THE PITTSBURG CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Right Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese Vol LXXVIII •r^t-sr-j > J8 PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921. No. 22 Chicago's Flour Foch Accounts MSHOP MUNDELEIN TO PREACH AT Gift to Germany For Napoleon's BISHOP MATHEW MARIS, D.D., W BISHOP BOYLE'S CONSECRATION Has Arrived. Final Failure. HIS DEA1H A 6REAI LOSS (By N. C. w. C. 'Nc Service (By N. C. W. C. News Service) BERLIN. May IT. Through the ef- LONDON, May 17.- In a eritiqtie M«t BeF. George W. Mundelein,*' With the passihg of the Rt. Rev. n Archbishop of Chicago, 111., an forts of Archbishi ip Mundelein, of of Napoleon, written by Marshal D President Praises Chicago, Cardinal Schulte, of Co- Foch and just published here, the K. of C. of New York Matthew Harkins, D.D., Bishop of jZgu of St. Vincent's College, leader of the allied armies attributes Providenec,£o his reward, on May 26, tatty, P»-. where Bishop Boyle re- logne, has reooivi el thirty million Catholic Boy pounds of flour for relief work in the "J»ittle Corporal's" final failure Purchase Landing a bright name is stricken from the SJJf hi• education, will preach the to a w ant of regard for moral forces. records of the Church militant, to Zram at the consecration of Father Scout Movement. Germany and Austria. Germany is Place of Columbus. to receive three-fifths of this gift. In one passage of his critique. Mar- shine forever in the book of life of the god«, on Wednesday, June 29, at Si. shal Foch says: Church triumphant. (By N. C. W. C. News Service) The first shipment already has ar- (By N. C. W. C. News Service) holt Cathedral. • "Napoleon's successes are known. The late Bishop was born in Boston lii» wiU be the first visit of Arch- rived and 5.000 sacks of flour are ROCHESTER, N. Y. The landing NKW; YORK. May 30.- Approval of shortly to be distributed by the Ger- His triumphs have,been thoroughly on November 17, 1845, of well-to-do sjshop'Vondeiein to this city. He is the Catholic Boy Scout movement place of Columbus, near Nassau in Irish-American parents. He received man Caritas Yerband. At the ex- studied. Less known are the causes the Bahama islands. Is included hi ¿liportMit figure in the ecclesias- was expressed in a letter from Presi- of his failures. his early education at the local school, life at the country, ruling the press wish of Cardinal Schulte. a 2,600 acres of land which have been dent Harding received by Rev. Joseph considerable portion of this flour will graduating from Boston Latin school. ¡Mttf largest diocese in the world, "He failed, they say, because he purchased by the New York State Breslin of St. Joseph's church. Sixth be placed at the disposal of the Ger- was without Berthier. 1 do not think Then he went to Holy Cross College New York CSty alone surpassing it. avenue and Washington place, in Council of the Knights of Columbus. of the Jesuits at ^Worcester. Feelint? man Central Branch for distribution so. In 1814, it is explained, he was Acceptance of an offer to sell this ft properly care for the many dis- connection with the . annual recep- in other countries and to non-Catho- alreadv ill. Perhaps. a strong vocation to the priesthood, •airuiihed visitors who will attend estate to the Knights was voted tion and"review of the five Boy Scout IV institutions and populations. "But to my mind the underlying he continued his studies at the fam- ^eeuecra^ion ceremonies, the fol- troops of that parish last Wednes- unanimously at the State convention ous seminaries of Douai and Saint The distribution In the various reason for the disaster that overtook of the order here. ^ng committee of priests has been day. The President's letter reads: him must be sought elsewhere. He Sulpice, Paris. He also studied in .«pointed to supervise the invitations, dioceses will be entrusted to the dio- Watlings Island is the modern name Rome. "I have learned something about cesan bishops through the diocesan forgot that a man cannot be God; -¿•eption and entertainment of the your work in extending the Hoy of the particular island upon which After his ordination to the priest- charity organizations and branch or- that above the individual there Is the the great discoverer landed, and ruitl: Scout movement in the Catholic ganizations. The large children's nation: that above men there is the hood, he had a long curacy at the Quinntn, Very Rev. Francis J. Mc- which was known to tht Spaniards church of the Immaculate Conception, Church, and it has interested n\e "homes, which re •ive children from moral law: and that war is not the {¿^ LllD.; Secretary, Rev. John G. very much. as San Salvador. The Knights plan Salem; and a small rectorship at Ar- the industrial inns the highest goal, since above it tbefe is to maintain the estate in perpetuity Due; Bev. John Faughnan. Rev. "On the occasion of the review of peace." lington, whence he was transferred to Dind'Slmnahan, LL.D.; Rev. Wm summer, will bt providelid Pdi for. in honor of the memory of the illus- the rectorship of St. James, Boston. your Scout organization. May 25. I so that the w< •ak- ndernourished trious patron of their orde; . gtlty, Bev. A. Kazinczy, Rev. L. would like to extend my congratula- In all these charges he had proved Stag«, Bev. J. P. Gallagher, Rev. v children will be •II f' d during their Catholic Medical himself a true shepherd of souls, and tions and appreciations to you, and stav. Divid H. Hegerty, Rev Fraifcis Bene- my good wishes to the organization. Schools to Front. Pope Encourages was much beloved by his people and vaitsno, Rev. R. L. Hayes, D.D. I hope it will be effective in carry- by his brethren in the priesthood. ing forward excellent work among Memorial Mass for Nuns Sent Here To In 1887, following the death of the (By N. C. W ;.. Nevi Rt. Rev. Dr. Hendricken, he was ap- Protestants Behind the boys of the country." Capital's Heroes. WASHINGTON Ma Tabu- Aid Immigrants. Archbishop Hayes was the guest e high pointed Bishop of Providence, and ited statistics show i duly consecrated on April 14 of the In Hospital Work. ef honor at the reception and Major tandards of si achie ved by B> Men signer Enrico I'uccl General Clarence Edwards rAiewed (By N. C. W. C. News : same year. He was the third succes- w SHINGTON. D. c : raduates of ( ath< lie li i-dical schools sive rector of St. James' church, Bos- the parade of the Scout troops. nt nil mber of ( By N. C. W. C. News Service) (By N. C. W. C. News Service) Mass celebrated at the fo Wa re publish d in ; ree ton, to be raised to the episcopate, t-nce Hi rn tin All) rican Medical ROME. May 18.- It is the hope Of BOSTON, May 30.—Catholic chari- ingt< i Monument, in the the other two being the late Archbish- persons, including Pr< Association, The eures wh ich are the Holy Father t ¡at the congrega- op Williams, of Boston, and the late ties, and especially provision for the 25,000 Attend Mass compiled f< how that of the tion of the Maestrtii ) Pie Filippini, áck, «re conceded by Rev. J. Edwin í-nt I oolidge. was the ch r< Bishop Healy, of Portland, Me. e of impressive ceremonies ".«'4 graduat es of ix < a i holic medics whose mother house for the United Lacount,"a Protestant minister, to be At Navy Yard For •atur The first important ceremony at vesterdav marked the funeral schools wh o took the examination States, near Trenton N. J., was for- apertor in number, excellence anii hieb which Bishop Harkins officiated in his of Vincent B. Costello and Hiram F. provided by the various S mally dedicated May 22, may extend sfirit <to those of the l'rotestant Heroes of the War. new charge was the consecration of Cash, former Washington young men cal boards throughout th country. their work throughout the country. Krti. Dr. Lacount is Held secretary the magnificent Cathedral of Provi- who were killed in France during only 35 fail ed to pass. GGraduater s of The twenty-five members of the or- if the Ne# England Deaconess bos- lííy N. C W. C. Ne ws Service) dence. He then set to work to mul- the World war. The Mass was said Creigh'ton, Fordham. Georgetown, der who are now at the American piul. and has just completed a sur- tiply the churches, schools and chari- BOSTON, May 2 A solemn me- for the repose of their sc\uls and the Loyola. St. Louis univi itV and Mar- mother house, were received in audi- wrjrof the different charitable insti- ties of the diocese, to meet the needs morial Mass for.the repose? of the souls of 585 other soldier dead of the quett< took part in these examina ence by his Holiness last month, just of hi^ rapidly increasing flock. nstions of Massachusetts. souls of the deceased American sol- Capital City. lions. prior to their departure from Rome For all that it became necessary to "I am profoundly convinced of the diets, sailors, and marines was cele- for the I'nited States. The pope divide the diocese, and in 1904 the poor record of Protestantism in point brated in the Navy Yard at Charles- blessed the members of the order, new diocese of Fall River was created.
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