MATTHEW FOWLDS Other Fenwick Worthies ar MATIHRW FOWLDS rKNTKNARi.w wI':a\i:k Other Fenwick Worthies BRIEF HISTORIES OF lie Martyrs and Covenanters of Fenwick, 1 lie Secession Cnurcli, and I lie Weavers Society EDITED BY RKV J. KIRKVVOOD FAIRLIE Kilmarnock Sl'ANDARU" PRINTING WORKS 1G10 1368:274 CONTENTS paob Introductory Note ----- xi CHAPTER I The Martyrs and Covenanters of Fenwick Parish, by Rev. James Barr, B.D. - i Rev. William Guthrie - - - - 2 John Pat on of Meadowhead - - - ii The Howies of Lochgoin - - - - 10 The Mures of Rowallan - - - - 29 The Fenwick Martyrs - - - - 32 Fenwick' s Cloud of Witnesses - - - 46 CHAPTER II The Seccession Church in Fenwick, by Rev. J. Kirkwood Fairlie— A Forced Settlement and its Consequences, ------- 51 1779 Rev. James Dewar, 1787-1833 - - - 56 Rev. William Orr, 1830-1882 - - - 66 Rev. J. Kirkwood Fairlie, 1879 - - - 83 CHAPTER III The Weavers' Society, by Mr. Thomas W. Orr— Descriptive View of the Parish - - - 91 Honoured Names ----- 95 The Charter .-.--- 104 Brotherhood - - - - - - 112 The Fowlds Members ----- 118 Plans and Achievements - - - - 130 Dissolution - ----- 139 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER IV Page Reminiscenxes by Members of the Family- Mi-. William Faulds ----- j_^- The Hon. George Fowlds - - - - 132 Mrs. Gibson ------ ^5- Reminiscences by— Rev. James Barr, B.D. - . j^^ Rev. David Landsborougli, LL.D. - lyq The Late Mr. A. W. Meiklejohn - - - 181 - Principal A. M. Fairbairn, D.D. - - 186 Greystone Knowe—A Summer Afternoon, by - Rev. J. KiRKWooD F.mrlie - 187 " An Irregularity," by Rev. J. Kirkwood FaIRLIE ------- iQo CHAPTER V Three Old Documents— The Present Times, 1840, by Matthew Fowlds - - - - - -IQ4 A Long Treasured Letter, 1845, by Mr. A. Stewart - - - - - - 202 An Old Rent Receipt Book, by Mr. James Dunlop, C.C, of Hallhouse - - - 220 CHAPTER \T Three Memorable Occasions— The Golden W'edding ----- 22S The Elder's Jubilee - - - - 233 The Centenary Celebration - - - 743 ( IIAPTER VII Closing Scenes— - The Accident . - - - • 270 Pulpit Tribute ----- 272 A Centenarian's Funeral - - - - 278 An Impression ------ 279 CONTENTS vii I'AOE Appendix— Genealogical Notes ----- 283 In Memoriam— Robert Fowlds - - 285 Centenary Congratulations - - - - 287 New Zealand Tributes - - - - 299 Acknowledgment of Portrait by the Town Clerk ------- 302 Letters of Sympathy and Condolence - - 303 Greystone Knowe and New Zealand - - 307 ILLUSTRATIONS Factko Paob Frontispiece.—Photogravure of Portrait of Mr. Matthew Fowlds at his Loom, by Mr. Monro S. Orr. Portrait—Rev. James Guthrie - - . ^ Portrait—Rev. Wm. Guthrie - - . 3 'riie ;ibove iwo portrait-, liy the kind permission of Mr. Antlren- Melrose, from " Men of the Covenant." Rev. Wm. Guthrie's Church - - - - 12 Monuments to Rev. Wm. Guthrie and Capt. John Paton, by Miss Nellie B. Workman - 13 LocHGOiN, Old House, by Miss Nellie B. Workman ------ 21 Monument to John Howie, Lochgoin - - 28 Rowallan Castle, by Miss Nellie B. Workman 29 Spoutmouth, Kirkton, by Miss Nellie B Workman ------ 57 Gravestone of Rev. James Dewar (nnder text) ------- 65 Orr Memorial Church and Manse, by Miss Nellie B. Workman ----- 68 John Fulton's House, Spoutmouth - - 76 Portrait of Rev. William Orr - - - 78 Family Gravestone of Rev. William Ork - 83 Fen wick Town Pump (Weavers' Parliament), and Wee Davie's House - - - - iqi Waterside Schoolhouse. by Miss Nellie B. Workman ------- 103 Charter of Fenwick Weavers' Society - 108 Folio 33 of Records of Weavers' Society - 116 Andrew Fowlds' House, by Miss Nellie B. Workman 127 ILLUSTRATIONS ix Faci.nq Page John Taylor's House, by Miss Nellie B. Workman - - - - - - -129 John Gkmmell's House, by Miss Nellie B. Workman ------- j^q Chip Hall, by Miss Nellie B. Workman - - 141 Bruntland Bridge, by Miss Nellie B. Workman 148 Greystone Knowe, by Miss Nellie B. Workman 156 Portrait of Mr. Matthew Fowlds - - 164 Portrait of Mrs. Matthew Fowlds - - 165 Portrait of the Late Mr. A. W. Meiklejohn - 181 Greystone Knowe Kitchen, by Miss Nellie B. Workman ------- 188 Old Letter, 1845 ------ 205 Mr. and Mrs. Fowlds, from the Centenary Dinner Card of Invitation - - - 229 Jubilee Address ------ 240 Greystone Knowe ----..) 245 Mr. M. Fowlds / Orr Memorial Church 260 The above three illustrations from the Centenary Dinner Card of Invitation. Fenwick Under Snow - - - . 