[E HELSINKI FORUM AND EAST-WEST SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE JOINT HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND THE Sul COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JANUARY 31, 1980 [No. 89] (Committee on Science and Technology) ted for the use of the Committee on Science and Technology and the Committee on Foreign Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 421 0 WASHINGTON: 1980 COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DON FUQUA, Florida, Chairman ROBERT A. ROE, New Jersey JOHN W. WYDLER, New York MIKE McCORMACK, Washington LARRY WINN. JR., Kansas GEORGE E. BROWN, JR., California BARRY M. GOLDWATER, JR., California JAMES H. SCHEUER, New York HAMILTON FISH, JS., New York RICHARD L. OTTINGER, New York MANUEL LUJAN, JR., New Mexico TOM HARKIN, Iowa HAROLD C. HOLLENBECK, New Jersey JIM LLOYD, California ROBERT K. DORNAN, California JEROME A. AMBRO, New York ROBERT S. WALKER, Pennsylvania MARILYN LLOYD BOUQUARD, Tennessee EDWIN B. FORSYTHE, NeW Jersey JAMES J. BLANCHARD, Michigan KEN KRAMER, Colorado DOUG WALGREN, Pennsylvania WILLIAM CARNEY, New York RONNIE G. FLIPPO, Alabama ROBERT W. DAVIS, Michigan DAN GLICKMAN, Kansas TOBY ROTH, Wisconsin ALBERT GORE, JR., Tennessee DONALD LAWRENCE RITTER, WES WATKINS, Oklahoma Pennsylvania ROBERT A. YOUNG, Missouri BILL ROYER, California RICHARD C. WHITE, Texas HAROLD L. VOLKMER, Missouri DONALD J. PEASE, Ohio HOWARD WOLPE, Michigan NICHOLAS MAVROULES, Massachusetts BILL NELSON, Florida BERYL ANTHONY, JR., Arkansas STANLEY N. LUNDINE, New York ALLEN E. ERTEL, Pennsylvania KENT HANCE, Texas HAROLD P. HANSON, ,Executive Director PHILIP B. YEAGER, General Counsel REGINA A. DAVIs, Administrator PAUL A. VANDER MYDE, Minority Staff Director SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY GEORGE E. BROWN, JR., Chairman JAMES H. SCHEUER, New York HAROLD C. HOLLENBECK, New Jersey DONALD J. PEASE, Ohio ROBERT W. DAVIS, Michigan TOM HARKIN, Iowa DONALD LAWRENCE RITTER, ALLEN E. ERTEL, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania KENT HANCE, Texas WES WATKINS, Oklahoma THOMAS H. Moss, Subcommittee Staff Director ANTHONY ELLSwORTH SCOVILE. Technical Consultant JOHN D. HOLMFELD, Science Policy Staff (II) COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, Wisconsin, Chairman L. H. FOUNTAIN, North Carolina WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD, Michigan DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida EDWARD J. DERWINSKI, Illinois CHARLES C. DIGGS, JR., Michigan PAUL FINDLEY, Illinois BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL, New York JOHN H. BUCHANAN, Ja., Alabama LEE H. HAMILTON, Indiana LARRY WINN, JR., Kansas LESTER L. WOLFF, New York BENJAMIN A. GILMAN. New York JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, New York TENNYSON GUYER, Ohio GUS YATRON, Pennsylvania ROBERT J. LAGOMARSINO, California CARDISS COLLINS, Illinois WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania STEPHEN J. SOLARZ, New York JOEL PRITCHARD, Washington DON BONKER, Washington MILLICENT FENWICK, New Jersey GERRY E. STUDDS, Massachusetts DAN QUAYLE, Indiana ANDY IRELAND, Florida DONALD J. PEASE, Ohio DAN MICA, Florida MICHAEL D. BARNES, Maryland WILLIAM H. GRAY III, Pennsylvania TONY P. HALL, Ohio HOWARD WOLPE, Michigan DAVID R. BOVWEN, Mississippi FLOYD J. FITHIAN, Indiana JOHN J. BRADY, Jr., Chief of Staff JOSEPHINE WEBsR, Staff Assistant SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, Wisconsin, Chairman L. H. FOUNTAIN, North Carolina WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD, Michigan LEE H. HAMILTON, Indiana LARRY WINN, JR., Kansas LESTER L. WOLFF, New York DAN QUAYLE, Indiana JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, New York Ivo J. SPALATIN, Subcommittee Staff Director WILLIAM H. FITE, Minority Staff Conslultant TONI J. GRANT, Subcommittee Staff Associate (III) COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida, Chairman CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island, Co-Chairman COMMISSIONERS GEORGE McGOVERN, South Dakota JACOB K. JAVITS, New York PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont ROBERT DOLE, Kansas RICHARD STONE, Florida JOHN BUCHANAN, Alabama SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois MILLICENT FENWICK, New Jersey JONATHON B. BINGHAM, New York PAUL SIMON, Illinois EXECUTIVE BRANCH COMMISSIONERS PATRICIA M. DERIAN DAVID E. MCGIFFERT (IV) 2 CONTENTS WITNESSES January 31, 1980: Panel consisting of: Dr. Frank Press, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President; Hon. Thomas R. Pickering, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State; and James Goodby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for 'Pago European Affairs, Department of State - _- _-_ -_51 Panel consisting of: Dr. Philip Handler, President, National