t953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 2333 Also, memorial of the Legislature of the · By Mr. OSMERS: 114. Also, petition of Lithuanian Demo­ State of Colorado, memorializing the Presi­ H. R. 4252. A bill for the relief of Geralda cratic Club, Inc., of Newark, N. J., requesting dent and the Congress of'the United States, Lillo and Karl Heinz Lillo; to the Committee enactment of legislation to amend the social­ to consider }egislation allowing a Federal in­ on the Judiciary. security laws allowing payment of benefits come-tax deduction for certain military, Air - By Mr. POWELL: to everyone in covered employment upon . Force and naval reservists; to the Committee · H. R. 4253. A bill for the· relief of Walter their having attained the age of 60 years; to on Ways and Means. Adolphus Burke; to the Committee on the the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Judiciary. 115. Also, petition of Ibrahim Velutini, State of Minnesota, memorializing the Presi­ By Mr. ROGERS of Colorado: President, Caracas, Venezuela, relative to dent and the Congress of the United States, · H. R. 4254. A bill for the relief of Aneta legislation which would tend to reduce the with respect to Federal taxes on gasoline and Popa; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · importation of Venezuelan petroleum; to motor fuel; to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. SCUDDER: the Committee on Ways and Means. Means. H . R. 4255. A bill for the relief of Victor Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Manuel Soares De Mendonca; to the Com­ State of North Dakota, memorializing the mittee on the Judiciary. President and the Congress of the United By Mr. SIKES: States, relative ..to limiting influx of foreign H. R. 4256. A bill for the relief of Magda HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agricultural products; to the Committee on Manoli; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Agriculture. By Mr. SMALL: THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 H. R. 4257. A bill for the relief of Will­ more Engineering Co.; to the Committee on The House met at 12 o'clock noon. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS the Judiciary. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, By Miss THOMPSON of Michigan: D. D., offered the following prayer: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H. R. 4258. A bill for the relief of Katharina bills and resolutions were introduced and Steinbach; to the Committee on the Judi- . Most merciful and gracious God, grant severally referred as follows: ciary. that we may go forth in the hours of this By Mr. WESTLAND: day with a more adventurous and stead­ By Mr. BARRETT: H. R. 4259. A bill conferring jurisdiction . H. R. 4234. A bill for the relief of Alessan­ fast faith in Thee and in the. ultimate upo~ the United States Court · of Claims to triumph of the true and the good. dra Barile Altoboelli; to the Committee on hear, determine, and render judgment upon • the Judiciary. the claim of Spencer C. Clark for extra com­ We humbly confes~ that we so fre­ By Mr. BENDER: . pensation for Sunday, holiday, and overtime quently allow our faith to become H. R. 4235. A bill for the relief- of Edward services performed between 1929 and 1942; eclipsed by doubt · and by difficulties Zepp; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. which seem insurmountable. By Mr. BYRD: Help us to understand that if our ·H. R. 4236. A bill for the relief of Nahi faith is to be vital and strong, then we Youssef; to the Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS, ETC. must cultivate it and guard it, for eternal By Mr. BUCKLEY: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions vigilance is the price of faith as truly H. R. 4237. A bill for the relief of Osjasz and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Hersh Braksmajer (Sam Braksmayer), Rysa as it is the price of freedom. Margolit Braksmajer, and Mosher Braksma­ and referred as follows: Hear us for the sake of our· blessed Jer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 107. By Mr. CANFIELD: Petition of the Lord. Amen. By Mr. CONDON: New Jersey Association of Nurserymen recording its vigorous opposition to the pro­ The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ • H. R. 4238. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Julia terday was read and approved. Adele Vence; to the Committee on the Judi­ posed changes relating to peat moss balls, and its support of additional restrictions ciary. governing such importations due to the ever By Mr. DEVEREUX: H. R. 4239. A bill for the relief of Arthur present danger of introducing new and dan­ COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY gerous pests to the United States of America K. Jefferson; to the Committee on the Judi­ and the increased danger that would result Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, I ask ciary. if the regulations of quarantine No. 37 wer'e unanimous consent that the Committee By Mr. DOYLE: modified as now proposed by the United on the Judiciary may have until mid­ H. R. 4240. A bill . for the relief of Arturo States Department of Agriculture; to the · night tomorrow in which to file a report Ordonez; ·to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on Agriculture. on the bill H. R. 4198. By Mr. HELLER: 108. