I HOW TO ADEWXE RUM AIL. '1-, Make it with Don't add the mix Captain Morga n 2, Immed iately First. Deluxe. a truly premium savour t he anoma. Then rum with a richer. fuller use less mix than usual. flavour. It Is not a This lets t he deluxe rum stronger taste. It's best taste come thnough. described as rounder .. The taste will actually smoot her. Meticulous Improve as it mellows­ blending with choice out Into the mix. imported rums Is the So. sip slowl,\( secret. Captain Morgan iFJeS/wre IN WHITE,GOLD&DARK Contents Features AUTO GLASS Messages , ....... , ... , ......... , , , .... , , " 2 MGA Council . 4 In Memoriam .. , .. , .. ".................... 6 Tournamen t Calendars .................... , 32-33 Directory 01 Golf Courses ... .....' .••....... 60-63 Advertisers ' Indox .. , , , . , ... , . , . , •• , , , ..... , , 64 Articles M .G.A . programs outlinod . • • • . ... 8 Fanning Athlete. Goller of Year . ...... ......... 10 FASTEST IN TOWN '86 Manitoba Open pot $50,000 ................ 12 1985 Manitoba Open cut short ................. 14 SPECIAUSTS IN: Dan Halldorso n tells his story .,., .... , ....... ,. 18 • WINDSHIELDS REPLACED Manitobans sweep Canadian Junior ...... , , .. , . .. 22 • GLASS lor VENTS. DOORS, ond BACK WINOOWS Fanning rep ea l S ,,, Manitoba Junior , , ... , , , ..... , 26 .VINYL TOPS Somo unusual rwlo docisions , . .. ..••• , ..... , 30 • BODY SIDE MOULDINGS Hashimoto wins Manitoba Amateur ... .. ••. , , .... 34 .VAN WINDOWS Doyles laad in Family golf ovont .. ..... ... ... 38 .SUN ROOFS Hall prevails In Rural championship .... , . ......... ~ O • PINSTRIPING Pros provide variety of se rvices ... , , ..... , , ..... 44 Superintendents go ba ck to 1950 ............... 46 Steel wins U.S. award .. .. ............. .. .... 47 • Sanders claims SOI'tior cl1ampionship .. ... .... .. 48 OUR SERVICE FEATURES: Froo Press Inter·Club championship ., ..... , , ... , , 50 • WHILE-U-WAIT SERVtCE • CARS PICKED UP & DELIVERED Elmhurst lOpS Crown Lifo ovont ..... , , . , , , ...... 52 • GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP V/S1 Hashimoto claims Jack Blair honors ... , . , . , , .... 54 • WAITING LOUNGES Bayeo IntrOduces golf accessories ..... , , .. , , .... 56 • COMPLETE STOCK ON HAND Anderson dominates women's golf .,." ... " ... , 58 • MOBILE SERVICE Walker heads C.L.G.A .......... ............. 58 • OPEN ON SATURDAYS Big year for senior even ts ..... , , . .. •••... , . , 59 The Cover AplJtOllchlnn tt1u ninth nroon over tho wotor ot Plnu Foils (top loftl. Crowd rings f,fst grAcn 10 fOOl) flnnl round of 1985 M (l nllol)o Opon NOW 8 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU lit Ehnhuqu Hop rioht) [lmhurlll ond Pino Rldgo lootlol vlow, contre leltl Will be hOI ' fOI Canadian SenlO! Men'a championship in Sep­ tember A view (If 1)I"Ih hOld IrOIll thu c lulJho~I!)O 11\ Maroun's pic IUIB aquB M lnnewssto course (centle l ight I. Juniors pull 011 14th grllen 81 Glen(J(lIO /lowor Itlftl, whoro Monltobo AmaUlur Will be playod 7 WINNIPEG LOCATIONS thl. yeaf Ducks Ble on the ponel between 111h and 18th fairWAy!! 61 Southwood (lower rlghtl. lito 01 Manitoba Opon lor nut three 950 St. James St. .... ....... 786-5551 year., 354 Sherbrook .. .. .. ..... 775-8131 948 St. Mary's Rd . .. .. ... 257-3447 25 Derby at Jarvis ........ .. 586-9727 Photogra phs on the cover were provided by free ­ 250 York at Garry ....... ... 943-4451 lanco photographor Hugh Allan, as were most of the other 704 Scotland .. ............. 452-4745 pictures in this magazino, Special thal"lks also go to the Win· 2140 McPhillips .... .. .... 694-2370 nipeg Free Press and other sources, SELKIRK MANITOBA LOCATION 620 Sophia ........... ... 785-8244 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 1986 Is publishod by the MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION 1 700 Ellice A venuo, Winnipeg, Man. R3H OB1 ThIS magazine was produced by WALLINGFORD PRESS LIMITED 358 Ross Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. DON'T JUST GET IT FIXED . .. GET IT " KILLEEN ED " MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 ........ ' Message from the M.G.A. President While the 1985 golf season Saw the level and the grass roo ts level. Our ulti­ introduction of several changes in the mate goal is to ex pand interest in the ac tivities of the Association, 1986 will game by developing programs for use in be marked by continued chango an high sc hools and by other groups and expansion of the se rvices available to to make expertise ava ilable to all rural mem ber clubs and a concerted effort to areas of Manitoba. promoto the gamo at tho grass roots lov­ The establi shment of the Technical Di­ el throughout Manitoba. rec tor's position is not in conflict with Tho th roe ~yea r agreement with Pacific the efforts and activities of the M a nito ~ Wes tern Airlinos, Budget Rent A Car and ba Professional Golfers Association. Our ICG liquid Ga. Co, Ltd. as sponsors and programs contemplate