four Page Colored The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Comic Section 20 Pages Today Three Sections VOL. IX, No. 1 CARTERET PRESS _^AUTKKKT, N'. J., KKIDA V, ;: KI'TKMBKR, l'.t, l«)3« PRICE THREE CENT* Hepublican Women To Winner Of Coal To \ County Road Work Hold Card Party Tonight | Be Announced Tomorrow ' The Carteret Women's Republican Annual Baby Parade Club will hold a big card party to- * I .«>«%. the regular weekly meeting of Described In Report night in Firehouse No. 1. All popu- ] WarUret lodge No. 267 I.O.O.F. to- lar games will be in play and then- j tiitfht in Odd Fellows Hall officers , will be nominated for the next siv! Freehold*!* IMIM Detailed Account Of Work On County Roads will be many attractive prizes. Re- Success In Carteret freshments will be served and all are ' nmnth's term. The chairman of the M Thui Y—r To Date — Np Over-Expenditure For Year invited Mrs. Mary Teat* is chair ! liirnir committee will announce the Many Prises Awarded In Cold Boy Dressed As "Huck" winning number for three tons of Finn W; . A I •, ,, «"«» man of the committee on arrange n A la Although Volume Of Work It Urge — New menU. , M">l at the RiU Theatre tomorrow * PP "»e — Shower Upsets Arrangements, Plan Compared With Old. night. The sixth annual ha'jy parade un- pritea for each division, all in gold der the auspicei of the Bo»r<l of except th* $2.60 prises which are The present Board of Freeholders will not exceed the Health was held Saturday afternoon, not easily obtained In the precious county road budget this year although very extensive road Democratic Women Democratic Campaign and while the arrangements were metal. repairing and rebuilding is being done, according to a report ! disturbed by a shower, the parade In the first division, birth to six as a whole «u a success. There were months the winners were; first, Ste- issued by the board this week for the road work of the year Hosts At Party e phen Oyug, of S Somerset street, ' To Open Tomorrow'.jjnor. e rash priiei s hthan in former $10 in gold; second, John Geles, 10 to date. The old board, according to the report, ran more than rs and the floats wtrs exception- Large Attendance At Card d th fl Catherine street, $7.50 in gold; $70,000 over its road appropriation in 1928 and again in 1929, Outing At Raritan Township bflne. In the health division third, Lucy Russo. j» Urch street, Party Last Night — Candi- twMpipriiee were awarded in gold. $5 in gold; foarthrFlorence Hlub, and used funds from other appropriations to complete the I o Mark beginning Of There were also priies in the caxri- date* Speak. 4 Central avenue, $2.60. work. County Activity. *ge division and the walking dlvi- Second Division, six months to _. sion, in gold. A very largely attended business one year, first, Stewart M. Chodosh, The report is lengthy and goes into much detail. The ad- Middlesex County Democrats will' The parade formed at the borough 305 WashlngtoB avtnut, $10 in " meeting and card party was held STEWART M. CHODOSH htU lnd ovw Co<>k# vantage of dividing the county into areas instead of assigning assemble at the Danish Home drove, *£»•••?•<' •*•" second, John Thompson, last night in Firehouse No. 2 under New Durham Road, Raritan Town- nu. to-Wartlagton, to" AOartfc street, $7.60 in gold; third, certain sections to individual members of the board is also the auspices of the Women's Demo- H» won a first priie for health in the cratic Club. The business meeting C»rt«rel Baby Parade ship, next Saturday afternoon, for 86 Penning avenut, $6 in inted out. The report follows: the annual outing which will mark son street, to Irving and back to na; fourth, William Wargo, 53 P" was devoted to hearing speeches by the formal opening of the full cam- Perishing avenue and the Borough oily street $8.60. the candidates. Former Mayor Jos- hall. The line had gone more than B To the P«opU of Middlesex County: In this building of roads, there eph A. Hermann, who is candidate paign. The various committees Third division, one to two years, working under the direction of half the rente and was turning into first prise, Phyllis Chodosh, 11 Lef- In neeordanee with our promise! hag always heretofore appeared with for that office this year, spoke in un- FLIMFLAM RACKET Emerson street from Carteret ave- great frequency the item "extra," stinted praiBe of the loyal work done County Chairman, Edmund A. ferU street, $10 in gold; second, made during the campaign of last