. -. "':. ,:-. - ',! " . ,~ ~l STATE, • For", 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Of THE INTERIOR (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Washington COUNTY, NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Spokane INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER OATE (Type all entries - complete applicable sections) \ ·..·iii··· /, ..'......;,' -·);i· ..·...•••..·••·•.•··.·.···2·\.:.,·\i;) i.·.· .' .,. CO ...... ON: Battle of Four Lakes Monument, ANDIOR HISTORIC: STREET AND NU"~ER'. Within Stat~ Highway rigl:ltof way on operg.tin.,gprol1erty In the v~c~n~ty of S~lve~, Grafi~te, Meadow and C~ear Lakes CITY OR TOWN: located within- . Four Lakes. Washington !STATE I CODE COUNTY' I CODE Spokane \ 063 W""h; 631-" 13.ClASSIFICATJON ":-'/"':'.' .;..... .' ,i ..• ·;••i)· ,·.,..:\8 .·,·,;·y ..{.' .. ·:.·i.··· .... '''7 ACCESSIBLE CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS TO THE PUBLIC (Ch&ck Ono) z VeS: District Building ~ Pl,lblic Public Acquisition: G.~ Occupied r;, ! 0 R•• "lct.d In Prcce .. r .' o LJ Sit. 0 Structure t:J Private o ill Unoccupied 8.lng Conlider.d ~ Unr •• 'ricted Object 0 Both o o Pr ••• rvation worle ~ No In progr ••• 0 U PRESENT USE (Chock Ono or Moro ,118 APproprIate) Gi A.Slriculturol 0 Government 0 Pork o Transportation o Commorciol 0 Industrial 0 PrivQto Rosidonc. (XI Othor (Specify) o Educational 0 MiJj,ory 0 Rolig.ious monumentpointing out battlefield z l4:~±!~[]~E~n~.~.'~.OWNER·.OFPROPERTY••~;inm~.~n~.~[!~[]==M="=.=.="m==========[]===SC="[.n='=HZ;c=====ilJo=c=a=tIieTIdEm°En~a=d==j=a=c=e=n3t=sa=g==r=i=C=U=1=t3u=r=a~1~i:i::eldS..... ':: ..•. } .···..:t··· \'.':""' ..;... ,.'...• / •., IOWNER S NAME: :E ~ ~~~~~\~{a~s~h~i~n~g·~·t~o~n~S~t~a~t~e~H~i~glh~W~av~D~e~na~.rt~m~e~n~t~D~~~·s~t~r~i~c~t~6~~ ~.. w STREET AND NUMBER: ~ =s w f=-.".-;::=c-'" 2714 North /·lavfair <0.... CITY OR TOWN: STATE: CODE 0 =s ~ rs:rtITQCAT~OF~~~~YDESCR::-:I""PT::-:I-=O,N'<~~-,-~-_~.~....~==--.--,-.:-~...,-:.."..I---,-JW!L<I~~shd,J.;'· tlj' ~'+",'':'!1l'~iC-''''':' ql-:t..f~?:;.g.~;.",,.".....,..-L.--:lJ.,.,..j.. -:'....:.. COURTHOUSE, REGISTAY OF DEEOS~ETC: n 0 Vl c 1in -0 z Same as 0 -< STREET AND NUMBER: ,.,- < l>J=s STATE CODE (:1 TY OR TOWN: '" m TITLE OF SURVEY: Z I-_S~)p~IO~k~a~n~e~M~e~t~r;O~)p~IO~1~~~'t7a~n~A~r~e~a~T~r~a~n~s~>p~(O~r~t~a~t~~~·o~n~S~t~u~d~lY~-.-~~-.-~_~~~< 0~ OA.TE OF SURVEY: Feb. 1969 ex Fodoral I5GStat. 1K1 County (la Local 2: ::tI bEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECOROS: C Z t " Spokane City Hall ~ ~ STREET AND NU ....BERt . m o N. 221 Wall St. Z STATE: CODE CITY OR TOWN: I --~~ o Spokane Washington 53\ .w. ,> m I.. CONDITION , , A marker is located in the village of Four Lakes. 13 miles Southwest of Spokane, just off Highway U.S. 10 at junction of old highway and Medical Lake road. Wright Butte domina- tes the landscape giving a splendid view of the surrounding contrysid:._ --r...Rz /j/vc:/t!-'LC/'\ A.6 r'/J:'/V:" I :"v'~~.t~(J)c:v;.:.,-L<.-:(. 1/l~L/VV-ct( ';\...[..,(I! /.bt- C-'l.c..t·l.q,-I,1.,':r.f,.d ;:(J:.d t..x>L-t ~~ ~,--Q../\..( l..,_k.( jJ..;Ct~tt( l".l./,-.Ct.Jr<''l-I,h:-/-~~ -t::fi-', ,Ii' . I ,v V (V(JUJ v--vu r(~---U;:\"'\/v'\ ,·C-J (/\..,O'...Q..,.Q.JL.;1' A.A/\. tl/V~.[l~C-X'-- LA-),C.j-={~-'._0.L~.:.~\c(7L:ce"VI '" m J:. 90. m , , % ....'" c:'" n .... ' o , ' % .' •! \ (. " , ":1, ,. ,. " .' " ; ~""-', ; " r\~· i '. ~ " ':. " '), r ..! , ,., ' .. ,..... .,.;",,~" lct,'i8L\ = ~ 't,i; 0::..:<, ";';::(;tI;;'ttf;;:tC;;~;-;-"--;;NC;:-;;E-------------""--"""----'-' ":,,.,.,,-.'"'...,.,.'"'.,'"','"'..""-,..~-."...,,.