December 2013 Transparency

December 2013 Transparency

LITTLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPTCard Transactions 11/28/13 - 12/27/13 Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Description Transaction Amount 11/29/2013 ACCO BRANDS DIRECT office supplies 56.67 11/29/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Radios for Construction Crew 1,496.50 11/29/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS ribbon 9.95 11/29/2013 AMAZON.COM 60 Seconds to Shine 18.61 11/29/2013 AMAZON.COM Library Books 133.68 11/29/2013 APPERSON Scantrons 123.53 11/29/2013 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY HS Bioputty & colors 18.42 11/29/2013 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY Bioputty & colors 61.67 11/29/2013 HODSON'S GRILL Principal Lunch 42.00 11/29/2013 J W PEPPER All State Choir Music 95.14 11/29/2013 LAKESHORE LEARNING MAT HS Hammering boards 8.04 11/29/2013 LAKESHORE LEARNING MAT Hammering boards 26.91 11/29/2013 LAKESHORE LEARNING MAT HS paint,paper,sand,PBIS pompoms 215.55 11/29/2013 LAKESHORE LEARNING MAT Paint,paper,sand,PBIS pompoms 721.62 11/29/2013 NASSP E-COMMERCE Member Certificiates, Pins 1,735.50 11/29/2013 PCI*PATTERSON MEDICAL HS Thermometer,coldpacks,surgical tape 35.03 11/29/2013 PCI*PATTERSON MEDICAL Thermometer,coldpacks,surgical tape 117.27 11/29/2013 RJ INDUSTRIES LLC KH/DW Carpentry Supplies 61.92 11/29/2013 SAMSCLUB #4816 HS folding chairs, tables, pans, wipes 48.16 11/29/2013 SAMSCLUB #4816 Folding chairs, tables, pans, wipes 161.22 11/29/2013 SAMSCLUB #6634 Video Camera/SD card 248.60 11/29/2013 SFI*PHOTOSBYSHUTTERFLY Student-created book 168.00 11/29/2013 STAPLES Office Supply 43.40 11/29/2013 STAPLES nurse supply 24.23 11/29/2013 STAPLES counseling supply 305.55 11/29/2013 STAPLES HS Easel pads - Parenting classes 15.54 11/29/2013 STAPLES Easel pads - Parenting classes 52.04 11/29/2013 STAPLES HS toner, pens, clips, markers 63.09 11/29/2013 STAPLES Toners, pens, clips, markers 211.23 11/29/2013 STRAWBERRIES CATERING Board Farewell reception 1,343.72 11/29/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 1514 Refinsh Dock Floor Supplies 27.32 11/29/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 1519 Wood Tech Supplies 311.88 1 LITTLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPTCard Transactions 11/28/13 - 12/27/13 Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Description Transaction Amount 11/29/2013 TRANSWEST FREIGHTLINER Credit for Faulty Air Drier (49.95) 11/29/2013 TWX*GOLF MAGAZINE Magazine renewal 14.97 11/29/2013 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISB SACC Cell phone 57.89 11/29/2013 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISB Cell phone 1.16 12/02/2013 AMAZON.COM psych supplies/books 48.41 12/02/2013 BARNES & NOBLE #2755 David and Goliath Book 21.68 12/02/2013 BARNES & NOBLE #2755 Hope and Renewal Book 17.50 12/02/2013 BRDWAY ESTATE CONOCO gas 38.52 12/02/2013 CHILI'S 206 -- FRA XC Foot Locker Championship/Dinner 186.41 12/02/2013 EXXONMOBIL 97637722 XC Foot Locker Championship/Gas for Van 39.51 12/02/2013 JO-ANN FABRIC #1095 No description entered/cb 73.62 12/02/2013 KING SOOPERS #0026 PREK SNACK SUPPLIES 60.00 12/02/2013 KING SOOPERS #0038 Chess Club-End of session party treats 20.00 12/02/2013 KING SOOPERS #0063 Bananas for staff 5.81 12/02/2013 KING SOOPERS #0122 cafeteria food for resale 18.22 12/02/2013 MARRIOTT HOTELS-RACINE XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 105.18 12/02/2013 MARRIOTT HOTELS-RACINE XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 105.18 12/02/2013 MARRIOTT HOTELS-RACINE XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 105.18 12/02/2013 MARRIOTT HOTELS-RACINE XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 105.18 12/02/2013 MARRIOTT HOTELS-RACINE XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 119.07 12/02/2013 PIGGLY WIGGLY #343 XC FootLockeChampionship/Breakfast Items 36.76 12/02/2013 QDOBA MEXICAN GRILLQPS XC Foot Locker Championship/Lunch 55.69 12/02/2013 QUIZNOS MKE 20604732 XC Foot Locker Championsip/Lunch 71.20 12/02/2013 SAFEHSE 4142712007 XC Foot Locker Championship/Dinner 135.54 12/02/2013 SAMSCLUB #6632 Food For Store 49.03 12/02/2013 SAMSCLUB #6634 cafeteria food for resale 19.82 12/02/2013 STAPLES 00114447 CD's and DVD's 52.78 12/02/2013 STONEWORDS Staff Appreciation 175.75 12/02/2013 TARGET 00027169 water for mtgs 12.76 12/02/2013 THE HOME DEPOT #1549 Hand tools 50.40 12/02/2013 THE OLIVE GARD00013714 XC Foot Locker Championship/Dinner 246.51 12/02/2013 TOYS R US #9540 QPS Chess sets for Chess Club 159.94 2 LITTLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPTCard Transactions 11/28/13 - 12/27/13 Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Description Transaction Amount 12/03/2013 ACE HDW CHERRY HILLS M handwarmers