TIME TO TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN PAGE-8 (OPINION) Vol. VI, No. 308, 11th Waning of Tabodwe 1381 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Wednesday, 19 February 2020 President, First Lady to visit India in near future At the invitation of His Excellency Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of the Republic of India, U Win Myint, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and spouse Daw Cho Cho will pay a State Visit to the Republic of India in the near future.— MNA State Counsellor pushes for speeding up e-Governance plans to ensure development TATE Counsellor Daw Aung Federation’s Patron U Thein ment agencies, effective func- SSan Suu Kyi, in her capacity Oo and Chairman U Min Zeya tions, making right decisions, as Patron of the e-Government Hlaing had a photo taken with better services, appropriate Steering Committee, made a the image of Crown Prince responses to fulfill public needs speech at the 4th e-Government Kanaung created in AR. and socioeconomic development Conference & ICT Exhibition In her opening remark, the of the people. The e-Government held at the Myanmar Interna- State Counsellor said, “I prefer will also help closer cooperation tional Convention Center II in modern technologies in Myan- between the government and the Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. mar version. It means I want people, between the government After the opening ceremo- Myanmar people to understand and private firms, among state ny, images of ancient Myanmar and apply these technologies. agencies, and between the gov- with an interactive experience Technologies should be modified ernment and civil service staff. of real world environment were into Myanmar versions gradually “The e-Government is presented by using augmented so that even ordinary Myanmar also an enabler that can drive reality (AR) system. people can become accustomed economic development of the After the presentation, the to modern technologies. country. It is also taking a crucial State Counsellor, Vice President “The implementation of role in implementing sustainable U Myint Swe, Union Ministers e-Government is intended for development and poverty allevi- U Min Thu and U Thant Sin many benefits, including easy ation of the country. Maung, Myanmar Computer and smooth activities at govern- SEE PAGE-3 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the speech at the 4th e-Government Conference & ICT Exhibition in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA INSIDE TODAY PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT NATIONAL Pyithu Hluttaw raises Amyotha Hluttaw hears Govt, NCA-S EAOs queries about squatter nationwide plans for make 8 common issue, complaint preparedness, response agreements in center of MPF to earthquakes ceasefire talks PAGE-2 PAGE-2 PAGE-7 19 FEBRUARY 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw Pyithu Hluttaw raises queries about squatter issue, complaint centre of MPF THE 8th day of Pyithu Hluttaw’s MP U Win Myint Aung from financial year, MP Daw Mya Kh- 15th regular session was held Dabayin constituency asked war Nyo Oo from Shwetaung yesterday, with raising queries about promoting the status of constituency about promoting to the Ministry of Labour, Im- Saipyin police station in his the status of auxiliary fire sta- migration and Population and constituency and constructing tions in her constituency and the Ministry of Home Affairs, staff apartments in 2020-2021 MP Daw Thandar from Einme and heard an amendment bill financial year. constituency about operating for the Law Protecting Privacy Deputy Minister for Home a local fire station in Ywathit and Security of Citizens. Affairs Major General Aung village of her constituency. Thu replied that the process is The questions were replied Squatter issues from inter- underway to promote status of by Deputy Minister Maj-Gen nal migrations local police station and to con- Aung Thu. MP U Sein Bo from struct new buildings there. Myawady constituency asked MP Daw Myint Myint Amendment bill for the Law about issuing family registration Soe (a) Daw May Soe from Protecting Privacy and Se- certificates for the families of Botahtaung constituency asked curity of Citizens Myanmar citizens who are re- Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA for establishing a complaint Pyithu Hluttaw Justice and garded as the squatters. centre for easy communica- Legal Affairs Committee Chair- Deputy Minister for Labour, names of ethnic races under the gon Seikkan Myothit (Seikkan) tions between the Myanmar man U Tin Htwe submitted an Immigration and Population U code number 914 for ‘others’— constituency asked for running Police Force and the common amendment bill for the Law Pro- Myint Kyaing replied those who people who are not included in an office of the Department of people. The Deputy Minister tecting Privacy and Security of are illegally living on the lands of the official 135 ethnic groups of Labour. replied that MPF is receiving Citizens, and the report on this any organization are regarded Myanmar in accordance with The Deputy Minister re- complaints through its hotlines, bill was read out by committee as squatters and they cannot