OFFICIAL PUBLICATION - GUILI)WOOD VILLAGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FEBRUARY 10 VOL, 78 NO, 1 Guildwood residents who commute holding this event annually. Con­ to work downtown by GO train or the gratulations to Social Director, TTC have had their problems this Vivian Harris for a job well done. winter when heavy snowfalls have On April 1, our annual Dinner ASSOCIATION disrupted the service. Both are & Dance will be held at the Guild GLEN WITHERSPOON, CHAIRMAN, basically excellent services, but Inn. This is getting to be a G,V,C,A, '" many of the people operating them popular event, so get your tickets The first Monte Carlo night of leave something to be desired. early as we are limited to 170 the Guildwood Village Community With a couple of exceptions, the people. Arrange your party now for Association was held at the Guild crew at the Guildwood GO station a most enjoyable evening. Our local Inn, January 20th and it was a are about as sour as you could get. real estate man ordered his tickets great success. It will probably And at Union Station, much of the last year for this year's dance. Baseball will return to the become a regular feature of the frustration of GO commuters would village again this year and we will association's yearly operations. be eliminated, when the trains are Our appreciation goes to Social behind schedule, if the GO staff be notifying our future baseball Director Vivian Harris for the ini­ had the interest and initiative stars as to when registration will tiative and effort she put into to pass along information about take place in the next issue of the arranging it. the delays. "News & Views". As of January 20/78 the future Next event on this year,s As for the TTC, passengers of the Guild Inn is not known as it schedule is the annual dinner-dance suffer the same lack of information which will also be held at the as on the GO service, with special has not yet been sold. Members! If you have a com­ Guild Inn. Please look elsewhere frustrations thrown in. For plaint concerning your village in this issue for details, and be example, towards the end of the please tell us and let your Execu­ sure to act promptly about arrang­ rush hour to have two or three tive be your voice. ing tickets to avoid disappoint­ consecutive buses go past headed ment. Last year,s dinner was a for the garage indicates a lack of sell-out, and we expect the demand thought for the feelings of MARTIN O'CONNELL, M,P, for tickets to exceed the supply passengers. And even a genius SCARBOROUGH BLUFFS UPDATE agaj- this year. would be lucky to correctly inter­ As you know, the Federal Please remember that tickets pret some of the signs in the Government is he~ping the Metropo­ will be available only to members Warden subway station explaining litan Toronto & Region Conservation in good standing, meaning those the bus routings. Authority to develop recreational who have paid their $5.00 annual But I believe in looking for and small boat harbours at Bluffers membership fee. the silver lining. They are both Park. As part of this development Membership Directors Elaine good services, and maybe some day a $168,890 contract has now been Cook and Frieda Morgan have been we'll have people running them who awarded to Canadian Dredge & Dock working hard collecting the fees take pride in their jobs and want Co., Ltd., to protect headland which are the mainstay of the to make the system work. No. 5 of Bluffers Park marina with association's finances. And of course they are well supported by EDITORIAL armour stone. This will protect the many volunteer canvassers. the landfilled area from wave Many residents used the addressed The Association had another damage. first on January 20 in the form of envelopes enclosed with the last SHIRLEY TOMLINSON, TRUSTEE issue of The News and Views to a Monte Carlo Night which was held send in their membership fees, and at the Guild Inn. If you missed it, This is the first opportunity we might consider using this con­ it was a night to help you to forget I have had to greet you since 1977. venient way of collecting the fees the "January Blues". Approximately I hope everyone had a good holiday in future to eliminate the canvass­ 60 attended the function which indi­ season and I hope 1978 will be a ing chore. cates sufficient interest to warrant good year for all of us. l ARE YOU AMEMBfR? SPECIAL YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION IS CANVASSING NOW FOR 1977 - 78 M~MBERSHIP DUES EVENT WHAT DOES VOLJR ASSOCIATION DO FOR you? 1, ORGANIZES & SUPERVISES BASEBALL FOR YOUR CHILDREN, 2, REPRESENTS YOU ON GOVERNMENT MATTERS PERTAINING TO OUR COMMUNITY, ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL 3, ORGANIZES ANNUAL FUN DAY IN THE VILLAGE,A YEARLY EVENT WE CALL DINNER DANCE "GUI LDWOOD DAY", 4, SPONSORS SOCCER TEAMS: FOR EXAMPLE WE PLEDGED $500,QQ TO THIS The Association's annual Dinner