AUSTRALIA $1.50 · CANADA $1.50 · FRANCE 1.00 EURO · NEW ZEALAND $1.50 · UK £.50 · U.S. $1.00 INSIDE Nigeria conference: ‘Cuba has always stood by Africa’ — PAGE 4 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE Vol. 83/no. 43 NOVEMber 25, 2019 Sales of ‘Turn Back strikers fighting UN vote: End to Industry’ Asarco union busting! Washington’s book boosts Join Nov. 18 solidarity rally in Tucson! economic war fall campaign against Cuba BY brIAN WILLIAMS BY SETH GALINSKY The Socialist Workers Party drive AND LEA SHERMAN to get 1,100 Militant subscriptions and UNITED NATIONS — For the 1,250 books by revolutionary leaders 28th year in a row, the U.N. General into the hands of working people got a Assembly voted Nov. 7 to demand the boost with the publication of The Turn U.S. rulers end their economic, com- to Industry: Forging a Proletarian mercial and financial embargo against Party by SWP National Secretary Jack Cuba. The resolution passed with 187 Barnes. The new title is getting snapped votes in favor. Only the governments up by workers looking for a road for- of Brazil and Israel joined Washington ward out of the crisis of capitalism. to vote against it. Two governments But with just under four weeks left abstained, Colombia and Ukraine. and a number of areas around the coun- For several months the U.S. gov- try behind schedule on the goals they’ve ernment has escalated its economic adopted, SWP members are review- aggression, Cuban Foreign Minister ing their plans to ensure they can bring Bruno Rodríguez told the assembly, home their goals in full and on time. “increasing the suffering, shortages Militant/Bernie Senter Driver Jerion Evans picked up a copy Copper strikers picket Mission mine in Arizona Nov. 11. Asarco bosses want to break the unions. and damage done to our people.” of the book from SWP campaigners The U.S. capitalist rulers have nev- Samir Hazboun and Maggie Trowe BY BERNIE SENTER picket lines in Arizona Nov. 11 and er forgiven the Cuban people — led when they knocked on his door in SAHUARITA, Ariz. — Some 12. We found strikers are winning by Fidel Castro and the July 26 Move- Louisville, Kentucky, Nov. 9. 1,700 copper workers on strike at solidarity from working people and ment — for overthrowing the Fulgen- “I just quit my job because I felt Asarco’s five complexes in Arizona cio Batista dictatorship in 1959 end- it wasn’t safe any more,” Evans said. and Amarillo, Texas, since Oct. 13 ing the imperialist domination of their Now he has a new job as a battery are fighting naked union busting by ALL OUT NOV. 18! country. And for carrying out a so- delivery driver. the bosses. They deserve the support — SWP statement page 9 cialist revolution showing the capaci- Hazboun, who ran as SWP candidate and solidarity of workers everywhere. ties of workers and farmers to build for lieutenant governor of Kentucky, de- Worker-correspondents for the small businesses in the region. a society based on human solidarity, Continued on page 3 Militant from Los Angeles visited the The United Steelworkers, Team- not dog-eat-dog capitalist greed. sters and five other unions on strike Every U.S. president since — have called a demonstration outside Democrat and Republican alike — Stop the execution of Rodney Reed! Continued on page 6 Continued on page 4 Family insists: ‘Do the right thing’ Only the working class can stop capitalism’s plunder of land, labor BY TErrY EVANS rival governments from Beijing to As the administration of President Paris, from prominent Democratic Donald Trump began the process of 2020 presidential candidates and formally withdrawing the U.S. from countless others. Under U.N. rules, the Paris accords on climate change Washington can’t actually leave the Nov. 4, it was met with rebuke from accord until Nov. 4, 2020. Proclaimed as a deal to cut pol- lution, the accords are a sham, with Tens of thousands nothing but voluntary “targets” for in Iraq protest Continued on page 6 interference by Inside Tehran, US rulers Canadian election reflects crisis of capitalist rulers 2 Texas Observer/Gus Bova BY brIAN WILLIAMS Nov. 9 protest in Austin, Texas, against execution of Rodney Reed, on death row over 20 years. Tens of thousands of working people Stakes in Gibsons’ fight against and youth in Baghdad and throughout Oberlin smear campaign 7 BY ALYSON KENNEDY come out is beyond our wildest southern Iraq continue to join anti- DALLAS — “Free Rodney Reed!” dreams,” said Reed’s brother, Ro- government protests demanding an ‘Big capital rules through its chanted hundreds of people at the Tex- drick, at the rally, asking for Gov. end to the sectarian political system two parties. It supports both’ 8 as Capitol in Austin Nov. 9, protesting Greg Abbott to intervene. “It