LAND USE PROGUM (LUP) TOURISM STUDY OF CAPE YORK PENINSULA P. C. James HJM Consultants Pty Ltd, Hobart CYPLUS is 8 joint Wative of tk Queembd ud(hamon- Cmammm CAPE YORK PEN~Ns~A USE STRATEGY ' ... <.. TOURISM-STUDY .::,.-g:;:?i,,j. j . .: ;;,.-:OF CN!E Y& PENINSIX&,; . .. .I5. _, . ,, ., . .d. " P. C. James HJM Consultants Pty Ltd, Hobart J. Courtenay Probe, Cairns 199s CYPLUS is a joint initiative of the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments T,F'3 C ':., ,.: ,F-j,%y- -i""'i'. +- j; ;: . ,. .,- , - .. .. ,. .. .* - y; ?;&&>$gQ-<e~-;;D;;-;,;$.;$: ;3 :. ,. ,- , . .j & .I,$ , : .. :, .. ... .. .... hiT+g.&y 2 f;-y;itac. -Q &Ti ;i:pyf g; <, ::;;, ::,.:! ;3$<.,.tisa ci:: : : : .:is ;: I,: , . , , a.*,c*y'~:~;t;~2<'...$-. - '-..'+.d,\>,?C ; ~i~~~~,j@~;~,y&,2~~jE,7~3c~v,Td2;;:~< .;,?- -., .....,. &. .,,., ............: ... .... - < .. :.. ,i.,,$.?;ti.+, ... r .....:,.r ...... -.{.:,, , e,;.- --,,?? :-i+tpcx.:-,'>. .- . , . *. .. a. 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BRISBANE .~B]ERT;:;$~~,<~o?L@xi ,LFii 11: . ; ::. : :. ,! ..... , , .,... ,. .i:' ..'.i.... , 1 . , . , ,.+?5; ;.:; or ,- . .-- . \ ;. :.: ,<,. j .. ' ~..;L~! :>-,, .,; , ' \<_,;: . ,.. - ..,;-a .. ?...;,,, : ..-.... ., . The Manager, . ,-. , T.~. ,. ~~~~~~~~~~~..~~f~~~~~~services it. i. ? ';' J .. '.'-?;,- :' IL:S;: -,.. 2 -: .:.,: -32. .' ?r. .. .x .% ,...'sUu --,> c. ,.r. .- GPO BOX84 .L .. c<,rl? ;.j.: ...,. .> ., .,L>FTL-i. .... : ,*..I<! :,...p,?<. .. :... >. ,.. ,..., .. ,;,:. :. .; ;.: -.: ...........:., .A . CANBERRA ACT 2601 CAPE -YB~K LAND USE STRATEGY PREFACE\'IIO PROJECT REPORTS Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy (CYPLUS) is an initiative to provide a basis for public participation in planning for the ecologicallyysustainabledevelopment of Cape York Peninsula. It is jointly fi3hded by the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments and is being carried out in three stages: Stage I - information gathering; -.a Stage II - deve10pient of p&~ples;po~di~aq~i~~ses;pd . ', . .r.: i. .: . j s .~t.m Stage III - Implementation and review, -, jt$ ;i t #. ., m,a ;<",.- t ‘i . -" : ~i~~h!,::i+:: -i '~5, '"' ,2-~: tc#;i-' ~~i~~j~~~$+~$~~~,;'~*>:;c.~:.-JiL- 1%~jp , 7 ,?r:z~":hz The project dealt with in this report is .arpWt .&:~tag?~~-~btCWLUS. ,Tbe~..mait:tra: components of Stage I of CYPLUS consist of two data chllection ~ro~rams,the development of a Geographic Information System (GIs) and the establishment of., 1 processes for public participation. *5&-) The data collection and collation work was conducted within two broad prog,~a~~~s~r,$k~sr;~~ Natural Resources halysis Program. @RAP) and the Land Use Program " (LIJP). r-,. Aw ,, i 3 project reported on here forms part of one of these programs. 2 lt e .-f k:t:~~f:~, {qj The objectives of NRAP were to collect and interpret base data on the natural resources of Cape York Peninsula to provide input to: evaluation of the potential of those resources for a range of activities related to the use and management of land in line with economic, environmental and &id.;r ,) ;,:$:; values; and formulation of the land use policies, principles and processes of CYPLUS. , ,. !' .?. , , , , , , . ; I :,~q,y~,;r2 :2J632 Projects examining both physical and biological resources were includeb in NRAP together witKGeographio Information Sy@m (W) pr(jq5- . NRppi&~jstqpre3lis%gq fl!2ifiinr1* - the following Table. $XI, . .. , "J* ..$, , ',- , -..,. a <A: 2 *r*f .!:li-$ ,At;4 :- ':;*,T 4q ,Y:fiin,Tc(J c " < A, 1 I".. 