See Bio 379 p.11 Series 9 Vol. 21 No. 6 Contents Old Main to have wings clipped Update on steps toward restoration by Holly Hogen p. 5 Wyoming: Story from a cowboy at heart If Horace Greeley could only see us now by George Meier P· 11 Jumping out of airplanes is on unnatural act Getting. high with the UWSP skydiving club by Kurt Busch p. 14& 15 The Superpickers return sec eD/TO~IAL 1>£.LOV'I The NFL prognosticators ore back and raring to go by Wievel, Sullivan, & Haberman p. 18 TIIE POISTER is• sttoad c:la ss publkatJoa issued underaulbority gnn~ lolhe ------------------------------­ Board ol Regents ol lhr Unlnnlty ot Wlsc:onsln. ll Is wrluen and edllNI by lhc itudenlS ot lhr Unlvenlty of Wlsc:on1ln..SLevn1 Polnt and I.hey are solfly rtspon- slble for It, tdltorial polJc:y and coaU'nl. POINTER STAFF Managing Editrb..Cail Gatton, Bula~• Maa.g!r 6 Poetry EdJtor-K.arl Garson, Editorial 2 Cartoons 23 Adnrtlslng Man.gen-And.re.a Spud1ch, DennlS Peterwn, News Ed!tor·Ron Thums, FutUttS Editor-Robert Kam, AHL Futures EdJtor.JaneUe Hardin, Spor- t.I Edhor.John Rondy, Envlroamenl.al EdJtor-Barb Puschel, Copy EdJtor·Robert Borslll. Graph!« EdltO<·Mark Lar,on, Pb°"' EdltO<-Mark Mc:Queen, Produclloa Coordb111tor- Ann Spanbauer, om«r Muager-Dessree Fox, Advisor-Dan Correspondence 3 & 4 Poetry 25 ~=-.':,iane BaillH. KW1 Busclt, Michael C.shin, Kathy O\l8,gan, Sue Erickson, PatU Jo L«tt, Sandra Lipke, Laurie Low. Sharon Malnu~. Georie Meien, St.eve Mmzel, JCRph Perry, Al Schuette, Barb Scott, Connie Villac., Randy Wievel. ProdlK'UonDaMY Ong Mary Kuharske, Debbie Mauerer · Wrtu.en pcrmluloa ls r,e,qu.lrtd for a rtprlnl of all maltti.al presenl.ed ln lhe POIN· TER. Addreu all (CWTHpondH« to Ill Communkalion 8.ldg .. Stevens Point, WI. Stream of Unconsciousness 13 Classifieds 26 Tekpboae l7IS1 Jff.Z?O. Stay Off the Grass! of the north woods area. Trees : :~. There, now that you know what ;/·';; ' . going across the book shelves are this is going to be about, if you're '(• : . "'·. ·. .. ; a popular item with residence hall )' ··. ,,' •, not interested or not to blame, :.: ,.,. people. there's no need to waste your time So while the problem isn't a by reading any further. You see, major one, nonetheless, to a this is for a very select audience. certain extent, one does exist. For The few who haven't stayed off those who wouldn't think of Ure grass. 'IEWPOlnT stepping on the new mounds, Surely, people have noticed ~e thanks alot. For those who are the construction and landscapmg guilty culprits, let's repeat: STAY going on around the Franklin OFF THE GRASS, ETC! Street Mall. How could anyone maintenance, said that in general the new soft earth are two bicycle Note : It has been brought to our miss it - the straw coverings all the students have been extremely over, the mounds of still-soft dirt, tracks. Anyone who would ride attention that for some reason a cooperative about walking around their bike on this would take a the piles of pebbles and a few the young, tender pieces of grass. municipality is not considered a boulders scattered around - no skateboard down the same if the part of the county. Therefore, The main problem he stated, has wheels wouldn 't get clogged. one could miss it. been between buildings. Students Stevens Point is not a part of Along the same line, there's Portage County when ordinances OK, so we all know it's there. are always going t<, take the Schmeeckle Reserve to be Then why is it that we can't let , shortest route between classes, he are being considered and so does considered. Again, Iwanski said not fall under the jurisdiction of well enough alone? Don't those said and he seemed resigned to that students have been quite tiny stalks of seedling grass that fact. such ordinances. Steve and Eydie considerate. The grass along the didn't break the law and may all deserve a chance? How can There is, however, a few shore is coming up nicely. The people step on them and not hear nincompoops who can't keep off. who felt guilt was implied on their problem out there, he said, has respective parts in the editorial of them cry out: Murderers! Right near the Classroom Center, been the number of students Jerry Iwanski, head of grounds running up and down the h.ill , in Sept. 1, please accept our deepest taking popple and birch trees out apologies. The Pointer, September 15, 1977 Page Z Pholo by Ron Thums Two-fifths of a Rhinelander polka band The Poinler encourages its readership lo suti!"il photographs for lhe correspondence page. Business. The endless revelations of dscaped grounds Bigus refers to sit COl'llOrate corruvtion. bribes and squarely atop a mind boggling illegal campaign contributions have amount or fill dirt. excavated at done