fp«^'s^*ffw^"™ ACE-NAMEfe IN THt THoUbAND ISLANDS ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BY JAMES WHITE, F.R.G.S Secretary, Commission of Conservatiui Geograpliic Board of Carnada Published by order of Honourable L. P. Brodeur, Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canada, for the Oeographic Board of Canada OTTAWA U O V n; Jt n Al ^. T PRINTING D u K E A U 1910 PLACE-NAMES IN THE THOUSAND ISLANDS ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BY JAMES WHITE, F.R.G.S. Secretary, Commission of Conservation : Member oJ the Geographic Board of Canada Published by order of Honourable L. P. Brodeur, Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canada, for the Geographic Board of Canada OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1910 157'; PLACE NAMES -THODSAND ISLANDS Mast of the islands, composing the group known as tlie ' Thousand Islands' have been named after officers and others who Have distinguished them­ selves, particularly in the war of 1812-14. As these names have been given to com­ memorate their efforts to preserve Canada for the British empire, it is only fitting that the information be published in connected and permanent form tliat will ensure the recognition to which they are entitled. The following notes have been compiled by Mr. James White from various sources, but largely from the following:—• Irving's ' Officers of the British Forces in Canada, 1812-15.' James' ' Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States.' And from information, MSS. supplied by the Admiralty, Dr. Doughty, Lieut.-Col. Cruikshank and Mr. L. liomfray Irving. ADELAIDE; i.sland, St. Lawrence river, Yonge, by its position in the group named after the Leeds, Ont.; probably after Queen Adelaide ilert on the Great lakes in 1812-14 and by (Amelia Adelaide Louise Theresa Caroline) proximity to ' Gig,' •' The Punts,' and 1792-1819; princess of Saxe-Cobourg-Menin- ' Jolly ' islands. gen and queen of England, wife of the Duke of Clarence, (later William IV.) whom she BATTERSBY : island, Brock group, St. Lawrence married July 18, 1818. river, Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ont.; probably after Lieut.-Col. F. Battersby, who, op. Feb. ADMIRALTY ; group, St. Lawrence river, Leeds, 6, 1812, was in command of the Glengarry Leeds, Ont.; after the governing body of Light Infantry. th© British navy; some of the islands in the group are named after Lords of the BAUMGARDT; island, St. Lawrence river, Lans­ Admiralty. downe, Leeds, Ont.; on May 1, 1816, Capt. W. A. Baumgardt, R.N., commaBded the AMHERST; island, L. Ontario, Addington, Ont.; Lake Champlain fleet, consisting of the flag­ after Field Marshal Jeffrey Amherst, (1717- ship Uhamplain, and ten gunboats, 3 long 97) Baron Amherst; commanded the British guns each. forces during the capture of Louisburg; C.B., July 26, 1758; appointed Governor- BELABOURBR ; island. Lake Fleet group, St. Law­ General oif British North America in 1760. rence river, Leeds, Leeds, Ont.; probably after a gunboat on the Great lakes dur- ASPASIA; island, St. Lawrence river, Escott, the war of 1812-14. Leeds, Ont.; probably after a gunboat, on BLOODLETTER; island. Lake Fleet group, St. the Great lakes during the war of 1812-14. Lawrence river, Leeds, Leeds, Ont.; prob­ AXEMAN; island. Lake Fleet group, St. Law­ ably after gunboat on the Great lakes dur­ rence river, Lansdowne, Leeds, Ont.; after ing' the war of 1812-14. the Axeman, a gunboat on the Great lakes BouCHiER; island. Navy gr»up, St. Lawrence during the war of 1812-14. river, Lansdowne, Leeds, Ont.; on May 1, BAGOT; island, St. Lawrence river, Yonge, 1816, Capt. Wm. Bouchier, R.N., commanded Leeds, Ont.; after Sir Charles Bagot, 1871- the Lake Erie fleet consisting of the New- 1843; negotiated with Rush agreement be­ ash (4)., Tecumseh, (4), Saulk (1) and Huron tween Great Britain and United States, re­ (1). specting limitation of vessels of war on the BROCK ; group, St. Lawrence river, Elizabeth- Great lakes ; Governor-General of Canada, town, Leeds, Ont.; after Major Gen. Sir 1841-43. Isaac Brock (1769-1812); in 1810, appointed BARGE; island, Lake Fleet group, St. Lawrence to command of troops in Upper Canada and, river, Leeds, Leeds, Ont.; name suggested later, was provisional ' Lieut. Gov. of the NOTB.-Aspasa, Belabourer. Bloodletter, Camelot, Deathdealer and Dumfounder slands are stated as 'probably' after gunboats on the Great lakes during the war of 1812-14, but there is very little doubt that there were one-gun gunboats bearing these names sta­ tioned on the St Lawrence and lake Ontario, though no definite evidence is procurable. province; captured Detroit and General DE ROTTENBURG; island. Brock group, St. Hull's army Aug. 16. 