-,,""""":."",,.,.,,.:"'.''" •Ii "&RIOD fCltoc. Ono 0' ..... APfWO""·'o) o p'O·CoIUM~ian: 0 16th ConN'., 0 18th Con,,,,,,., o lOth c.n'vry o 15th ConturT 0 17th COftt""'T ag 19th C.ntury W"C'.'C DA.... ' (II AppU' .... ond "_ SeDtember 1 1858------------------~ , , ......... 0,.. al.NIPIC.MCI[ (CIt.ell One ot "'U••• ApproJl't'.'o) :/ ' LJ U,lIo" Plonninl "~I.I ...I o fd"cclfian 1:.1 Politicol o P,.hI .... lc o En,h'l.. ,iny IJ R.ligion/Phi. , f.J 0 .....' (Spec"") B HI..... lc o Indwet,y I•.o~l' a "pl.ol_ D In~tion o Sci_« o A .... "._ o L.,,4u..,. 0 Scw"'"" .' . A,chlt.ct__ SecieI/H ___ • " 0.' 0 ,: , Liter.tw,. ',,' , , , o c. 0 '_i... :;....." r' , ' o C-.-lcot'_- ~ MililOfy 0 T ...... , , o c... ~ .. _ o •• te 0 TNln.portII.loft ra1'.' .... NT 0 .... i.HI"ICANC~ This monument marks and describes the panorama which includes the Site of Battle of Four Lakes in which Colonel George Wright and 700 men routed 5000 allied Indians from Coeur d'Alene, Spokane and Palouse, finally defeating them again ina 14 'Z'" mile running battle known as the Battle of Spokane Plains. 0 This battle followed the defeat of Colonel Steptoe at Rosalia~ ., - September 1, 1858 was the beginning of the end of Indian ~ dom,i~an~e i,nthe SPokan~ ar~~. ~ :'-fJ...'K-c \~v;,a/)I-.-rt.." "-~U:~ ,. :,. \.r... , ';"/-.1'./) cJ_'·'·:. ,.-, ,'.., , .'-:' '. i· ?-r."j>1 ::._""-c_, <'u'.""--'p'--'4. '''I, , ., M,sl.t.(r' cU'i_u~.t.:.. O~...."" .. ,.: , :\. .~; :t o ' () -- v . , .>j ,'" ~.'J , •••• r ••• • 'f- .. 1~ 'f* .,. , Z • - ~.,....~ '- . ft" ;.',;, , ", ::\.$,} ,'" , '1., '. , '. , .- ~" ':,..1 ' ,. ,. .. ' 1'" '\ " ..;.... -.. .~ ,. " ..... " ( /". f , . '. .( !'" l'. i' ' .. ~~ ,t. • I -'- ....-:..:...:..---------- Spokane MetropolitanArea TransportationStudy and every major military history book about the state of Washington. LATITUOE A"'O LONGITUDE COORDINATES L.a.TITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES DEFINING THE CENTER POINT OF'" PROPERTY DEFINING A RECTANGL.E LOCATING THE PROPERTY o I-------r------------------r-----------------~R~----------~O~F~C~E~.~.~T~"~.~N-T~E~N~.~C~R~E~S~~ LONGITUOE CORNER LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE Degr••• Minut •• Seconds Degr ••• Minuto. Seconds Oegre.. Minut•• Second. Degr ••• Minutes Seconds o o o NW o HE o o • SE 0 • • 0 • • <w. ••• (',~/v,u,.,- .. ,.) m CODE COUNTY: CODE STATE: CODE z 'TATE: CODE COUN TV: CODE COUNTY: CODE STATE: NAME AND TI TLE: William H. Trogdon 0A TE ORGANIZATION Eastern Washington Historical Society I'April 12 197 STREET AND NUMBER: o West 2316 First Avenue z STATE CODE CITY OR TOWN: Spokane ~9~9~2~O~1~~~~~~~~W~a~s~h=i~n~a1t~o~n~~~~~~~:1~I~4S~ IJ~tLs'r"Tg\iIAISOl'loF.FICeR: CERT IF.ICA'I' ION" •... ·····-:-;;Tt4A T ION AL. REOI STe RW ERII' ICATION As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na- 1 hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 19(16(Public Law Nations 1 Register. 89-665), I hereby nominate this property (or inclusion in the National Register and eertHy that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedo res set forth by the National Park Service. The recommended Chief, Offico 01 Archeology and Historic Preservation level of significance of this nomination is: National [] State 0 Local 0 Date _ Name ~~-.--~--".-----._------------- ATTEST: Charles H. Odegaard Title 0 irector Washington State Parks and Keeper of The National Register Recreation Commission Date Date -' ..... r i; ! •.• ", iji, I r ,'," " .. _-, 1 Monument at Four Lakes, Washington, near main I highway between Spokane and Cheney (No. 11) .1 marking battlefield where Colonel Wright defeated' .l . the Indians. IL.. _ ',;" . "" " ...
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