Academy of Sciences; Dr. Duane C. Acker, president, Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science; and Dr. Paul J. Flory, Nobel Laureate, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University- _ 89 Andrei Tverdokhlebov, Soviet -physicist and human rights activist - - - - …--- - - - - - 144 Panel consisting of: Anthony Ralston, former president, Association for Computing Machinery; Dr. Max Gottesman, Committee of Concerned Scientists, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health; Professor John Edsall, professor emeritus, Harvard University, chairman, AAAS Committee-on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility; and Dr. Herman Feshbach, head, Depart- ment of Physics, Massachusetts Institute df Technology _- 149 APPENDICES A. Report of the Scientific Forum of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe - 219 B. Opening address of Dr. Philip Handler to the Scientific Forum of the CSCE, February 18 1980 - _--_-- --- - 248 C. Closing statement of 1r. Philip Handler to the Scientific Forum of the CS CE, March 2, 1980 ------------------------------------ 262 D. Opening address to the chairman of Italian Delegation to the Scien- tific Forum of the CSCE ---------------------------- 269 'E. Chemical and Engineering News, March 10, 1980: "Forum Links Science ties and Human Rights - 271 F. Editorial on Helsinki Final Act,-Science, November 1, 1980 - 272 G. Exchange of letters, "Boycott Helsinki Forum", between Valentin F. Turchin and Philip Handler. Printed in Physics Today, January 1980 273 H. Letter of Members of Congress to Dr. Philip Handler concerning human rights and the Scientific Forum - 275 I. Statement for record of Senator Bob Dole - __-_-_- _ 280 J. Statement for the record by the National Conference on-Soviet Jewry- 281 K. Statement for the American Psychiatric Association -303 L. Telegram to H. E. Leonid Brezhnev by National delegates to the Scientific Forum urging the return of Andrei Sakharov - _-_-_ 306 M. Statement of the Federation of American Scientists concerning adoption of Andrei Sakharov -------- 310 N. Remarks of Hon. George E. Bown, Jr., on the introduction of legislation to limit U.S./Soviet scientific exchanges in response to actions against Andrei Sakharov -_--- 319 (V) THE HELSINKI FORUM AND EAST-WEST SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1980 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, SUB- COMMIrrEE ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND SCIENCE AFFAIRS, COMMISSION ON SECURIrY AND COOPERArION IN EUROPE, Washi'ngton, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:15 p.m., in room 2318, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. George E. Brown, Jr., chairman of the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology, pI esiding. Mr. BROWN. The hearing will come to order. This is a joint hearing on the Helsinki Forum. Since the time that it was originally scheduled, the hearing has become much more time- ly. I have a statement which I would like to read for the record, and I will ask other members up here, and the members of the Commission, to also present short statements. The hearings this afternoon are sponsored by the Committee on Science and Technology as well as the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. We will have additional members, the distinguished chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the distinguished chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe and a subcommittee chairman on foreign affairs here later. But in the interest of time and in order ot get some of the preliminaries out of the way, I will start the hear- ing and present my own statement at this time. It is a great pleasure to welcome our distinguished witnesses today to review the forthcoming scientific forum in Hamburg, Germany, un- der the auspices of the 1975 Helsinki Accords on Security and Cooper- ation in Europe. I would particularly like to thank my colleagues, Chairman Zablocki and Chairman Fascell for their help in getting this hearing organized and for joining me in sponsoring this mportant examination of U.S. international science policy. I also want to com- mend my colleague, Dick Ottinger, the chairman of our Energy De- velopment and Applications Subcommittee, for his initial suggestion that this hearing should be held. The Scientific Forum is not an official representation of the U.S. Government, but is a meeting of scientists from the countries who (1) 2 are signatories to the Helsinki Final Act. As such, they are discuss- ing the present research and future prospects of specific scientific fields such as the natural sciences, health and medicine, environmental and social sciences. But even more important, the meeting will, and I believe should, emphasize
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