Spotlight on Druid Hills! 48th Home and Garden Tour and Makers Market Plus: Vacation Travel Tips Avoiding the Boxwood Blues Decorating with Art And more For the communities of Decatur, Druid Hills, Candler Park, Lake Claire, Avondale Estates and Oak Grove Spring 2016 Introducing SculpSure, the latest non-invasive fat reduction Like us on Facebook treatmentLike us on Facebook toto lealearrnn aboutabout our our specialsspecials andand monthly monthly lunchlunch && lealearrnn topic. topic. 25 minutes, 24% fat reduction, No Downtime. DDEECATUR’S LEEADADIINNGG PPLLASASTTIICC SSUURRGGEERRYY P PRRAACCTTICICEE DDEECATUR’S LEEADADIINNGG PPLLASASTTIICC SSUURRGGEERRYY P PRRAACCTTICICEE DDBestEEDECDECCATA UofTUR’SR’ SAtlanta L LEADINGELEADINGEADADIINNGG Winner PLASTICPPLASTICPLLASASTTIICC SURGESURGE S S3UU RYearsRGGREREYRYR PRACTICE YPRACTICEY P InPRRA AaCC TRowTICICEE Now offeringing aesaestthheettiicciiaann serservviicceess DDoouubbllee board-Nceowrtifi eodffe anrdinging sp eaeseaescciiaalizitlizithhnenegtgti ic icinnii a cacnonos s sermsermeetvitvcici ica caenensdsd DoubleN owboard-certified offeringing aesaes tandthhee ttspecializingiicciiaann serservvi icincee ss DDoorecrecuubbcosmeticoolleenn sbttorruacrdtiv- candee prtilafi non-surgicalsetdic a snudrrg seprreyeyc,c, ii nanaoptions,cliziclizilluunnddggiin n igingn fcfcaincludingaooccsesemmliflifete,tt ,ite ciecy ya eae nlnildid LLisisaa M M. .D DiFiFraranncescesco,co, M MDD sursurDDoogrecgrecuueebbrroyloylee,n,n bsbttrorrreuaacrsdtit-v creee cprtiolafinsestdticr ua scnuttdiiror g snep,, r reaeayycu,cu, igigananmmlizicliziclelueunndndgtgitaina n itgintignioo cfncfnaao oc acsasenmenmlifdlifde tel ,ttil ,itfie citfec;ty ;ay eaenlnildid Lisa M. DiFrancesco, MD recrecSculpSure,oonnsttrructiv breaste plast iaugmentationc surrgerryy,, iinncclluud dandiinngg ffalift,accee lifeyelidlift,t ,e eyyee lildid 44L004-is4-3a37 7M-734.- 34D74i7F4rancesco, MD sursurrecgrecgboboeerrdodyoyny,ny, sb cttrroreunactsotitvur reei ncpgola npssrtitocrcu secudttiirrougnrree,,r r sasyay ,us,us iguigunncmcmchlhleueu andandstistaina n atgatgibio bo fndfanda oc aocamenmenlifdilifdnitn ,tl oi ,lofie ptfep;tyl ;yala eaaesnlsinltdiytdy LisaLLisisaa MM. M. .D DDiFrancesco,iFiFraranncescesco,co, M MDD MD 4O4O0ne0n4- e4-Tow 3Tow37n7 nC-7 34eC-34net7netr47e r4 sursursurgery,(t(tgugbouboememrrdydmym,y,y y b c facelift;trtrouencatkso)tur, rleiipn candogos npusrc tobodyrtuciocentdti,i,o ua nrcontouringrrre,,m sasa uulslsiifgufgutt,mc,m c tthhehe i naignagtshtsaha at latiproceduresliiobifobftnt dn da ao anoanmndmndd id bni bnl oilofipdtfp;dt l;ya lya snli snliftdtyftd.ty . 404.377.3474 4L154L10i05s04-i 0Es4-a .E3 aP.37M oP7Mno.-c7n 34e.-cD 34edD i7edF 4i7eLeFr 4Leaornano Annces vAecesv.,e S.,cu Sio,ctuei o,t1e 9M 10 9MD0 D boboddyy consuchtourin asg p abdominoplastyrocedurress ssuucchh aa s(tummys aabbddoomm ituck),ninoopplalas styty OOnen eTow Town nC eCnetnetre r (t(tuboummdmmyy c ttounctko)ur, lipngos purcotcioend,, uarrrems lsliiffutt,,c tthh iigaghsh alliifbftt d aanondmd ibnbooodpdylya li sliftf.yt. 1800OOnen eTow Howell Town nC eCne tMillnetre r Rd. NW, Suite 400 (t(tuummmmyI I nttuttrcokd),u lcipinogs u“csmtioanr,,tt aliliprrmoo” ” l li ilaflaftt,,s s tethehr-bir-bigghhaa