th ei r continued Southwood Golf and Country Club has InvolvemelH at tho love l of previous insured a firm financial base for Tho years and hopefully our cfforts will be Manitoba Open. 81 ac kwood s Bevoragos of diroc t benefit in ex panding their ac­ will continue thoi r support of the tour­ tivity in all areas of the Provin ce. The es­ nam ent and we wolcome Lab alt's and tablishment of this position has been Hudson Bay Wine and Spirit as new as­ made possi ble by a grant from the Man· sociates. The participation of 20 addi­ Itoba Sports Federation. tional Corporate Patrons will ensure the The Associ ation has assembled a col­ tournament's financial viabitity. lection of video instructional and infor­ The prize purse In 1986 will be mational tapes for ell levels which aro $50.000. a" increase of more than 250 available to member clubs through the per cent from the 1984 level, with com­ golf office on a rese rvation basis. In mitments from sponsors to further in­ 1986. the M.G.A. will continuo its pro· creases over the term of the agreement. gram of Irelrating and (relmeasuring The consistent invo lvement of the member courses and w ill provide dis­ Southwood Golf and Country Club w ill Jim Sristow tance plaques upon completion and enable the parties to the agreelTl ent to Broez y Bend reques t. assess the problems related to th o in This seventh successful edition of tho creased magnitude of the event . plon ships. Todd will olso defend hi s Can ­ Golf Annual Is our only opportunity for The changes intro duced in 1985 ex adian Junior Championship in Edmonton direc t contact with tho more than panding the Championship flights to the In hopes of becoming Manitoba's only 10.000 members of the M.G.A. I trust low 60 and tias In both the Manitoba two-t ime winner of the national event. you will enjoy the contents of your an­ Amatour and Manitoba Junior will be The maj or area of new directi on and nual. We would al so welcome enquiries continuod. The successful golf cemp for service comes with the addition to our from members and clubs concern ing our rural Juniors at Carmen w ill also be re­ full-time staff of a Technical Director. ex isting se rvices and the requirements pea ted as well as the camp for elite play Todd Teplltski. In addition )0 being a of member clubs. This participation by ers in Winnipeg for bo th city and rural former Junior Champion and Willingdon the membership w ill enabl e us to bot­ juniors. Cup team member, has an acad emic ter serve your needs. Manitoba's Male Athlete of the Yea r • background closely related to tho work Best wishes for an enjoyabl e golf in 1985, Todd Fa nning, will cap an illus­ he is undertaking. The role of the Tec h· season. trious junior ca reer by attempting to be­ ni cal Director will evolve ove r the year come the second player to w in three as neo ds are identified. The initial aroas Jim Bristow consecutive Manitoba Junior Cham- of concentration will be at the elite junior President, Manitoba Golf Association GREETINGS FROM THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA BEST WISHES FROM RCGA PRESIDENT On behalf of the Roya l Can. May I take this opportunity dien Golf Associotion, it is my on behelf of the Province of ploa sure to convey our very Manitoba to ex tend w arm bes t wishes to the Manitoba wishes to the membe rs or tho Golf Association and all Man ~ Manitoba Golf Association. itoba golfers for a successful Congratulations to tho ox­ and enjoyabla 1986 season. ecutive, working committees in Manitoba ha s produced all clubs and the army of volun­ some of Ca nado's fines t golf· tee rs invol ved for their efforts ers and its junior golfers proved in providing more opportunities e credit to th province las t for Manitobans to play this yoar producing the Pepsi Cana­ wonderful game. dian Junior Championship and Bes t w ishes for cOI1tinued Junior Intorprovincial Tea m success in the development of Championships. Lsrry Desjlfrdins Douglas Srewer the sport of golf, especially The hospitality and courtesy with the junior age pi eyers. extended to our officials and the competitOrS during 111eso eventS was grea tl y appreciated and we look forward to return ing to Manitoba this yea r for the 25th Senior Championship of Ca nad a, and to our continued associa tion w ith " friondly Sincerely, Manitoba". L.L. Desjardins Douglas G. Brower, Presi dent Minister Res ponsibl o for Sport Royal Ca nadian Golf Association 2 MANITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '86 You and Eaton's Sporting Goods - a winning combination any time of year Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall - Eaton's is on hand with the sporting gear you need. Quality equipment from proven winners and all backed by Eaton's tlme­ honoured guarantee: "Goods satlsta­ tory or money refunded." Whatever your game, you'll come out ahead with Eaton's. Remember, you can charg it on your Eaton's Ac count.
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