E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1998 No. 29 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was markable achievement for Valparaiso the program and the success of his called to order by the Speaker pro tem- University and a great source of pride players merits recognition. In the last pore (Mr. HOBSON). for me and the citizens I represent. 6 years, he has seen 80 percent of his f Valparaiso is the smallest school rep- players graduate, a higher rate than resented in the tournament, with a the school has as a whole. Further, all DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO total of 2,700 undergraduate students. six players on this year's team who are TEMPORE Nonetheless, Valparaiso has seen a seniors are set to graduate. He has The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- level of success few teams have experi- been a positive influence on his stu- fore the House the following commu- enced. They have won both the regular dents, a model of sportsmanship on the nication from the Speaker: season conference title and the Mid- sidelines, an example of the type of hard work that makes the people of WASHINGTON, DC, Continent Conference tournament title March 17, 1998. for the last 4 years, a feat accom- Northwest Indiana great. I hereby designate the Honorable DAVID L. plished by only three other teams in Not only has Valparaiso University HOBSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on NCAA history. continued to shine on the basketball this day. Valparaiso has been to the NCAA court, but the school itself has a stellar NEWT GINGRICH, tournament twice before this year. It academic record. Valparaiso has con- Speaker of the House of Representatives. was unable to advance beyond the first sistently ranked in the top 15 of re- f round. This year it is different. gional universities, as published by U.S. News and World Report. This year, MORNING HOUR DEBATES Valparaiso has now become only the second 13-seed in history to advance to of the over 500 colleges listed, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Sweet Sixteen. Their opening Valparaiso is ranked number two of the ant to the order of the House of Janu- round win over the University of Mis- best universities in the Midwest, and ary 21, 1997, the Chair will now recog- sissippi last Friday was nothing short Valparaiso's overall graduation rate of nize Members from lists submitted by of inspiring. 72 percent makes them one of the best the majority and minority leaders for For the six senior players who have schools around. morning hour debates. The Chair will fought hard to bring success to this I would like to wish Coach Drew and alternate recognition between the par- team and this school, it was an amaz- the Valparaiso Crusaders the best of ties, with each party limited to 30 min- ing culmination of determination and luck for their game against the Univer- utes, and each Member, except the ma- perseverance that led to their victory. sity of Rhode Island on Friday. This is an exciting time for the people I rep- jority leader, the minority leader, or Bryce Drew's 3-point shot to win the resent and for college basketball fans the minority whip, limited to 5 min- game was reminiscent of the final everywhere. utes. scene in the movie ``Hoosiers,'' in The Chair recognizes the gentleman which a tiny high school team came to- f from Indiana (Mr. VISCLOSKY) for 5 gether in the waning seconds to win REMOVING U.S. ARMED FORCES minutes. the championship game against a much FROM BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA f larger and more powerful foe. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under After Valparaiso's second-round over- CONGRATULATIONS TO VALPA- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- time win over Florida State on Sun- uary 21, 1997, the gentleman from RAISO UNIVERSITY MEN'S BAS- day, coach Homer Drew said, ``Only in KETBALL TEAM Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized during America and only in the NCAA Tour- morning hour debates for 5 minutes. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, on be- nament can you have the opportunity (Mr. PAUL asked and was given per- half of the people of Northwest Indiana to go against the best athletes and the mission to revise and extend his re- that I represent and as an Indiana Uni- best programs in America. We beat two marks.) versity and Notre Dame University schools from the best conferences in Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I would like graduate, I want to congratulate America.'' to draw to the attention of my col- Valparaiso University, which is in the Coach Drew and his team have prov- leagues two House concurrent resolu- First Congressional District of Indiana. en that hard work and persistence tions that we will be voting on, one I want to congratulate the Valparaiso eventually lead to success. The coach today and one tomorrow. men's basketball team on their impres- has spent the last 10 seasons building The one tomorrow is offered by the sive wins in the first and second rounds the basketball program that exists gentleman from California (Mr. CAMP- of the NCAA Tournament. It is a re- today. His dedication to the success of BELL), which I think we should pay b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1169 H1170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 17, 1998 close attention to and, hopefully, sup- So it is not our responsibility. Yes, noise that was involved, the police di- port. This is H. Con. Res. 227. It is a we can condemn the violence; and who rect communication, one with another, concurrent resolution directing the would not? But does that justify the and the potential that it was possible President, pursuant to section 5(c) of taxing of American citizens and impos- for the gunman in this case to have the War Powers Resolution, to remove ing a threat to American lives by im- used live television broadcasts to be United States Armed Forces from the posing and sending our troops to all able to monitor the events at the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. these hot spots around the region? scene. The troops should never have been So I strongly urge my fellow col- There was another area of great con- sent there in the first place. There was leagues to look carefully at this resolu- cern, and that was simply the fire- a lot of controversy. It was far from tion tomorrow and assume congres- power of this gunman. To say the least, unanimous consent from the Congress sional responsibility. It is not the re- it was disturbing that his private arse- to send the troops there. They were sponsibility of the President to wage nal included a grenade launcher and sent there in 1995, and they were to be war, to put troops around the world. numerous grenades, a crossbow with there for 18 months, and each time we That is a congressional responsibility. darts, a small arsenal of shotguns, ri- came upon a date for removing the So although there has been no dec- fles, handguns, hundreds of rounds of troops, they were extended. laration of war, we are sitting ducks ammunition, including 100-round ca- Currently, it is the President's posi- for a war to be started. So let us stop pacity magazine with 80 rounds inside. tion that the troops will stay indefi- the war before it gets started. That weapon actually used in the nitely. He has not set a date, although I think we should strongly endorse shooting was an SKS semiautomatic the Congress has set a date for this this resolution and make sure these assault weapon. This weapon was pow- June for all funding to be removed as troops come home. It is interesting erful enough that the fatal bullet was of June and the troops should come that there is a fair amount of support fired through the front door, that it home. This resolution more or less for this, and we obviously won the vote was possible that there were other bul- states that same position. I strongly on this last year to say the troops lets that went through the walls of the favor this, and I believe that the Con- should come home in June of this year. house and through both sides of police gress should send a strong message I suspect and hope that this will be re- car parked outside. that we should not casually and care- stated, and there will be no excuse to The weapon in question was not on lessly send troops around the world to extend their stay in this region. the 1994 Crime Control Bill of banned police the world. This is a good way for But at the same time we win those assault weapons, although that bill did us to get into trouble. Our national security is not threat- kind of votes, and there is a strong sen- prohibit the manufacture of ammuni- ened. There was no justification for our timent here in the Congress when we tion and magazines of more than 10 troops to be sent there. There are al- are required to vote and there is cer- rounds.
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