lslisifeftet d ada n linlidpdp o bobsosuoudcdcytyit oili olifntfn.t. 41d54r1d0d05r04-id f0Er4-i af.E3r naP.37c noPe7cno se-c7nc 34se-co@c 34edo@ 7ed 47erLe dd 4rLei odfrnaiof rnAnac nvAeecsv.eco,e sS.co,.u cSiot.uecmi ot1em9 1090 (t(tuummmmyliposuction, ttuck), lipos uarmction lift,,, ar rthighm lliifftt,, ttlift,hhiigg hhand lliifftt a abodynndd bboo lift.ddyy li liftf.t. www.drdifrancesco.com150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 190 IInttroducing “smartt lilipoo”” lalasseer-br-baasseedd lilippoossuucctitoionn.. 1800d18001rdd5ri d0fr i aHowellfEr naHowell. cnPecosencs co@Millce o@Mill d Rd.erdd Rd.Leridf rNW,aiof rnnNW,ac nAe cSuitesve coeSuites.,co. cS 400o.ucm i400toem 1 90 Nonsurgiicall ooffffeerriinnggss iinnclcluuddee B Boototoxx®®, , [email protected] IInttroducing “smartt lilipoo”” lalasseer-br-baasseedd lilippoossuucctitoionn.. drddridfriafrnacnecsecso@[email protected] NonsJuurvgeicdaeel rrommff®®e,,r SiSnccgululs ppinttrclraa®u®,d, sesk kiBnino c tcoaaxrre®e®, , www.drdifrancesco.com Nonsurgical offerings include Botox® , www.drdifrancesco.com Nonsurgical offerings include Botox®®, NonsJuurgvsekiicdiinaee l lr r roeomemfjfjufuf®e®ev,v,r re iSeiSnnncgcgaaululststio pio ipintntnrclrcl a aau®u®n,nd, d sdese k LkB LinBainao tioc titscotasosaxsrexreee®,,® , , wwwwww.d.drrddifrifraanncescesccoo.c.coomm Juvederm®®, Sculptra®®, skin care, Juvsekttrdriieneea a rrtemtemmjjuu®eev,v, n neSeSttnscnsca ula fulfototiopioprr tn ltrnolrao a anan®ng,ng, de sdes kr Lkr,iL ,niat naht tihc tiicsciascsakrskereee®,r® , r wwwwww.d.drrddifrifraanncescesccoo.c.coomm skin rejuvenation and Latisse®® LLikikee u uss! ! FollowFollow u su!s! skttririne a arretetmmjjuuaeaevvnenedtndtsns a da fdftotaoioaiorr rnk lnkol eo eanarnrn gn gedeedyey re Lr,eL ,lat alahtatihstiischischskesekeseesr.® r. www.facebook.com/difrancescomd ttrreaattmmeennttss ffoorr lolonnggeerr, ,t hthicickkeer r www.facebook.com/difrancescomd ttrreaattmmeaeanntdtdss d fdfooaarr r klkoloeennrrg g eeyeyrer,e ,lt alhtahsiscihchkekesesr. r . Lwwike wus.f!acebook.comFollow/difr us!ancescomd and darker eyelashes. LLikwww.instagram.com/lisadifrancescomdikee u uss! ! FollowFollow u su!s! aanndd ddaarrkkeerr eeyyeelalasshheess. twitter.com/DiFrancescoMD and darker eyelashes. twitter.com/DiFrancescoMD DiFrancesco_DL_face_022113.indd 1 2/21/13 11:02 AM DiFrancesco_DL_face_022113.indd 1 2/21/13 11:02 AM Features 9 Cover Story Every spring the residents of Druid Hills CONTENTS welcome hundreds of guests to join them in their historic neighborhood for the annual Spring 2016 Tour of Homes and Gardens. 12 Your Landscape A local landscape expert shares everything you need to know about Boxwood Blight, including tips for prevention. 30 Travel Thinking about planning your summer vacation? A local travel advisor shares some valuable tips. Departments 6 Publisher’s Letter Rites of Spring 15 Your Home The design experts at Trinity Mercantile and Design offer some advice for enhancing your home décor using art. 17 Home Improvement Does Spring Fever make you want to demo the kitchen? Here are a few remodeling tips to consider first. 