OPERA HONG KONG & LE FRENCH MAY PROUDLY PRESENT AN OPERA IN 4 ACTS 四幕歌劇 16-20 MAY 2018 (WED - SUN) | 19:30 Libretto 編劇及作詞: Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy Grand Theatre, 麥爾哈克及阿萊維 Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心大劇院 Producer 監製: Warren Mok 莫華倫 Conductor 指揮: Yves Abel 阿貝爾 Performed in French with Chinese and English Surtitles Director 導演: Jean-Romain Vesperini 衛斯皮烈尼 法語演出,中英文字幕 Chorus Director 合唱團總監: Alex Tam 譚天樂 卡比才 門 Bizet’s CARMEN 節目主要贊助及5月20日演出之冠名贊助 鳴謝 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Performance Major Sponsor and Title Sponsor of 20 May performance Acknowledgement 香港小交響樂團 康樂及文化事務署 Opera Hong Kong Chorus Leisure and Cultural Services Department 香港歌劇院合唱團 Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus 香港歌劇院兒童合唱團 香港歌劇院榮譽贊助及5月18日演出之冠名贊助 5月19日演出之獨家贊助 全力支持 Honorary Patron of Opera Hong Kong & Sole Sponsor of 19 May performance Supported by The Song and Dance Troupe of Fujian Opera Title Sponsor of 18 May performance Dance and Drama Theatre 福建省歌舞劇院歌舞團 OPERA HONG KONG & LE FRENCH MAY PROUDLY PRESENT Love Awaits You Peter Gordon If any opera belies the notion that this art form is Bizet’s music is irresistible, so much so that it can somehow snobby and elitist, it’s Carmen. obscure the fact that this simple story of a doomed love affair is populated who characters who are deeply This now famous story of the gypsy seductress and the ambivalent. fatally besotted soldier Don José combines drama that is AN OPERA IN 4 ACTS both metaphorically and literally gut-stabbing with music Micaëla, the ostensibly simple country girl, turns out to be 四幕歌劇 16-20 MAY 2018 that is popular in the best sense of the word: hummable the only person with courage and decency. She has given (WED - SUN) | 19:30 tunes and melodies that go round in one’s head for days up on Don José, but nevertheless goes to the smugglers’ mountain camp to find him: not for herself, and not to Libretto 編劇及作詞: afterwards. Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy Grand Theatre, save him, but for his dying mother. 麥爾哈克及阿萊維 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Carmen is based on the 1845 novella of the same title by Don José falls for Carmen in spite of himself with a 香港文化中心大劇院 the French writer Prosper Mérimée; as is often the case Producer 監製: Warren Mok 莫華倫 with opera, the musical adaption relegated the original passion that devours him. He is perhaps tragic, certainly proud, jealous and foolish — but men in love all too often Conductor 指揮: Yves Abel 阿貝爾 Performed in French prose source to relative obscurity. The composer was the with Chinese and English Surtitles are. In the end, however, Don José exudes only pathos: Director 導演: Jean-Romain Vesperini 衛斯皮烈尼 young Georges Bizet, of whom much was expected, but 法語演出,中英文字幕 whose other compositions, notably Les Pêcheurs de Perles “There is still time,” he pleads in a final appeal to Carmen. Chorus Director 合唱團總監: Alex Tam 譚天樂 — The Pearl Fishers — had to date achieved only limited “Let me save you, and in so doing, save myself as well!” success. Carmen’s première at Paris’s Opéra-Comique in This is met with the derision it deserves. 1875 scandalized many, understandably perhaps given the Carmen for her part is fiery, thoughtless, superstitious focus on a woman — a gypsy no less! — of dubious virtue. and completely irredeemable with no regard for anyone As inexplicable as it seems today, others were apparently but herself, and yet... and yet she won’t be pushed around, bored by it. 