under the 2014 Population and plied that it was not included its website and 333 DEO sub-ac- member Daw Mar Mar Khaing. receive family registration cer- Housing Census programme. in the organizational structure, counts of Toolkit created by the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U tificates. However, the ministry The Deputy Minister also and labour affairs of Dagon Seik- Anti-Corruption Unit under the T Khun Myat invited the names could issue relevant certificates replied that the issue must be kan Myothit (Seikkan) Township Ministry of Home Affairs. of MP who want to offer recom- and identity cards to internal resolved in coordination with could be handled at the DoL MP U Kyaw Soe from mendations on this bill. migrants in line with the exist- relevant ministries, ethnic lead- office in Dagon Myothit (South) Bamauk constituency asked The 9th day meeting of Py- ing rules and regulations. ers, historians, relevant local Township. to construct two units of new ithu Hluttaw will convene on MP U Kham Khant Htan governments with the approval four-storey- quadruplex apart- 20 February.— Aye Aye Thant from Tonzang constituen- of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. Queries to Ministry of Home ments at the police station in (MNA) cy asked about releasing the MP U Mya Sein from Da- Affairs his constituency in 2020-2021 (Translated by Aung Khin) Amyotha Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw hears nationwide plans for preparedness, response to earthquakes THE second Amyotha Hluttaw Kyaikto Township. State constituency (11) about pr- held its 8th day meeting of 15th Deputy Minister U Win Maw moting the status of a high school regular session yesterday, hear- Tun replied that his ministry will (sub) in Sitpyar village Yambye ing reports on nationwide plans submit the budget for construc- Township, and MP U Okka Min for preparedness and response tion of school building in 2020-2021 from Taninthayi constituency 8 to earthquakes. financial year. about construction of a new build- MP U Tun Tun Oo from MP Daw Than Than Aye ing at the high school in Kanmaw Mandalay Region constituency from Magway Region constitu- village of Kyunsu Township in his 2 asked about preparedness and ency 7 asked about construction constituency. Deputy Minister U response plans for earthquake to of a new school building at the Win Maw Tun answered these prevent serious losses amidst the high school in TaungU village of questions. unexpected disaster. Minhla Township of her constit- Deputy Minister for Social uency. The Deputy Minister also Myanmar Telecommunica- Welfare, Relief and Resettlement pledged to allocate budget for tion Commission Bill U Soe Aung replied the forma- Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than. the school building if it has been MP Dr Pyae Phyo from tion of disasters management PHOTO: SOE WIN TUN approved. Ayeyawady Region constituen- committee led by Vice President with the Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Manage- MP Dr Win Myint from Bago cy 7 and MP U Soe Thein (a) U U Henry Van Thio, comprising Sports for medical services and ment Committee is leading Un- Region constituency 11 asked Maung Soe from Taninthayi Re- advisory board with relevant ex- with the Ministry of Education ion-level ministries, Nay Pyi Taw about plan to narrow the gaps gion constituency 10 discussed perts in disaster management, for constructing safe schools. Council, State/Region govern- between the numbers of male the Myanmar Telecommunica- setting up funds, drawing plans The government has set up ments, civil societies and inter- teachers and female teachers at tion Commission Bill. Amyotha for emergency response, and earthquake warning systems national organizations to conduct the primary and high school lev- Hluttaw Speaker informed re- getting supports of Japanese across the country, safety factors drills for disaster management els. The Deputy Minister also said ceiving bylaws related to election government and World Bank to in constructing dams and reser- with the public participation. 4,189 male teachers and 9,753 fe- of Supreme Court Bar Council, reduce severe damages at his- voirs and inspecting damages at male teachers, making the ratio 1 with the recommendations of torical and cultural heritages of these water storage facilities in Queries to Ministry of Edu- to 2, for 2019-2020 academic year. Pyithu Hluttaw. He also invit- the country. person and technically. cation MP Dr Zaw Lin Htut from ed the names of MPs who want He added the ministry is The Yangon City Develop- MP U Hla Myint (a) U Hla Mon State constituency 9 asked to discuss the bylaws with the coordinating in these measures ment Committee and the World Myint Thant from Mon State about construction of a new specific number of paragraphs. with the Ministry of Information Bank are renovating public build- constituency 11 asked about school after demolishing the old The 9th day meeting of Amyotha for educative programmes, with ings to be able to resist earth- construction of a new 30x90 ft and fragile building at U Phyu pri- Hluttaw will be organized on 20th the Ministry of Home Affairs and quakes.
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