INFORMATIONDAY 1 AM LS PM Posters DAY 2AMLS PM Posters DAY 3 AMLS PM Posters INDEX Authors Keywords Chairpersons 61 1 Day September 28 (Thursday) The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association Cancer Meeting of the Japanese Annual The 76th 0-1 1-2 Core Symposia Symposia Room 1 Sept. 28 (Thu.) 9:00-11:30 E Room 2 Sept. 28 (Thu.) 9:00-11:30 E Translational research based on clinical trials New trends for studying cancer invasion and metastasis CS1 S1 臨床試験からつなげるトランスレーショナルリサーチ がんの浸潤・転移研究の新機軸 Chairpersons: Tony Mok (Chinese Univ. of Hong-Kong) Chairpersons: Nobuyuki Takakura (Dept. of Signal Transduction, RIMD, Osaka Atsushi Ohtsu (Natl. Cancer Ctr. Hosp. East) Univ.) 座長: Tony Mok (Chinese Univ. of Hong-Kong) Hisataka Sabe (Dept. of Mol. Biol., Hokkaido Univ., Grad. Sch. of 大津 敦(国立がん研セ・東病院) Med.) Recent progress on various analytical methods make researchers possible to 座長:高倉 伸幸(大阪大・微研・情報伝達) access precise information of not only tumor itself but tumor microenviron- 佐邊 壽孝(北海道大・院医・分子生物学分野) ment. Next generation sequencer (NGS) panels have changed recent clinical Greater understanding on tumor invasion and metastasis still continuously trial designs like umbrella/basket type studies. Immuno-oncology agents show us a new phase of malignancies of this disease. For example, cancer is have also provided remarkable impacts in cancer therapy, which require fur- now recognized as a metabolic disease, in which the major targets of oncogene ther investigation of immune-related biomarkers including immunity/cross products are cellular metabolism and the reprogramming. Complicated talk in tumor microenvironments for personalized medicine. Considering nature of the cross-talk between cancer cells with stromata, which is to be ini- biomarker researches for clinical applications, investigating clinical samples tiated by cancer cell autonomous alterations of the genome statuses and het- with validated analytical procedure provided from patients enrolled into erogeneity, has also been beginning to be elucidated. In this process, the IND registration clinical trials is an ideal approach. These researches may environmental nutritional supply, at least partly via evoking angiogenesis or additionally yield another new finding in target/drug discovery. lymphangiogenesis, in accordance with metabolic changes of tumor cells In this session, cutting edge translational researches in association with the lat- plays a critical role. Secretion of exosomes from tumors also reprogram est clinical trials will be presented by the five distinguished speakers. The stromal conditions, which often culminate in to help develop tumor malig- attendees will know new findings and directions of translational researches for nancy including distant metastasis. In this session, researchers, who are all spe- precision medicine and the next new target/agent discovery. cialists of these fields of cancer research, will gather together and discuss our future ways to fight so far the incurable nature of cancer for better treat- CS1-1 Biomarker researches for immuno oncology in lung cancer ments. Tony Mok (Chinese University of Hong-Kong) S1-1 Genetic dissection of tumor heterogeneity that triggers cancer CS1-2 RET oncogene fusion: from discovery to clinical trial and progression cancer clinic Tatsushi Igaki (Grad. Sch. of Biostudies, Kyoto Univ.) 1,2 1 2 Takashi Kohno ( Div. Genome Biol., Natl Cancer Ctr Res. Inst., Div. がん原性変異の不均一性が引き起こす腫瘍悪性化の遺伝的基盤 Translational Genomics, EPOC, Natl Cancer Ctr) 井垣 達吏(京大・生命・システム機能学) RET がん遺伝子融合:発見から臨床試験、医療実装へ 河野 隆志 1,2(1 国立がん研究セ・研・ゲノム生物、2 国立がん研究 S1-2 The Arf6 pathway: a major pathway driving the malignancy セ・先端医療開発セ・ゲノム TR) and drug-resistance of refractory cancers Hisataka Sabe, Ari Hashimoto, Yasuhito Onodera, Tsukasa Oikawa, CS1-3 New biomarkers beyond RAS mutation for the treatment of Shigeru Hashimoto (Lab. Mol. Biol., Grad. Sch. Med., Hokkaido Univ.) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) Arf6 経路:難治性癌の悪性度進展・抗癌剤抵抗性に根幹的経路 Takayuki Yoshino (Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, National 佐邊 壽孝、橋本 あり、小野寺 康仁、及川 司、橋本 茂(北大・院 Cancer Center Hospital East) 医・分子生物学) 切除不能・再発進行大腸癌における新たなバイオマーカー 吉野 孝之(国立がん研究センター東病院 消化管内科) S1-3 Membrane protrusion is enhanced by exosome secretion and drives invasive behavior CS1-4 Biomarker researches in acute leukemia for precision Daisuke Hoshino1, Motoharu Seiki2, Naohiko Koshikawa1 (1Kanagawa medicine Cancer Center Research Institute, 2 Faculty of Medicine, Kanazawa Masashi Sanada (Clinical Research Center, Nagoya Medical Center) University) 白血病に対する最適化医療の実現のためのバイオマーカー研究 エクソソームは細胞膜突起構造を増強し、浸潤活性を惹起する 真田 昌(名古屋医療センター臨床研究センター) 星野 大輔 1、清木 元治 2、越川 直彦 1(1 神奈川県立がんセンター・臨 床研究所、2 金沢大学・医薬保健研究域・医学系) CS1-5 Circulating tumor cells: Detection, Biology and Clinical Implications S1-4 The role of sphingosine-1-phosphate in tumor Klaus Pantel (University Medical Center Hamburg, Institute of Tumor microenvironment and metastasis Biology) Nagahashi Masayuki1, Junko Tsuchida1, Masato Nakajima1, Kazuaki Takabe2, Toshifumi Wakai1 (1Division of Digestive and General Surgery, Niigata University., 2Roswell Park Cancer Institute.) 