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ILLTOP The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper Volume 84, No. 8 Friday, October 20, 2000 htttp://hilltop.howard.edu "I state to you today that this march is about family ... and we will go back to our Homecoming university and continue to uphold the morals of family coming out of this day," SELLANO SIMMONS, HUSA President Concert Raises Student Concerns By B RAKKTON BOOKER Hilltop Staff Wri1er A cloud of questions has cast a shadow over this year's Homecoming activities, as s1udents earlier this week raised questions about the m;iists and venue selec1ion of this year's Homecoming concert, This year's event, which has his- 1orically been one ofthe main attrac­ tion, of the Homecoming festivities, is set to be held at Club 2:K:9, In the "In my opinion though, the anhts past the concert was staged nt venues scheduled, are not worth [my] $25," such as Cramton Auditorium, Burr said Wendy Harris, a sophomore psy­ Gymnasium and the DC Armory. chology major. Prodigy of Mobb Deep, Biz Markie, Contrary to how some students and Ludacriss are the scheduled feel. Claiborne said he believes that headliners for the October 27th event, the admissioa price is "a bargain·• Thousands pac~cd the ~lall to hear Hi rm khan's message orf,unily unil) 01 the Milliou Family Mnrch on Mond'l), "I'm mad it's a1 a club,'' ,aid Bran­ compared 10 what other clubs charge don Jolly, sophomore marketing when homecoming bits town. major wilh a disgusted look on his With ' •st year's no-show by Ca,,h face, "Why not io an auditorium like Money Millioaaires fresh in students Cramton?H memories, Claiborne was quick to According 10 Steven Claiborne, thwan any misconceptions about any the 2000 Genesis Homecoming cancellations this year. Corrunittee Chairperson, 1he other "Last years conceri was 001 pro­ Uniting the Fan1ily venues were unavailable. duced by the steeling commiuee, "It was not our intention 10 have rather ii was included with such fthe concert] in a club," said Clai­ events as tl1e game and the coronation Farrakharz Tailors Speech borne, "[However] 2:K:9 is close in ball," This year is diffcrea1 because vicinity, capacity feasible, and close 1he event is being conduc1ed by 1be To a Hip Hop Generation enough for students to get 10," Clai­ homecoming commiuce and the 1al­ borne also said that the club's capac­ ent has signed con1rac1s, Claiborne By SIMONE WF:ICIISEI.BAU\I speech, Farrakhan thanked members ity is comparable to that ofCramton, said, Hill1op S1aff Wri1er of the hip-hop community for their which seats 1,500, Even with Claiborne's promise 10 support. " I would like 10 thank all of Still, many :,tudents said they are rom the Na1ional Monument, the hip-hop artists and the great enter­ n01 cn1hused about the $25 per tick­ Please See CONCERT; A7 10 the s1cps of the Capitol to tainers that used their image to pro­ et event Fthe sides of the Smithsonian mote this magnificent event" museums, thousands filled the Na1ion• Farrakhan also commented on how al Mall to hear a message of unity, sol important young voters are. idarit}; and th~ strength of family, 'The youth arc 1he strongest and the given by the ,p,:akors of the Million largest ,,11ing block potentially in this Communications Job ,, Family March on Monuay, nation. I want to see every young per­ The event, which was organilcd by son in tlus nn1ion from I e to 35 1hat\ Nation of Islam Minister Louis Far­ not registen-d fin vo1e] to rcgister," Fair Wraps Up Today rakhan. drew participants from Cali• Farrakhan managed to 1ie in hip fornia 10 Jamaica. hop wi1h the image of women in the By J \\II •: SPll,U'II there, so if J decide to go to graduate On hand at the raUy were Rev. Al family, Chief Copy Editor Sharpton, Minister Benjamin F. Muh- school, I'll slill have those connec- "Don't call your wom,w a 'ho.' Pick 1jons," Davis said. up a hoe - H-0-E - :Utd let's start It's shortly afler I a.m. on Thurs­ 1\vo-year report mg mtern,hips tor ~ton, on Ill~ i\~ou bmil• cultivating the earth and cultivming day morning, and Rafiah Dav is after college entice her, but she said . ' , . , · " ,JAIO • ourselves into better human beings. I hunches over a cluuered table of she's interested in a job; especially Jove my rapping brothers and sisters, newspaper