DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:18 Official Election Summary Page:1 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% US SENATE - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 195 Precincts Reporting 195 100.0 % Total Votes 18792 HERMAN CAIN 5067 26.96% MAC COLLINS 2144 11.41% JOHNNY ISAKSON 11581 61.63% PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 195 Precincts Reporting 195 100.0 % Total Votes 16075 ROBERT B. BAKER (I) 12158 75.63% ROGER DOZIER 2408 14.98% TERRY TASCHWER 1509 9.39% US REP 4TH DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 179 Precincts Reporting 179 100.0 % Total Votes 13680 CATHERINE DAVIS 13680 100.00% STATE SENATE 40TH DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 41 Precincts Reporting 41 100.0 % Total Votes 8389 VERNADETTE BROYLES 1984 23.65% BART LADD 2970 35.40% DAN WEBER 3435 40.95% STATE SENATE 41ST DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 38 Precincts Reporting 38 100.0 % Total Votes 3604 JOE BURTON 2921 81.05% JENNINGS THOMPSON IV 683 18.95% STATE SENATE 42ND DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 50 Precincts Reporting 50 100.0 % Total Votes 2454 KENNETH QUARTERMAN 2454 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:18 Official Election Summary Page:2 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% STATE SENATE 43RD DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 33 100.0 % Total Votes 464 WILLIE HINTON 464 100.00% STATE SENATE 55TH DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 33 100.0 % Total Votes 947 SUZANNE LANCASTER 487 51.43% JERRY WYATT 460 48.57% STATE REP 60TH DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 6 Precincts Reporting 6 100.0 % Total Votes 4 RUTH BRALEY BARR 4 100.00% STATE REP 79TH DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 21 Precincts Reporting 21 100.0 % Total Votes 4077 FRAN MILLAR (i) 4077 100.00% STATE REP 80TH DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 18 Precincts Reporting 18 100.0 % Total Votes 1591 J.MAX DAVIS 1591 100.00% STATE REP 81ST DISTRICT - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 16 Precincts Reporting 16 100.0 % Total Votes 865 JILL CHAMBERS (I) 865 100.00% STATE REP 82ND DISTRICT- REP REP Total Number of Precincts 21 Precincts Reporting 21 100.0 % Total Votes 3140 PAUL JENNINGS 2811 89.52% THOMAS LELAND WALKER 329 10.48% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:18 Official Election Summary Page:3 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% STATE REP 85TH DISTRICT- REP REP Total Number of Precincts 22 Precincts Reporting 22 100.0 % Total Votes 450 GEORGE ROBINSON, SR. 450 100.00% STATE REP 92ND DISTRICT- REP REP Total Number of Precincts 16 Precincts Reporting 16 100.0 % Total Votes 168 RAYMOND DAVIS 168 100.00% DISTRICT ATTORNEY - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 195 Precincts Reporting 195 100.0 % Total Votes 14452 JEFFREY BRICKMAN (I 14452 100.00% COUNTY COMMISSION DIST 1 - REP REP Total Number of Precincts 46 Precincts Reporting 46 100.0 % Total Votes 9553 ELAINE C. BOYER (I) 7819 81.85% JARRETT S. GORLIN 1734 18.15% US SENATE - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 195 Precincts Reporting 195 100.0 % Total Votes 100310 LEIGH BAIER 4066 4.05% JIM BOYD 3630 3.62% SID COTTINGHAM 1229 1.23% JAMES N. FINKELSTEIN 2242 2.24% DENISE L. MAJETTE 69743 69.53% W. CLIFF OXFORD 12131 12.09% GOVIND N. PATEL 926 0.92% MARY HODGES SQUIRES 6343 6.32% PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 195 Precincts Reporting 195 100.0 % Total Votes 82991 MAC BARBER 50564 60.93% MICHAEL R. BERLON 32427 39.07% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:18 Official Election Summary Page:4 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% US REP 4TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 179 Precincts Reporting 179 100.0 % Total Votes 94725 LIANE LEVETAN 19419 20.50% CYNTHIA MCKINNEY 48230 50.92% CONNIE STOKES 4949 5.22% NADINE THOMAS 2918 3.08% CHRIS VAUGHN 1260 1.33% CATHY WOOLARD 17949 18.95% US REP 5TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 19 Precincts Reporting 19 100.0 % Total Votes 6135 JOHN LEWIS (I) 6135 100.00% US REP 13TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 7 Precincts Reporting 7 100.0 % Total Votes 2836 WILLIAM OGLETREE 354 12.48% DAVID SCOTT (I) 2482 87.52% STATE SENATE 5TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 3 Precincts Reporting 