Impacts of Climate Changes on Water Resources of Nepal A CASE STUDY OF TSHO ROLPA GLACIAL LAKE Submitted by Narayan Prasad Chaulagain M.Sc.-Thesis submitted as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Of “ Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Energy Systems and Management “ SESAM - Sustainable Energy Systems and Management International Institute of Management University of Flensburg, Germany February 2003 TTAABBLLEE OOFF CCOONNTTEENNTTSS CCoonnttteenntttsss iii LLiiisssttt oofff TTaabbllleesss vv LLiiisssttt oofff BBooxxeesss vv LLiiisssttt oofff FFiiigguurreesss vv LLiiisssttt oofff AAbbbbrreevviiiaatttiiioonnsss vviii LLiiisssttt oofff EEqquuaatttiiioonnsss vviiiiii AAcckknnoowwllleeddggeemmeennttt iiixx EExxeeccuutttiiivvee SSuummmmaarryy xxiii ZZuusssaammmmeennfffaassssssuunngg xxvv CChhaappttteerr OOnnee::: IIInntttrroodduucctttiiioonn 11 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Theoretical Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Studies in Nepal 5 1.4 Objective of the Study 6 1.5 Hypothesis of the Study 6 1.6 Limitations of the Study 7 1.7 Area of Study 8 1.8 Definition of Terms 9 CChhaappttteerr TTwwoo::: RReessseeaarrcchh MMeettthhooddoolllooggyy 1100 2.1 Literature Review 10 2.2 Data Collection 10 2.2.1 Secondary Data from Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) 11 2.2.2 Descriptive Interviews with Key-informants 11 2.2.3 Descriptive Interviews with Local Residents 12 2.3 Data Analysis 12 2.3.1 Analysis of Climatological Data 13 2.3.2 Analysis of Surveyed Data from Local People 14 2.3.3 Analysis of Information from Key Informants 15 i CChhaappttteerr TThhrreeee::: DDeesssccrriiipptttiiioonnsss oofff RReessseeaarrcchh OObbjjjeecctttsss 1166 3 General 16 3.1 Study Area 16 3.1.1 Dolakha District 16 3.1.2 Tsho Rolpa 17 3.2 Global Temperature and Precipitation Trends 18 3.3 Temperature and Precipitation Variations in Nepal 18 3.4 Climate Change and Himalayan Hydrology 20 3.5 Glaciers and Glacier Lakes in Nepal Himalayas 20 3.5.1 Glacier Lakes 21 3.5.2 Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) 23 Zhangzangbo Glacier Lake Outburst Flood 23 Dig Tsho Glacier Lake Outburst Flood 23 3.5.3 Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake 24 Drainage Basin of Tsho Rolpa 26 End Moraine Dam of Tsho Rolpa 28 Upstream-end of Tsho Rolpa and Shape of its Basin 28 Outlet and Inlet of the Lake 28 Potential Risk for the Outburst Flood from Tsho Rolpa 29 3.5.4 Dolakha district and its area under threat of Tsho Rolpa outburst 29 3.5.5 Risk Assessment of Potential Outburst Flood of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake 30 3.5.6 Risk Reduction Measures of Potential Outburst Flood of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake 30 3.5.7 Growth Rate of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake 34 3.5.8 Existing Hydrological and Meteorological Stations in Study Area 34 3.5.9 Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station 35 3.5.10 Outlet Discharge 35 3.6 Hydrological Station at Tamakoshi Busti 35 3.7 Meteorological Station at Jiri 36 CChhaappttteerr FFoouurr::: AAnnaalllyysssiiisss aanndd FFiiinnddiiinnggsss 3377 4.1 General 37 4.2 Analysis of Information Obtained from the Interviews with People 37 4.2.1 Analysis of Information Obtained from Local People 37 ii General information about the interviewees 37 Methodology and Limitations 39 4.2.2 Weather / Climate 40 4.2.3 Spring Water and River Flow in Dry season 42 4.2.4 Bio-diversity 43 4.2.5 Socio-cultural effects 44 4.2.6 Weather-related disasters 45 4.2.7 Potential Risk of Possible Tsho Rolpa GLOF 47 4.3 Information Obtained from the Interviews with Key Informants 50 4.4 Climate Data Analysis 51 4.4.1 Jiri 52 Temperature 52 Average Temperatures 52 Extreme temperatures 55 Precipitation 57 Relative Humidity 59 4.4.2 Tamakoshi Busti 60 4.4.3 Tsho Rolpa 64 Correlation of Weather Data of Tsho Rolpa with Jiri and Tamakoshi 64 Regression Analysis of temperatures of Tsho Rolpa and Jiri. 65 Regression analyses of precipitation and relative humidity of Tsho Rolpa and Jiri 67 Regression analysis of discharge of Tsho Rolpa and Tamakoshi Busti 69 4.4.4 Assessment of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake with the changed climate parameters 70 4.4.5 Permanent Snowline and its Relation to Temperature Increase 72 CChhaappttteerr FFiiivvee::: SSuummmmaarryy aanndd DDiiisssccuussssssiiioonn 7733 5 General 73 5.1 Summary of findings from local people 73 5.1.1 General Information on climate change and water resources 73 5.1.2 Specific information on Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake and its potential outburst flood 74 iii 5.2 Summary of findings from hydrological and meteorological data 75 5.3 Discussion 77 5.3.1 Temperature 77 5.3.2 Precipitation / Relative Humidity 78 5.3.3 River Flow 79 5.3.4 High Altitude Weather Parameters 80 CChhaappttteerr SSiiixx::: CCoonnccllluusssiiioonnss aanndd