Second Class Permit Paid at Bronx, N.Y. USPS 114-590 Volume 36 Number 8 October 2007 One Dollar they can be. His job is made easier by the Pizza was up and running. After successfully CHAMBER ANNOUNCES 2007 wonderful support he receives from the par- operating the pizzeria for 12 years, the broth- ents, coaches and volunteers. ers decided to split up and follow other busi- AWARD WINNERS ness ventures. By KAREN NANI In the late 1990s, war broke out in Yugo- slavia. Feeling the need to help his old home, which was tearing itself apart, and to support This year’s recipients of the City Island torical Society since 1995, an active member his new home, which had been so good to Chamber of Commerce 2007 community of the Grace Church parish since 2005 and a him and his family, Shukri joined the United service and business awards give new mean- member of the new not-for-profi t organiza- States Army. In 1999 he was assigned to the ing to the term multitasking. The fi ve win- tion, the City Island Architectural Heritage Army’s military intelligence unit as a transla- ners, many of whom have dual occupations Preservation Foundation. In her spare time, tor and took part in Operation Joint Guardian. and community roles, will be honored at the Barbara enjoys writing, riding horseback and For exemplary service during these opera- Chamber’s annual dinner on Friday, Oct. 26, working in the garden of her landmark house tions, Shukri was awarded the NATO Medal at the Lido Restaurant. on Tier Street. of Service. Captain Christopher J. Cullen: In the fall of 2000, Shukri returned home, Sam Bierman Business and Community and he and his brother went back into the res- Service Award taurant business. With more than 30 combined Captain Chris grew up in a small com- years of cooking experience (from Little Italy munity along the Long Island Sound where no less), the brothers set their sights on City he started fi shing at a very young age. The Island, a place they had frequently visited love of fi shing has stayed with him through- with friends and family while growing up. out his adulthood. Shukri Islamovic In November of 2000, just three months He started working on City Island when after returning from Europe, the Tree House Restaurant opened. Thanks to the wonderful he was a freshman in high school as a mate Shukri Islamovic: support and patronage from the residents of aboard a local party boat. He continued to Tom Cerreta Accomplished Business City Island, Shukri opened a café and cater- work through his college years, graduating Service Award ing hall in the summer of 2006. He continues Iona College with a B.A. in 1995 and later Born in Ulquin, Montenegro, Shukri Is- to operate both establishments with his wife, completing an M.S. in Elementary Education lamovic traveled to New York City with his Tatiana, and their son, Alex. with a Specialty in Science in 1997. Cap- family in 1972. After settling in the Little Ita- The Chamber invites all to the annual tain Chris is currently an elementary school ly section of the Bronx, Shukri spent his time dinner dance to honor these deserving award teacher for the Irvington School District and between school working in the neighborhood Arlene Byrne recipients at the Lido Restaurant. For tickets has successfully taught for 12 years. and playing soccer, his favorite sport. At 22, and reservations, please call Mrs. Jane La In May 2000, Capt. Chris purchased the Shukri and his younger brother decided to Scala at 718-885-9100. Island Current fi shing boat (no relation to Arlene Byrne: open their own business, and in 1981, Joe’s this newspaper). Five years later he acquired Service to Community Award the new Island Current II, which was cus- Arlene Giorno Byrne was born in Holy tom built in Kennebunk, Maine, to round out Rosary Parish in the Bronx and attended the Island Current fl eet for party and charter both public and parochial schools nearby. fi shing. Captain Chris lives on Minneford When she fi nished high school, she worked Avenue, with his lovely wife, Peggy, and two for Guarantee Trust Company and then for beautiful daughters Marie and Lorelei. Eastern Securities in Manhattan. She moved to City Island when she married John Byrne, a clam digger. She worked at Ray’s Chris Craft and raised two children, Clare Louise and Thomas John. With Patty Grondahl, also from City Is- land, she started the Thrift Shop at St. Mary’s in 1981. As everyone knows, it is a thriving entity, thanks in large part to Arlene’s heart- felt commitment to its success. Robert Whelan: Catherine Scott Achievement Award Robert Whelan has been a resident of City Island