'c * Bedrock geological data - digitiskg and ;7 - :.S9~e@tion,~~#@gg(NRO1),,: " ;; 1.i,, .,:-. ~j -? -$[;J i~,. ;i;.;i2 integration (NRO5) (16: ~$8p c, .T ,.- Airborne geophysical survey (NR15) &,.ine plant~,(seagrass~~~o&e) %:! i;>i? -iy4,& 8::: S (NRW Coastal environmenf geoscience survey Insect fauna survey (NR17) Wl4) ,yyJj :.%>!-& Mineral resource inventory (NR04) Fish fauna survey (NRlO) , -. .L. a , ?<XT;~; :~j~~$?~:~t3~;~;-, -. Water resource investigation (groundwater) Terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey (NR03) - &s A :;-: :, , .- (NR16) , a, .L';::;rL:s* Regolith termin mapping (NR12) Wetland fauna survey (NR09) I Physical ResourceIGIS Projects Biological Resource Projects Land resource inventory (NR02) Flora data and modelling (NR18) 'i Environmental region analysis (NR11) Fauna distribution modelling (NR19) CYPWS data into NRIC database FINDAR, ~olden-shoulderedparrot conservation wo) managemen-t (NR2 1) ~u&&land GIS dev~lopmentand .. maintenance (NRO8) F, - ' \ .I A , * These projects are accumulating pel7 ,$to&g -:.+ . all Stage I data that is submitted in GIs %, compatible formats. Research priorities for the LUP were set through the public participation process with the 'objectives of: collecting information on a wide range of social, cultural, economic and - . environmental issues relevant to Cape York Peninsula; and -t highlighting interactions between people, land (resource use) and nature sectors. Projects were undertaken within these sector areas and are listed in the following Table. People Projects Land Projects Nature Projects Population Current land use Surface water resources Transport services and Land tenure Fire infrastructure -I . Vgues, needs and aspirations Indigenousmanagement of land Feral and pest animals 3 7 and sea SeSces and idiastructure Pastoral industry weeds dnomic assessment Primary industries (non-pastoral , Land degradation and soil .C +'- non-forestry) , , erosion ~&nwand tertiary industries Forest resources Conservation and nahual < r: -. , heritage assessment ;.P- ~ditionalactivities Commercial and non commercial Conservation and National Park <.:- fisheries management Ciipnt administrative structures Mineral resource potential and mining industry ir 1 1, . - .. 1 c Tourism industry ,, . .... ~ $ I ::.=-.-.-; ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................. i . :. ............................................................... , PROTOCOL FOR TOURISM RESOURCE INVENTORY............................... "" TERMS OF REFERENCE ..........................................................................: . : . : ?. XI:; .:ni .CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTORY MTTERS ................................................... .: bL ., ... ,.. ,. 1.1 INTRODUCTION.. .................................................................................... 1 . .:; -.: ......................................................................................... 1.2 BACKGROUND ............2. - 1.3 ASSOCIATED TOURISM PROJECTS ......................................................, .-.,X.::.z;<&.,:: "'"" 1.4 PROJECT TASKS ...................................................................................... 8 1.5 LACK OF EXISTING DATA.. ................................................................... 9 !:.: ' 1.6 LANDRIGHTSISSUES ..........; ,............................................................... ,..,
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