RReeccoommmmeennddaatttiiioonnsss 8822 6.2 Conclusions 82 6.3 Recommendation 84 CChhaappttteerr SSeevveenn::: PPrrooppoosssiiitttiiioonnsss fffoorr FFuutttuurree RReessseeaarrcchh 8866 RReefffeerreenncceesss 8877 AANNNNEEXXEESS AAnnnneexx---III::: QQuueessstttiiioonnnnaaiiirrree fffoorrr LLooccaalll PPeeoopplllee AAnnnneexx---IIIIII::: QQuueessstttiiioonnnnaaiiirrree fffoorrr KKeeyy---iiinnfffoorrrmmaanntttsss AAnnnneexx---IIIIIIIII::: LLiiisssttt oofff ttthhee KKeeyy---iiinnfffoorrrmmaanntttsss ccoonntttaaccttteedd dduurrriiinngg ttthhee fffiiieellldd vviiisssiiittt AAnnnneexx---IIIVV::: RReeggrrreessssssiiioonn AAnnaalllyysssiiisss oofff ttthhee ddaatttaa oofff TTssshhoo RRoolllppaa wwiiittthh JJJiiirrriii aanndd TTaammaakkoossshhiii BBuussstttiii AAnnnneexx---VVIII::: IIInnfffoorrrmmaatttiiioonn CCoolllllleeccttteedd bbyy ttthhee IIInnttteerrrvviiieeww wwiiittthh LLooccaalll PPeeoopplllee AAnnnneexx---VVIII::: HHyyddrrroolllooggiiiccaalll aanndd MMeettteeoorrroolllooggiiiccaalll IIInnfffoorrrmmaatttiiioonn iv LLiiisssttt oofff TTaabbllleesss Table 3.1: Potentially Dangerous Glacier Lakes in Nepal Table 3.2: Description of possible damage by potential Tsho Rolpa GLOF in Dolakha district Table 4.1: List of the Months with Available Weather Data for Tsho Rolpa Table 4.2: Calculated Values of Tsho Rolpa based on the Observed Values at Jiri and Tamakoshi Busti Table 5.1: Calculated Annual Weather Data and Flow Values of Tsho Rolpa Table 5.2: Weather Parameters at Jiri and Tamakoshi Busti (Average of 1971-2000) LLiiisssttt oofff BBooxxeesss Box 3.1: General features of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake Box 4.1: Predictability on Weather Events has Decreased Drastically Box 4.2: Springs are drying up Box 4.3: Floods and Landslides are increasing in Dolakha Box 4.4: Minister’s helicopter flight and panic among the people LLiiisssttt oofff fffiiigguurree Fig 1.1: Map of the World and Nepal Fig. 1.2: Relative position of Tsho Rolpa and data centre of early warning system of GLOF Fig 1.3: Satelite image of the study area Fig. 3.1: District Map of Dolakha; Fig 3.2: Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake looking towards west to the outlet from upstream Fig 3.3: Glaciers and Glacier Lakes in Nepal Fig. 3.4: Aerial View of Tsho Rolpa Fig. 3.5: Development of Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake Fig 3.6: Drainage Basin of Rolwaling Valley and Tsho Rolpa Fig 3.7: Area altitude distribution of Tsho Rolpa drainage basin Fig 3.8: Siphon pipes used for lake water lowering before the construction of open channel Fig 3.9: Synoptic view of mitigation construction activity at the end moraine of Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake to reduce the lake water level Fig 3.10: Early warning system at Gumkhola (left), and Singati (right) Fig 3.11: Basin Characteristics of Tamakoshi at Busti v Fig. 4.1: Departures of annual average temperatures from the 30 years average at Jiri Fig. 4.2: Monthly average temperatures of Jiri of the average of 1971-2000 Fig.4.3: Average annual temperature trend at Jiri Fig. 4.4: Trend of average summer temperature of Jiri (June-August) for 1971-2000 Fig. 4.5: Mean winter temperature trend at Jiri for 1971-2000 Fig.4.6: Maximum and minimum extreme temperatures at Jiri Fig. 4.7: The trend of number of extreme cold days with temperature below 0 0C Fig.4.8: Average annual precipitation at Jiri (average of 1971-2000) in mm Fig. 4.9: Trends of precipitation change in different seasons at Jiri for 1971-2000 Fig. 4.10: Trends total annual number of rainy days Fig. 4.11: Average monthly relative humidity at Jiri (average of 1971-2000) Fig. 4.12: Trend of Relative Humidity at Jiri for 1971-2000 Fig. 4.13: Average Monthly Variation of River Discharges at Tamakoshi Busti Fig. 4.14: Seasonal Variation of Average Discharges at Tamakoshi Busti Fig 4.15: Trends of flow variations at Tamakoshi Busti Fig. 4.16: Trends of Instantaneous Maximum River Flows at Tamakoshi Busti Fig. 4.17: Trends of Instantaneous Maximum River Flows at Tamakoshi Busti Fig 4.18: Trend of the Coefficient of River Regime at Tamakoshi Busti Fig. 4.19: Observed and Calculated Temperatures at Tsho Rolpa Fig. 4.20: Projected Temperature Trend of Tsho Rolpa based on the regression analysis Fig. 4.21: Calculated Trend of Average Summer Temperature at Tsho Rolpa Fig. 4.22: Calculated and Observed Precipitation Values at Tsho Rolpa LLiiisssttt oofff AAbbbbrreevviiiaatttiiioonnsss Apr - April asl - above sea level Aug - August AWS - Automatic Weather Station BPCH - Butwal Power Company Hydroconsult CCSP - Climate Change Study Project CD - Compact Disk CEN - Clean Energy Nepal vi Ch - Chapter Dec - December DHM - Department of Hydrology and Meteorology DHM/N - Department of Hydrology and Meteorology of Nepal et al - and other people (Latin : et alii/alia) F/Y - Fiscal Year Feb - February GCM - Global Circulation
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