22 Your Child’s Health Mosquito Bites and Zika Buzz: What You Need to Know to Stay Protected 23 Your Child A local math-only learning center is helping kids develop math skills that will stick with them for life. 24 Local Spotlight The Decatur Education Foundation is kicking off their annual Step-Up for Teachers campaign. Find out how you can participate. 25 Estate Planning Recipe for Sandwich Generation: Power of Attorney, Living Trust and Advance Health Care Directive 26 Calendar of Events 9 32 Your Money Not Everyone Lost Money in 2015 12 23 30 4 DECATUR LIVING Spring 2016 Atlanta’sAtlanta’s MostMost UniqueUnique SourceSource forfor youryour Home!Home! Discover Kudzu’s fresh new contemporary furniture, Find Kate Spade lighting & home decor. Rugs at Trinity Kudzu Modern It’s Kudzu Modern! “A great resource for homeowners and designers alike.” Kudzu Antiques and ModernModern 2928E. Ponce de Leon Ave. DECATUR 404-373-6498 • Open 7 days • 25,000 sq.ft. LEE Norwalk ROWE Robin Bruce Custom Order Sofas - 100’s of fabrics & styles! Tuesday – Saturday 10 - 6 116 East Trinity Place Decatur, GA 30030 new furniture • antiques 404.378.0197 Discover Atlanta’s best selection Trinity-Decatur.com for the home & prices of contemporary lighting! Hope to see you in our new space soon! Wallace & Lisa KudzuKudzu andand CompanyCompany 6450 Roswell Rd. SANDY SPRINGS Voted best of Houzz 2016 404-255-2548 • Open 7 days • 24,000 sq.ft. Spring 2016 DECATUR LIVING 5 WELCOME PUBLISHER’S LETTER DECATUR LIVING, LLC P.O. BOX 2589 DECATUR, GA 30031 PUBLISHER Natalie Gregory ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, MARKETING Vicki Sarris EDITOR Lorayne Bryan ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Natalie Gregory Theresa Woodgeard Vicki Sarris PHOTOGRAPHY Kathryn Rogers JJ Ortega ART DIRECTOR Brent Cashman WRITERS Sherry Baker Wallace Bryan Lisa Campbell Marcy Lee Brooks Mackintosh Jessica Neese Denise Pajak Nia Schooler Lisa Turner Jane Wilkov, M.D. Lawrence W. Waller II Rites of Spring Decatur Living Telephone: 404.373.4262 SPRING IS IN THE air and all around people are celebrating with festivals and other [email protected] seasonal rituals. One of the ways we mark the arrival of spring is the annual Druid Hills Decatur Living is published bi-monthly by Natalie Gregory. Home and Garden Tour. Now in its 48th year, this local tradition has blossomed into an Distribution is a minimum of 14,000 with up to 11,000 being even bigger celebration with the addition of the Makers Market. For tour details and a list mailed to households in Decatur, Druid Hills, Avondale Estates, Candler Park and Lake Claire and Oak Grove. Contents of this of must-sees, read our cover story on page 9, and mark your calendars for April 22-24. magazine may not be reproduced without written permission I don’t know what it is about spring that makes us want to air out the house and organize from the publisher. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for content of all advertisements. The publisher does closets, but for many, spring cleaning goes beyond basic chores and involves sprucing up and not necessarily share the editorial opinions expressed in Decatur organizing finances. Read about sprucing up your looks (page 29), and sprucing up your Living
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