CENSUS OF INDIA ·199'1 Series - 11 KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK HASSAN DISTRICT PART XU- B VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SOBHA NAMRISAN Director of Census Operations, Karnataka CONTENTS FOREWORD PREFACE \ 11-\'111 11\1 PORT ANT STATISTICS 1\:-\11 ANALYTICAL 1'\( HE :\\ -xliii EXPLANAT()RY N(HES 1--l A. District Primarv Ccn"'ll~ Ah,,' (i) Villagcrruwll Prim;lf\ CCII"l'" ,\h"tLld Alphahetical Li"l llf ViILt!!L'" - ~\Iur (',D,Bllld, Primary ('Clhll" Ah,,' r;lct - ,\11I1' (',D,I)IUl'k ,,-~-( I,'" Alphaheticd Li"t of \'ill"!!L'''' - '\l'k;d~lId (',)),BI"l k Prilll;,ry Ccn"u.., Ah"tr;ll't r\rk;d~lId ('.1 ),BI,I,'k 7(1·111 Alphahctical List of \,iILt!!L'" .-\r"ikL'rc (.'.1>.BIIIl'k 1 1S- 12-' Prilllary Cell"l'" ,\h"tr;ll'l .. \",ikcr,' ('.I).BI,lck .-\lph;lhL'lil':d Li~t (If \'illa!!L'''' - Iklllr C,D,BIIll'k 171- 171) - Iklllr (',I>,Bldck AlphahL'1 il';d Li,,1 llf \'illa!!.l's - Ch;lIl1l;lra~';lp;IIIl;1 (',I>,))I,I,'k Prilllarv (\'lbllS Ahstr;ll'l - Ch;IIlIl:lr;'):lp:llll:1 (,.I),BllICk 2-l0-2X7 ,\lphahl'lic;d Li"l llf \'ilb!!c,", - .1:t",,;1Il (',I),IHII,k 21J1-21)1) Primar\' CCIl"lls Ahstracl - ) bS":lIl (',1),1)1",'" t\ Iphahcl ied Lisl llf \,ilb!!.L's - Ilok !'.ar...,ipur t '.I),Block Prim;ll"\" C'L'Il~ll'" AII..,tr;IL't - Ilok f\.';lr"iplir (',I>.Blo,'k Alph;lhL'lic;d I.i"l uf \'illa~c" - .\LlIlj:ll;dl,ld ',I),HllleI, I'rilll<lr\' CCIl,..,Us Ah..,lrdL'l - .\Llllj:lr,lh,ld t ',I ),Bhll'k -I()(J--t27 (i i i) (ii) Town Primary Census Ahsl r~KI (\Vardwise) Alphahetical List of Towns in the District -tH Alur (MP) Arkalgud (MP) Banavar (M P) Belur (TMC) Channarayapalna (TMC) Gnrur (NMC"T) Hole Narsipur (TMC) Konanuru (MP) S:'lklcshpur (TMC) ·.nfl-·f\') Shravan Belgo!a (MP) Arsikerc UA Hassan UA B. Dislrkt Primary CenslIs Ahstract for Schcdukd Casles C. District Primary CenslIs Ahstraet for Schedukd Trihes Appendix-I - Districi Primary Census Ahstra(.·l - Talukwisc Appendix-II ... List of Scheduled Castes and Schedukd Trihes Appendix-Ill - Puhlication Plan ILLUSTRATIONS Map of Karnalaka showing lhe Administrative Dh'isions (xiii} Map of Hassan District I ,.~ ", . .; FORE\VORD Publication of the District' Census H .. tndbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and IS continuing ..since then with some ino(;~cltil)lls/ ~Odin¢ltiolls after each dl:cl:nnial (.\:Jl~U~. This is the most valuablo. disl'rict level publication brought. out by the. Census Organisation UJl hdlalf of cach Statc (Juvl./U nion Tcrrjtory ~d~inistrati()n. It illier-alia pillYides data/information on somc of thc basic demographic and socio-e¢onomi~ characteristics and on th~ availability of certain important civic .lIlu:nities/r;lcilitil.:s in each village, and town of th_c respective, districts, This 'publication has thus_.pwvl.!d to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academ~~ians and researchers. The scope! of the DCH was initially c(;nfinl.!u to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-cuhural aspccts as also the Prim:lry Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs puhlished after the I%} Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, CCnsus tahks and Village and Town Directories including PCA. After" thel 1971 Census, two parts of the Distri(.,t Census H:mdhooks (part-A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) wen: released in all thl.! States ;Ind Union Territories. The third p.lrl, Part C of till:. District Census Handhooks comprising ~:Idlllinistrative statistics and district census tables, which was alsl) tu be hrought out, (.:ould nut hI.! puhlished in many States/UTs due (0 considerahle delay in compilation of relevant material. In !'lSI, some new fe.ltures alongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCI-Js. These were published i.,n two parts for each district after the 1WH Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories, (he PCA of vill.tges and towns (w'lrd-wise) including Sdll.!duled ('aste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tehsiVtown level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity. were brought togcther in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not availahlc in the -referent village, the distance in broad ranges from thl.! nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on sOl1le­ new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and