腫瘍微小環境と転移におけるスフィンゴシン-1-リン酸の役割 永橋 昌幸 1、土田 純子 1、中島 真人 1、高部 和明 2、若井 俊文 1(1 新 潟大学 消化器・一般外科学分野、2 ロズウェルパーク癌がん研究所) S1-5 Tumor vascular promotion by the regulation of LPA4 receptor Nobuyuki Takakura (Dept. of Signal Transduction, RIMD, Osaka Univ.) 腫瘍血管構造の制御によるがん細胞の転移抑制 高倉 伸幸(阪大・微研・情報伝達分野) S1-6 Roles of signaling and transcriptional networks during the formation and maintenance of tumor lymphatic vessels Tetsuro Watabe (Dept. Biochem., Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Sci., TMDU) 腫瘍リンパ管新生におけるシグナル・転写ネットワークの役割 渡部 徹郎(東医歯大・院医歯総合・硬組織病態生化学) 62 2-3 Room Symposia on Specific Tumors International Sessions 1-4 Room 3 Sept. 28 (Thu.) 9:00-11:30 J Room 4 Sept. 28 (Thu.) 9:00-11:30 E INFORMATION Advances in urological cancer research Cutting edge analysis of exosome in cancer metastasis SST1 IS1 泌尿器科がん研究の最前線 がん転移におけるエクソソーム研究の最前線 Chairpersons: Satoru Takahashi (Dept. Exp. Pathol. Tumor Biol., Nagoya City Chairpersons: Takahiro Ochiya (Natl. Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst.) Univ.) Yong Song Gho (Dept. of Life Sci., Pohang Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Hiroyuki Nishiyama (Dept. of Urology Faculty of Med., Univ. of (POSTECH)) Tsukuba) 座長:落谷 孝広(国立がん研セ・研・分子細胞治療) 座長:高橋 智(名古屋市大・院医・実験病態病理) Yong Song Gho (Dept. of Life Sci., Pohang Univ. of Sci. & Tech. 西山 博之(筑波大・腎泌尿器外科) (POSTECH)) DAY 1 With the development of next generation sequencing technology, analysis of Extracellular vesicles (EV), known as exosomes and microvesicles, serve as the whole genome in cancer are progressing and genetic abnormalities of versatile intercellular communication tools. Increasing evidence has sug- each carcinoma have been clarified. Renal cell carcinoma, the most com- gested that cancer cell-derived exosomes carry pathogenic components. mon malignant tumor of kidney, is known for various histological subtypes, Exosomal transfer of cancer pathogenic components enable long-distance- and each has a characteristic genetic profile. Urothelial carcinoma, derived crosstalk between cancer cells and distant organs and tissues, resulting in AM from mucosa of renal pelvis, ureter and bladder, is classified into two types, the promotion of the initial steps for pre-metastatic niche formation. non-muscle invasive and muscle invasive carcinoma by histological find- Furthermore, the circulating exosome have also been of interest as a source for LS ings and these two subtypes have also distinctively different genetic pro- liquid biopsies. Circulating exosome in body fluids provides a reliable files. Various treatments including molecular targeted or immune-based source of miRNAs, mRNAs, DNAs, proteins, and oncometabolites for cancer PM Posters therapies have been developed based on genetic characteristics of these biomarkers. The tumor-specific components in exosomes effectively pro- tumors, leading to improvement in prognosis. In this symposium, six vide various messages on the physiological and pathological status of cancer experts in the urological cancer field will highlight advanced research patients. In this session, we provide an overview of current research on exo- regarding the molecular mechanisms in the development and progression of somes in cancer, specifically in cancer metastasis, angiogenesis, and drug kidney or bladder cancers which leading to establish the next-generation resistance. We also propose new strategies to purify and classify the exo- therapy. somes and therapy by targeting cancer-specific exosomes. SST1-1 Tumor suppressive role of Hippo signaling in high grade clear IS1-1 Exosome-based cancer diagnostics and therapeutics DAY 2 DAY 3 cell renal cell carcinoma Yong Song Gho (Department of Life Sciences, POSTECH) Masatsugu Moriyama1, Tomoki kai2, Keiko Matsuura3, Takeo Nomura4, Fuminori Satoh4, Hiromitsu Mimata4, Mika Takahashi5 (1Dept. Mol. IS1-2 Induction of drug resistance in vascular endothelial cells by Pathol., Oita Univ., Sch. Med., 2Dept. Urol., Oita Med. Center, 3Dept. highly metastatic tumor-derived exosome Med. Biol., Oita Univ., Sch. Med., 4Dept. Urol., Oita Univ., Sch. Med., Kyoko Hida (Vascular Biology, Inst. Genetic Med., Hokkaido Univ.) AM PM Posters 5Dept. Urol., Beppu Med. Center) 高転移性腫瘍エクソソームによる血管内皮における薬剤耐性誘導 高異型度淡明腎細胞癌における Hippo シグナルの重要性 樋田 京子(北大・遺制研・血管生物) LS 守山 正胤 1、甲斐 友喜 2、松浦 恵子 3、野村 威雄 4、佐藤 文憲 4、三 股浩光4、高橋 美香 5(1 大分大・医・分子病理、2 大分医療セ・泌、 IS1-3 Emerging roles of exosomes as nucleic acid carriers and potential impacts as trans-genomic agents 3 大分大・医・医学生物、4 大分大・医・泌、5 別府医療セ・泌) Yumi Kawamura1,2, Yusuke Yamamoto1, Taka-Aki Sato2, Takahiro SST1-2 Clarification
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