I ndex Ctd . Grants Road - Road CUllenstown to Wellingtonbridge •.......... 38 Gr ants Road ••.•.....•......•••.......... 17 Gr atuity or superannuation - application Thomas Rowe,Ex. Rate Collector.7 Hayes S. application Local Government Act 1933 .••.•••••..•... 24 Keho e John Ex. Assistant Surveyor sanction superannuation •••....... 17 Kehoe Maurice personal sureties 'as Ra te Colleotor •••........ 7 Kilcavan and Irish Branch United Ireland Party complaint Co. Council expenditure .........•....•......... 39 Kilcorkey Lane ................•••••..... 37 Killeen Miss D.B. permane t appointment.4 Labourers Leaving farms worK on roads •••••..... 25-26 Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) , Act 1925 - Assessment .• 45 Local Government Act 1933 claims by Cullen T•............••••..•••....• 24-25 Hayes S ••...•...........•..••.•.•.• 24-25 Radford D••...•.....•.•••••.....••. 24-25 Loans Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts £2000 an~ £8000 ••......... 13 McDonald Rita not availing of University Scholarship ..••...• lO McNally James Report superannuation .•... 38 / Meeting Co. Committee next.6th.mov •...•. l Minor Relief Schemes - Allocation money for Wexford District •...••.... 36 lUnor Relief Schemes - Repair of lanes connection Tinnock Rd. Coole and Noderan and Kilcorkey Lane •••.•..... 37 Monamolin Roads complaint Fr. Rossiter •• 29-30 O'Donnell A.S. Renewal P. & P. Licence •. 38 Overdraft extension of •••.•.......••.•.• 9-l3 Personal Sureties Maurice Kehoe,Rate Collector No. 18 ............. 7 Poi~ons & Pharmacy Act Licence Renewal A.S. O'Donnell,Taghmon •.•....... 38 Poundage Minister deClines to pay in full ••..•..... 4 Primary Scholarship Scheme ••..••........ l Radford D. claim under Local Government , Act 1933 .............. 24-25 Rate Collection •.•..........•........... 3-6-12-15 Rates Seizures for ••.•..........•.•..... 15 Reduc tion in Poundage •.................. 4 Redmond MI. Small Dwellings A.Acts •..... 8 Roads - Cullenstown to Wellingtonbridge. ~ 8 do - Grants •.•........••.•...... '" .• 17 do - Labourers leaving farmers to work on •..•.•....•. 25-26 Ronan Margaret expenses attendin~ m Secondary & Vocational Schlships.ll Rossiter Rev. M.P. Monamolin Roads and dangerous corners ••.•...... 29 to 34 Rowe Thos. Ex. rate Collecto . ~~lication ~ Gratuity or super annuation •... 7 Ryan patrick - Road Ganger ••..••.••..... 18 to 20 ~heme County,cha es in .•..•.••••..... 15-16 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Index Ctd. Secondary and Vocational Scholarship EXam expenses attending:- Cullen Denis, Konan Margaret •.•....••. 11 Seizures for Rates .....•.........•........ 15 Sheep Dipping Order - Forms E. and F •..... 3 Sheill W. Small DYellings A. Ac t s ••....... 3 Sinnott J.J. and discount Small Dwellings Rate •............. 8 Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts:- do Bolger D••..............••........ 13 do Darcy Joseph and Doyle James .••... 8 do Dwyer Edward •.•••.•.•. ...•....... 12 do Fanning Patrick and Foley James •.. 8 do Loans £2000 and £8000 •.•••....•... 13 do Redmond Michael •...•............. 8 do Sheil William •.•...........•...... 3 ' tt d-l Wickham Michael •••................ 8 SUperannuations:- Kehoe John ex-Assistant Surveyor sanction ••.... 17 do McNally J. Report from C.E.0 ••.... 8 Tinnock Road connect Coole and Bodpran •.•. 37 Tobacco Curing Gorey Workhouse premises •.. 20 to 23 Treanor T. and Gorey Workhouse premises ... 20 to 23 University Scholarship Scheme McDonald Rita and Whitmore Geor ge.lO-14 Wexford Bridge and £90 from Contingency Fund •••....... 37 Whitmore George not availing of University Scholarship .•...... lO Wibkham Michael Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts ••.... 8 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD COONTY COONCIL, MEETING 9th OCTOBER. 1931 CountYall, N.J. FRIZELLE, WEXFO,. Seoretary, Wexford Co. Counoil. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES A meeting of Wexford Oounty Oouncil was held on 9th October, 1933, in Oounty Oouncil Ohamber, Oounty Hall, exford. Present:- Mr. K. Doyle, (Chairman) presiding; also:­ )lessrs.James Armstrong, John Brennan, James Olince, Patrick Oolfer, Richard Oorish, John Culleton, John Cummins, Timothy F. DtArcy, John Doran, James Gaul, 001. O.M. Gibbon, James Hal1,Patrick Hayes, lllchael Hickey, William P. Xeegan, Thomas Kaylor, Thomas KcOarthy, Sean O'Eyrne, Miss Nellle O'Ryan, 001. R.P. Wemyss ~in, James Shannon, Kyles Smyth and James E. Walsh. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, 00. Surveyor, Rates Inspector and the five Assistant Surveyors were in attendance. The Minutes of last meet ing were conflrmed. PADIENTS Treasurer's Advice Notes for the folloWing were examined and signed - Ordinary payments £3816; Transfers to Subsidiary Account £l13ll.0.3d; Transfers Public Bodies £32728.l0s; Transfers Loan Accounts £2656.l5s. '1' lIEETIliG OF 0 NO IL 001. ~in proposed and Kr. Brennan seconded the following resolutlon:- "That next meeting of Wexford Oounty Oouncil be held on Monday 6th Xovember,1933." llr. Oummins proposed and Mr. Oorish seconded the following amendment:- 'That next meeting of Wexford Oounty Oounci1 be held on Monday, 30th October,1933,' A poll was taken with the following resu1t:- zsm: 6th NO BER: Messrs. Brennan, Doran, Hall, Hio~ey, Quin, Smyth and the Ohairman. (7) FOR 10th OCTOBER: . Mesafa. Armstrong, Ollnce, Oorlsh, Cummins, Gibbon, Of Byrne and Shannon. (7) The Ohairman gave his casting vote in favour of 6th November, 1933. The following were not present when poll was taken:­ Kessrs. Oolfer, Culleton, DIArcy, Gaul, Hayes, Keegan, Mey1er, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES MoOarthy, OtRyan and Walsh (10) were not present when Poll was taken. The Ohairman deolared the motion to have next meeting of the Oouncil on 6th November,1933, carried. OooNTY OOUNOIL ELECTIONS The following resolution was moved by Mr. Cummins seconded by Yr. Hall, and, on a show of hands carried by ten votes to four:- "That Oircuit Judge Devitt and the Ministry for Justioe be requested to postpone the opening of Oircuit Court in Wexford from 14th November to 15th November,1933, as the Co. Counoil Elections are being held on the first mentioned date." CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting 13th September,1933:- The Minutes of Finance Oommittee in respect of meeting held on 13th September,l933, were submitted as follows:- / © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES • 3 Tbe fortnightly meeting of Finance 00 mittee was held in County Council Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, on 13th September,l933. Present,Kessrs John Cummins, James Hall, Sean O' Byrne and J e Shannon. The Secret y, A sist nt Secretary, Co. Surveyor, Co. Sol1oitor and Rates Inspector, were in attendanoe. On the otion of r. OIByrne seconded by Mr. Cummins the oh ir wa taken by r. H 11. The minute of last meeting were oonfirm d. PA NTS Treasurer' Advioe Note for £5594. 0.6d. were xamined and· 19ned. RATE COLL TION Und r date 7th September,1933, 1 tter w s read fr Collector John Curti , st ting he w s travelling every day for r te nd getting none the ratepayer who are in a po i t10n to pay are not doing 80. Th following r olution w 8 adopted:- "That te Collector J. Curti8 b informed :that he hould proo ed ag inat Ratepayers who ar in po ition to p y and who fa1l or d oline to do o. SMALL D ELLINGS AOquISITION AOTS Certific te was receiv d fr llr. R.J. nis, si tant Surveyor, that the market v 1ue of house ereoted by • Sheil1 t Olov s, nisoorthy, s £235. On the motion of the Cha1rm n it was decided th t Ur. Sheill be reoommended for loan of £117.10s., half the v lue of house. SH DIPPING 0 1915 Under dat 6th Sept ber,1933, the Depart ent of Agriculture wrot (L.328 33) th t Form • and t. under abov rder .. re prov1d d by the Local Authority. The Oom ittee decided that there was no neoe ity to provide th se orm t present. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES '. SHORTHAND TYPIST CO . COO'NeIL OFFIe s Th following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr .. Cu i,ns econded by Mr. Shannon:- "Th t the lUnister for Local Government and Public Health be request to a notion on permanent basis isa Dorothy B. il1een, Shorthand Typist in Co . Oounoi1. Offioe sh If ACT 1925 Under date 9th S ptem r , 1933, the Department of noeal Government nd Publio Health wrote (8. 60681/1933 1lgh) (Trachta1 ) forwarding oOPY of Order under Section 10 of above ct in regard to xpense incurred in it administr tion during the ye rend d 31 t arch, l933; th ount due by Wexford County was ~53 . l0s. It wa decided to r fer the atter to th County Oouncil. C Under date 9th Septe ber, l933, r . P. Byrne, T ra Hill, I h, Gorey, wrote complaining that although he 1'1 ork1Ilg for the County Council for th past twenty- seven years h Was the only ganger in Gorey Distriot who is idle or who has been cut in their wages. He oonsidered he wa very unfairly tre ted, to h ve gangers brought into his area hile he 1'1 a 1dle. He had wife and five all Ohildren d pendant on hi . H had worked at road and quarry ork all his life and he did not oonsider be hould be- so badlY treated after working for suoh a number of ye rs without a c plaint having been de against him. The Co . Surveyor aid that a ganger in oharg of the spraying work on Gorey- Arklo r-Oad h d been brought in from out id a this g er had supervi ed the fir t portion of pray ork on t~ls p rticul r road. r . B,yrne had no experieno of spraying. The quantity of mater! 1 now taken fro Tara Hill Qu rry w s not on tenth of what it Was some y rs a o. It 1'1 s lso t t d that r. Byrne had far.m . The Committee con idered that in the oircumstances r. Byrne bad no grievanoe particularly in view of the fact that he would be re- ploy d within short time. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Mr. O'Byrne proposed and Mr. Hall seoonded the following resolution whioh was adopted:- "That the Mimtes of meeting of Finanoe Committee held on 13th September,1933, as submitted to this meeting be reoeived and oonsidered.
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