Hayes, have completed arrange- nue when the shower broke. Some Helen Mstway, 166 Emerson street, vear, we submit a report of the work and this, we think, wa« more or leuby the women members of the party. of the finery on the float* was dam- due to the system of leaving to theThe two councilmanic candidate*, ments for the event, which promises $7.60 In gold; third, Henry Zabel, llone to date by the Department of NETSTR10 $3,000 to surpass those of previous years. aged and bedraggled, and the people 82 Lowell street, $6 in gold; fourth Highway! and Bridget, with a state sole discretion of one Freeholder, Charles A. Conrad and Edward Do- big and little got wet. They went the the manner in which his road should lan, spoke along the same line. Pres- Lunch will be served from 1 complete route of the parade, how division, Phyllis Klein, 68 Roserett merit of the coat thereof. Emerson Street Couple Victim* o'clock on, at the Grove and various avenue, $1.60. Not as a criticism of the methods tie rebuilt or repaired, as the case ident Mrs. H. John Adams was in ever. charge of the business meeting. ized By Old Game Of Dia- forms of entertainment will be pro- There were two prises of $5 In ursued by the ones who preceded ""K/'t !>'• vided. All of the County candidates At the head of the line was the gold eaeh for the best attendance at its i n chargh e off thithsi workrk, but in '" illustratill e what we mean, we Plans were made for another card monds and Money—Crooks fife, drum and bugle corps of the 1 l will be in attendance and a special the babyy clinic because two young- illustration of the fact that, by th.- I""" " »ie Washington Road, No. party to be held on October 16 local post of the American Legion g lH Said To Have Used Drugs. : sters had identical records, division of the County into area*. - ntarU-d in 1928 and completed when Mrs. Dennis O'Rourke will be They ln l92!l eaeh received thei J^JTheISJThtyj |r« Wit instead of allocating to ea.h mom . and Just beinr paid for shall man te charge*.' * Wit now A flimflam 'taekat at. aid at in* avenue. I er of the Board four or five road*. (September, 1930). First, A feature of the meeting- last without the Coanty. the hills was worked successfully Satur- came iirtthoerl "W tnY "Board: of ohn Collins, of Union street with unrestricted right* to improve re was a repair contract—the night was community singing of Men, women and children are cor- dK.IIU.ML day on an Emerson street family, and dially invited by the County Com- Health, borough council and Board them in whatever manner he miglu ;;»ntract price being $12,792.00. Irish songgs by all present There of Education. The feature of the parade that ex- n re were the savings of a lifetime of careful mittee to attend and learn some- cited as much or more comment than fee fit and the privilege to H|>«nd ' « extras ordered on this were Irish c The original intention was to hare road bv th T - economy, $3,000 went into the hands thing of the Democratic plans for anything else was in the walking di- as much as he might deem neces- « Freeholder ln charge MrsM . Dolly O Rorkor1te and Frank Dowl' of the confidence men and their wom- the crowd gather In front to be an- sary we wish to call attention to "mounting to $4,384.64, or about ing. William Staubach was at the the coming election. Special atten- division when Bernard Katha, of 10 an companion. The victims, Mr. and tion will be given to the entertain- nounced by the Mayor from the Charles street, strolled along as the fact that we have effected a very one-third over and mbovs the price piano. A card party followed the Mrs. Mettres or Matway, of 166 Em- landing on the second floor of the business meeting. ment of the women and children. building ^ov»r the entrance to theHuckleberry Finn. He wore the COmsiderable saving in the cost per provideProvidedd for in the contract At erson street The warrant for the overalls, Uttered hat and was per- abo t The priie winners in cards were: Road markers are being erected police station. The mayor had a mililee of maintainingm and improvin____r g^ abou"t ththee same time, there was a arrest of one of the confidence trio this week so that people going to fect in the character- Over his shoul- (he roads and bridges "of theJ county! I contract ffiven to the same contract- Bridge Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dowling. was signed by the woman as Mrs.
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