1812; killed at the Lawrence, river, Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ont.; battle of Queenston Heights. after Major General Francis, Baron de Rottenburg, K.C.H.; in 1812 appointed to CAMELOT; island. Lake Fleet group, St. Law­ command of troops in Montreal district; in rence river, Leeds, Leeds, Ont.; probably 1813 to command of troops in Upper Canada after gunboat on the Great lakes during and, as Administrator of the province 1814 the war of 1812-14. and 1815, commanded left division of the CARNEGIE; island, St. Lawrence river, Lans­ army in Canada; Lieut.-General, 1819; d.. downe, Leeds, Ont.; possibly after Capt. April 24, 1832. Hon. Swynfen Thomas Carnegie, R.N., b. Mar. 8, 1813, youngest son of William, DEAVATTEVILLE ; island. Brock group, St. Law­ seventh Earl of Northesk; in command of rence river, Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ont.; Orestes (18) and Devastation on the N.A. after Major General Abraham Louis Charles and W.I. station, 1842; M.P., 1841; Lord of de Watteville; on Army Staff in 1812-14; the Treasury, 1846. went on half pay, 1816. CEDAR; island, St. Laurence river, near DINGHY; island. Lake Fleet group, St. Law­ Kingston, Frontenac, Ont.; from the cedar rence river, Leeds, Ont.; so-called from trees on it. position in group, principal islands in which are named after vessels and also from CHICHESTER; island, St. Lawrence river proximity to ' Barge,' ' Gig,' &c., islands. Lscott, Leeds, Ont.; probably named after Lieut. Col. Sir Charles Chichester (1795- DoBBS; island, St. Lawrence river, Leeds, 1847); in 1826, he was major in the 2nd Ont; after Lieut. Alex. T. Dobbs, R.N.; battalion of the 60th, then serving in May 25, 1813, promoted from Lieut, of Wolfe America. (22) to acting-commander of Moira (10) ; promoted to Commaiuder, Feb. 14, 1814; CLEOPATRA; island, St. Lawrence river, Escott, commanded Charwell (formerly Moira) at Leeds ,Ont.; after the Cleopatra (2) gun­ Oswego; later commanded Star (14) and was boat, on the St. Lawrence during the war moving spirit in capture of Ohio and Somers on L. Erie. COCKBURN; island, St. Lawrence river. Eliza­ bethtown, Leeds, Ont.; after Admiral Sir DowNiE; island, Navy group, St. Lawrence George Cockburn, R.N., (1772-1853); actively river, Lansdowne, Leeds, Ont.; after Com­ engaged in war of 1812-14; was present at mander George Downie, R.N.; transferred taking of Washington. from command of Montreal on L. Ontario to command of Confiance on L. Champlain; COLLIER; island. Navy group, St. Lawrence killed in action on L. Champlain, Sept. 11, mlf^' I'^'^sdowne Leeds, Ont.; after Com­ 1814. mander, later Vice-Admiral, Sir Edward <j_ollier, E.N., (1783-1872); entered Navy, DUMPODNDER; island. Lake Fleet group, St. 1796; commanded Princess Charlotte, 18th Lawrence river, Leeds, Leeds, Ont.; prob­ JNov., 1813; present at Oswego where he ably after a gunboat on the Great lakes ^W^'i?'*"^^l^^ ^^''anet: Post-Captain, 18th during the war of 1812-14. November, 1814; appointed to superintend the building of a frigate at Penetanguishene • BNDYMION; island. Lake Fleet group, St. Law­ Ist^-S^C^B-, S.^"^' ''''•' ^^-AdmiraV, rence river, Leeds and Lansdowne, Leeds, Unt.; after the Endymion, a gunboat on the Great lakes in 1812-14. 'f:?,'MitK,^s,«^.^-Xr EVEREST; island. Brock group, St. Lawrence. ^^fJ,'"^^«n"?,LHenry Con ran; Ensign in Elizabethtown Leeds, Ont.; after .Captain 49th Reg't. Oct. 4, 1780; Lieut. Cor of 1st H. B Everest, Lieut. 6th Reg't; appointed Reg't., 1807; Lieut General. 1825; appointed Deputy-Assistant Adiutant-General on Army to command brigade (6t]i and 82nd) in Upper btaff in Canada, Oct. 25, 1814. Canada, June 11, 1814; Lieut. Gov of Ja­ maica, 1816; died July 17, 1829, aged 62. FIDDLERS ELBOW ; channel, St. Lawrence river, CcNLiFFE; island. Navy group, St. Lawrence Lansdowne. I^eds, Ont.; so-called because river, Lansdowne, Leeds, oAt.; after Caot the channel makes a very sharp turn at Chas. Cunliffe Owen, R.'N.; entered Na?y; this point. 1801; Lieutenant, 1808; appointed to Great lakes fleet, 1813 as Lieutenant on the Wolfe- ^'rW pr^'I^Vi?™"^ ^'^^"P' St. Lawrence Lieutenant commanding the Sir Sidney river, Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ont.; probably Smith in action of Sept. 28, 1813; present alter Commander Peter Fisher, R.N. • who at French Creek, Nov. 1, 1813; appointed was transferred Aug. 30, 1814, from com­ AT "no^^.T"'''"'^®'' Gunboat Establishment, mand of Confiance on L. Champlain to the 1^:, f'J^^'^' '^'^^ Mulcaster, promoted; in­ Montreal at Kingston. valided ^ar., 1815; retired Captain, Feb. 24, FORT WALLACE; island. Lake Fleet group St lo52. Wrence river, Lansdowne, Leeds, Ont ; see DEATHDEALER; island. Lake Fleet group St Wallace island. Lawrence river, Leeds, Leeds, oSt.; prob­ ably aft^r a gunboat on the Great lakes GATES; island, St. Lawrence river, Pittsburgh during the war of 1812-14. Frontenar, Ont.; after W. Gates, some time owner of the island. GIG ; island. Lake Fleet group, St. Lawrence son of the famous General Sir William river, Leeds, Leeds, Ont.; after ship's boat; Johnson; commanded a regiment of two name suggested by position in group named battalions during the Revolutionary war; after fleet on Great lakes, iri2-14.
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