DOCUMENT RESUME ED 393 217 EA 027 483 AUTHOR Beare, H., Ed.; Boyd, W. Lowe, Ed. TITLE Restructuring Schools: An International Perspective on the Movement To Transform the Control and Performance of Schools. REPORT NO ISBN-0-75070-122-6 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 259p. AVAILABLE FROM Falmer Press, Taylor & Francis, Inc., 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007 (paperback: ISBN-0-75070-122-6; clothbound: ISBN-0-75070-121-8). PUB TYPE Books (010) Collected Works General (020) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Centralization; Comparative Analysis; Decentralization; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; *Governance; Institutional Autonomy; *International Studies; Policy Formation; *Politics of Education; Privatization; Resource Allocation; *School Restructuring ABSTRACT The decade 1980-90 saw a spate of educational reconstruction occurring simultaneously in many countries. This book argues that the school restructuring of the past 10 years has been called the "education-reform movement," but that term is somewhat misleading. The current reform efforts seem to aim primarily at the control and governance of both schools and school systems, targeting the management of education. The book examines the common themes that are emerging in the restructuring movement and its possible effects. Developments in Australia, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and New Zealand are examined. Part 1, entitled "A Comparative Perspective," contains the following two chapters: (1) "Introduction" (H. Beare and W. Lowe Boyd); and (2) "Ready, A.I.M., Reform: Building a Model of Education Reform and 'High Politics'" (J. W. Guthrie and J.E. Koppich). Part 2 presents case studies from the six countries: (3) "The Education-reform Movement in England and Wales" (H. Thomas);(4) "Examining Contemporary Education-Reform Efforts in the United States" (J. E. Koppich and J. W. Guthrie); (5) "The Reconstruction of New Zealand Education: A Case of 'High Politics' Reform?" (R. J. S. Macpherson); (6) "A Decade of Educational Reform in Canada: Encounters with the Octopus, the Elephant, and the Five Dragons" (S. B. Lawton);(7) "Developments in Education Policy in Australia: A Perspective on the 1980s" (L. War:en Louden and R. K. Browne); and (8) "Education Reform in Japan Since 1984" (T. Sasamori). Part 3, entitled "Issues in the School-Reform Movement," contains the following chapters:(9) "Paradox and Uncertainty in Ihe Governance of Education" (B.J. Caldwell);(10) "On Centralization, Decentralization, and School Restructuring: A Sociological Perspective" (R.0. Slater);(11) "Public Schools in Decline: Implications of the Privatization of Schools in Australia" (D.S. Anderson);(12) Different Ways of Viewing School-site Councils: Whose Paradigm Is in Use Here?" (H. Beare); and (13) "A Framework for Allocating Authority in a System of Schools" (A. D. Swanson) . Each chapter contains references. Eight figures, five tables, a list of acronyms, and an index are included.(LMI) vcrui.0,--- p D I U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION rp .11 Pasaa,Ch and IMprovempM PERMISSION ;17:-)RODUCE THIS EDU ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEh GRAN7ED BY CENTER t ERICI This rinciloient has been reprOdueed as received lion, the person nr organitaIion ) LI Min O,I^uM ie been made ii irnInneup, ALIO, duality '", ht. h ,..11,1 di 16,5 document r10 nnt M'COSsanly represent 70 THE EDUCATIONAL RESOuRCES offa ,a1 Ot RI nereI Pie Or policy INEorwATION CENTER ERIC 2 BEST COPY AVA LA Restructuring Schools .; Restructuring Schools: An International Perspective on theMovement to Transform the Control and Performance of Schools Edited by H. Beare and W. Lowe Boyd The Falmer Press (A member of the Taylor & Francis Group) Washington D.C.London USA The Falmer Press, Taylor & Francis Inc, 1900 Frost Road, WI, Bristol, PA 19007 UK The Falmer Press, 4 John SiLondon WCIN2Er ( Selection and editorial material copyright H. Beare and W.L. Boyd 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or hy means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,or other without permission in writing from Irse Publisher. First published 1993 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data are av ailableon r, quest A catalogue record for this book is available front the British Library ISBN 0 75070 121 8 cased ISBN 0 75070 122 6 paper Cover design by Caroline Archer Set in 9.5/11pt limes Graphicraft Typesetters Ltd.. Hong Kong Printed it, Great Britain hy Burgecc retence Preys. Ba.smg.stokeon paper which has a specified pH value on final paper manufacture of not less that 7.5 and is therefore 'acid free'. Contents List of Tables and Figures vii List of Acronyms viii Part I: A Comparative Perspective Chapter I Introduction 2 H. Beare and W. Lowe Boyd Chapter 2 Ready, A.I.M., Reform: Building a Model of Education Reform and 'High Politics' 12 J.W. Guthrie and J. E. Koppich Part 2: Case Studies from Six Countries Chapter 3 The Education-reform Movement in England and \Vales 30 II. Thomas Chapter 4 Examining Cohtemporary Education-reform Efforts in the United States 51 J.E. Koppich and J.W. Guthrie Chapter 5 The Reconstruction of New Zealand Education: A Case of 'High Politics' Reform? 