PHYSICAL REVIEW E VOLUME 56, NUMBER 6 DECEMBER 1997 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. Full titles are included in each ®rst author's entry. For Rapid Communi- cations an R precedes the page number. The letters (C) and (BR) following the page number indicate that a paper is a Comment or a Brief Report, respectively. References with (E) are to Errata. Abawi, Ahmad T. and Roger F. Dashen — Scattering amplitude for a Alexander, J. Iwan D. — ͑see Hill, Susan C.͒ E 56, 4317 plane angular sector. E 56, 2172 ͑see Lize´e, Arnaud͒ E 56, 4152 Abd el Kader, A. and J. C. Earnshaw — Evolution of a two- Alexe-Ionescu, A. L. — ͑see Skacˇej, G.͒ E 56, 571 dimensional foam containing a single topological defect: Al-Ghoul, Mazen and Byung Chan Eu — Generalized hydrodynamics An experimental study. E 56, 3251 and shock waves. E 56, 2981 Abdullaev, F. Kh., N. K. Nurmanov, and E. N. Tsoy — Variational Aliev, Fouad M. — ͑see Iannacchione, Germano S.͒ E 56, 554 approach to the problem of dark-soliton generation. E 56, 3638 Allender, D. W. — ͑see Seidin, R.͒ E 56, 1773 Åberg, Sven — ͑see Mizutori, Shoujirou͒ E 56, 6311 Allgaier, J. — ͑see Stellbrink, J.͒ E 56, R3772 Abid, C. and F. Papini — Thermal instabilities in a mixed convection Allie, Stuart and Alistair Mees — Finding periodic points from short phenomenon: Nonlinear dynamics. E 56, 6735 time series. E 56, 346 Abramyan, L. A., V. I. Berezhiani, and A. P. Protogenov Alsing, P. M., A. Gavrielides, V. Kovanis, R. Roy, and K. S. — Chern-Simons contribution to the structure of the zero mode of Thornburg, Jr. — Encoding and decoding messages with chaotic the gauged nonlinear ͑2ϩ1͒-dimensional Schro¨dinger lasers. E 56, 6302 equation. E 56, 6026 Altenbernd, D. — ͑see Feurer, T.͒ E 56, 4608 Aceves, Alejandro B. and Marco Santagiustina — Bistable and Altland, Alexander, Martin Janssen, and Boris Shapiro — Perturbation tristable soliton switching in collinear arrays of linearly theory for the Rosenzweig-Porter matrix model. E 56, 1471 coupled waveguides. E 56, 1113 Alvarez, M. — ͑see Bermejo, F. J.͒ E 56, 3358 Acharyya, Muktish — Nonequilibrium phase transition in the kinetic Alvarez, Roberto, Martin van Hecke, and Wim van Saarloos Ising model: Divergences of fluctuations and responses near the — Sources and sinks separating domains of left- and right-traveling transition point. E 56, 1234͑BR͒ waves: Experiment versus amplitude equations. E 56, R1306 Nonequilibrium phase transition in the kinetic Ising model: Critical Ambrozˇicˇ, M., P. Formoso, A. Golemme, and S. Zˇ umer — Anchoring slowing down and the specific-heat singularity. E 56, 2407 and droplet deformation in polymer dispersed liquid crystals: NMR Adam, Claude — ͑see Le Van Quyen, Michel͒ E 56, 3401 study in an electric field. E 56, 1825 Adcock, J. David — ͑see Minehardt, Todd J.͒ E 56, 4837 Amdjadi, Faridon — ͑see Gomatam, Jagannathan͒ E 56, 3913 Adler, P. M. — ͑see Mourzenko, V. V.͒ E 56, 3167 Amengual, A. — ͑see Montagne, R.͒ E 56, 151 Aelmans, N. J. J. — ͑see van der Vorst, B.͒ E 56, 3119 Anagnostopoulos, A. N. — ͑see Cˇ enys, A.