Woodbine Samstag, 2

Woodbine Samstag, 2

Woodbine Samstag, 2. November 2019 Race 1 1 18:05 1700 m 84.500 Race 2 2 18:38 1000 m 20.400 Race 3 3 19:12 1700 m 92.300 Race 4 4 19:45 1700 m 27.600 Race 5 5 20:23 1000 m 39.000 Race 6 6 21:00 1200 m 19.900 Race 7 7 21:42 1700 m 48.000 Maple Leaf Stakes 8 22:20 2000 m 150.000 Race 9 9 22:58 1200 m 90.000 Race 10 10 23:35 1300 m 87.700 Race 11 11 00:15 1400 m 42.000 02.11.2019 - Woodbine ©2019 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 186356 Seite 1 02.11.2019 - Woodbine Rennen # 8 Seite 2 WANN STARTET IHR PFERD... A Song For Artie 6 Cash Dividend 11 Foxy Power 7 Noholdingback Bear 9 Strikingly Lovely 1 A. A. Azula's Arch 8 Cavernndchipmunks 10 Fresh Princess 10 O'Kratos 9 Subsidiary 10 Avie's Mineshaft 8 Chaldea 7 Gimbala 2 Painting 10 Super Patriotic 1 Awesome Halo 4 Cherubic 1 Gizmo's Princess 7 Pink Lemonade 6 Sure Would Forest 11 Bartman 6 Chilling Secret 4 Grey Seal 10 Precious Badge 11 Synergized 4 Bazoo 5 Circle Of Friends 9 Head Kitten 5 Recruit 6 Tap The Mojo 4 Bel Ayr Bay 2 City Boy 9 Hibiscus Punch 10 Richiesinthehouse 9 Thanks Again 6 Big Cheeks 3 Congeniality 10 Ingordwetrust 4 Robusto 11 Theodora B. 8 Blushing Brew 7 Dance With Me Baby 2 Itskathiesluckyday 3 Sailin Street 11 Tizapromise 7 Bob W. 6 Darren's Fortune 4 Jaya Ho 2 Seemee 11 Triglav 6 Boogie With Me 10 Dolly Stormy 2 Karakontieparadise 3 Sexy Nexy 7 True Dat 11 Boreal Spirit 9 Donnie Brasco 4 Lady Of Moray 2 Shakhimat 9 Truebelieve 5 Born To Be Good 7 Double Medal 10 L'amour Toujours 3 She's The Berries 8 Union Appreciation 5 Bossalina 7 Dry Land 5 Lift Up 8 Souper Shenanigan 11 Uno Champ 4 Bossy Madam 1 Dyna's Gamble 5 Lookin To Strike 9 Sparkish 5 Valuable Pillow 5 Brookies Bear 10 Dynatown 10 Louise The Laser 2 Special Honor 3 Violet Blue 8 Bullet Speed 5 Eskiminzin 9 Lunar Garden 8 Speed Gauge 6 Wiley O'Rielly 11 Buttermilk Pike 11 Executive Retreat 4 Mi Chiamo Stefano 6 Spirit Of York 4 Wolf Ridge 11 Cairo Diamond 3 First Crusader 11 Miss Mo Mentum 8 Spring Edition 11 Worlds Apart 1 Candy's Dream 3 Flamboro Jewel 11 My Name Is Gus 6 Springdetti 2 Ygritte 1 Care Lady 8 Flashymeister 4 Noble Fever 1 Staronthehorizon 7 Yorkton 9 WANN STARTET IHR JOCKEY / FAHRER... Alan Garcia 3,8,10 Carl Defreitas 5 Christopher Douglas 6,11 Christopher Husbands 5,6,7 Daisuke Fukumoto 7,8,9,10,11 David Moran 7,11 Gary Boulanger 1,3,4,7,8,9,10,11 Ismael Mosqueira 2,6 Jeffrey Alderson 2,5,6,9 Jerome Lermyte 1,3,4,7,8,9,10,11 Jesse Campbell 3,4,6,9,10,11 Jr. Jose Valdivia 9 Justin Stein 4,6,9,10,11 Kazushi Kimura 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Keveh Nicholls 2 Kirk Johnson 2 Leo Salles 4,5,6,7,11 Marklee Buchanan 2 Patrick Husbands 1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11 Pierre Mailhot 2,4,6,11 