比才 least of all by men. When Don José returns to find her — Bizet himself was convinced it was a failure; he tragically stalks her, some might say — outside the bullring, she died of a heart attack only a few months later, never to tells him “I was born free and free I shall die!” This is a know of the tremendous global success his work became. woman who knows just who she is and who stands up 卡門 for herself. And thus, although the opera is 140 years old, Carmen soon took off and remains of the most commonly- performed operas worldwide. No mezzo-soprano can is also entirely modern. That, and not just the music, is call her career complete without undertaking this most surely why Carmen became, and remains, iconic: it still celebrated of roles. speaks to us and not always comfortably. It is ironic that some of the best-known “Spanish music” Bizet’s was written by a Frenchman. Bizet was not above “borrowing” music from Spanish composers: Carmen’s famous Act I “Habanera” is a crib from “El arreglito” by Sebastián Iradier. The first Carmen, Célestine Galli- Marié, insisted that Bizet write her something “in the CARMENline of gypsies”. A request to the Conservatory Library — Bizet himself never actually visited Spain — turned up the song that has become one of opera’s most famous arias. The entr’acte to Act IV is also based on an Andalusian serenade from an 1804 operetta by Manuel García. 節目主要贊助及5月20日演出之冠名贊助 鳴謝 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Performance Major Sponsor and Title Sponsor of 20 May performance Acknowledgement 香港小交響樂團 康樂及文化事務署 Opera Hong Kong Chorus Leisure and Cultural Services Department 香港歌劇院合唱團 Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus 香港歌劇院兒童合唱團 香港歌劇院榮譽贊助及5月18日演出之冠名贊助 5月19日演出之獨家贊助 全力支持 Honorary Patron of Opera Hong Kong & Sole Sponsor of 19 May performance Supported by The Song and Dance Troupe of Fujian Opera Title Sponsor of 18 May performance Dance and Drama Theatre 福建省歌舞劇院歌舞團 愛.期待 高博德 一般人認為歌劇是一種上流社會、精英份子的娛樂。 比才因這齣歌劇的失敗而受到打擊,數個月後更因心臟 若有一齣歌劇可以反證這錯覺,那就是《卡門》。 病發而英年早逝。他萬萬想不到此劇後來竟風靡全球。 現在此劇已成為每位女中音必演的劇目。 《卡門》這齣舉世知名的歌劇,敘述水性楊花的吉卜 賽女子卡門和迷戀她的糊塗警衛兵唐荷西的故事。這 對於西班牙人來說,最廣為人熟識的西班牙音樂乃出自 齣歌劇引人入勝,劇中的歌調旋律優美,繞樑三日。 法國作曲家比才的手筆,是一件頗為諷刺的事。第一幕 大部份觀眾至少認識劇中一首歌曲 —— 第二幕起幕後 中由卡門唱出的著名詠嘆調《愛情是一隻反叛的小鳥》 數分鐘出現的「鬥牛勇士之歌」。 (哈巴涅拉舞曲)取材自十多年前西班牙作曲家伊拉 第耶的歌曲《姘居》。事緣是這樣:首演卡門的女主 《卡門》的故事取材自法國作家梅里美於 1845 年出版 角嘉麗瑪維埃強烈要求比才為她寫一些具有吉卜賽味 的同名短篇小說。這齣出色歌劇的知名度遠勝其原來 道的歌曲。比才於是到音樂學院的圖書館尋找靈感(因 的小說。 他從沒有踏足西班牙),其後竟寫成這齣歌劇最著名 創作這齣歌劇是年青的比才,為人期待。但其另一齣 的歌曲。此外,第三和第四幕之間的幕間曲,也是建 創作《採珠者》卻不算十分成功。《卡門》於 1875 年 基於西班牙作曲家馬勞埃.加西亞於 1804 年創作的一 在巴黎喜歌劇院首演,引起很多人不滿,最可理解的 齣輕歌劇中的一種安達盧西亞小夜曲。 原因是其主角為淫蕩的吉卜賽女人。另外有些人覺得 比才這齣歌劇的音樂引人入勝,甚至使人忽略了劇中 此歌劇很沉悶,這點我們現在實在難以理解。 角色性格充滿矛盾及搖擺不定。 純樸的村女米凱拉是劇中唯一一個勇敢而可敬的人物。 她雖然已對唐荷西絕望,但仍深入走私販盤據的山頭 尋找他。這並非為了自己,也並非為了拯救唐荷西, 而是為了唐荷西病危的母親。 唐荷西為卡門自甘墮落,命運雖是可悲,但他誠然自以 為是,疾妒,而且愚昧 — 但哪一個在愛中的男人並 非如此?(觀眾中的年青男子應謹記米凱拉的忠告。) 最後唐荷西仍滿懷傷感向卡門道:「我們還有時間。」, 最後更哀求她:「讓我拯救妳,這樣我也可以拯救自 己!」最終亦只能受到命運的嘲弄。 卡門這角色既瘋狂、又自私、迷信及執迷不悟。她完 全不受男人束縛。當唐荷西返回鬥牛場外找她時 ( 或指 他跟蹤卡門),她對他說:「我生性自由,死也要自 由地死!」。卡門很清楚自己的本性,並堅決我行我 素。雖然這齣歌劇創作於 140 多年前,但它今天仍感動 我們,令我們產生共鳴,縱然觀眾有時感到不安。這 就是《卡門》成為經典的原因。 Opera Hong Kong 香港歌劇院 Established in 2003, Opera Hong Kong (OHK) is committed to the mission 香港歌劇院自 2003 年成立以來,一直致力製作 of enhancing the appreciation of the art of opera in Hong Kong and 高質素及專業的歌劇,將歌劇帶給香港的觀眾, promoting local musical talent. In addition to staging operas and concerts, 並培養本地具潛質的音樂家。香港歌劇院亦定期 education and outreach programmes are also held regularly to reach the 為年青一代舉辦各項教育及外展活動,把歌劇藝 young population. Opera Hong Kong Chorus and Opera Hong Kong Children 術進一步推廣至社會各階層。