clipping,. seis,ors and hamcd and Howard University Student overseas, "I btl\e an interest in for­ J know who you are. I know what transparent tape, She yawns as ,he eign reporting, so I plan to 1alk 10 the Association President Sellano Sim­ you're doing," c,.refuUy snips out an article she Associated Press to sec how I can get mons. Other highlights of his speech wrote for the Community News, "J state to you 1oday 1hat this march mvolvetl in that," Da\'ls ,aid. included 1hemmounceme111 of the Mil­ For Dilvis. a senior print journal Since tl1c incep1ion of the School is about family. .. and we will go back lion Family Endowmen1. ism major, attention to details is a ofCommunications Job Fair in 197 l, to our university and continue to "I propose tonight, this afternoon, 10 musl. She is preparing for the School uphold the morals of family coming it has grown 10 be the largest job fair set up a Million Family March Eco• of Communications Job Fair, the at a historically black college and out of this day." Simmons said in his nomic Development Fund, I'm asking annual event where journalism stu­ four-minu1e address, university, said Carol Dudley, coor­ •every family to give $ I00 from this dents vie for internships and jobs dinator of the event ln a nearly two-hour address that 0¢tober I61h tone." 0¢tober 16th and with some of the nation's best news­ was broadca,1 live on television and on "This job fair is one of the largest put it in the Million Fami ly March papers and 1elevision stations, The b.:cause of so many walk-ins," Dud­ three large screens on the mall, Far­ Economic Development Fund.'' two-day event ends today, rakhan discussed strengthening fami­ ley said, Dudley said this year, there Farrakhan ended the Million Fam­ Da,is has sci goals for herself. She are more titan 700 people reg,stered lies and the growing influence of hip­ ily March address with a mass wed Pho10 b) Chandra AnJmon ha, had three previous newspaper hop on America\ youth. Father. brought their son, and motheni brouJtht their doughte" to lhe for 1he event and more are expected. ma rch. internships and she is looking to Students from more than 18 In the first few minutes of his Please See March, A7 explore her options, Plrase See JOB FAIR. A7 "I just want to get my name out The Hilltop Today- Fifteen Students Arrested in Towers Melee CoiJPll.Ell FROM STAn' R EPORTS Fifteen students were arrested and visita• Campus 1ion for the West How:ird Plaza Towers was suspended Friday night after the a party in the Verbal Armageddon Picks Up building got out of hand and se1 off of hectic siring of events. according to Police reports. Steam as Judges Winnow Field The students were arrested at aboul 2:30 To 20 Emcees. a.m. and charged wi1h disorderly conduc1 after n few verbal spats with campus police A2 turned physical, according to witness ::1ccounts. The dispute with campus police came as the students pleaded for police 10 help a friend who was unconscious as a result of being trapped in a crowded elevator for about a half hour, friends said. Thesmden1's name was not released. A Note to Our Readers Only one student was described in the police report. The suspec1 was ordered 10 leave the area in froni of the Towers so cam­ Photo b)- Vin<x, Smilh Special Homecoming Issue on 11tesday Sludenl$ galhcrcd oulSide the llo":trd Plu~a Towers We,,t shortly nller portions of u,c building ,,ere Oood, pus police could as_sis1 the unconscious Stu· cd due lo a !ripped fire sprinkrr. l b celebrate Homecoming 2000, we will produce a special 1ucsday isrue of dent The suspect was then removed from the The dismay in the Towers began an hour sprinkler system earlier this week, The Hilltop. TI1c Tuesday isrue "ill feature co,cerage of the latest Homecoming scene by friends. according to police reports, earlier, el'Cflts, and previews and guides to one of the most exciting wee~ of the year. So, Students who attempted to use the eleva­ The suspect returned to the scene and appar­ Campus police rushed to a call of loud don't forget to pick up your ropy ofThe Hilltop on Tuesdll): We "ill round out our ently yelled profm1ity at a female campus tors during the sprinkler shower bccan1e ro,cernge of Homecoming with our regular Frid.iy issue on Oct.
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