Rafael Hernandez 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Sahin Civaci 4,5,10,11 Simon Husbands 5,7,11 Skye Chernetz 1 Slade Callaghan 10 Steven Bahen 1,4,8 WANN STARTET IHR TRAINER... Abraham Katryan 4,5 Anthony Husbands 5 Arnaud Delacour 8 Ashlee Brnjas 4,6,9,10 Barbara Minshall 7 Beverley Chubb 11 Bonnie Eshelman 1 Bruce Pollock 2 Carlos Grant 9 Catherine Day Phillips 3 Chetram Mohabir 5 Claudia Rabstein 11 Clint Abraham 11 Cole Bennett 2 Daniel Vella 10 Darwin Banach 9,11 David Cotey 7 Debra Rombis 2 Denyse McClachrie 11 Dominic Polsinelli 2 Donald Macrae 3 Elizabeth Elder 4 Gail Cox 1 Ian Black 7 Jamie Attard 3,7 Jennifer Shafer 9 John Mattine 6 John Simms 4 Joseph Humber 6 Josie Carroll 3,8,10 Julie Belhumeur 5 Kathy Patton 6 Kelly Callaghan 10 Kevin Attard 1,4,5,8,11 Larry Rivelli 9 Lenore Dubois 11 Malcolm Pierce 1 Mark Casse 1,3,4,7,8,9,10,11 Martin Drexler 11 Michael De Paulo 5,6,10 Michael Dickinson 8 Michael Keogh 3,9 Nicholas Gonzalez 5 Nigel Burke 11 Norman McKnight 2,4,6 Paul Buttigieg 11 Peter Berringer 6 Richard Morden 2 Ricky Griffith 2 Robert Barnett 11 Robert Rose 2 Robert Tiller 9,11 Roger Attfield 1,8,9,10 Sarah Ritchie 7 Saul McHugh 7 Sid Attard 4,11 Steven Owens 5 Stuart Simon 8,9 Sue Andrushko 4 Sylvester Ollivierre 6 Terry Jordan 5 Thomas O'Keefe 4 Tony Gattellaro 10 W. Armata 6 W. Gracey 7 William Tharrenos 6 Zeljko Krcmar 4 02.11.2019 - Woodbine ©2019 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 186356 Seite 2 02.11.2019 - Woodbine Rennen # 1 Seite 3 1700 m Race 1 84.500 Rennpreis: 84.500 1 FOR MAIDENS, FILLIES AND MARES THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARD. Three Year Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 123 lbs. 18:05 Flach 1700 Bossy Madam 3j. rotbraun S (Will Take Charge - Cukee) 13.10 Wo 3 1700 5,5 Luis Contreras Take Chargechristy - Super Patriotic - Boss 1 Trainer: Kevin Attard 21.09 Wo 3 1500 3,5 Luis Contreras Rideforthecause - Mariposa Belle - Bossy M 54.4 Besitzer: Derek Chin 28.06 Wo 2 1700 3,5 Luis Contreras Silent Tango - Bossy Madam - Capoeira 21.01 Gp 10 1600 9,0 Luis Saez Army Of One - Seranitsa - Macabre Box: 1 ML: 4.,5 Rafael Hernandez 28.11 Wo 5 1700 3,4 Luis Contreras Run For Peace - Frost Dance - She's In Cha Noble Fever 3j. rotbraun S (Noble Mission - Mambo Fever) 21.09 Wo 4 1500 12,8 Jerome Lermyte Rideforthecause - Mariposa Belle - Bossy M 2 Trainer: Mark Casse 20.07 Wo 9 1600 21,7 Jerome Lermyte Street Zapper - Maritime Breeze - Stranded 54.4 Besitzer: Dixiana Farms Llc 23.03 Fg 12 1600 12,9 Jr. Brian Hernandez Be Nimble - Gold Standard - Temple City Te 02.03 Fg 7 1600 6,8 Declan Carroll Grandezza - In Charge Annie - Whats Yur S Box: 2 ML: ,9 Gary Boulanger 09.02 Fg 3 1700 3,4 Declan Carroll Darling Vera - Classical Magic - Noble