3 100.0 % Total Votes 302 MARGIE BUSH 92 30.46% WINSTON CAMPBELL 95 31.46% CRAIG NEWTON 37 12.25% CURT THOMPSON 78 25.83% STATE SENATE 10TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 32 Precincts Reporting 32 100.0 % Total Votes 16476 SHIRLEY REAMS 2248 13.64% EMANUEL JONES 3586 21.76% ROBERT LEE 363 2.20% GEORGE MADDOX 5017 30.45% SABRINA MCKENZIE 4046 24.56% RANDY MILLS 522 3.17% DERRICK POPE 694 4.21% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:18 Official Election Summary Page:5 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% STATE SENATE 40TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 41 Precincts Reporting 41 100.0 % Total Votes 8805 RICK GARNITZ 4806 54.58% CAMILLE KOKOZAKI 3999 45.42% STATE SENATE 41ST DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 38 Precincts Reporting 38 100.0 % Total Votes 9740 STEVEN HENSON (I) 9740 100.00% STATE SENATE 42ND DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 50 Precincts Reporting 50 100.0 % Total Votes 20452 DAVID ADELMAN (I) 15025 73.46% OLIVIA JONES 5427 26.54% STATE SENATE 43RD DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 33 100.0 % Total Votes 17371 MARKUS BUTTS 4950 28.50% MARY LEE DAVIS 5449 31.37% STEEN MILES 6972 40.14% STATE SENATE 55TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 33 100.0 % Total Votes 16328 ABDUL AKBAR 4606 28.21% GLORIA BUTLER (I) 11722 71.79% STATE REP 57TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 8 Precincts Reporting 8 100.0 % Total Votes 1990 PAT GARDNER (I) 1124 56.48% ALEX WAN 866 43.52% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:19 Official Election Summary Page:6 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% STATE REP 58TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 13 Precincts Reporting 13 100.0 % Total Votes 2129 NAN GROGAN ORROCK (I 2129 100.00% STATE REP 60TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 6 Precincts Reporting 6 100.0 % Total Votes 201 G SINKFIELD (I) 148 73.63% DARIN J. WERNER 53 26.37% STATE REP 80TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 18 Precincts Reporting 18 100.0 % Total Votes 3516 MIKE JACOBS 2715 77.22% WILLIAM J. MORTON 801 22.78% STATE REP 81ST DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 16 Precincts Reporting 16 100.0 % Total Votes 1431 ERIC PONDER 1431 100.00% STATE REP 82ND DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 21 Precincts Reporting 21 100.0 % Total Votes 5126 TRACY DUNCAN 1479 28.85% KEVIN LEVITAS 3647 71.15% STATE REP 83RD DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 23 Precincts Reporting 23 100.0 % Total Votes 7371 MARY M OLIVER (I) 7371 100.00% STATE REP 84TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 20 Precincts Reporting 20 100.0 % Total Votes 6607 DESDIMONIA CROSS 1654 25.03% JO ANN MCCLINTON (I) 4953 74.97% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:19 Official Election Summary Page:7 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num. Report Precinct 195 - Num. Reporting 195 100.00% STATE REP 85TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 22 Precincts Reporting 22 100.0 % Total Votes 8172 STEPHANIE BENFIELD I 5890 72.08% ALVIN R. DOLLAR 1022 12.51% SIDNEY R. HOLSTON 286 3.50% VIVIAN MOORE 974 11.92% STATE REP 86TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 16 Precincts Reporting 16 100.0 % Total Votes 2702 KARLA DRENNER (I) 2702 100.00% STATE REP 87TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 18 Precincts Reporting 18 100.0 % Total Votes 6441 SHARON SUTTON 1200 18.63% GLORIA GAINES 2435 37.80% MICHELE HENSON (I) 2806 43.56% STATE REP 88TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 16 Precincts Reporting 16 100.0 % Total Votes 5447 BILLY MITCHELL (I) 5447 100.00% STATE REP 89TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 18 Precincts Reporting 18 100.0 % Total Votes 5767 "COACH" WILLIAMS (I) 5767 100.00% STATE REP 90TH DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 12 Precincts Reporting 12 100.0 % Total Votes 3697 HOWARD MOSBY (I) 3697 100.00% STATE REP 91ST DISTRICT - DEM DEM Total Number of Precincts 15 Precincts Reporting 15 100.0 % Total Votes 5321 STAN WATSON (I) 5321 100.00% DeKalb County General Primary and Nonpartisan Election Date:07/23/04 Time:14:21:19 Official Election Summary Page:8 of 14 July 20, 2004 Registered Voters 311277 - Cards Cast 126668 40.69% Num.
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