Land Adjacent to 44a Coopers Close, Chigwell Row, IG7 6EU Planning Statement Firstplan Ref: 18083 Date: December 2019 Contents Section 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4 Section 2 Background Information .................................................................................................... 5 Section 3 Proposed Development ..................................................................................................... 8 Section 4 Planning Policy Context ................................................................................................... 10 Section 5 Planning Considerations .................................................................................................. 21 Section 6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix 1: Pre-application Advice Request Response 3 Section 1 Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Firstplan Ltd in support of a full planning application (submitted by BB Partnership on behalf of Moe Ahmad) seeking permission for development of the land adjacent to 44a Coopers Close, Chigwell Row, IG7 6EU. The proposed development for which permission is sought is as follows: ‘Alterations and extension to 44a Coopers Close to develop 1 no. residential dwelling (Use Class C3) including associated access, parking, refuse storage and ancillary works.’ 1.2 The application site is located on the eastern edge of Chigwell Row, at the north eastern corner of Coopers Close, to the north of Lambourne Road (B172) and covers approximately 0.14 Hectares of vacant land. 1.3 A pre-application advice request was submitted to Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) in March 2018 and a subsequent meeting was held in April 2018 to discuss the development potential of the site. The development proposal being put forward by this planning application has responded to the advice received from the council which is explained within this Statement. 1.4 This Statement sets out the acceptability of the proposal in planning terms and should be read in conjunction with the associated submitted planning drawings and supporting documents. The remainder of this Statement is structured as follows: • Section 2 ‐ Development Context discusses the planning history for the Application Site and summarises the pre-application advice received to date. • Section 3 ‐ Details of the Proposed Development introduces the application proposals. • Section 4 ‐ Development Plan Policy provides a commentary on the development plan and NPPF, together with other material considerations. • Section 5 ‐ Planning Considerations evaluates the proposed development against the relevant policies of the planning policy framework • Section 6 - Conclusions sets out the conclusions of this Statement. 4 Section 2 Background Information 2.1 The site is located on the eastern periphery of Chigwell Row, at the north eastern corner of Coopers Close, to the north of Lambourne Road (B173). Millers Lane runs north beyond a field to the north east. The site sits around 5km to the south of the M11 motorway. Access is taken directly off Coopers Close between properties 44/44a and 46 Coopers Close. Figure 1: Site aerial with indicative redline 2.2 The site itself comprises approximately 0.14 Hectares and is rectangular in shape. The site sits just beyond the development boundary of Chigwell Row a small village due east of Chigwell, within the allocated Chigwell Parish Boundary. Importantly the site is located within the Green Belt, albeit on the very periphery and comprises poor quality semi-improved grassland with hedgerows and a belt of plantation woodland on its northern and eastern boundary. It also benefits from an existing outbuilding at the very northern boundary. 5 2.3 The site is bound by residential properties to the south and east, and, is designated as Green Belt however provides a logical and appropriate site for infill development, naturally completing the settlement boundary of Chigwell Row in this location without compromising the Green Belt. Indeed, the site is sustainably located within short walking distance of a range of local services and shops along Lambourne Road, and a new dwelling will help to support these services. 2.4 The site is located entirely within Flood Zone 1 and is at limited risk of flooding. It is not located within a Conservation Area and there are no Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s) on site. Planning History 2.5 A search of EFDC’s online planning search portal does not identify any planning history specifically at the site, however there are a number of planning applications that have historically been submitted on land adjacent to 44 Coopers Close as outlined in the table below. Application Description of Development Decision Reference EPF/0665/14 Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 2, Approved 13/05/14 3 and 6 of planning permission EPF/2466/10. (Renewal of planning permission EPF/2080/05 for proposed two- bedroom house with parking and amenity space) EPF/1078/11 Non-material amendment to EPF/2466/10. (Renewal of Withdrawn 07/12/11 planning permission EPF/2080/05 for proposed to bedroom house with parking and amenity space) EPF/2466/10 Renewal of planning permission EPF/2080/05 for proposed Approved 10/03/11 two-bedroom house with parking and amenity space EPF/2080/05 Proposed construction of a new two-bedroom house Approved 01/02/06 (Revised application) EPF/1115/05 Erection of two bedroom attached house Refused 12/08/05 EPF/1672/04 Erection of detached bungalow with internal garage Refused 18/10/04 (Revised application) EPF/0787/04 Erection of semi-detached house and garage Withdrawn 07/07/04 EPF/0189/88 Single storey rear extension Approved 21/04/89 2.6 This site has a chequered history, as is evidenced by the above table, however for the purposes of this submission, there are no applications considered to be of relevance. 6 Pre-application Advice 2.7 A pre-application advice request was submitted to EFDC in March 2018 in respect of the application site and a subsequent meeting was held with the council at their offices on 16th April 2018. At this time, pre-application advice was sought in respect of the erection of 5 no. dwellings plus associated access, parking, refuse storage and landscaping. 2.8 The feedback received during the meeting was that such a scheme would likely be refused by the Council due to the level of development proposed and the resultant impact on the Green Belt, coupled with the impact on the amenity and outlook of neighbours. Alternative options were however reviewed during the meeting and the formal written response dated 16th June 2018 (available in Appendix 1) states that: “a possible alternative way forward would be to build one house as an infill development between no. 46 and the small new dwelling at no. 44a. The latter small house could then be adapted as an annexe to the new infill house, and suitable off- street car parking for 2 cars could be provided. It is also recognised that this parcel of land is separated from adjoining agricultural land and has a similar depth to the rear gardens of nos. 38 to 44 Coopers Close. Consequently, it is likely that this land could all be used as domestic garden for any new infill house.” 2.9 The application proposal subject to this full planning application aligns with the pre-application advice received from EFDC as explained within the following section. 7 Section 3 Proposed Development 3.1 This Statement is submitted in support of a full planning application for residential development on land adjacent to 44a Coopers Close, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6EU. The proposed description of development is: ‘Alterations and extension to 44a Coopers Close to develop 1 no. residential dwelling (Use Class C3) including associated access, parking, refuse storage and ancillary works.’ 3.2 The proposed development seeks to extend the existing property at 44a Coopers Close to deliver a large 5-bedroom semi-detached family home. The application is accompanied by a number of drawings prepared by BB Partnership which illustrate the development proposals. 3.3 The proposed scheme has been designed to minimise any impact on the Green Belt and provides a high- quality family home. The overall design objective is to deliver a respectful and discreet development that reflects the character and form of the existing street pattern and completes the settlement edge in this location. 3.4 The proposed development is of two storeys, constructed of brick and render with large windows and pitched roof. This design approach seeks to deliver a modern elegant building which is in keeping with the aesthetic of the neighbouring properties. The scale of the dwelling is proportionate to the size of the development plot and is discreetly positioned to complete the street without being a dominant structure. 3.5 The proposed property will benefit from a large rear garden which is comparable to others on Coopers Close. The existing plot boundary planting to the north and east will remain and continue to provide a green buffer to the open Green Belt beyond the site. Additional low boundary planting is proposed to the front of the new property, deliver a defensible boundary and an attractive frontage. 3.6 Access will be taken from the existing access off Coopers Close and the proposal will not result in the need for and changes to this arrangement.
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