is a established after Washington’s bloody his scheduled execution. The rally cruel and inhumane punishment to invasion of the country in 2003, a halt –On the picket line, p. 5– followed an hourslong demonstration make our family to wait until the last to deteriorating living conditions and Striking Minnesota steelworkers outside the Texas governor’s mansion. day. We aren’t asking you to do noth- an end to Tehran’s political and mili- rally against 2-tier wages system Reed, who has been on death row for ing special. No favors. Just do the tary intervention. more than 20 years, is set to be killed right thing.” “Are you Iranian? No. Are you Virginia bus drivers strike by lethal injection Nov. 20. Reed, who is African American, American? No. Are you Baathist? No? contractor for equal pay “The amount of people who have Continued on page 9 Continued on page 9 Canadian election reflects crisis of capitalist rulers BY JOE YOUNG that Washington will reward them. MONTREAL — “The outcome of “The fact that Donald Trump unilat- the Oct. 21 Canadian federal elections erally ripped up the North American further deepened the crisis of Canada’s Free Trade Agreement with Canada capitalist rulers,” explained Steve Penner and Mexico and imposed a new trade at the Nov. 2 Militant Labor Forum here. pact on both countries shows how lit- “It puts them into an even weaker posi- tle success Ottawa is having with that tion to implement policies that address ‘strategy’” Penner said. The new pact their deep-rooted problems.” has yet to be approved by either Ot- Penner was one of the two Com- tawa or Washington. munist League candidates in the “Canada’s rulers also need a strong Montreal area. He ran in the Papineau central government to push back work- riding and Pierre-Luc Filion in Lon- ing-class resistance, which will inevita- gueuil-St. Hubert. bly become a threat to their rule as the The Liberal Party of Prime Minister capitalist crisis deepens,” Penner said. Justin Trudeau remains in government, “But a strong federal government is ex- Militant/John Steele but lost its majority in parliament. It got actly what they don’t have.” Communist League federal candidate Pierre-Luc Filion discusses article, “The Stewardship of Nature Also Falls to the Working Class: In Defense of Land and Labor” in New fewer votes than any governing party in The Liberal and Conservative par- International no. 14 with demonstrators in Montreal at Sept. 27 “climate change” rally. Canadian history and fewer votes than ties both won votes from across the the opposition Conservative Party, but country in previous elections, but this en across Canada, especially in rural of wealthy families whose interests it more seats. The Liberals cannot pass time the former got support largely areas, the Atlantic provinces and the serves, not those of working people.” legislation without getting votes from at from the east and the latter largely from north.” Less than one in five hospitals The same day as the forum, Com- least one of the other parties, the Con- the west. All but one of the 48 seats in in Canada provide abortion services. munist League member Katy LeR- servatives, the Bloc Quebecois or the Alberta and Saskatchewan went to the Penner said women’s rights groups ougetel spoke in Toronto with a retired New Democratic Party. Conservatives. The New York Times “follow a lesser evil policy of trying mechanic, Rudolph Terrelange, while The capitalist crisis is rooted in the attributed the decline of Trudeau’s sup- to elect so-called friends of women’s campaigning. He said he voted for the downward curve of world capitalism port in mineral-rich western Canada to rights, mainly the Liberals and NDP. Liberals, because Trudeau said that “he that began in the mid-1970s as a result of his imposition of taxes on the use of “But the right to abortion was won by was protecting workers, making sure the falling profit rate of capitalist corpo- fossil fuels and his “sanctimonious” thousands fighting in the streets to de- they wouldn’t be out of a job,” when the rations, Penner said. It has led to sharp- attempt to “impose public morality.” criminalize abortion, not by voting for prime minister intervened to stop the ening rivalry among the world’s capital- Aurelie McBrearty asked Penner why bourgeois parties.” The unions should prosecution of bosses at SNC-Lavalin ist powers as they attempt to strengthen access to abortion wasn’t addressed fight for a woman’s right to choose abor- who were accused of offering bribes. their own position against each other. during the campaign other than by the tion, he said. LeRougetel answered, “He was just “Canada’s ruling families are far Communist League.
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