cummunity he<llth workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimulll Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided for the tirst time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villagcs in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in vicw the requirements or the Minimum Needs Prognunme. a Statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enahle the planners to chalk out the programllles for providing beller civic and other amenities in the slullls. I n this Statement details on civic and othcr amenities were reported for the slums of Class I and CI:lss II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes population and another on adult literacy classes/centres were ad(.lcd in Statements IV and V respectively. The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 11)')1 Census is by and large the same a:-. fullowed In )I)X1. However, the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in thl.: )')91 (\.:"_~\tI:-. for the hendit of data users. Nine-fold industrial c1~tssification of main workers has hcell given as against fuur-rolJ industrial classification presented in the ICJIo!J Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise popubtioll in Ihe 0-6 age-group has also heen includeJ in PCA for the first time with a view to en.ll)ling data u:-.ers to compute more realistic literacy rates as all children below 7 Yl.!ars of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentilllll:d Illodilicalillns will hell' the planners in chalking out morc effective developmental progral1lllle~. (v) One of the most important inllovatillll;, in the ]I)IJI CenSlh is thl' ('ullllllunity Development UhK'k-kvcl presentation of data in thl; Vilbge Din':I.:lllrY ano PCA in"lc;tJ of the traditional TahsilfTaluk/PS kvd presl;ntation. It is expected thaI thl; pn:senlatinn of Village Din:Llory anJ PCA data at C.D.Block level will help the planners in formulation of mino-Ievcl devclllplllL'nlal pl;t1h, as- the C.D.UIllck is the lowest administrative unil for devdopl1lt.:l1tal planning. In order to facilitate the task of adlllini"lralllrs, pl:tnnl'fS and researl"her~ inll'nding 10 usc Village Directory/PCA data, either frolll the magnetic lape", llllPpie;, or fmlll the puhli~hL'd l'el'o[lls, hllth the computer and manu>!1 COlil:S for e;u:h \'ilbge havc ill.·L'1l PIlJ\'kkJ, for Ihe 11)1) I ('\.·n:'>us alt lIIg with the corresponding eodes of }I)~ I. This publication is a .lUlllt venture of th.: StalL' (;llvl.iUT adlllini.~tralillil and the {_"l"1l~1I" Or!l;tni~atilln. The data have heen colkct.:d and compiled under th..: dirL'l'tinn of ·l\1s. Sllhha l\'al11hi~all, D~rL'l'lor of Census Operations. Karnataka on behalf of the Stale (jo\"l. administratillll which ha~ hllrnL' thl.' co;,t of printing. The task of planning, de~iglling and clhlrdinatinll of the publil'atilll1 was initiated hy Dr.K.P.lttam:ln. former Deputy Registrar (ieneral (Sllcial Studies) and Shri M.M.Dua, .Joint Director. For the ~ah' of uniformity in presentation of infllrmatilln/dala and for preparatinll of analytical note lkpicting_ Ihe saliellt features emerging from a micro-lev":! analysis of (_\.'n~L1~!lJlllI-(\:n;,u." data, a model District C":lhlb J 1;1lldhllU).; from each State anJ Union Territory \vas thofllug_hly ~lTutini~l'd ill the Social Studies Di\'i~illll untk'r thL' guidance of Shri M.K..Iain, the present Deputy Registrar (;l.'llL'rai (S.S.). Thi" task W~b l';lrril.:d out hy Shri A.K.Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by S/Shri V.K..Iain and Hariram, Investi!-'-ator" and stall Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, forllll'r Deputy Regi,strar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Rcgi~trar (iellLTal (l\lap). am thankful to all those Wh~l have contributed 10 this project. New Deihl A.R.Nallda Ju- 11. J 992. R, .. gistra.· (;clwml. India (vi) PREFACE In 'th.; forew~lrd to the ]1)1) I, series' of th.; District C,cnsus Handbooks, Sri A.R.Nanda, I.A.S .. the Rcgisl'rat (icIleral and Census Commissioner, Inti'b, has traced ~he history of the District (\:n~u" ILlIldhooks. He has also SlICCiIJ<:I,ly'explainec.l Ih.; SCOP\; and con:rage of th4 Distril:t ('emu;., Handhoob. These volumes " ' I contain the salient Jal'at on the population for every villagtL' and town "" r.;n:akd by the (t)') 1 Cemus.
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