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Reso­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to. H. R. 4241. A bill for the relief of Oscar lution of the National Defense League of Neumann, Mrs. Magdalena Neumann, a~d America, Inc., to the end that the Congress the request of the gentleman from Penn­ Judith Gabrielle Neumann; to the Commlt­ of the United States of America as the duly sylvania? tee on the Judiciary. elected Representatives of all the people of There was no objection. By Mr. HOLIFIELD: this Republic, initiate action to cause im­ H. R. 4242. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Rosa mediate withdrawal of this Republic's mem­ Barroso De Orozco; to ·the Committee on the bership in the United Nations; to the Com­ REDUCTION OF MILITARY DOCTORS Judiciary. mittee on Foreign Affairs. H. R. 4243. A bill for the relief of Kuo Lum 109. Also, resolution adopted by Board of Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Leong; to the Committee on the Judiciary. National Trustees of the National Society of Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to By Mr. HUNTER: the Sons of the American Revolution that address the House for 1 minute and to H. R. 4244. A bill, for the relief of Ara Constitution Day be reestablished and the revise and extend my remarks and in­ Giragos Farajian; to the Committee on the resolution by Congress signed by the Presi­ clude therein an article by Mr. John G. Judiciary. dent on February 29, 1952, creating Citizen­ Norris in the Washington Post. By Mr. KEOGH: ship Day, be repealed; to the QQmmittee on The SPEAKER. Is there objection to H. R. 4245. A bill for the relief of Louis the Judiciary. the request of the gentlewoman fr'om Rizzi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 110. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Massachusetts? By Mr. MAILLIARD: city clerk, city of Indio, Calif., to provide H. R. 4246. A bill for the relief of Light funds for adequate hospitalization for the There was no objection. Liang-liang; to the Committee on the Judi­ needy and ill veterans of the United States Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. ciary. Forces; to the Committee on Appropriations. Speaker, today's Washington Post says By Mr. MILLER of Maryland: 111. Also, petition of Edith Johnson, and that Defense Secretary Charles E. wn.: H. R. 4247. A bill for the relief of William others, Brockton Townsend Club No. 5, son has ordered a 9-percent cut in the R. Jackson; to the Committee on the Judi- Brockton, Mass., requesting passage of H. number of Army, Navy, and Air Force ciary. R. 2446 and H. R. 2447, social-security legis­ lation known as the Townsend plan; to the doctors. I only hope that he is right in By Mr. MORANO: Committee on Ways and Means. ordering that cut and that the doctors H. R. 4248. A bill for the relief of Albertas 112. Also, petition of Mrs. E. E. McNeely, are not needed. Our forces in Korea Bauras; to the Committee on the Judiciary; and others, of Orlando, Fla., requesting apparently have had a shortage of arms By Mr. MORRISON: passage or' H. R. 2446 and H. R. 2447, social­ and ammunition, but they have had the H. R. 4249. A bill for the relief of Mary Wy­ security legislation known as the Townsend shoff; to the Committee on the Judiciary. most excellent me<iical care, which is of plan; to the committee on Ways and Means. great importance. By Mr. PILLIO::N: 113. Also, petition of William G. Loehr, H. R . 4250·. A bill for the relief of Lester H. and others, of Daytona Beach, Fla., request­ There seems to be an effort to make Kroll; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ing passage of H. R. 2446 and H. R. 2447, so­ cuts in the medical personnel in the Vet­ By Mr. O'BRIEN of New York: cial-security legislation known as the Town­ erans' Administration. There again, we H. R. 4251. A bill for the relief of Antonio send plan; to the Committee on Ways and are responsible for the veterans who Cosciani; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Means~ · have been wounded and who have given 2334" CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE March 26 their health and strength for us. One of dress the House for 1 minute, to revise It was the final debate and amending of our first duties is to provide the very best and extend my remarks, and to include what is technically known as the "Draft Treaty Embodying the Statute of the Euro­ medical and hospital care for them.
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