香港歌劇院更於 Chorus were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively and are becoming 2004 年及 2008 年成立香港歌劇院合唱團及香 recognised forces in the local choral scene. 港歌劇院兒童合唱團,為本地合唱界注入新的動 力。 In 2015, OHK has launched The Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme (the Programme), a 3-year opera training 2015 年,香港歌劇院獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 programme funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, to 全力贊助推出「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發 nurture ten professional young local artists. The Programme is the first- 展計劃」,為期三年,培訓十位本地專業青年演 ever intensive professional opera training project in Hong Kong accompanied 唱家,這是香港首個配以一連串外展活動的密集 by a series of outreach activities. Mr. Gong Dongjian, a famous bass and an 式歌劇訓練計劃。計劃總監是著名男低音龔冬健 experienced vocal coach, is the Programme Director of the Programme. 先生,他肩負計劃發展的策劃外,更為參與計劃 的十位年青本地演歌唱家定期授課。 OHK will celebrate its 15th anniversary in 2018. In addition to presenting a series of celebratory programmes including full scale productions of Carmen 香港歌劇院今年已邁進十五周年。本歌劇院將呈 in May and Turandot in October, the company will also be expanding its 獻一系列精彩慶祝節目,包括五月上演的足本製 Education & Outreach efforts with a brand-new music centre Opera Hong 作經典歌劇《卡門》和十月上演的《杜蘭朵》。 Kong Atelier Lyrique and scaling up the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young 此外,香港歌劇院更致力擴大教育及外展工作, Artist Development Programme. Alongside, a complete digital overhaul on 於灣仔設立香港歌劇院樂樂坊作永久培訓空間, website and a re-energised social media platform will enhance readers’ 以及擴展賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展計劃 knowledge of opera and nurture a new generation of opera lovers in Hong 的規模。與此同時,香港歌劇院即將推出全新網 Kong. 站,與社交平台內容繼續精彩同步,以豐富及具 創意的內容增進讀者對歌劇藝術的認識,孕育香 港新一代的歌劇愛好者。 Producer Warren Mok 監製 莫華倫 Conductor Yves Abel 指揮 阿貝爾 Director Jean-Romain Vesperini 導演 衛斯皮烈尼 Set Designer Bruno de Lavenère 佈景設計 納雲奈烈 Costume Designer Thibaut Welchlin 服裝設計 維爾殊林 - With the special support of Vannina Vesperini – 由 Vannina Vesperini 全力支持製作卡門, for Carmen, Frasquita and Mercédès costumes. 芙拉斯基塔及梅賽黛斯的服裝。 Lighting Designer Christophe Chaupin 燈光設計 卓平 Video Designer Etienne Guiol 視像設計 古奧爾 Assistant Director & Choreographer Daphne Mauger 助理導演及編舞 毛格 Chorus Director Alex Tam 合唱團總監 譚天樂 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團 Opera Hong Kong Chorus 香港歌劇院合唱團 Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus 香港歌劇院兒童合唱團 The Song and Dance Troupe of Fujian Opera Dance and Drama Theatre 福建省歌舞劇院舞蹈團 Carmen Varduhi Abrahamyan * / Marie Karall ^ 卡門 艾巴罕婭 * / 卡拉爾 ^ Don José - (16, 18 May) / (17, 19, 20 May) Jean François Borras Giancarlo Monsalve 唐荷西 博華斯 (5 月 16, 18 日) / 蒙沙爾夫 (5 月 17, 19, 20 日) Micaëla * / ^ Li Yang Colette Lam 米凱拉 李洋 * / 林穎穎 ^ Escamillo (16, 18, 19 May) / - (17, 20 May ) Vittorio Vitelli Jean Kristof Bouton 埃斯卡米洛 維特里 (5 月 16, 18, 19 日) / 保頓 (5 月 17, 20 日) Zuniga Apollo Wong 蘇尼加 黃日珩 Frasquita * / ^ Joyce Wong Phoebe Tam 芙拉斯基塔 黃華裳 * / 譚樂軒 ^ Mercédès * / ^ Bobbie Zhang Samantha Chong 梅賽黛斯 張倩 * / 張吟晶 ^ Dancairo * / ^ Albert Lim Sammy Chien 丹凱羅 林俊 * / 錢深銘 ^ Remendado Chen Chen * / Chen Yong ^ 雷門達多 陳晨 * / 陳永 ^ Moralès Alexander Chen 莫拉萊斯 陳俊堯 ^ * 16, 18, 20 May 17, 19 May * 5 月 16, 18, 20 日 ^ 5 月 17, 19 日 Producer 監製 Warren Mok 莫華倫 World-renowned Hong Kong tenor Warren Mok makes frequent guest appearances in many leading opera houses throughout the world. His operatic repertoire exceeds 60 roles including Cavaradossi in Tosca, Calaf in Turandot, Rodolfo in La Bohème, Radamès in Aïda and many others.
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