Dear Sire: As yo11 ma;y know, the War Retu.gee Boa.rd w.Ul be dissolved on September 16th. Because of your deep interest 1n the work of the Board, I am sending you herewith for ;your oonfiden:tial information a_copy ot the summary report of its activities. It was only through the cooperation of the private ageno1ee that 1t was possible tor the Board to bring some measure of relief and hope to the suffering victims of Nazi oppression. I wish, there- . fore, to take this oppo?'tunity to thank you on behalf of the Board for the support and assistance rendered by your organization to this unique humanitarian undertaking. Sincerely yours, William 0 1.0wyer Executive Director Labor League for Human Rights - United Na·tions Relief - AFL 1 10 East 40th Street, New York 16, N. Y~ Enoloeure. FH:hd 9/5/4f) u N 1re·o N A T I 0 N S R E LIE F 10 EAST 40TH STREET • NEW YORK 16, N. Y. • LEX ING.TON ~~4540 ·:. WILLIAM GREEN, Hon. Chairman ·MATTHEW WOLL. Pres.• GEORGE MEANY, Hon, Sec'y• ABRAHAM Bl~ESTEI~ Ex~cu_Hv~Dlre~~~ }//. lune 250 io<S ~~?j~J.~'01 Miss Florence Hodel, Assistant Executive Director War Refugee Board, 1~J%rr Washington, D.C. Dear Miss Hodel: Thank you for the photostatic copy of the Tramnael-Evensen report for February,,. I take this occasion also to thank you for - the excerpt from ARBEIDERBLADET, which you sent me on june 13th. A.F.It is of a L.wonderful story and we are sending it in a release to the / I am sending you herewith ;the promised copy 01',....-the .Tune FEDERATIONIST 0 containing Mr. Woll• s article on Labor relief behind Axis lines. I am sorry this copy is so belated; Mr. Tassler was very slov1 in sending the promised extra copies. Since my i·esignation goes into effect at the end of this week, this is_ probably the la~ letter I shall be writing you. I shall be succeeded by Mr. Leon Dennen, and any further cbmmunications which you may have to send to the League should be addressed to him. It has been a great pleasure to me to know and to work with you. You have been wonderfully kind and cooperative and I am deeply gratefu:t, as are all the other members Of this organization. With all· good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, '. ·SL~~~7R, Suzannl LaFollette, · . - Director War Relief Program SLF/ml ;. .---- EXECUTIVE BOARD• Vice-Presidents: T. c. CASHEN •DAVID DUBINSKY• RICHARD J. GRAY• ADOLPH HHD "\'.ICJ"OR OLAt;J~E~-~!·•• t-\.:,D_~!;\~l;l~Jt-.~:=-c;. _- ...J ~ D. B.J!OBERTSON. • Tl:J()S. A; /,\URRA y_;, iroasirrer; JER~lil)Afl/i'.:CJMHo!'i'EY-c'':'::: ''',•:";: "·cc::· 'cc• -:•: - ,-~o~. -- : :c':c . '_ . P -R E S j o i; N f ' S W A ~ R E- L 1-i- F.,. C 0 N T R 0 L - B 0 A R 0 R E G I S T R A T I 0 N N _U M B- E R D, •· 1 5 ··~7.·· EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE • W. C. BIRTHRIGHT JOHN P. FREY Journeymen Barbers' Int'! Union Metol Trades Department Delaware ond 12th Street American' Federo.tion. 0 American Federation of Labor: of Musici8hs Indianapolis 7, Ind. 570 l xingt6ri Avenue ·. 400-403 AFL Building 0 .New York 22, N. Y•. Washington I D. C, EDWARD J. BROWN 1 lnt'I Bro. of Electrical Workers of America RICHARD J. GRAY JAMES C . .QUINN 1200 - I 5th Stceet, NW Int'/ Union of Bricklayers, Masons Central T.rades & Lobor Council Woshinglon 5, D. C. & Plasterers '265 West 14th Street 8- I 5 I 5th Strool, NW New York I I, N. Y. HARVEY BROWN Washington 5, D. C. Americon Federation of Labor D. B; ROBERTSON Machinists' Building GEORGE M. HARRISON Washington I, D. C. Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Bro. of Locomotive Firemen Court & Vine Streeh & Enginemen Cincinnoti 2, Ohio 3 I 3 Keith Building MICHAEL CASHAL Cleveland, Ohio lnfl Bro. of Teamsters ALEXANDER KAHN 265 West 14th Street Jewish Daily Forward DANIEL TOBIN New York" I I, N. Y. I 75 Eost Broadway J. New York 2, N. Y. lnt'I Bro. of Teamsters WILLIAM COLLINS 222 East Michigan Street American Federation of Labor FELIX KNIGHT lndionapolis 4, Ind. 1440 Broodway Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America New York 18, N. Y. Carmon's Bldg., W. Linwood Blvd. EDWARD J. \IOLZ Kansas City 2, ~o. - lnt'I Photo-Engrovers' Union GEORGE S. COUNTS E. E. MILLIMAN of North America American Federation of Teachers 292 Madison Avenue Bro. of Maintenance of Way Employees 525 West !20th Street 61 Putnam Avenue New York 17, N. Y. New York 27, N. Y. Detroit 2, Mich. HERMAN WINTER WILLIAM DOHERTY WILLIAM MAHON Bakery & Confectionery Workers' Ainerican Federation of Labor Amalgamated A;sn. of Roilway Empl. lnt'l Union. of America 408 AFL Building of America · 27 f9 Norfh Wilton Avenue Woshinglon I, D. C. 1214 Griswold Street Chicago I4, Ill. Detroif. 