since 1976. He attended St Mary, Star of the Sea School and Fordham Prep. After graduating from high school, Bob at- tended John Jay College and then joined the New York Police Department. After retiring Barbara Burn Dolensek from the department, Bob joined Verizon Communications, where he is currently em- Barbara Burn Dolensek: ployed as a systems technician. Exemplary Service to Community Award Bob and his wife, Anna, and their three Barbara Dolensek moved to City Island children, Kevin, Briana and Christine, live on in 1976 with her husband, Dr. Emil Dolensek, Fordham Place. He joined the coaching staff who was chief veterinarian at the Bronx Zoo of the City Island Little League in 1997, and until his death in 1990. A graduate of Smith today, in addition to coaching, he is president College with a degree in art history, Barbara of the organization. He is also co-director of has worked for many years in book publish- the St Mary’s basketball program and sits ing, 15 of them as executive editor at the on the Parish Council as youth coordinator. Photos by RICK DeWITT Metropolitan Museum of Art. She is also the When Bob is not busy with Little League or A small fi re broke out at 267 City Island Avenue between Hawkins and Carroll Streets author of 13 books. basketball, he volunteers at the Mt. Vernon on the morning of Sept. 20, 2007. The vacant storefront was under renovation, but no She has been active in the City Island hockey program. one was present or injured as a result of the blaze. Firefi ghters responded to a knock community for many years, starting with the He is the only City Islander to date on the Schofi eld Street fi rehouse door at 6:43 a.m., according to Battalion Chief Paul Wanamaker. City Island’s own Engine 70 and Ladder 53 were the fi rst to respond, PTA at P.S. 175, when her son, Philip, was who has completed the Community Emer- a student there. She has been on the staff of followed by six additional companies. Although the fi re was quickly brought under gency Response Team Certifi cation Program control with only minor damage to the property, a morning traffi c jam snarled City The Island Current since 1985, recording (CERT). Bob rises to the challenge of infl u- Island Avenue and caused more than a few Islanders to be late for work. Construction secretary of the City Island Civic Association encing and helping children become all that crews working on the sewer replacement helped direct traffi c around fi re and police since 1992, secretary of the City Island His- vehicles. Page Two The Island Current October 2007 BRIEFLY... GANG ASSAULT RESULTS IN A BREAST CANCER WALK, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, SERIOUS INJURIES will take place on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2007, at Orchard Beach. The event starts at 10:15 a.m. By KAREN NANI with registration from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walk is free, but many participants make donations or obtain sponsorship. If you raise donations from A fi ght involving at least fi ve Island The report further states that Hector Ca- family, friends and co-workers, make checks payable to The American Cancer Society. For youths and fi ve off-Islanders erupted on City brera allegedly stabbed John Stiene in the more information, email [email protected] or visit www.cancer.org/stridesonline. Island Avenue near Ditmars Street on Friday, stomach with a screwdriver and slashed Mat- You may also call 1-800-ACS-2345. Sept. 7, just after 11 p.m. At least three people thew Vaughan in the neck. Mr. Vaughan was were seriously injured and required medical also repeatedly kicked and struck with “closed COMMUNITY CENTER INDOOR TAG SALE Saturday, Oct. 13, attention, including surgery, following the fi sts” by several of those arrested. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tables are available at $10 each. Call 718-885-1145 for more infor- melee. It is not clear what precipitated the fi ght. mation and leave a message. According to police reports and witness- Some residents told The Current that one or es, a group of off-Island males, ages 17 to 43, more Island teens had been “harassing” a boy SAFE BOATING COURSE: The City Island Power Squadron, a unit of drove up to a group of Islanders gathered on of Dominican descent at the Dunkin’ Donuts the United States Power Squadrons, will conduct an eight-week safe boating course at the the corner of Ditmars Street near the Sunoco on City Island Avenue before Sept. 7. Sources City Island Yacht Club located at 63 Pilot Street beginning Monday, Oct.
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