͒ E 56, 2592 Afanasjev, V. V., B. A. Malomed, and P. L. Chu — Stability of bound Ananthakrishna, G. — ͑see Bekele, Mulugeta͒ E 56, 6917 states of pulses in the Ginzburg-Landau equations. E 56, 6020 Anderson, D. — ͑see Malomed, Boris A.͒ E 56, 4725 Aharony, Amnon — ͑see Hovi, J.-P.͒ E 56, 172 Anderson, S. — ͑see Reiche, S.͒ E 56, 3572 Aiba, Hirokazu, Shoujirou Mizutori, and Toru Suzuki — Fluctuation Andrade, J. S., , Jr. — ͑see Alencar, A. M.͒ E 56, R2379 properties of strength function phenomena: A model study. Andrade, Jose´ S., , Jr. — ͑see Sujeer, Mamatha K.͒ E 56, 3385 E 56, 119 Andrade, R. F. S. and S. R. Salinas — Ising model on a Cayley tree Aı¨t Ali, A. and R. Makhloufi — Linear and nonlinear rheology of an with competing and aperiodic interactions. E 56, 1429 aqueous concentrated system of cethyltrimethylammonium Angilella, J. R. — ͑see Nicoud, F.͒ E 56, 3000 chloride and sodium salicylate. E 56, 4474 Anishchenko, V. S., T. E. Vadivasova, and O. Sosnovtseva — Reply Ajdari, A. — ͑see Isambert, H.͒ E 56, 5688 to ‘‘Comment on ‘Strange nonchaotic attractors in autonomous Akamatsu, Silve`re and Thomas Ihle — Similarity law for the tilt angle and periodically driven systems’’’. E 56, 7322͑C͒ of dendrites in directional solidification of non-axially-oriented Antar, Yahia M. M. — ͑see Cheng, Dajun͒ E 56, 7273 crystals. E 56, 4479 Antillo´n, A. — ͑see Jiang, Yu͒ E 56, 2568 ͑see Ginibre, Marie͒ E 56, 780 Antiochos, S. K. — ͑see Dahlburg, R. B.͒ E 56, 2094 Akhatov, I. — ͑see Mettin, R.͒ E 56, 2924 Anton, L. — Universality class for a one-dimensional evolution model. Akylas, T. R. — ͑see Calvo, David C.͒ E 56, 4757 E 56, 2676 Alava, M. J. — ͑see Rautiainen, T. T.͒ E 56, 6443 Antonetti, A. — ͑see Bastiani, S.͒ E 56, 7179 Alava, Mikko — ͑see Åstro¨m, Jan͒ E 56, 6042 Aoyagi, Yoshinobu — ͑see Iitaka, Toshiaki͒ E 56, 1222 Albano, Ezequiel V. — Properties of the interface generated by the Apostol, M. — Dimensionality effects in the ideal Bose and Fermi collision of two growing interfaces. E 56, 7301͑BR͒ gases. E 56, 4854͑BR͒ Albert, Istva´n — ͑see Albert, Re´ka͒ E 56, R6271 Appell, J. — ͑see Porte, G.͒ E 56, 1276͑C͒ Albert, Re´ka, Istva´n Albert, Daniel Hornbaker, Peter Schiffer, and Appert, C. and M. H. Ernst — Chaos properties and localization in Albert-La´szlo´ Baraba´si — Maximum angle of stability in wet Lorentz lattice gases. E 56, 5106 and dry spherical granular media. E 56, R6271 Appignanesi, Gustavo A. — ͑see Ferna´ndez, Ariel͒ E 56, 927 Albouy, P.-A. — ͑see Zeghal, M.͒ E 56, 5603 Apruzese, J. P. — ͑see Whitney, K. G.͒ E 56, 3540 Alemany, M. M. G., J. Casas, C. Rey, L. E. Gonza´lez, and L. J. Arago´n, J. L. — ͑see Barrio, R. A.͒ E 56, 4222 Gallego — Dynamic properties of liquid alkaline-earth metals. ͑see Varea, C.͒ E 56, 1250͑BR͒ E 56, 6818 Arapaki, Eleni, Panos Argyrakis, Isaak Avramov, and Andrey Alencar, A. M., J. S. Andrade, , Jr., and L. S. Lucena — Self-organized Milchev — Effect of temperature on biased random walks percolation. E 56, R2379 in disordered media. E 56, R29 Alencar, P. T. S. — ͑see Nassar, Antoˆnio B.