![Gobies [=Siphonogobius Shibukawa [K.] & Iwata [A.], 1998:142] Notes: [Ref](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
GENUS Siphonogobius Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998 - gobies [=Siphonogobius Shibukawa [K.] & Iwata [A.], 1998:142] Notes: [ref. 23381]. Masc. Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Siphonogobius Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998 -- (Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Shibukawa & Iwata 2013:48 [ref. 32580]). Current status: Valid as Siphonogobius Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Species Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998 - Futaba goby (author) [=Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa [K.] & Iwata [A.], 1998:142, Figs. 1-9] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 45 (no. 2); ref. 23381] Tomioka Town, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Current status: Valid as Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western North Pacific: Japan. Habitat: marine. GENUS Speleogobius Zander & Jelinek, 1976 - gobies [=Speleogobius Zander [C. D.] & Jelinek [H.], 1976:275] Notes: [ref. 4828]. Masc. Speleogobius trigloides Zander & Jelinek, 1976. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Speleogobius Zander & Jelinek, 1976 -- (Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1080 [ref. 13677], McKay & Miller 1997:1457 [ref. 24951], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737]). Current status: Valid as Speleogobius Zander & Jelinek, 1976. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Species Speleogobius llorisi Kovacic et al., 2016 - Balearic speleogobius (author) [=Speleogobius llorisi Kovačić [M.], Ordines [F.] & Schliewen [U. K.], 2016:302, Figs. 2-5] Notes: [Zootaxa 4066 (no. 3); ref. 34155] Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Spain, 39°14.23'N, 2°58.66'E, depth 67 meters. Current status: Valid as Speleogobius llorisi Kovačić, Ordines & Schliewen, 2016. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Spain. Habitat: marine. Species Speleogobius tirgloides Zander & Jelinek, 1976 - grotto goby [=Speleogobius trigloides Zander [C. D.] & Jelinek [H.], 1976:275, Figs. 4-5] Notes: [Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut v. 73; ref. 4828] Grotto of Banjole, near Rovinj, [Yugoslavia] Croatia, Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Current status: Valid as Speleogobius trigloides Zander & Jelinek, 1976. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea endemic. Habitat: marine. GENUS Stonogobiops Polunin & Lubbock, 1977 - gobies, shrimpgobies [=Stonogobiops Polunin [N. V. C.] & Lubbock [R.], 1977:73] Notes: [ref. 3540]. Masc. Stonogobiops dracula Polunin & Lubbock, 1977. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Stonogobiops Polunin & Lubbock, 1977 -- (Hoese & Randall 1982 [ref. 5297], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:259 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Iwata & Hirata 1994:189 [ref. 21443], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1684 [ref. 29097], Allen & Randall 2011:563 [ref. 31615], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Shibukawa et al. 2012:56 [ref. 32036]). Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops Polunin & Lubbock, 1977. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Species Stonogobiops dracula Polunin & Lubbock, 1977 - Dracula shrimpgoby [=Stonogobiops dracula Polunin [N. V. C.] & Lubbock [R.], 1977:74, Figs. 6-7] Notes: [Journal of Zoology (London) v. 183 (pt 1); ref. 3540] Baie Ternay, Mahé, Seychelles, western Indian Ocean, depth about 20 meters. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops dracula Polunin & Lubbock, 1977. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Seychelles, Réunion (western Mascarenes), Maldives. Habitat: marine. Species Stonogobiops larsonae (Allen, 1999) - Larson's shrimpgoby [=Myersina larsonae Allen [G. R.], 1999:49, Fig. 1] Notes: [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 26 (no. 1-2); ref. 24275] East side of Cassini Island, Kimberley Coast, Western Australia, 13°57.48'S, 125°38.12'E, depth 30 meters. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops larsonae (Allen, 1999). Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Australia: Western Australia. Habitat: marine. Species Stonogobiops medon Hoese & Randall, 1982 - Hanauu shrimpgoby (author) [=Stonogobiops medon Hoese [D. F.] & Randall [J. E.], 1982:7, Pl. 2 (A-B); Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Indo-Pacific Fishes No. 1; ref. 5297] Off point at northern end of Hanauu Bay, Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Islands, depth 35 meters. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops medon Hoese & Randall, 1982. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Marquesas Islands. Habitat: marine. Species Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese & Randall, 1982 - filamentfinned prawngoby [=Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese [D. F.] & Randall [J. E.], 1982:13, Pl. 3 (B-C); Figs. 1, 4] Notes: [Indo-Pacific Fishes No. 1; ref. 5297] Off South Seas Resort Hotel, Dumaguete City, Negros, Philippines, depth 65 feet. