Ahea Whcn Father Timc gives the signal, down the rails you go . full of hopc . new ambitions . into a new ycar . for better or for worsc. Much will depend upon thc accuracy of your watch. You will do well to face the ncw ycar with complcte confidence in the time you carry. For schedules arc sacred obligations . .aid guessworlr is dangerous. Start right with a Hamilton 992 tucked away in your watch pocket, ready with the right time all the tirnc. It will go far to assurc you of "Clear Track Ahead'' on your schcdulcd runs during thc new year. Hamilton is made for such men as you-built to pcrform accurately under thc most dificult conditions of railroad lifq. As thc ycars roll by, you will come to look upon your Hamilton as the most dcpcnd- able of fricnds. Ask your jewelcr to tell you why IIamiIton holds that enviable position as "Thc Railroad Timekeeper of America" . to show you the latest Hamilton lnodcls for Railroad or dress wcar. And Ic t 11s scnd you,withou tchargc, a convcnicnt time book to rccord your time throughout the new ycar. Address Dcpartmcnt R., IIainilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Pa. Railroad Model No. 2-the famous 992. In case of special dustproof construction with non-pull-out stern. Availahlc in l4K filled whiteor grcwn gold or 10K filled yellow gold. We sngpest a sccond watch for drcss wear- the ncw Raleigh strap model shown llere ib as plainly 1,enutif'ol in design as it is dcperd- able in performarlcc. In lili filled yellow, green or whi~cgold, S5.5.00. " ' 'r~heRailroad Timekeeper of America" Page 1 Y Wo HORACE WILLIAMS COO, INCo I ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS I ANY CLASS-CONSTRUCTION-ANY SIZE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or C o n s t r u c t i o n o f D o c k Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. FRISCO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR RIVER BRIDGE ( and Other Important Works for Fhco Lines RUILT BY THIS COMPANY 1 OXWELD RAILROAD SERVICE COO 11 REPRESENTING : LINDE AIR PRODUCTS CO. The PREST-0-LITE CO., Inc. (Linde Oxygen) (Prest-0-Lite Acetylene) UNION CARBIDE SALES CO. OXWELD ACETYLENE CO. (Union Carbide and Car Inspector's Lamps) (Oxweld Apparatus and Supplies and Carbic Lights) HAYNES STELLITE CO. (High Abrasive Welding Rod) UNITS OF UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON CORPORATION. CARBIDE & CARBON CARBIDE & CARBON BUILDING BUILDING NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO, ILLS. General American Tank Car Corp, General American Car Co. BUILDERS LESSORS Tank Cars Tank Cars Milk Cars M'ilk Cars Railroad Cars kv*, s .ar Refrigerator Cars OFFICES: Illinois Merchants Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Whitehall Bldg., New York City Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. ~osdenBldg., Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Texas Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Magnus Company INCORPORATED I JOURNAL BEARINGS and I BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO I THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MACAZINE ROOMS 73 7- 7.38 FRISCO BUILDING . ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGCINS, Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Associate Editor WM. MeMILLAN. Adoerliring Manager Vol. VII JANUARY. 1930 No. 4 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full. any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages A Sew Year's Grceting from President Krrrn ........................................................................................ 4 Frisco to Spend $24.127.177 in 1930.................. ... ............................................................................3 Hc Soltl First Air Brakes to Frisco ....................................................................................... ............... 6 Frisco \;\iorkcr Visits English Home ..........................................................................1............................. 7 Club Prcsiclents Meet Novernher 25-26.................................................................................... S-I0 rZ Page of Cartoons .................................................................................................................................... 11 Jnh I.. GO~SL.~) Sews of the Frisco Clul)s ....................................................................................................................12-18 Car Damage Drcreases 19.5 Pcr Ccnt First 11 hlontl~sof Year ................................................20 Eleven T1lous;untl People Sce Frisco Exhibit Car ................................................................................21 Frisco Trains 95.2 Pcr Ccnt On Time Despite Had Weather .......................................................22 Irormcr Frisco President n. I;. Yoak~imDics Xovcmhcr 28 ..........................................................23 For 1,lcritorious Service ........; ..................................................................................................................... 20 Loco~noti\rc Fucl Pcrformancc Kccords ...........................................................................................2s-29 The T\vilight Hour.................................................................................................................................... 30 Frisco Babies ............................................................................................................................................... 3 I Horncrnakers' Page ...................................................... .......... ...... -2 Flashcs of Merriment ..................................................................................................................................33 Jn Memoriam .......................................................................................................................................... 34 Frisco Mcchanic ......................................................................................................................................35-41 Frisco Family News ................................................................................................................................ 42-72 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER The Frisco Employm' 3Iagnsine is a munl.ti1.v publicotlon devoted primarily to the lnteresls of the more than 28,000 active and retired employes of the Frisco Lines. It contains storles, items of current news, personal notes about employes and thelr families, articles dealing with rarlous phases of railroad work, poems, cartoons and notices ~egnrdlngthe service. Good ciesr photogrnphs sultnble for regroductlon are especially desired, nnd will be returned only ahen requested. All cartoons and drawings must be in black India drawing hk. Employes are invited to mlte articles for the rnngazine. Contributions should be type- written, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor, E'risco Building. st. Louts, Yo. Dlstrlbuied free among Frlsm Employes. To others. price 15 cents a copy; subserlption rate $1.50 a year. Advertising ratas WIII be made known upon a~plication. KELLOGG GROUP As this issue of The Frisco Employes' Magazine reaches the 30,000 members of our far-flung Frisco Family, 1929 recedes into history and 1930, with its problems and joys confronts us. As the new year dawns, it is again my privilege to send heartiest greetings and best wishes to the 30,000 workers of this company, who have valiantly and intelligently helped make 1929 a successful year ,for Frisco Lines. Several important accomplishments in which employes and manage- ment have joined hands come to my mind in reviewing our record for 1929. Chief among them is the splendid manner in which Frisco em- ployes have given of their time and effort in soliciting traffic for their railroad. The results from this endeavor, as reported through the var- ious employes' clubs, has amazed and delighted us all and it is my earnest hope that this activity will continue during 1930. This spirit of friend- liness, of which traffic solicitation is only one manifestation, makes me proud to head so fine an organization. In looking forward into 1930, am satisfied that never before in its long history was Frisco Lines so well-equipped to serve the public. The spirit of our personnel is at the highest point in its history. We have more and better power, heavier steel, better roadbed and more cars than ever before. Our budget for the year, $24,127,177, is the largest amount ever appropriated in a single year by this railroad, and $12,000,000 of it is going for more locomotives, cars and rail to supplement our present equipment. And so we are entering 1930 in excellent condition, with a good year behind us and a better one ahead, and the satisfying knowledge that our army of employes will continue to give us the whole-hearted co- operation and support which we value so highly. To you and yours I sincerely wish the happiest and most prosperous New Year possible. Yours very truly, FRISCO TO SPEND $24,Im27,177IN 1930 ' Une with President Herbert lutely essential to the territory," hrer's policy of business ex- President Kurn Announces the president said, "but if the nsion during 1930, President agricultural and horticultural pro- " Kurn, on December 7, an- Largest Yearlg Budget in duction holds up as against sev- -red that Frisco Lines will era1 years past, we find no reason i $24,127,177 during the year corn pan y's is tor-^- whv 1930 should not hold its own -oadvay and structures, new for as ;gainst the good years of 1926 truction and new equipment. $12,000,000 New
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