E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016 No. 112 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was morial service in honor of the five po- ing our country. In fact, drug overdoses called to order by the President pro lice officers slain in the senseless now claim 129 lives a day in America. tempore (Mr. HATCH). shooting during last week’s peaceful The families of these victims know f protest. The victims are individuals more must be done to prevent others who, like law enforcement officials in from enduring the pain of drug addic- PRAYER each of our communities, willingly put tion and overdose. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- their lives on the line every day to Antidrug groups and law enforcement fered the following prayer: keep us safe. Their loss is a tragic re- officials also know more must be done Let us pray. minder of the courage and selflessness to prevent the widespread loss commu- Our Father in Heaven, may Your they possessed, just as it is a reminder nities have experienced at the hands of Name be honored. Today, lead our Sen- of the burdens their family bear on our this crisis. That is why nearly 250 anti- ators along the road of humility so behalf. Today we remember each of drug and law enforcement groups that You can exalt them in due time. them. across the country have voiced their May they have the wisdom to reap the I know I speak for the entire Senate support for the Comprehensive Addic- bountiful harvest that comes from in saying our hearts are with the fami- tion and Recovery Act conference re- planting the seeds of lowliness and rev- lies and friends of each of these vic- port. Just last week, these groups collec- erential awe. tims, the others wounded, the entire tively sent a letter urging passage of Lord, make them wise and strong as law enforcement community, and the this legislation, which they called a they face national challenges that city of Dallas. ‘‘truly comprehensive response to the threaten our freedom. Guide them, Our Nation experienced a great deal opioid epidemic’’ that represents ‘‘the of suffering and heartbreak last week. strong Deliverer, for they are pilgrims critical response we need.’’ These We must come together now to over- in time who are headed for eternity. groups represent States from coast to come these tragedies and allow healing Continue in everything to work for the coast, from Lifehouse Recovery Con- good of those who love You, who are to prevail. nection in California to Justice and Re- the called according to Your purposes. f covery Advocates in Maryland, to Keep us, O God, so dedicated to You CARA AND MILCON-VA AND ZIKA Friends of Recovery in New York, and Your purposes that we may do VIRUS FUNDING LEGISLATION among dozens and dozens of others. justly, love mercy, and walk humbly They have seen the crisis firsthand, Mr. MCCONNELL. Now, Mr. Presi- with You. and they know the positive impact this dent, let me speak on an entirely dif- We pray in Your majestic Name. bipartisan comprehensive response can ferent matter. Amen. have. f Angie was ‘‘a beautiful girl with a Here is what I mean. The National heart of gold and a smile that would Association of Counties and the Na- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE light up a room’’ before her life was tional League of Cities have asked Con- The President pro tempore led the changed by heroin. Angie described her gress to ‘‘act quickly’’ and pass the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: addiction to her mother, saying: CARA conference report. They call it I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ‘‘Mom, I need this drug like I need air ‘‘a pivotal step towards stemming the United States of America, and to the Repub- to breathe.’’ It would take Angie expe- tide of this epidemic.’’ lic for which it stands, one nation under God, riencing an overdose and her mom beg- The Addiction Policy Forum has indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ging her to quit before she agreed to warned Congress ‘‘not [to] play poli- f seek treatment. Unfortunately, tics’’ by blocking passage of this CARA though, like so many addicts, Angie conference report. They call it ‘‘a mon- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY left the treatment facility and started LEADER umental step forward—a tipping point using again. She told her mother: ‘‘I’m to better addressing the paralyzing The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- in a black hole and I can’t get out.’’ opioid epidemic.’’ TON). The majority leader is recog- Angie would end up dying from an The Faces and Voices of Recovery nized. overdose, her body dumped callously at has urged support too. They call it f the bottom of a muddy creek by her ‘‘the most expansive Federal, bipar- drug dealer. tisan legislation to date for addiction TRAGEDY IN DALLAS Tragically, Angie’s story is just one support services,’’ and they say it can Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, glimpse into the widespread prescrip- ‘‘help save the lives of countless peo- today the city of Dallas will hold a me- tion opioid and heroin epidemic sweep- ple.’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4953 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:32 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JY6.000 S12JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK9F6TC42PROD with SENATE S4954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 12, 2016 The Fraternal Order of Police has they feel the same or if a partisan po- less effective at saving lives than it should asked Congress ‘‘to adopt the con- litical group is worth delaying funding be. ference report’’ on behalf of its more to protect families from Zika or fund- The Senate is expected to vote on this measure, approved by the House on Friday than 330,000 members. They call it an- ing our veterans. by an overwhelming 407-to-5 majority. It other ‘‘tool to reduce the deaths from There is only one option to get anti- would authorize addiction treatment and this epidemic.’’ Zika funding on the President’s desk prevention programs to stem what has be- So we are just one step away from before September; that is, passing the come a scourge and a disgrace—more than sending this legislation to the Presi- compromise Zika control and veterans 28,600 overdose deaths in 2014. dent’s desk. The House overwhelmingly funding legislation that is before us And it has gotten worse, not better, passed it by a vote of 407 to 5. With and sending it down to the President but this legislation contains not a continued cooperation, the Senate can for signature. penny to support any of these initia- send it to the President this week. The rules don’t allow for a conference tives. Remember, this Senate has provided report to be amended, and repassing Continuing to read from the article: more than twice as much funding for the same bill that went to conference The bill would allow the federal govern- opioid-related issues as under the pre- will not put a bill on the President’s ment to award grants to states to treat peo- vious Senate majority. Let me say that desk, it will not create a vaccine, it ple who are hooked on prescription pain- again. This Senate has provided more will not kill a single mosquito, and it killers and illicit drugs like heroin. In Con- than twice as much funding for opioid- will not help a single pregnant mother. gress, however, getting a program authorized related issues as under the previous So let’s do the right thing for our Na- is only half the battle. Republican leaders Senate majority. The passage of CARA say they will allocate funding when law- tion and pass the legislation that is be- makers return to Washington after a seven- would represent another crucial step fore us. week break that begins at the end of this toward combating this crisis. f week and ends after Labor Day. Yet there is Of course, this wouldn’t have been no good reason for Congress to put off a vote possible without the unwavering com- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY on funding, given the urgency of the prob- mitment of Members like Senator LEADER lem. PORTMAN, Senator AYOTTE, Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Quoting again, the editorial ends GRASSLEY, and Senator ALEXANDER to Democratic leader is recognized. with a further funding caution: move this bill forward. From raising f Many lawmakers, especially those who are awareness about this crisis to serving CARA AND MILCON-VA AND ZIKA up for reelection, clearly want to show vot- as voices for the voiceless and working ers they are doing something about opioids. across the aisle to develop this com- VIRUS FUNDING LEGISLATION This bill amounts to progress, but it will not prehensive legislative response, these Mr. REID. Mr. President, the tor- change the trajectory of this epidemic. Senators were resolute in their sup- tured explanation from my friend the That says it all. port. In no small part, because of their Republican leader this morning about Without real funding, this legislation efforts to drive this bill forward, com- two important issues—opioids and is far from adequate. If we want to stop munities will be better equipped to pre- Zika—is an indication of why the Re- the increasing number of opioid vent heroin and prescription opioid publicans will no longer have the ma- overdoses, then we need to get serious abuse in the first place, just as they jority come election day.
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