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese & Randall, 1982. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Seychelles, East Andaman Sea, to Philippines Palau and Ryukyu Islands. Habitat: marine. Species Stonogobiops pentafasciatus Iwata & Hirata, 1994 - KashiwaJima shrimpgoby (author) [=Stonogobiops pentafasciata Iwata [A.] & Hirata [T.], 1994:189, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 41 (no. 2); ref. 21443] Kashiwajima Island, 32°45'N, 132°38'E, Otsuki-cho, Hata-gun, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops pentafasciatus Iwata & Hirata, 1994. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western North Pacific: Japan. Habitat: marine. Species Stonogobiops xanthorhinicus Hoese & Randall, 1982 - yellownose prawngoby [=Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese [D. F.] & Randall [J. E.], 1982:10, Pls. 2C, 3A; Figs. 1, 3] Notes: [Indo-Pacific Fishes No. 1; ref. 5297] South side of Rausch Pass, Madang, New Guinea, depth 38 meters. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops xanthorhinicus Hoese & Randall, 1982. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: East Indian region to Palau, to Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Habitat: marine. Species Stonogobiops yasha Yoshino & Shimada, 2001 - orangestriped shrimpgoby [=Stonogobiops yasha Yoshino [T.] & Shimada [K.], 2001:405, Figs. 1-2] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 48 (no. 4); ref. 25786] Off Maeda Cape, 26°27'N, 127°47'E, Onna Village, Okinawa Prefecture, Okinawa Island, depth 38 meters. Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops yasha Yoshino & Shimada, 2001. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Bali, Palau, Japan and New Caledoina. Habitat: marine. GENUS Sueviota Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 - gobies, dwarfgobies [=Sueviota Winterbottom [R.] & Hoese [D. F.], 1988:3] Notes: [ref. 9274]. Fem. Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988. Type by original designation. •Valid as Sueviota Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3586, 3589 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1684 [ref. 29097], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731]). Current status: Valid as Sueviota Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Species Sueviota aprica Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 - sunny dwarfgoby [=Sueviota aprica Winterbottom [R.] & Hoese [D. F], 1988:4, Figs. 3-4] Notes: [Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Occasional Paper No. 37; ref. 9274] Drop-off cave off Isle Fouquet, Peros Banhos Atoll, Chagos Archipelago, depth 40-43 meters. Current status: Valid as Sueviota aprica Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Chagos Archipelago, FiJi and West Papua (Indonesia). Habitat: marine. Species Sueviota atrinasa Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 - blacknose dwarfgoby [=Sueviota atrinasa Winterbottom [R.] & Hoese [D. F.], 1988:7, Fig. 5] Notes: [Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Occasional Paper No. 37; ref. 9274] Off northwestern coast of Western Australia, depth 18-20 meters. Current status: Valid as Sueviota atrinasa Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Indonesia, Vanuatu and off-shore reefs of western Australia. Habitat: marine. Species Sueviota bryozophila Allen et al., 2016 - bryozophila goby [=Sueviota bryozophila Allen [G. R.], Erdmann [M. V.] & Cahyani [N. K. D.], 2016:78, Figs. 1-4] Notes: [Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation v. 20; ref. 34410] Ambon Bay, Ambon, Maluku Province, Indonesia, 3°42.003'S, 128°06.340'E, depth 20 meters. Current status: Valid as Sueviota bryozophila Allen, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2016. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Indonesia. Habitat: marine. Species Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 - Lachner's dwarfgoby [=Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom [R.] & Hoese [D. F.], 1988:9, Figs. 6-7] Notes: [Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Occasional Paper No. 37; ref. 9274] Drop off on east side of Isle Poule, Salomon Atoll, Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean. Current status: Valid as Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Chagos Archipelago to FiJi, Great Barrier Reef to Ogasawara Islands. Habitat: marine. Species Sueviota larsonae Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 - Larson's dwarfgoby (author) [=Sueviota larsonae Winterbottom [R.] & Hoese [D. F.], 1988:13, Fig. 9] Notes: [Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Occasional Paper No. 37; ref. 9274] North of Cobourg Peninsula, Arafura Sea, Northern Territory, Australia, 10°35'S, 133°45'E, depth 60 meters. Current status: Valid as Sueviota larsonae Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western Pacific and southeastern Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine. Species Sueviota pyrios Greenfield & Randall, 2017 - pyrios goby [=Sueviota pyrios Greenfield [D. W.] & Randall [J. E.], 2017:9, Figs. 1-3] Notes: [Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation v. 25; ref. 35230] Eilat, off Heinz Steinitz Marine Laboratory
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