26, Mich. JAMES DUFFY JOSEPH McCURDY WILLIAM WOLPERT Nat'I Bro. of Operative Potters P. 0. Box No. 6 Ui:iited Garment Workers Of Americo United H~brew Trades 45 Astor Place E. Liverpool, Ohio 175 East.Broodway New York 3, N. Y. New York ·2,: N; Y;• RALPH WRIGHT ISAIAH MINKOFF Allied Printing Trades Council. National Community RelatiOns MAX<Z'.ARITSKY 63 Pork Row Advisory Council Hatters, Cap. &·Millinery Union New York 7, N. Y. 295 Madison· Avenue New York 17, N. Y. LI::i~"'~ >j~~~~i;-~~~g°;/?ri~4t:;:i,; . EDWARD J. FLORE THOMAS MURTHA Hotel & Restaurant Empl. lnt'I Union CHARLES ZIMMERMAN Central Trades & Labor Council s: 422 Sidwoy Building Int'! ~adies Garment.Workers' Union Buffalo 3, N. Y. 554 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn I 7, N. Y, 218 West 40th Street New York 18, N. Y. :.i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.i:. § s = = = = ·JUN~,)945 ~ IHI D~IHI n.o~ IHI 'ii'§ I - One of the ' ALTHOUGH LESS THAN A nmtriliuti11n has not been li1nitcd to is that we· war !ll1111th has J>a:->:--t'1l :--i11re tlw ~nrn.:nder the rnaking oi munitions. The Atner­ honor. A biili 11i ~;11:i { ;erma11y. many tluit1sa11d~ oi ican Fedcrati"n ui l.abor is proud tion, is much = \\-111·!..:er'.'> wh11 wen· L·ngagl'd in war that 1111 •re than 1.500.000 "i its own in the -eyes of pn1clucti1111 ht'rc 1111 thl· homt' irlllll 11H·111l1ers are ~en·ing- in the .:\nny, the public servant h:l\t' already lc1:-.t 1lieir j11lis. >:e\\" cut- :\an-, the ~lari11l' Corp, and the lie interest. I ll:1ck-. ;rnd r1111tran tl'rmi11ati1111:-- are L'<>a~t (;nan I. \. F. oi L. lighting if the billionai 11 l1l·i11 - 11rdl'n:cl l'nTY daY. \\-i1li n·­ 11H·11 lian.: been partiripants in every the s\veat of J c1111\·~-r-..11)\\ 1,·, ci,:ilian- 11rcH\1H·ti11n actiun fr11111 the- Battle- 11f the i\tlantic blood of unde .... c;1rcch '-l:trtl'd. l:trL!"l' 11u111l1l'r:-- oi t<> I Jki1-1a\\'a and the bombing of ever consider• .\11H·rit:a11-.. will app:i1:t·11tly lie lacl' to J;1pan's industrial cenl<'rs. steeped in the iatT with 1111t·mpl••_n11e11t this Slllllllll'L stead steelwo The :--ituati1111 i:-. ~l'riutb a11cl will .~r11w LOSSES FROM STRIKES AND \Ve do not re11 J.,cko11ts in 11>++ hit an all-time low, efeller Founda = ~ays thl' f)qlart11w11t <1i l~ahnr's Bu­ dead miners 1 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE reau uf Lai>"r Statistics. Idleness and Iron Co a~ it now stand~ j..., 1111t at all ade11uate dnl' to thl'~l' ran:-.es. the Bureau re­ other similar t1• takl' (·are 11i the wage-earners port:-.. ,,·as equal to 11.'ss than one-tenth worship Mam \\-h11~t· pn1d11rti1111 hl'lped cl1u1111 1 litler ,,f fllll' per eent of the a\·ailable work­ _hack to ancit hut wh11 Jl11\\" an· being rell'ased from ing- time. Analysis ui the strike fig­ return to the I t'IllJ>lu\"llll'lll. Th rnngho11t J '1-l+ thl' ure:-. pro\T:-' ag-ain that ..\merican Fed­ the Law and .\nll'riran Federation ni l.ahcir issued eral i"" of Labor unions are· comply­ conditions at warnings 11i the need fur prl'paration ing with the no-strike pledge better with us. 111 n1t't'l thl' niming e1nt-rgcncy, but than other labor organizations. :\!­ It. is a pity l 'ungre~s. in passing n_'Cflll\Trsion though the ,-\. F. of L. represents its ability to • ll'gi:·dati1111. ign"red labor·~ rl'peated more than hali of the organized work­ of ·the nation plea...- i11r i11cl11sio11 "i JHt>\·i~i1111s c-ov­ ers of the conntn·. our unions were in­ law brains in l'ring thl' ''human clement." President \·oh·ed in only· 3+ per cent of the produced som1 Trt1~11an ha~ now lwen c11111pdlecl to stoppages. and these im·ol\'ed only 22 who could se1 a~k t ·1111g-rL....;:-: i11r t·nwrgenry acl ion. per cent of the total numbe·r of work­ ness and of tb In a special message ~fr. Tn11na11 ers affected bv strikes and lockouts control of wea ha:. )'1Ji11ted nut the inadequacy of in the .entire. countn-. The work ing to meet t m1t·11111l11y111e11t c11111pe11sati1u1 under st11ppages in which A. F. of L. unions still employin l'xi-.,t ing ~late laws and has· recon1- figured accounted for only 28 per cent to serve gree• llH'IHil'cl the liiting 11f payments to $25 ,,f the total time lost.
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