more to tar the image of free en· relatively little expense from the terprise than 125 years of Marxist Lake Dreyfus site. Imagine the To lhe Pointer, capital expenditure. On the other propagands ever did. Big Business expense or trucking all or that ftll In Terry Testolin 's letter to the hand, smaller. businessmen must of· has been a full partner with Big from Custer or a similar distance. editor in the September 8, 1977, issue ten hire a lawyer simply to un· Government and Big Labor is stifling u you miss the point or all this it is or The Pointer, he wrote that Dr. Lee derstand what new regulations mean a prostitute operation that cares relatvely simple to embrace the Sherman Dreyfus ''will have to do it as passed by the Democrat controlled nothing for the values, aspirations "gosh-wow" enthusiasm or letters of in direct opposition to the underlying Congress. Smaller businessmen are and moral sensibilities - of Middle the Bigus type and access to Sentry reactionary ideology or the far less able to pass on their ad· America. gratitude for their altruistic gift to Republican party." The Republican ditional costs to the consumer. The Perhaps the next time In· the community of a " real lake". Per· Party is not the party of "Big big corporations widen their com­ dependents or Democrats call t~e sonally I believe the type of altruism Business" . - petitive advantage over small Republican Party the " Party of B,.g we ideally hope for from the business Last year, over half or the $3.5 businesses with each new regulation Business," they should check to see 1f community (and Lake Dreyfus is million Big Business political action that emanates from Washington. No their left hand knows what their right not a case in point) will probably committees gave to congressional wonder they don't mind. one is doing. exist only at .the point of a machine candidates went to Democrats. Consider Big·Business's a£finity for Fred Olk gun. Consider here the vast en­ 1£ you are surprised, don 't be. Big "detente." While conservatives have Archives Assistant vironmental campaigns waged by Business once regarded as the worried about a Soviet military Area Research Center large oil companies. bastion of conservative buildup that can only be described as Mldwest College Republican Bigus' comment, "City ordinances Republicanism, has been in bed with ominous, Big Business has stumbled Research Director aside, " contains all the keen Jerk· the Liberal Establishment for some over itself to furnish computers, Portage County Young Republican knee forethought or the average bum· time. trucks and wheat to the Russian war Vice-Chairman per sticker and falls neatly into the When one thinks of Big Business, machine. Perhaps Solzhenitsyn was category of such phrases as , " My one usually has visions or General telling us something when he chose to country right or wrong", or " If it's Motors, US Steel, and Exxon. But Big deliver his dramatic address at a con· good for General Motors, it's good for Business also includes multinational vention or the AFL-CIO, rather than a the country". 1 believe further com- corporations like Coca Cola and IBM luncheon o( the National Association To The Poinler, ment unnecessary. as well as the major television and or Manufacturers. I'm surprised that you only The Parr Jetter speaks or fairness radio networks and publishing houses Big Business dominates the Carter received three letters protesting the and then continues to attack Judy (whose profit margins put the oil Cabinet. Among Carter's Cabinet ap­ Kurt Busch story on the Lawrence- Collins for expressing her political companies to shame). These pointees are three former directors Gorme concert. 1 enjoyed reading viewpoint at a concert. He also seems companies have a vested interest in or IBM, former directors or Pan-Am , this thinly-drawn logic. Historically, to believe that a free concert with an liberal social, economic and foreign Chase Manhatten and Eastrnan­ this type or reasoning brought us absense of controversy is superior to policies. Kodak, and a past president or Ben­ Hitler in the thirties and forties. one which charges five dollars and Big Business, while not overJoyed dix Corporation. In the Bigus letter, '.' City or· gives a view different from his. The at increased governmental "con· The trend is clear. While dinances aside" and " brand new ex- old phrase "Never JQl)k a gift horse in sumer ;:- rotecti on" and "job safety" Republicans take their lumps at the pensively landscaped grounds" are the mouth" comes to mind. A lot of regulation, has not been in the polls as the " Party of Big B\lsiness," particularly telling phrases.
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