69 R.J.S.Macpherson . Chapter 6 A Decade of Educational Reform in Canada: Encounters with the Octopus, the Elephant. and the Five Dragons 86 S.B. Lawton Chapter 7 Developments in Education Policy in Australia: A Perspective on the 1980s 106 I.. Warren Louden and R.K. Browne Chapter 8 Education Reform in Japan since 198.4 136 T Sasamori V Contents Part 3: Issues in the School-reform Movement Ch,er 9 Paradox and Uncertainty in the Governance of Education 158 B.J. Caldwell Chapter 10 On Centralization, Decentralization and School Restructuring: A Sociological Perspective 174 R.O. Slater Chapter 11Public Schools in Decline: implications of the Privatization of Schools in Australia 4 D.S. Anderson Chapter 12Different Ways of Viewing School-site Councils: Whose Paradigm Is in Use Here? 200 H. Beare Chapter 13 A Framework for Allocating Authority in a System of Schools 218 A.D. Swanson '. Notes on Contributors 235 Index 237 e vi , List of Figures and Tables Figure 2.1 Preliminary Policy Paradigm 26 Figure 8.1 Children's Problematic Behaviour 138 Figure 8.2 Growing Burden of Educational Costs on Parents 150 Figure 8.3 Increase in the Number of Students Attending Cram or Preparatory Schools 152 Figure 11.1School Background of Graduates 190 Figure 11.2Public and Private Schools as a System 191 Figure 11.3Type of School Attended by Professionals and tneir Children 200 Figure 13.1 A Model of the Political-economic System of Educational Policy Development 222 Table 3.1 The Government's Reform Program: A Broad Perspective 38 Table 8.1 Changes in the Share of GNP in the World 137 Table 8.2 Historic Trends in the Proportion of Students Going to Senior-level Institutions 137 Table 8.3 School Institutions: Survey of Numbei and Attendance 140 Table 12.1 Conceptions of School-site Councils 212 List of Acronyms ACT Australian Capital T,:rritory (Australia) AERA American Education Research Association (US) AFT American Federation of Teachers (US) ASEP Australian Science Education Project (Australia) CEO Chief Executive Officer (Australia, UK, US) CPRE Center for Policy Research in Education (US) CSEC Cabinet Social Equity Committee (New Zealand) DE Department of Employment (UK) DES Departrnent of Education and Science (UK) DOGS Defense of Government Schools (Australia) ECS Education Commission of the States (US) ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act (US) ET Employment Training (UK) GST Goods and Services Tax (Canada and Australia) IEA Institute of Economic Affairs (UK) LEA Local Education Authority (UK) LMC Local Management of Colleges (UK) LMS Local Management of Schools (UK) MSC Manpower Services Commission (UK) NAEP Naiional Assessment of Educational Progress (US) NAFE Non-advanced Further Education (UK) NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals (Australia) NCER National Council of the Educational Reform (Japan) NCVQ National Council for Vocational Qualifications (UK) NDEA National Defense Education Act (US) NEA National Education Association (US) NGA National Governors Association (US) NVQ National Vocational Qualification (UK) OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PCFC Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council (UK) PSI Policy Studies Institute (UK) QERC Quality of F,lucation Review Committee (UK) SAT Standard Attainment Task (UK) SFS Scnior Executive Service (Australia) viii roW Ltst of Acronyms SIMS Second International Mathematics Study (Canada) TA Training Agency (UK) TAFE Technical and Further Education (Australia) TEC Training and Enterprise Council (UK) TVEI Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (UK) TREA Taskforce to Review Education Administration (New Zealand) UFC University Funding Council (UK) UGC University Grants Council (UK) UGC University Grants Committee (New Zealand) YTS Youth Training Scheme (UK) Chapter 1 Introduction H. Beare and W.L. Boyd The decade 1980-90 saw a spate of educationalreconstruction occurring simultaneously in many countries around the world. Althoughthere appear to have been multiple borrowings from each other, those involvedwith the reforms have not always been aware of the activity in neighbogringcountries or even in neighbouring states ane irovinces, and certainly not of the detail.So there is a tendency for kcal reformers to believe that theyare
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