PROJECT THIS YEAR, Dance will be held at the Guild Inn on Saturday, April 1st. 5, WILL REPRESENT YOU IN THE FUTURE ON THE GUILD INN PROPERTY I Cocktails from 6:30 p.m. and 6, ORGANIZES THE ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL DANCE, dinner at 7:30 p.m. 7, AN INSURANCE FOR THE FUTURE PROGRESS AND PROTECTION OF YOUR Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. COMMUNITY I Tickets are available now at $25.00 per couple. WE NEED YOUR HELP SO THAT WE MAY HELP YOU, Call: Vivien Harris 267-7735 Freida Morgan 266-5490 PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: GUILDWOOD VILLAGE COMMUNITY Marilyn Harper 261-9905 ASSOCIATION I Tickets are limited and last year I introduced two motions to tunate occurrence since Canadians many people were disappointed, so the Board in December and these are rated at the bottom of the please get your tickets now! will be coming before the Education scale in physical fitness. Committee for consideration in Last spring, the Physical February. Education heads of Scarborough pre­ pared a brief for the Minister of GUILDWOOD VILLAGE COMMUNITY PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Education outlining their concerns over a trend showing a greater ASSOCIATION At the present time, Physical and Health Education is not a com­ number of students in first year EXECUTIVE: 1977-78 pulsory subject in Ontario Colle­ would not be enrolled in physical giates. In most Scarborough education courses and grade ten Chairman schools, about 85-90% of grade nine students were not continuing the Glen Witherspoon 266-9276 students choose this option. Since option in that year. This is un­ Vice-Chairman possibly 1% of the student body fortunate because our courses now Bruce Robertson 266-8889 would be opting out for legitimate Secretary physical reasons, it would appear Roy Peck 266-2977 the remainder are opting out for less acceptable reasons. An unfor- Treasurer David Turner 261-5883 NEWS & VIEWS Social Director Vivian Harris 267-7735 STAFF Editor & Production MembershiE Directors Ken Hare, Frieda Morgan 266-5490 188 Toynbee Trail. 266-0493 Elaine Cook 267-0246 Advertising GUILD WOOD SEorts Director John & Kathy Godden, Bruce Darnley 261-2282 89 Catalina Drive. 267-9242 piDI Past Chairman Press Room Reg Miller 267-3410 Rose Harford 267-5174 & BURGER'S Members at Large Business Manager 123 GUILDWOOD Parkway Barbara Wagner 267-4515 Risto Puhakka 267-9206 ( at Guildwood Shopping Centre) Donna Robertson 266-8889 Photographer David Ryan 266-7545 Dave Ingham 267-0268 FOR LOCAL DELIVERY Sue Brown 266-7044 Circulation $ 3.00 & OVER Michael Price 266-2515 Dianne Taylor 264-2271 2 Marilyn Harper 261-9905 - Call 264-3436 ?DECORATING PAINT AND WALLCOVERINGS WE AL ~.IAYS SELL AT 20~o-30<ro OFF MANUF 'S. • VARIED SELECTION OF COVERINGS. • OVER 100 SAMPLE BOOKS AVAILABLE TO CHOOSE FROM:- • SUNWORTHY • MAYFAIR • BIRGE • WALDECK GJ~ Paints • ONE DAY DELIVERY. • COMPLETE LINE OF C. I. L. PAINTS AND STAINS TINTED TO MATCH YOUR DECOR. • PAINT AND WALLCOVERING ACCESSORIES. • ALSO AVAILABLE: FLECTO URETHANE • WOODKOTE •SPAR VARNISH •TREMCLAD YES-YOU-CAN WALLCOVERINGS • RESILACRETE • REZ ETC. Home Hardware 117 Guildwood Parkway Scarborough 261-7688 Guildwood Village Shopping Centre DELIVERY SERVICE -- POST OFFICE -- GUILDWOOD PLAZA -- PHONE 267-8248 ® + Guildwood Drug Mart Ontario Blue cross YOUR GUILDWOOD VILLAGE PHARMACY FOR 16 YEARS TRI - CARE We fill prescriptions for: Th~J)rug Benefit Plan, Blue Cross, D.V.A., Welfare, Green Shield, Workmen's Comp., Co-op Health Services, Tri-Care Services etc. stress individual sports as well as LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTRES The motion causes some diffi­ team sports in the belief that one The second motion under con­ culty in that present Board policy can carry on with these sports sideration is one related to Library allows each Principal and his staff throughout life, or as long as one Resource teachers. Although the to determine how the school's enjoys good health. Scarborough Board of Education allotment of teachers should be de­ Since I believe that physical places great emphasis on the impor­ ployed. This must have the approval fitness is ofte'n reflected in tance of developing good reading and of the Area Superintendent. Some superior academic performance, a research skills, many of our school teachers are willing to take fact that has been proven through libraries do not have full time re­ slightly higher class sizes in order pilot projects testing this philo­ source teachers. that all students can benefit from a sophy in France, I felt that greater Outside of sound educational library program. Other schools may emphasis should be placed on physical reasons for having a qualified see the need to apply this teacher fitness by the Ministry by making resource teacher in the library, elsewhere.
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