280 Mr. and Mrs. Fowlds' Monument in Cemetery 282 Copy of Marriage Contract, two pages - - 284 Portrait of the Late Mr. Robert Fowlds - 285 Group Portrait of Mr. M. Fowlds and the Three New Zealand Representatives - 292 Letter from Sir Joseph Ward, K.C.M.G. - 293 Certificate of Gold Medal Award - - 300 Greystone Knowe, from Photograph by the Rev. K. Fairlie ---._-» J. ^^^ The Old Loom in Auckland Museum - -I Greystone Knowe, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand ------ ^08 Ordnance Map of Part of Fenwick, facing inside of End Cover. Ordnance Map of Fenwick, pasted on inside of End Cover, lA INTRODUCTORY NOTE, For fully a hundred years Matthew Fowlds li\-ed and wrought in the parish of Fenwick, and, for the greater part of that time, he was one of the best known and most highly respected men in the countryside. After his death in IQ07, it was felt by many of his relatives and friends that some permanent memorial of his long and useful life was an object worthy of being undertaken. It was found, however, that the uneventful, quiet course of a customer \\eaver's life, even though extended over a whole century, afforded slender material for forming what might be called a biograph}'. Yet it was e\-ident that there were many matters of parochial and general interest associated with the story of the Centenarian's hfe, and that, if the scope of the volume were so enlarged as to include these, there would be no difficulty in preparing what might be an appropriate memorial of one whose name ought not soon to be forgotten. Arrangements \\ere therefore made to secure from various friends and relatives contributions in the natme of reminiscences of the old man, and articles deaUng with matters associated more or less intimately with his history. The result is the present memorial volume. xii INTRODUCTORY x\OTE Rev. James Barr, B.D., of St. Mary's U.F. Church, Govan, whose early hfe was spent at Beanscroft, a farm about half a mile from Greystone Knowe, going back to the time when Fenwick came into existence as a parish, relates the story of the Fenwick Covenanters, from the most famous of whom Matthew Fowlds traced his descent. He also contributes " Reminiscences of a Centenarian." A brief account of the rise of the Secession Church in Scotland, and its first taking root in Fenwick, in the formation of the congregation (which came to number Mr. Fowlds among its members for eighty-four \-ears), and of its progi'ess under three pastorates, has been compiled by the Rev. J. K. Fairlie, the present minister. Mr. Thomas ^^'. Orr, son of the Re\'. Wilham Orr, who for half a century ministered to the congregation, has found congenial labour in preparing some account of the Fenwick wea\-ers and other worthies Two of the sons of ^Matthew Fowlds—\\'ilHam, the second son, of Louth, and George, the youngest, now Minister of Education in New Zealand, have contributed reminiscences of early days at Greystone Knowe. Mrs. Gibson, of Turnberr}^ Farm, who, as Jeannie Clelland, faithfully watched over the old man in liis dechning days, has also added some tender recollections. The Rev. David Landsborough, LL.D., of the Henderson Church, Kilmarnock, tells of numerous conversations with the old man, and of visits paid to his home in tiie course of his frequent rambles through the parish. Tlie late Mr. A. W. Meiklejohn. for many years the honoured and beloved master of Hareshaw School, Waterside, has furnished reminiscences which INTRODUCTORY NOTE xiii associate Mr. Fowlds with a school in which he always took the deepest interest. It was in weakness and weariness, borne with fortitude and patience of hope, that our friend, Mr. Meiklejohn, penned these affectionate tributes to his Fenwick friends and scholars, and that other to Matthew Fowlds, wliich forms a later chapter of this volume. On the 23rd of October, 1909, in his seventy-second year, he entered into rest. His memory is cherished with honour and affection by friends and pupils in Fenwick and in far-off lands. One of his distinguished scholars, Rev. Wm. Lindsay, Mi. A., was privileged to conduct his Funeral Ser\'ice. " Hush ! Blessed are the dead In Jesus' arms who rest, And lean their weary head For ever on His breast." Mr. James Dunlop, of Hallhouse, formerly of Midland, a confidential friend of Mr. Fowlds in his latter days, and one who was for ten 3'ears associated \^•ith him in the office of the eldership, has found something of interest to tell, suggested b}^ such unpromising material as the old Rent Receipt Book of Greystone Knowe Feu. A long and interesting letter from Canada, written in 1845 to Mr. Fowlds by an intimate friend, throws light upon incidents in Fenwick of that period, as well as upon matters in the United States and Canada. Age seems to ha^'e dealt more hardly with old letters and manuscripts preserved by Mr. Fowlds than with himself, so that it has not been easy to find among these much that could be reproduced. Mr. Orr has, however, succeeded in deciphering some that are worthy of xiv INTRODUCTORY NOTE preservation in this volume of memorial. An account of three memorable occasions in the life of the Centenarian—the Golden Wedding, the Elder's Jubilee, and the celebration of his hinidredth year—forms a section of much importance in the record of a remarkable life. The circumstances surrounding the old man's passing from the scene of his long labours, and some details of the Funeral Service and Funeral Sermon, are naturally tlie subject of the closing chapter, to which are added, in an appendi.x, a selection from numerous tributes to the good man's memory.
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