for parking lot 23.98 12/03/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Props/Alice in Wonderland 99.00 12/03/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS HS-CNA req'd. equipment 81.39 12/03/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS HS-CNA req'd. equipment 36.98 12/03/2013 AMAZON.COM Library books 23.03 12/03/2013 AMAZON.COM Roberts Rules Guidebooks 42.66 12/03/2013 AMAZON.COM books 88.59 12/03/2013 AMAZON.COM Book/ Koepke 12.97 12/03/2013 AUTISM-PRODUCTS.COM OT supplies 256.98 12/03/2013 BETTER WORLD BOOKS US A Mouse Called Wolf bookset 12.45 12/03/2013 BEYOND TECHNOLOGY INT Printer Cartridges for HP 3800n 373.00 12/03/2013 CONDE SYSTEMS Sublimation supp's, ink 414.76 12/03/2013 DECA INC - IMAGES Role Plays and Testing for DECA 286.90 12/03/2013 ELLIS AUTOMOTIVE CAR C #165 4 Tires 567.40 12/03/2013 GUIRY'S Art supplies 22.07 12/03/2013 HAMPTON INN HOTEL XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 92.20 12/03/2013 HAMPTON INN HOTEL XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 92.20 12/03/2013 HAMPTON INN HOTEL XC Foot Locker Championship/Room 92.20 12/03/2013 J W PEPPER music supply 113.04 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0038 milk,oats,bread 6.63 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0047 HS open house chili 17.56 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0047 HS class project 45.06 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0070 Snacks for SSP task force 17.64 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0071 Culinary Essentials Supplies 213.64 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0109 Final Meal Project 97.86 12/03/2013 KING SOOPERS #0110 TC-counselor promo lunch 21.50 12/03/2013 LAKESHORE LEARNING #24 pockets for labeling 40.97 12/03/2013 LONE TREE 40 fuel - reimbursed per C.Bryant 34.00 12/03/2013 MICHAELS STORES 2769 Craft supplies 15.23 12/03/2013 PAYPAL *QUIKSHIP Dell 5330DN Toner 99.50 12/03/2013 PAYPAL *SNUG SNUG Membership 200.00 12/03/2013 PETCO 1410 63514103 supplies 81.79 3 LITTLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPTCard Transactions 11/28/13 - 12/27/13 Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Description Transaction Amount 12/03/2013 SAMSCLUB #6634 snacks 9.68 12/03/2013 SAMSCLUB #6634 wipes,trays,cups,bowls 63.94 12/03/2013 SAMSCLUB #6634 juice,fruit,crackers,cheese,milk,cerea 87.82 12/03/2013 SAMSCLUB #6634 TC-Counselor promo lunch 43.77 12/03/2013 SENG Book 20.00 12/03/2013 SFI*PHOTOSBYSHUTTERFLY Adj. to book order 1.40 12/03/2013 SURVEYMONKEY.COM Surveymonkey 200.00 12/03/2013 TARGET 00002568 Not on Tobacco - Food supplies 263.65 12/03/2013 TARGET 00002717 Supplies 39.19 12/03/2013 TARGET 00027169 Food for crafts 52.73 12/03/2013 TAVERN LITTLETON INC Student Count Mtg 54.80 12/03/2013 THE EGG & I LITTLETON SACC Managers breakfast 320.17 12/03/2013 TONYS MKT ON DRY CREEK Culinary Essentials Supplies 15.96 12/03/2013 WAL-MART #1252 Video camera bag 19.95 12/03/2013 WAL-MART #3313 Biology Honors Supplies 99.27 12/03/2013 WEAVER ELECTRIC KB/GMS Electrical Supply 240.00 12/03/2013 WW GRAINGER DG/Pea Custodial Supply 108.50 12/03/2013 WW GRAINGER DG/Pea Custodial Supply 74.80 12/03/2013 WW GRAINGER Incandescent Floodligh 18.04 12/04/2013 4MD MEDICAL.COM HS-CNA req'd. equip. 321.42 12/04/2013 A&A TRADIN POST No description entered/cb 87.32 12/04/2013 ADOBE SYSTEMS, INC. Creative Cloud 29.99 12/04/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Tooth Chests 38.19 12/04/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS baby supplies 52.92 12/04/2013 AMAZON.COM Staff materials 53.10 12/04/2013 AMAZON.COM child care supplies 51.97 12/04/2013 AMAZON.COM Props:Alice in Wonderland 47.65 12/04/2013 AMAZON.COM Ot Supplies 76.07 12/04/2013 AMAZON.COM baby supplies 18.98 12/04/2013 APPERSON Scantrons 82.50 12/04/2013 BIG LOTS STORES - #445 Christmas Wrap for Meals on Wheels 26.57 12/04/2013 BOOKS ARE FUN IVR Toy Drive Items 202.00 4 LITTLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPTCard Transactions 11/28/13 - 12/27/13 Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Description Transaction Amount 12/04/2013 BOOKS ARE FUN IVR Principal Instructional Supplies 107.00 12/04/2013 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SP Zoology Supplies 187.12 12/04/2013 CONTAINERSTOREDENVERCO bug bins 55.96 12/04/2013 DMI* DELL K-12 PTR Resource-Printer Toner 577.56 12/04/2013 DOLRTREE 3915 00039156 Craft supplies 2.00 12/04/2013 DOLRTREE 5094 00050948 TC-counselor promo lunch 10.00 12/04/2013 DOLRTREE 5094 00050948 Staff Recofnition Supplies 54.00 12/04/2013 DREAMBOX LEARNING license renewal 6,000.00 12/04/2013 EDUCATIONAL OUTFITTERS Stuco Jackets 288.00 12/04/2013 GLOGSTER.COM reading supplies 95.00 12/04/2013 HILLYARD INC DENVER bldg cust.

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