Elenco degli indici e degli abstract di Materia Giudaica dal 1996 al 2019 Volume XXIV (2019) 3 IN MEMORIA DI LUISELLA MORTARA OTTOLENGHI 5 Nota biografica e bibliografia di Luisella Mortara Ottolenghia cura di Liliana Picciotto e Mauro Perani 13 NUOVI CONTRIBUTI E RICERCHE SULLA STORIA E LA CULTURA DELL’EBRAISMO 15 L. De Luca, Tracce Politeistiche nel De Opificio Mundi di Filone di Alessandria: Presenza di Dio nella natura e forme divine secondarie Abstract: The analysis of polytheistic echoes in Philo of Alexandria’s De opificio mundi is conducted on two different levels: i). the influence of Stoicism makes Philo suppose the presence of the οὐσίαισπερματικαί – which have a divine character – in nature; ii). other divine beings here are not excluded: the δυνάμεις, the angels, the stars as gods and God’s collaborators in the creation of men. These references to polytheisms could be intentional and closely related to the eventuality that Philo’s work would have been available to Greek-Roman readers. 25P. Collini, Radicalismo gesuano e radicalismo rabbinico:convergenze fra ideologia e storia. Abstract: The making of the Mishnah spanned at least the first and second age CE in comparison with the shorter period needed for the composition of the NT corpus. Nevertheless, the NT shows that many contents subsequently written in the Mishnah must have been already present, if not at the time of Jesus, undoubtedly during the early church period. The question is: which contents were already present and which ideological and historical importance does the dispute about them have? 39 I. Maurizio, I frammenti della Genesi nella seconda colonna esaplare di Origene: analisi linguistica e fonetica. Abstract:The study of the extant fragments of the Second Column of Origen’s Hexapla by thoroughly analysing the transcription carried out almost four centuries before the first Masoretic punctuation, may serve as an important source to know how Hebrew was pronounced in Palestine between the late 2nd and first half of the 3rd century, i.e. during Origen’s time. An examination of the /a/ sounds is particularly interesting because the Greek graphemes may reveal the exact pronunciation of the vowel, indicating a specific terminus ante or post quem for some Hebrew linguistic and phonetic phenomenona. The same happens with regard to guttural consonants, whose lacking in the Greek language allows us to understand Origen’s ways of their transcription. 1 in EA צרעת M. Marrazza, Analisicomponenzialedel lessema 51 erroneously understood as ‘leprosy’. In fact, Hansen’s disease does צרעת Abstract:This study analyzes the occurrences of the lexeme not appear before its importation by the troops of Alexander the Great in the Indian countryside of 326 BCE. The analyzed lexeme in the various functional languages is therefore a hypernym of many dermatological diseases. In EB1 it only connotes scabies, but in EB3 the diseases are so many and so complex that only occasionally it is possible to establish an intelligence. Both in the juridical- cultic language and in the languages of Qumran it became necessary to evaluate each single occurrence, since these were .צרעת concentrated in precise occourrence in order to establish a first variety of the diseases connoted by the lexeme 69 M. Romani, Non havemoconfirmazionealchuna né la poressemo far se non cum Caricho de l’anima nostra. Concessioni e divieti a fenerare come aporie. Il caso di Mantova nel XV secolo. Abstract:In my essay I discuss the thesis that as far as condotte are concerned, as it has already happened with guilds’ statutes, a too strong tie to the institutional framework has produced some misinterpretations. The granting of privileges has very often been interpreted as a necessary assumption for settlements of Jewish communities. This connection assigns to the Jewish settlements and loan history a determinism and linearity that are quite artificial. Of course, the institutional contest has a value that nobody can neglect. Providing a legal framework to some controversial topics, the condotta satisfies some needs of regulatory clarity both for Christians and Jews. Moreover, giving the Jews a specific lending function, the condotta is in the same time also a way of acknowledgment and integration which allows their inclusion in the Christian civic space. 77 M. Bevilacqua Krasner, Da Bologna a Padova: “nomadismo” ebraico di prestatori tra Tre e Quattrocento. Abstract:The modern methodological approach, unlike the past, recognizes in the Middle Ages, and especially in the late Middle Ages, a period of great social mobility. This is especially true for the Italian regions of central and northern Italy. If in the Christian environment we are witnessing the affirmation of famous companies and families of merchants and bankers, likewise, in this period, in the Jewish world we note the growth and development of rich families of lenders. Entrepreneurship and great mobility characterize economic operators, both Christians and Jews, and above all, for the latter one can follow the continuous movements, the journeys to operate in the various loan banks. The essay intends to analyze and investigate the movement of various Jewish lenders between Bologna and Padua. Both cities had a university with open, rich and vibrant city environments. Moreover, here, between the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century, numerous families of Jewish lenders grew – the Finzi, the da Fabriano and many others – who maintained close contacts between the two cities. The rich Paduan notarial documentation allows, in particular for the Finzi family, to reconstruct the genealogical tree of the first generations of the XIV century through a comparison between the notarial texts and a study on the owners of Jewish manuscripts. 