tables Rote 217 Table C-1I Agn ,tad 'Jlal'ital t:itatlls 218-219 Table CoLlI Pal,t-A.Ag<,. i'lf'J< aud Etlllcai ioll illl'lll'al ,\1','HN 218·219 D-lligration Tables Kote 221 Tab}p D-T Populatiou clu"ifk(l I.,\" plac(' of birth (Rund) 222-223 AppelHlix-l :P1'I'~o](~ hO)'ll in othE'1 di,.;tl'ids of tIl(> Htnt,· alld t'IlUIn"lIlt"d ill t]li, ,li,11 i(t 224 ApPt'Il(lix-ll Pel''<''I, Lot n ill t,hi, ,liK\rid but cnunll'l'atcd ill ot.her di,t,ri(,t s of thp :;\\-81-" 225 22(i·22fl , H-Housing Table~ :Note 231 Tahlt'-H-I Cpllsll~ R(lu'e~ amI th,' nSf'" to which tlwy are put. 232 Table-H-II Distribution of C'(,!I~lIs Roil"" h~> pll'(\"minant mnt('rial of wn II !luI ]11' dominrr,t met, I is I of loof 232 Appendix-Dish,j}mtioJl of J('"idl'nt iul ('rn"" Hou'f'f( by matrl-ia I of wall enWK claK,iiird by Instcl'ial (lr ro(.f 233 Table-H-IlI C'I'IlSU" H(Jll,,,jlOld, clo",-ifil'r] b, numb,,], of membl'l" aud by llumb,,)' I)f j'lH'JflR occnpipd 23c4 Tab]p-H.TY Hnllf-p]lolcls :~II1"ifi{'d L: ,'7,(' and tPnllJ'" Ktatus 23 .
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