Feve Ygritte 3j. kastanie S (Tapit - Irish Mission) 13.10 Wo 5 1700 3,2 Eurico Da Silva Take Chargechristy - Super Patriotic - Boss 3 Trainer: Roger Attfield 05.07 Bel 10 2000 12,6 Luis Saez Romantic Pursuit - Coilean Bawn - Monheg 54.4 Besitzer: Robert Evans 06.06 Bel 10 1600 10,3 Flavien Prat Catch A Bid - Queen Medb - Ocean Fire Box: 3 ML: ,7 Kazushi Kimura Cherubic 4j. dunkelbr S (Hat Trick - Asuncion) 02.08 Wo 8 1400 34,3 Skye Chernetz Amalfi Coast - Super Patriotic - Vespolina 4 Trainer: Bonnie Eshelman 06.07 Wo 4 1700 10,0 Skye Chernetz Grand Mesa - Pioneerof New York - Amalfi 55.8 Besitzer: Bonnie Eshelman 31.05 Wo 5 1600 21,6 Skye Chernetz Ambitious Moon - Kitten's Finest - Strikingly 23.06 New 3 1600 25,0 Nicola Currie Simply Breathless - Zoraya - Cherubic Box: 4 ML: 2,1 Skye Chernetz 11.06 Brg 1 1600 7,0 Rossa Ryan Cherubic - Claudine - Nyala Worlds Apart 3j. rotbraun S (Broken Vow - Another World) 29.09 Wo 2 1800 11,6 Jesse Campbell Slydini - Worlds Apart - Joyful Cat 5 Trainer: Malcolm Pierce 01.09 Wo 5 1700 90,3 Jesse Campbell Samarian - Choose Hope - Get Off My Tail 54.4 Besitzer: Pin Oak Stable 10.11 Wo 8 1700 12,2 David Moran Oceans Of Love - Pretty Point - Samarian 20.10 Wo 6 1400 9,4 Patrick Husbands Western Curl - Art Of Almost - Tallulah Darli Box: 5 ML: 3.,5 Patrick Husbands Strikingly Lovely 3j. kastanie S (Smart Strike - Fortheloveofnell) 29.09 Wo 6 1800 2,4 Eurico Da Silva Slydini - Worlds Apart - Joyful Cat 6 Trainer: Gail Cox 01.09 Wo 6 1700 2,8 Eurico Da Silva Samarian - Choose Hope - Get Off My Tail 54.4 Besitzer: Sam-Son Farm 22.06 Wo 3 1700 4,2 Gary Boulanger Holyanna - Sport'n Forty - Strikingly Lovely 31.05 Wo 3 1600 5,2 Gary Boulanger Ambitious Moon - Kitten's Finest - Strikingly Box: 6 ML: ,9 Steven Bahen 24.04 Kee 6 1600 5,7 Jr. Brian Hernandez Maid In The Mist - Platinum Paynter - Miss Super Patriotic 3j. kastanie S (Munnings - Patriotic Viva) 13.10 Wo 2 1700 2,1 Jerome Lermyte Take Chargechristy - Super Patriotic - Boss 7 Trainer: Mark Casse 11.09 Wo 2 1300 3,8 Jerome Lermyte Monastery Lane - Super Patriotic - Royal M 54.4 Besitzer: Gary Barber 02.08 Wo 2 1400 4,6 Jerome Lermyte Amalfi Coast - Super Patriotic - Vespolina 31.05 Wo 4 1600 3,6 Jerome Lermyte Ambitious Moon - Kitten's Finest - Strikingly Box: 7 ML: ,3 Jerome Lermyte 03.05 Wo 2 1700 5,1 Patrick Husbands Wings Of Dawn - Super Patriotic - I Wonder Ergebnis: Quoten: 02.11.2019 - Woodbine ©2019 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 186356 Seite 3 02.11.2019 - Woodbine Rennen # 2 Seite 4 1000 m Race 2 20.400 Rennpreis: 20.400 2 FOR FILLIES AND MARES THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARD. Three Year Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 123 lbs.

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