͒ E 56, 1230͑BR͒ Arauz-Lara, J. L. — ͑see Carbajal-Tinoco, M. D.͒ E 56, 6962 56 7330 56 CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 7331 Argentina, M. and P. Coullet — Chaotic nucleation of metastable ͑see Skacˇej, G.͒ E 56, 571 domains. E 56, R2359 Barbosa, A. A. and A. J. Palangana — Comparison between Argyrakis, P. — ͑see Kotsavasiloglou, C.͒ E 56, 4489 densitometer and dilatometer measurements in liquid-crystal phases. Argyrakis, Panos — ͑see Arapaki, Eleni͒ E 56, R29 E 56, 2295͑BR͒ ͑see Lin, Anna L.͒ E 56, 6204͑C͒ Barbosa, Marcia C. — ͑see Diehl, Alexandre͒ E 56, 619 Armero, J., A. M. Lacasta, L. Ramı´rez-Piscina, J. Casademunt, J. Bardos, G. — ͑see Kun, F.͒ E 56, 2019 M. Sancho, and F. Sague´s — Front propagation in spatially Barkai, E. and V. N. Fleurov — Le´vy walks and generalized stochastic modulated media. E 56, 5405 collision models. E 56, 6355 ͑see Sendin˜a-Nadal, I.͒ E 56, 6298 Barkema, G. T. — ͑see Newman, M. E. J.͒ E 56, 3468 Arodz´, Henryk — ͑see Stelzer, Joachim͒ E 56, 1784 Barnett, D. M. — ͑see Ueshima, Y.͒ E 56, 6214͑E͒ Arrote´ia, A. A. — ͑see Palangana, A. J.͒ E 56, 4282 Barrio, R. A., J. L. Arago´n, C. Varea, M. Torres, I. Jime´nez, and F. Arteca, Gustavo A. — Self-similarity in entanglement complexity along Montero de Espinosa — Robust symmetric patterns in the the backbones of compact proteins. E 56, 4516 Faraday experiment. E 56, 4222 Asfaw, A. — ͑see Woolsey, N. C.͒ E 56, 2314͑BR͒ ͑see Varea, C.͒ E 56, 1250͑BR͒ Ashwin, Peter and Emily Stone — Influence of noise near blowout Bar-Shalom, A., J. Oreg, and M. Klapisch — Collisional radiative bifurcation. E 56, 1635 model for heavy atoms in hot non-local-thermodynamical- ͑see Covas, Eurico͒ E 56, 6451 equilibrium plasmas. E 56, R70 ´ Asselmeyer, Torsten, Werner Ebeling, and Helge Rose — Evolutionary Barth, M. — ͑see Sˇeba, P.͒ E 56, 2680 strategies of optimization. E 56, 1171 Barthe´le´my, Marc and Henri Orland — Local field probability ¨ ¨ Åstrom, Jan, Markku Kellomaki, Mikko Alava, and Jussi Timonen distribution in random media. E 56, 2835 — Propagation and kinetic roughening of wave fronts in Basko, M., Th. Lo¨wer, V. N. Kondrashov, A. Kendl, R. Sigel, and J. disordered lattices. E 56, 6042 Meyer-ter-Vehn — Optical probing of laser-induced indirectly Ataka, Mitsuo — ͑see Tanaka, Shinpei͒ E 56, R67 driven shock waves in aluminum. E 56, 1019 Attard, Phil, Owen G. Jepps, and Stjepan Marcˇelja — Information Bass, F. and M. Fix — Influence of the shape of small scatterers upon content of signals using correlation function expansions of the their resonance features. E 56, 7235 entropy. E 56, 4052 Bassalo, J. M. F. — ͑see Nassar, Antoˆnio B.͒ E 56, 1230͑BR͒ Aubouy, Miguel — Organization of polymers at interfaces. E 56, 3370 Bassas, J. — ͑see Lo`pez-Salvans, M.-Q.͒ E 56, 6869 Audebert, P. — ͑see Bastiani, S.͒ E 56, 7179 Bassler, K. E. — ͑see Brown, K. S.͒ E 56, 3953 Aurell, Erik, Emmanuel Dormy, and Peter Frick — Binary tree Bastiani, S., A. Rousse, J. P. Geindre, P.
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