91 L. Maffi - M. Romani, Banche private in Italia nel XIX secolo. Il network “ebraico” dei Parodi di Genova. Abstract:The article explains the important role of the relations between Jewish and Catholic private bankers in the period of entrepreneurial and financial dynamism that characterizes the decades of Italian national Unity. The case study of the Parodi bank in Genoa explains the function of Italian “private bankers”, starting from the Ligurian city, creating a network of relationships that covers both the entire territory of the peninsula and other areas of the continent. This analysis was made possible also thanks to the correspondence preserved in the archives of the Rothschild banks of London and Paris. 2 101 C. Camarda, Il Sefer or ha-sekel di AvrahamAbulafia e i commenti aggiunti nel MS 12 della Biblioteca Fardelliana di Trapani. Abstract:The Fardelliana Municipal Library of Trapani owns one of the oldest manuscripts containing Avraham Abulafia’s SeferOr ha-Sekel (Manuscript 12). This essay introduces Abulafia’s life experience and mystical technique, concentrating especially on this work and publishing for the first time the two handwritten commentaries that were found in Ms. 12. The first one, in particular, has been identified as one of the commentaries on Ma’arekhet ha-Elohut attributed by Efraim Gottlieb to Rabbi Reuven Zarfati. The full text is followed by an Italian translation. 117 M. Mascolo, Stele giudaicheirreperibili, edite e inedite, di Bari, Venosa e Taranto dal fondofotografico “Nikolaus Müller” - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Abstract:The paper catalogues the Jewish steles of Puglia and Basilicata, the state of availability of which have been verified through surveys on the sites of origin and preservation. From the comparison the unavailability of 19 Jewish published epigraphs from Puglia – 1 stele of Bari, 7 of Taranto – and from Basilicata, 11 from Venosa, have been confirmed. The study has been made possible thanks to the comparison of printed material and archive sources so far unpublished, as for example some images from the photo archive of Nikolaus Müller (GlasplattendiasjüdischerKatakombeninschriften - “Sammlung Nikolaus Müller”, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) and some casts on tracing paper of Rocco Briscese (Archivio Privato Briscese, Comune di Venosa). From the Muller archive 7 steles, which were unpublished and hard to find, only whose site of origin and preservation were possible to identify, have come to light. 151 M. Ben Zeev, Jewish Identities in Ancient Times: the Case of Artapanus. Abstract:Artapanus’ literary work includes passages which not only display cultural assimilation and accommodation to the surrounding pagan environment but also utterly contradict Jewish tenets. An examination of the background of these passages and of Artapanus’ doubtful dependence on the Septuagint suggests the possibility that his deviations from the biblical account reflect not a deliberate disregard but rather a scant familiarity with the Jewish world. 161 I. Briata, “¿Cuál madre a hijo comió?” La storia di Maria di Eleazar nelle fonti spagnole e giudeo- spagnole. Abstract:The paper deals with the Judeo-Christian reception of an unusual episode of maternal cannibalism recounted in Flavius Josephus’s De bello judaico (VI, 201-204). The story of Maria of Bethezuba, who killed and ate her son during the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, experienced a successful transmission in Christian romance sources, thanks to the early Latin translations of the work of Josephus. The present contribution focuses on the Spanish and Ladino traditions of the anecdote. The sources discussed are ascribed to four various genres, namely a 15th century historiographical work (Ystoria del noble Vespasiano); a dramatic adaptation (l’Auto de la destruició n de Jerusalén, second half of the 16th century); an heroic poem (Romance de la crueldad que usó una muger con un hijosuyo, published in 1587 in Coro febeo de romances historiales, V, 147v-149v), and a couple of Ladino poetic compositions (Una madrecomió asado a suhijo el regalado). These texts are analyzed from the philological and literary point of view, so as to identify, where possible, any relations in the transmission of these texts. Particular attention is devoted to the image of the character of Maria – a woman, a Jewess, and an unnatural mother – as an embodiment of “the ultimate Other.” 173 M.
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