Lesley University DigitalCommons@Lesley Lesley College Current Special Collections and Archives Summer 1979 Lesley College Current (Summer,1979) Lesley College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/lesley_current Recommended Citation Lesley College, "Lesley College Current (Summer,1979)" (1979). Lesley College Current. 24. https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/lesley_current/24 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and Archives at DigitalCommons@Lesley. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lesley College Current by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Lesley. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I l l t h i s i s s u e Tlie The Summer C URRENT demonstrates again why Lesley College is such an ex citing institution beginning with President CURRENT C a r t e r ' s o b v i o u s e n t h u s i a s m f o r t h e N a t i o n a l C e n t e r o f E c o n o m i c E d u c a t i o n f o r C h i l d r e n . D i r e c t o r S t a n l e y M e n g e l i s n o w o n b o a r d a n d t h e C e n t e r h a s b e c o m e a r e a l i t y. W i t h . J u l i a n S o b i n ' s c o m m i t m e n t to provide the funds for the building, you c a n a l m o s ' s e c t h e b r i c k s r i s i n g . Lesley's prime commitment, however, is Vol. VI, No. 3 to the total education of professionals in S u m m e r 1 9 7 9 the world of children. Who are these pro fessionals we are educating? How do they find their way to Lesley College? Admis s i o n s D i r e c t o r s M a r t h a A c k e r s o n a n d Carmella Leatherstone give us some in sight on recruitment efforts and how- alumni can help in seeing that the high q u a l i t y y o u n g w o m e n t h e y k n o w l e a r n about the Lesley experience. And what is that experience? Winnie Lair, who has just retired as head of the Science Division, explains that in a reflec t i v e i n t e r v i e w w i t h S t a c y G r e e n s p a n . A n d t h e e x c i t e m e n t c o n t i n u e s w i t h t h e new and the old, graduation and reunion. The campus looks peaceful and sleepy u n d e r t h e s u m m e r s u n , b u t t h a t i s i l l u sion. The campus is bursting with activity. Getting ready. Getting ready. Published quarterly by the Public Rela Lesley College Alumni t i o n s O f fi c e o f L e s l e y C o l l e g e , 2 9 E v e r e t t Street, Cambridge, MA 02238, and Association 1979-80 Officers distributed without charge to alumni, parents and friends of the college. Ap plication to mail at second-class postage Lorraine Blondes Shapiro '42, President rates is pending at Boston, MA 02109. COVER PHOTO: The White House Oval ^ PresHrm''"'" L e t t e r s t o t h e e d i t o r a n d m a n u s c r i p t s a r e Office of the President of the United v v c v. v, ■ welcomed and should be typed double- spaced and marked with the author's name and address. "it™.""i EDITOR "You're moving ahead. .1 want to be u Secretary Lorelei Snyder k e p t i n t o u c h . " M a r g e r y K a h n H e n z i 7 0 , R e c o r d i n g Secretary DESIGNER tableTof contents Barbara Wrenn CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Lesley educational center unveiled at White House i A l u m n i r e n e w f r i e n d s h i p s a t R e u n i o n ' 7 9 - 7 Katrina Kruse N e w s w o m a n s p e a k s t o g r a d u a t e s ! ! ! ' ^ ^ l o Admissions game is not what it used to be is DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI PROGRAMS Caring IS the Lesley hallmark: an interview with Ruth Anne Jaffe Dr. Winifreds. Lair Photo Credits: Julie O'Neil, Victor F a c u l t y a t l a r g e ' i Neumeier, Peter Travers, Jean Gwaltney. N o t e s o f c u r r e n t i n t e r e s t . ' ' ^ 2 2 C o v e r P h o t o ; M a r y A n n e F a c k e l m a n , C l a s s h i s t o r i e s 2 4 White House photographer. he S^ofiiicin (Slobc THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1979 Architect's rendering of National Center of Economic Education for Children on campus of Lesley College in Cambridge Lesley educational center unveiled at White House States News Service through a network of cooperative school World Airways: Edgar D. Aronson. part- WASHINGTON — President Jimmy systems, ner and managintJ B r o t h e r s ' vesterday greeted members of the - " ^ n t e r h a s b e e n i n t h e w o r k s f o r ' ■ f i n a l l v u r n " - - ' by James K. Blake "An honor, Mr. President." Earlier, the Lesley delegation had No question about it, this was an un- "A pleasure, Mr. President." assembled in the old State Department forgetable and proud moment for Redundant? Not at all. How else would Building, now the Executive Office everyone concerned with the National the President of the United States and the Building, adjacent to the White House. Economic Center and Lesley College. It President of Lesley College greet one After passing with high grades the pre was a great moment for the Economic another? arranged security checks, the group walk Center's prestigious National Advisory The place was the White House Oval ed over the White House lawn to a Board, corroborating, as it were, its own Office of President Jimmy Carter. The Presidential anteroom where they waited a judgement that the economic education of time was a pleasant May morning and few minutes while the President finished children deserved to be rated in impor President Carter had invited the National conferring with Justinian, the Patriarch of tance with the three R's. It was a gratify Rumania. While waiting, they were joined Advisory Board to the National Center of ing moment, too, for the Lesley Board of Economic Education for Children, Presi by Massachusetts freshman Senator Paul Trustees, who had boldly undertaken the dent Don Orton, and senior Lesley ad Tsongas who had come down from creation of this nationally important proj ministrators to the White House. This was Capital Hill for the occasion. ect and had already committed one the day for the public announcement of Suddenly, the door to the Oval Office million dollars for the Center with addi the creation of the National Center and opened and standing there was the Presi tional commitments under consideration. President Carter's official commendation dent of the United States waiting to greet of the project. the Lesley delegation. A. 2 President Carter congratulated the Na carter was particularly impressed with tional Advisory Board and the Lesley ■ ^.atisWing momcni for rritudc of the practical, hands-on Trusiees for their "major commitment to U was an especia y Snider, President ""nreach lo cclllromic'cduca.ion ol' rhe this long neglected area of elementary ? cslcy program. He liked the lacr ll.at the education. Center will not only demonstrate suc The President was equally impressed by cessful programs for preparing S''.afs"criH:p°»n„i„. ,n mo- undergraduate and graduate students m- .Jfact that the project will be financed servwe teachers and other educators for entirely through private funds. ^ '' VaLT'^?°eair'^nly ^ roles in the field of economic education the most refreshing thing I ve for children but will disseminate these heard today,' he said. programs throughout the nation via a net Subsequent going the meeting would be work of cooperating model school systems meeting. Board me aiding the was expected tha , interest in and other appropriate institutions. a.ssumed responsibility io P brief.
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